+ fiitstunan's1 Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 'U priorities: Who should decide? . 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 The administration: Seeking the best' input before decision time Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: SARA FITZGERALD Budget needs student input ALMOST TWO YEARS of discussioi how to improve the University's getary and planning systems came close recently with a report on the m by President Robben Fleming. Fleming's proposal, however, is fra with the potential for being simply a garment for the same old process. The Fleming proposal calls for I areas in which the administration w rec~eive advice from faculty and stud These areas are: long-range plan program evaluation, and resource< cation. Within the president's office woul a large steering committee which w be "composed of representativesf each of the relevant vice president's flces, plus faculty, and perhaps stude Beneath this group would be three mittees, each dealing with one of speialized areas of concern. THE TROUBLE with this set-up is it would be dominated by faculty have an interest in keeping budg planning the same as it has been ir past. The large steering committee may no students, and if it did, they wou] a small minority of the total membe In the lower committees, stu would presumably have greater input they would still be a minority, and, in case, lower committee decisions coul overturned by the steering committe During the time when the Unive received a budget which included i for expansion from the state, each partment simply expanded existing grams across the board. All this was with a minimum of student input, Editorial Staff ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Editor JIM BEATTIE DAVE CHUDW Executive Editor Managing Edit STEVE KOPPMAN ,.. ,.. Editoria Page RICK PERLOFF .... Associate Editorial Page PAT MAHONY .... Assistant Editorial Page LARRY LEMPEtT ...... Associate Managing LYNN WEINER ........ Associate Managing ANITA CRONE .............Arts JIM IRWIN . .,. ... Associate Arts ROBERT CONROW...................Books D JANET FREY. Personnel D JIM JUDKI . .......... Photogra 'vE NIGHT EDITORS: Pat Bauer, Rose Sue Be Lindsay Chaney, Mark Dillen, Sara Ftz Tammy Jacobs, Alan enhoff, Arthur Lerner ter Pulling, Carla Rapoport, Robert Schi W.E. Schrock Geri Sprung. COPY EDITORS: Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Travis. DAY EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Kramer, John Mitchell, Hannah Morrison, Oberfelder, Tony Schwartz, Gloria Jane Si Charles Stein, Ted Stein, Marcia Zoslaw. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Steve Brummel, Burhenn, Janet Gordon, Judy Ruskin, Sheehan, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tinklenbei Business Staff JAMES STOREY, Business Manager RICHARD RADCLIFFE......... Advertising Mi SUZANNE BOCHAN ... Sales M JOHN SOMMERS .......... ........ Finance Mi ANDY GOLDING ..Associate Advertising Mi DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Bill Abbott-Display Rebecca Van Dyke Classfied Adv.; Fran H; -Natlonal Adv.; Harry Hirsch-Layout. ASSOCIATE MANAGERS: Alan Klein, Donna Judy Cassel. ASSISTANT MANAGERS: Paul Wenzloff, Steve E Ashish Sarkar, Dave Lawson. Sprts Staff MORT NOVECK, Sports Editor TERRI FOUCHEY......... Contributing Sports: BETSY MAHON.........Senior NightE SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Bill Alter an, Bo drews, Sandi Genis, Joel Greer, Elliot LI John Papanek, Randy Phillips, Al Shackelfo: Student By MICHAEL DAVIS WHAT PART should students, fac- ulty, and administrators have in. drawing up the University budget? The answer the University commun- ity gives that question now will prob- ably determine the character of the University for a generation. Behind the technicalities of budgeting, behind the graphs, dry words, and long com- mittee names, are the details of hu- man life-a- student being able to get into a certain lecture, an administra- tor having a carpeted office. No one any longer disputes the im- portance of budgeting to every mem- ber of the University community. Nor does anyone dispute that, no matter what the outcome of the present de- bate over budgeting, the Regents will have the last word on the budget. Nor, at last, does anyone dispute the claim that at least some nonadministrators- facdlty or students (but, for some rea- there was no need for setting priorities since adequate funding was available for everyone. THE NEED FOR setting priorities has come when the University budget has been insufficient to expand all or most of its areas. In such a case, priority set- ting should result in cutbacks of out- moded programs. However, faculty members have been reluctant to re-evaluate their programs and make selective cutbacks. Instead, budgetary belt-tightening .has been ac- complished by eliminating clerical help, reducing equipment purchases, and re- placing retiring tenured faculty with lower-paid teaching fellows or assistant professors. The problem of a non-growth budget and the resulting need for setting priori- ties brings out the conflict between fac- ulty and student interests. Students have an interest in vibrant academic programs and lower tuition. Faculty members have an interest in higher salaries and main- taining the prestige of their departments. While it may be true that sqme of the faculty, particularly the younger mem- bers, have an interest in eliminating out- moded programs, the older faculty - the ones who are usually working in the out- moded programs - have the most in- fluence in their departments. These ten- ured faculty could be expected to resist program cutbacks. IT IS POSSIBLE that Fleming wishes to give the faculty a large role in his new 'program in order to convince them that salaries cannot be raised. If faculty mem- bers participate in the over-all budgetary planning, they will see that salary in- creases must come from cutbacks else- where - in areas equally as tender as the paycheck. With this overview of the budgetary situation, faculty members would be less likely to agitate for higher pay. Aside, however, from the ulterior mo- tives, if they exist, for having a large faculty input