SiAt ian D2 j
Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
'circus maximus
The ants go marching one by one
by lindsay chany
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Sinclair Freedom Rally
TONIGHT'S John Sinclair Freedom Ral-
ly is designed to raise money for Sin-
clair's defense fund and focus public at-
tention on the continuing political im-
prisonment of the founder of the White
Panther Party.
Yesterday's passage of a modified drug
law package in the State Senate, follow-
ing earlier approval by the House, was a
step in the right direction, establishing
Sinclair's .91/2 to 10 year sentence for
possessing- two marijuana cigarettes well
beyond the reasonable limits of law en-
However, the bill does not ensure the
release of Sinclair, who has already
served more than the maximum sentence
allowed under the new legislation for
possession of marijuana. It does though
improve the chances of a reversal in the
-State Supreme Court and the probability
of a review by Gov. William Milliken.
The Court; which has already heard
the arguments on Sinclair's appeal, pre-
viously refused to grant appeal bond in
the case. Supporters of Sinclair rightly
point to the release on appeal bond of a
convicted heroin dealer and Lt. William
Calley, found guilty of murdering 22 Viet-
namese civilians, in criticizing the refusal
of bond for Sinclair.
Sinclair's case is also subject to review
by state prison officials who could inter-
cede for an early release. But Sinclair
has already had trouble with prison ad-
ministrators, who have censored his mail,
limited his correspondence and placed
him in isolation for alleged trouble-
making on various occasions.
HAPPILY, we do not need to urge sup-
port for tonight's benefit since it is
already sold out. Nevertheless the contin-
uing battle to secure John Sinclair's free-
dom and the release of all prisoners guil-
ty of the "crime" of marijuana possession
requires constant energy, not restricted to
one night stands, no matter who is on
the program.
, HE LIGHTS were burning late in the
palace of Prezid Ant as Prezid c o n-
ferred with his top advisors and speech
writers. The situation between the .Ants
and the Beetles had deteriorated rapidly in
the past several hours and it appeared
that war was imminent.
Prezid paced the floor nervously, a list
of proposed statements for broadcast over
All-Ant Radio clasped in his sweaty front
"Henry," he called to his top security
advisor, "I like this one on the top of
page three: 'If an idea is right in itself,
and if thus armed it embarks on the strug-
gle in this world, it is invincible and every
persecution will lead to its inner strength-
"Now that really sounds moral," Prezid
continued. "The cloak of righteousness and
all that.",
"I know." said Henry. "We really liked
it too. There is one thing you should know,
though. That was originally said by Adolph
"Too bad," said Prezid, "I guess we can't
go into a war quoting Hitler."
"I THINK you should pick sonmething by
one of the great defenders of democracy,
like Winston Churchill or Franklin Roose-
velt," said Henry.
"How about this one from Churchill?"
asked Prezid. "'Victory at all costs, victory
in spite of terror, victory however long and
hard to road may be; for without victory
there is no survival.' Or here's one from,
Roosevelt: 'There's nothing I love so
much as a good fight.'"
"They're both too aggressive," said Hen-
ry. "When you start a war, you have to
sound reluctant, or indignant. Some-
thing like 'Our territorial integrity has
been challenged.'
"That sounds good," said Prezid. "Then
I can follow up with this one from Roose-
velt: 'We would rather die on our feet
than live on our knees.'
"THAT SOUNDS pretty reasonable,"
said Henry. "Or you might consider some-
thing else - just announce that the Beet-
les have declared war on us and have
launched a full-scale aggressive action.
"Hmm. But what if they haven't?"
"It doesn't matter," said Henry. "Some-
one once said 'You can fool the mass of
people better with a big lie than a small
"That sounds cogent," said Prezid. "Who
said it?".
"I don't remember," said Henry, shuf-
fling his feet.
"I hope it was Churchill or R o ose-
velt," said Prezid, "Do you think it was
someone like them?"
"I think so," said Henry.
"Well, back to the subject at hand,"
said Prezid. "What should I do after
announcing that the Beetles have attack-
ed us?"
"Well," said Henry. "Ij think you should
next explain to all the GI Ants in the
field that we are going to make the world
safe for democracy, that our cause is just,
and that God is on our side."
"Is that when we attack?" asked Prezid.
"YES," said Henry. "As soon as your
speech is finished, the radio should start
playing Sousa marches while our tanks roll
over the border."
"I'll do it," said Prezid, beginning to get
excited. "This sounds like killing, rape and
pillage at its best."
"None better," nodded Henry assured-
Precinct delegate elections
-Daily---Jim Judkis
BILL PRESENTLY in a State Senate
committee, which calls for a special
electionnext April to choose precinct
delegates to county political party con-
ventions, must be passed by the end of
January to ensure fairness to Michigan's
500,000 newly enfranchised voters.
Recently passed in a party-line vote
by the House, the bill would force pre-
cinctdelegates of both parties, already
elected in an, August, 1970 primary, to
run again tnext spring - with the cruc-
ial difference that this time 18 to 21
year olds would be eligible to vote and
The importance of precinct delegate
election is immense. This is the primary
level at which the voter can actively in-
fluence the process which culminates in
the selection of the Democratic and Re-
publican Presidential slates in the sum-
Both parties' precinct delegates attend
county political conventions where dele-
gates to the state conventions are chosen.
