Page Eight THE MICIHIGAN DAILY Saturday, December 11, 119 7 THE MICHIGAN DAIL'~ Saturday, December 11, 1911 Recreation:G (Continued from Page 3) a contribution explicitly tied to in- In the past, the board has been tramural program support." assailed with charges of not rep- Using 1969-70 budget figures. resenting students.sFurther, one the report estimates that out of former ACRICS member com-' an allocation of $317,000. the net plains, student candidates for the contribution amounted to only board have been chosen and around $30,000 - roughly one per backed by the athletic department. cent of the total budget. netting the pic Both Grambeau and ACRICS' giving the football team a prac- temporary chairman, physical ed- tice field like their regular one' ucation Prof. Paul Hunsicker, feel should not have been a priority the committee has gone a long item for recreational sports. way toward improving the situa- I While the debate continues. thel tion. intramural situation gets worse. Other menibers, however, dis- Waterman Gymnasium, a major agree. intramural facility, for instance, is kings. Canham, however, says there is Bells "no way possible" the athletic de- nrBELL BELL partment could afford such an ex- penditure which would amount to and around $300,000 per year. "It's not unreasonable, it's impossible.We're rIM trying to balance our budget, he CHIME says. and One reason the department is having a difficult time balancing its budget, critics claim, is the debt incurred on Crisler Arena, a facility labeled "a financial l India Art Shop 4 blunder" by a recent ad-hoc stu- 4 dent-faculty committee report. 330 Maynard The arena currently costs aroundj $450,000 per year in maintenance, o 0 p r d and over $200,000 per year in debt I -----_______ _______________________________ services. . I Although the arena is used al - D 1 I most solely by varsity sports, the IX Ua I I burden of the cost falls on the University's general fund. r I r.,9A J 4 The place where you'll find the most beauti- ful, durable natural leather goods NOW OPEN 11-9 DAILY 0 769-4529 1317 S. University, Ann Arbor Although many Board members Under its conclusions and rec- One sore point with some', sated for demoition by te Un- deny the charges, one agrees. Rose ommendations, the report empha- ACRICS members was the appro- I versity. Sue Berstein, '73, comments, "Even sizes the importance of swiftly priation of $285,000 - nearly half 1 According to a recent report by if students were extremely con- making major strides toward im- the three year special grant - for i an ACRICS subcommittee, the cerned about the day-to-dayroper- proving the intramural situation. lighting andbTartan Turf for the University ranks near the bottom ations of the athletic department itclso.h or nCn varsity football team's South Fer- of Big Ten schools, in indoor rec- it would be virtually impossible for calls on the Boad in Con- field. reational space. the e m tonce oi." rtrol of Intercollegiate Athletics to Hunsicker says this was among The report concludes by calling den t "set aside" at least $250,000 per the wisest expenditures made by for "the immediate start on con- Theisse f sudnt npt i ayear for a down payment on a the committee, contending that! struction of a new general indoor vital one, because the board also new intramural sports complex. artifcial tra, ongewith ligh eceationa facility." controls recreational sports and The money picture from the has nearly quadrupled the recre- To finance the project at an es- University's general fund is little ational use of the field. timated cost of $6 million, the re- Funds derived from the $5 per brighter. According to David Mildner, a former ACRICS port calls for the athletic depart- term student fee alone amount to al and Intramural Sports Director student member, disagrees. ment to contribute 40 per cent of over $300,000 of the athletic de- Rodney Grambeau, the University Mildner says Tartan Turf, while the necessary funds, with the rest partment's income. allots around $150,000 per year-sa Tr Tfwhe e -- - coming from the general fund and -oigfo h gnrlfn n "The Chariot of the sun is drawn through the dark of the night by the GR ATEFUL DEAD HILL AUDITORIUM Tues., Dec. 14-Wed., Dec. 15 TOMORROW: Alternatives to} koiassiTleas Out of a total 1971-72 athletic to support the recreational pro- alumni contributions, the present system, -- - - - budget of $3.1 million, $426,900, or gram. -P-A-R-----T--Y about 12 per cent, is allocated to Three years ago, in an attempt HANUKAH PARTY support non-varsity sports. to help the sagging intramural and But a recent report by an ad- recreational sports program, and 5:30 Sunday, Dec. 12 hoc committee of nine professors improve coordination between the and students, gives indications athletic department and recrea- that the actual figure may be tional programs, the Regents cre- Menorah Lighting much less. ated ACRICS. In determining net contribution, Endowed with $600,000 of gen- Latkes Entertainment the report states, it is necessary eral fund money, it was hoped theL to deduct revenues from non- committee, chaired by Canham at HI-T 1 1 - intercollegiate user fees at the golf and composed of six students and LaHI.L L( 149l) courses, ice rinks, and gymnasia. five faculty members, would be3 Further, the report states, "it is able to use the grant to bolster$1 appropriate to deduct general fund the inadequate program. MAD, MAD, MAD 'December . Graduates ,, . .."1 Graduation . ..Hl Announcementsf$ "'G '1 -AREON SALE AT THE Information Desk-LS.A. Building 4 gtgrafrbkuhM Paraphernalia, Little Things & Satyrn a. sfcided to conclude their fire sale with c ':i 7,7t4 .t r- oirse $.MIDNIGHT SALE Sat., Dec. 11th from e to 2 A.M. Prices will be reduced RI DICI s~ AL IT EXT$IN T E UN; A RQOTJAN ? at 1 eaLY LOW with some items starting at Need Housing? A Residence Hall Applications Are Now Being Accepted for the Winter Term NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR HOUSING PLANS FOR THE WINTER TERM FOR t Up-to-Date' Information on Housing lo iave de- 11 P.M. ULOUS- Idollar CALL General Housing Information-763-3164 Family Housing Assignments-763-3168 Off-Campus Housing Bureau-764-P400 _,...\ ,