in the budgetary process, the point remains that the faculty do not have an interest in cutting back their own deadwood programs. And, with a no- growth budget, such cutbacks will be necessary in order to provide new and innovative programs. The group which has the greatest in- terest in academic improvements and is the least squeamish about cutting irrele- vant programs, is the students. It is therefore in the interest of academic ex- cellence to make sure that students have a substantial input in the new budgetary mechanism. IT WOULD BE presumptuous to assume that faculty members would have a completely negative effect on innovative academic plans. Nonetheless, the case is strong for a large amount of student in- put, which, when juxtoposed with facul- ty interests, would provide an academic schedule in the best interests of all par- ties involved. -LINDSAY CHANEY -MARK DILLEN By R. W. FLEMING [HE GOVERNING power over the University of Michigan lies in the Regents. In discussing planning therefore, what one is talking about is how to construct internal machinery which will bring to the Regents for their consideration the fruits of the best thinking as to the conduct of University affairs. The term "planning" covers a multitude of items. For my own purposes, I have tried to limit my thinking to three areas which I regard as of particular importance to the University of Michigan at this point in time. One has to do with so-called long-r a n g e planning; a second involves the question of how we can better evaluate ongoing programs in or- der to be sure that our limited re- sources are used most construc- tively; and the third has to do with the allocation of resources, particularly "new" money, whe- Ongoing programs are being evaluated in the schools and col- leges all the time. The problem is not so much that programs are never reconsidered as it is that it is so difficult to provide guide- lines which have enough uniform- ity to make comparisons. More- over, in addition to the funds in the academic budget there are University funds heavily invested in students services, health serv- ices, financial aids, the physical plant, public services, etc. If we are to effectively weight the value of all of our programs we need a more consistent and well- thought-out procedure for doing so. In allocating our resources it is my judgment that we do this quite well within the schools and colleges. But we have no mechan- ism for weighing cross-college priorities, or for considering the kinds of financial needs which are at the problem in the best way. Secondly, I have suggested that what I have called the Office of Planning and Budgeting be at- tached to my office. I do this for two reasons. The first is that dur- ing this formative period I do want and intend to play a signi- ficant role in the work of t h e Steering Committee. The second is that the president's office is the only place within the University which has jurisdiction over the whole University. If we are to try and cross jurisdictional lines, it is hard to see where else the office can function without limitation. The third principle upon which my thinking rests it that the work of the Office of Planning and Budgeting will be advisory to the deans, directors, executive of- ficers, and finally the Regents. The fact that the recomienda- tions which emanate from t h e office are advisory may trouble some members of the academic community on the grounds that there is no guarantee that they will be followed. It is truethatunder my scheme there is no guarantee that t h e recommendations of the various planning groups will be followed. To make then mandatory would, I believe, be a mistake. The Univer- sity of Michigan has a strong tradition of decentralization, and it has developed strong deans and directors. The record speaks for itself. The University did not reach distinction by accident. In the last analysis, it is the admin- istrators who are held responsible for what happens. If they fal, they are dismissed, and they all understand this. At every level within the Uni- versity. deans. departmental chairmen, executive officers, and even - the president through SACUA (the top faculty body), now consult with executive or ad- visory committees. For the most part the counsel which is receiv- ed is not binding. At the same time, any administrator under- stands that he ignores the advice he receives at his peril, i.e., his de- cisions had better turn out well most of the time! It is my belief that if we can develop a mechanism for giving good advice on long-range plan- budget allocations, then admin- ning, program evaluation, a n d budget allocations, then adminis- trators will welcome realistic ad- vice and apply it in most cases. If this is correct, the purpose of giving the advice in the first place is validated, and at the same time the necessary administrative structure and authority is main- tained. THE MOST difficult problem to resolve, in my view, will be how to appoint the people who are to serve on the various committees which are called for under my draft proposal. The number has to be small enough to have a workable group, and it has to be large enough to be recognized as representative. Since we start with a large number of colleges, and an even larger number of centers and institutes, plus widespread budget needs which are within none of these, the selection prob- lem is formidable. IT IS PHYSICALLY impossible to have a "town meeting" style of problem-solving within a 1 a r g e university. In the last analysis, there may be no better way to deal with problems than to do one's best to select administrators with good judgment and then simply replace them if they exer- cise poor judgment. In the mean- time, I think we ought to experi- ment with a system patterned along the general lines I have sug- gested. F OR THE PAST YEAR, the University administration and sev- eral faculty committees have been attempting to devise a method for involving the University community in determining budget priorities. Since the University has been receiving less and less funds from the state for beginning new academic programs and ex- panding old ones, the major task ahead is to determine which current academic programs and research areas should be sacri- ficed for others. And beyond that, which areas sh' Lild the Uni- versity channel its limited new funds into - environmental sciences? nuclear technology? peace research? Since these "priority" decisions may determine the concerns of the University over the next five or ten years, the question of who should make them takes on particular importance. Although the faculty is sure to be included in the new budgetary planning mechanism - how strong should its voice be? And to what extent should the mechanism involve students, who have rarely made a concerted effort to be included in the budgeting process, despite its importance to their lives here. To provide some insight into this complex issue, The Daily asked a prominent member of each group in the community - the faculty, the student body, and the administration - to set' forth his views on the subject. PRESIDENT FLEMING discusses the rationale behind a plan he recently circulated among University administrators. The plan provides for several committees, composed largely of faculty members, to advise the executive officers and the Regents on budgetary priorities and long-range planning. WARREN T. NORMAN, a psychology professor, is the chair- man of Senate Assembly, the faculty representative body. He defends the recent trend toward more faculty involvement in University decision-making - budgetary and otherwise. MICHAEL DAVIS, Grad, is a member of Student Government Council and has worked for many years with faculty members andkstudents to broaden student input into University decision- making. 4 President Fleming and the Regents: Finalizing the University budget ther it be derived from outside sources or through internal econ- omies. It wouldbe in error to suppose that we do not deal with these problems now. The question is whether there is a better w a y. "Better" may not mean substan- tially different final decisions than those we now make; it may sim- ply mean that there is agreater sense of confidence in the decis- ions because there has been wider participation than is now the case. IT IS NOT easy to sort out the considerations which are involved in attacking three problems of the kind described above. University office shelves all over the country are burdened with long-r a n g e plans which were arrived at after great efort only to be consigned to oblivion because of unanticipat- ed changes in controlling factors. The lesson may be that effective plans must be the product of suf- ficient involvement by operating officials to keep thembrealistic and assure their consideration by ad- ministrative officials who are in a position to bring about results. At the same time, there is also the need for sufficient involvement of other members of the academic community to add a perspective beyond that of officers who must spend most of their time dealing with day-to-day problems. Exactly what combination of personnel that requires is difficult to say. advise1 outside the college. That is, how does one weigh the need for more money in student counseling ver- sus the need for more dollars to fund badly needed academic pro-, grams in a burgeoning field such as the environmental sciences? The draft proposal which I have circulated to the executive offi- cers and the members of the Pro- per Role Committee (a faculty group studying budgetary plan- ning) is an effort to indicate the state of my own thinking on how we might organize ourselves to meet the three problems I have outlined above. I do not view this as the only approach, or perhaps even the best. It simply represents my own thinking. I look forward to receiving the comments of the Proper Role Committee on my draft. Many details have been de- liberately omitted simply because they can be filled in relatively eas- ily if the overall scheme seems to have some merit. THERE ARE two or three as- pects of my draft which perhaps deserve some comment or explana- tion. First of all, I have suggest- ed that no formal reorganization of our present structures be un- dertaken during an experimental period. I say this because our own inter-office relationships are good enough to dispose of any worries as to whether certain per- sonnel can be made available, and also because I think we need a year to see whether we are going The faculty: Comitng back to the forefront# By WARREN T. NORMAN THE UNIVERSITY is an organization which operates in large part by means of a highly decentralized system for decision making. Questions of curriculum and general educational policy are explicitly delegated by the Regents' by-laws to the governing faculties of the various schools and colleges. Questions of appointments, promotions, and compensation increases are in most units effectively decided at the departmental and college level and are usually heavily influenced by peer evaluations of merit. And in the conduct of classes and research the autonomy of the 'individ- ual faculty member is, and traditionally has been, subject only to the most minimal of specifications or constraints. It is accordingly not very surprising that the bulk of faculty time and effort devoted to decision-making within the University has taken place "where the action is"; that is, at the levels of program, depart- ment, and college operations. There have been a number of additional conditions prevailing in recent years that have served to reinforce this phenomenon. First, we have been going through a period of rapid growth and expansion in the area of higher education ever since World War II. The needs which this has generated for program development, staffing and maintenance functions at the "grass roots" has absorbed a large part of whatever time and energy faculty members could make available for these sorts of activities. Second, the massive expansion of federal funding for programs in both research and training has supported a strong disciplinary, and hence departmental, orientation for many faculty members. It became dramatically obvious -to almost everyone during this period, that one could get his (or rarely, her) rewards far more quickly and ?, J>< ys more surely for being a good physicist or a good "psycholo- gist", than one could for being a good "professor" Finally, most university admin- istrations, Michigan's included, did little to encourage faculty involve- ment in the processes of policy- setting, decision-making, or gen- eral governance of the institution during this era. BUT A NUMBER of things have happened in the past few years that have tended to reverse this general orientation. The Univer- sity is no longer expanding rapid- ly. Federal support for disciplin- Prof. Norman ary research and training p r o - grams has leveled off or even begun to decline. Central administrative personnel have changed and, with that, a change has come in some relevant orientations fnd attitudes. And mechanisms have' been evolving that function more effectively than those of the past to involve faculty (and, to some extent, students) in the affairs of the University as a whole. Perhaps the single most important development of this latter sort was the creation several years ago of Senate Assembly and its attend- ant committee structure as the representative, legislative arm of the faculty. University Senate (the full faculty) had never been able to act very effectively on matters of University-wide concern and there was little evidence that the old Senate Advisory Committee (the pre- decessor to SACUA, the current top faculty committee) ever got much of a hearing, let alone that it had much of an impact on University- wide issues. Whatever one's view of particular actions that have been taken by the assembly on various matters it has attempted to deal with since its inception, several things have become, I believe, increasingly clear. First, its consideration of issues of general concern to the university community has characteristically been deliberate, serious, and far from perfunctory in nature. Second, its committee structure has generally operated effectively both to provide the background needed for legis- lative action by the assembly and to serve in an advisory capacity to the executive officers of the University. IT IS IN THE LIGHT of these sorts of considerations that we now find ourselves presented with a number of alternative suggestions, and opportunities. Faculty interest in the solution of University-wide issues has been rising and recent reports from theassembly's committee on Rights and Responsibilities.of Faculty Members and from other sources give no evidence of any early abatement of this phenomenon. Administrative officers have shown not only an increasing willing- ness to consult with their advisory committees on a regular basis, but in a number of recent instances have initiated such consultations on an ad hoc basis as special issues have arisen. And finally, major additions to the system for obtaining faculty participation in the areas of plan- ning and budgeting have been proposed by the president and by input: derstand in detail. It claims that only full-time experts (that is,administra- tors) should draw up the budiget, and that student - faculty participation should be limited to advising. The other party-what we may call the "interest party"- argues that the University budget is too important to be left to experts, that only those who are directly affected by decision's un- derstand what they mean, and that therefore students and faculty should have the major part in drawing up the budget (since they constitute most of those affected. THERE ARE many aspects of this dispute worth careful consideration. I'd like to consider only one here: It seems to me that, insofar as it makes sense to let students and faculty par- ticipate in budget making, it makes sense to let them decide what budget goes to the Regents. Budget making -- like any other To or to ate the consequences, make judg- ments concerning which consequences are preferrable to which, and so set standards by which to,'decide between various alternative budgets. ("Setting priorities".) The third stage is "choosing a bud- get". The budget makers, applying the standards to the consequences, choose the budget that seems to have the most desirable consequences. THE FIRST STAGE of budget mak- ing, though essential to a good bud- get, is technical (that is, requires spe- cial skills or expertise). The second stage is ethical (that is, requires no special skills or expertise, only knowl- edge and judgment). The third stage is more or less ethical, depending on how complete (and binding) the standards worked out in the second, stage. Those wishing to limit student-fac- ulty participation to advising clearly THE SECOND STAGE is another matter. Right now the administra- tion's executive officers do the weigh- ing of consequences, the working out of standards, by themselves (more or less). If student-faculty participation is to be limited to advice at this stage, advising would mean either - -that each student or faculty mem- ber participating would report his per- sonal evaluations to the executive of- ficers; or -that a student-faculty committee would report its corporate evalua- tions to the executive officers; or -that a student-faculty committee would tell the executive officers what evaluations and judgments to make and what standards to use. No matter which meaning of ad- vice we take, the same question re- mains: What should the executive of- ficers do with the advice. The execu- tive officers could handle a particu- consent? allowed the final decision to be made for them. Advice would be virtually de- ciding. Third, the executive officers could try to compromise their evaluations, judgments, and standards with those of the students and faculty participat- ing. This third way would be like the second, insofar as the executive offic- er rose above that human temptation to see all questions of value through their own eyes. However, insofar as the executive officers did what seemed right in their own eyes; the third way would be like the first and amount to no participation at all. THUS, EITHER participation in the second stage approaches decision or it is nothing. That is, I suppose, sur- prising, but it should not be. People generally want to advise when they think they know something relevant, not when they think they do not.