Delegates to the national party conven-
tions are then elected at the statewide
meetings. The only difference in the way
the two parties handle procedures is that
delegates to the national Democratic con-
vention must have been precinct dele-
gates, while this does not hold for the
support the bill and Republicans op-
pose it, neither party has the best of
The Democrats find themselves in a
bind if the election is not held in April
because due to a new Democratic Na-
tional Committee rule, delegates to the
Democratic National Convention must be
elected in the same year as the conven-
tion. Thus the state's Democrats, along
with possible genuine concern for the
representation of 18-21 year-olds, w il l
face considerable embarrassment at the
national convention if the bill is not
The Republicans, on the other hand,
have no such rule, but oppose the elec-
tion on the :grounds that it would cost
$800,000 to fund it. Furthermore, the Re-
publicans. claim that if the election is
held .a very small turnout "would distort
the selection of convention delegates and
permit takeover of both political parties
by a well organized militant minority."
What the Republicans fear, in short, is
that an overwhelming number of 18-21
year-olds would turn out and elect more
liberal precinct delegates, not to mention
some of their own age group.
should be obvious to all voters. Young
people, regardless of their politics, should
be 'aware that without an April delegate
election, they are rendered effectively im-
potent in the choice of delegates to both
state and national conventions of the
two major parties.
Those over 21 should also be concerned
that if the election fails to materialize,
the process by which they choose their
state delegates, national delegates, and
ultimately their presidential and vice
presidential nominees, will have minimal
credibility - especially in the eyes of
the 18-21 year-olds.
In addition, the fact that the bill en-
tails precinct elections every other April
rather than every other August starting
this spring, means that precinct delegates
from both parties will be elected just a
few months before the national conven-
tions, rather than two years previously
as is now the case. This would ensure
delegates who were tfuly representative
of current opinion in both parties, and
not reflect views that are two years old.
The Senate is reportedly deadlocked
down party lines over the bill, which
must be hastened out of committee and
passed before the end of January in time
for the election to be implemented.
write to State Senator Gilbert Bursley
(R-Ann Arbor). Bursley, in the unique
position of being a Republican with a
large student constituency, is regarded
by many as a possible swing vote who
could well make the difference when the
bill comes up for a vote.
Indeed, for half a million of the state's
voters to be excluded from the process -
which selects the individuals who will be
vying for the highest office in the coun-
try - would be a grave miscarriage of
the electoral process.
To enfranchise so many people, and
then not permit them to have any hand
whatsoever in choosing those for whom
they can vote would be a travesty.
EDITOR'S NOTE: President Nixon
yesterday vetoed the $ 2billion bill
extending programs of the Office of
Economic Opportunity, including the,
provision for federal funding of child
development centers. See story Page 1.
RECENT Congressional approval
of government funding of a
vast network of child care centers
has focused national attention on
the need for day care and the
services provided by day care pro-
grams. The issues ;of need and
funding have in recent years
stimulated widespread debate and
activity in the University com-
munity, leading to the establish-
ment of local centers and a cur-
rent proposal before the Offic'e of
Student Services which studies
University involvement in provid-
ing day care services to the com-
Across the country, the issue of
child care centers reflects the com-
plexities of changing traditional
beliefs and securing funds from
the tight budgets of public and
private sources. Caught in the cur-
rent financial squeeze, day care
center organizers are hard-pressed
to locate funds and facilities to
provide quality service at minimal
Furthermore, to collect what
funds they can, organizers must
justify child care outside the home
and respond to charges and skep-
tical questions on the implications
of child care for children, mothers
and the traditional role of the'
THE NEED for day care cen-
ters for working mothers - par-
ticularly in low income brackets -
has previously been the primary
and extremely valid justification
for day care centers. However,
this orientation, and the original
function of the center as a place
to protect children from inade-
quate supervision and physical
abuse, is expanding in two direc-
tions - both attacking traditional
social roles keeping mother and
child in the home.
There is widening conviction
that the social and educational
experience of day care is in itself
good and may even be better for
children than a traditional home
life for youngsters below five
funding for national child care
sessment of their community situ-
ations. Therefore local units must
be strong enough to ensure their
control of the day care prograta
as well as supply quality services.
THE BILL faces one additional
hurdle - the possibility of a pres-
idential veto. President Nixon has
previously said that the early
growth years of American children
are so critical that "we must make
a national commitment to provid-
ing all American children an op-
portunity for healthful and stim-
ulating development." However,
the veto which White House aides
have warned Congressmen is
forthcoming will probably be based
on the potential costs of the pro-
gram in future years.
The establishment of day care
centers, will not solve all the
problems of child rearing, nor all
the issues facing women in Amer-
scan society. But it does provide
an alternative - for those who
want it - to a tradition that
places woman and child in the
home, and it offers hope of pro-
ductive change in the socialization
of young children.
BECAUSE OF the influence the
child care center experience has
on the child, it is imperative that
the centers be not only well
equipped and staffed, but have
well designed programs. However,
to provide quality centers and
meet the. needs of families of all
income levels the centers need the
initial, and if necessary, long
range funding from the govern-
The bill passed by Congress
marks the first attempt to supply
funding for child care at the na-
tional level. A veto by President
Nixon would be an act of social
irresponsibility and a refusal to
respond affirmatively to a need,
crucial to the development of pre-
school children and the liberation
of women from a confining, often
unsatisfying role.
Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to M a r y
Rafferty in the Student #ub-
lieations business office In the
Michigan Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and normally should
not exceed 230 words. The
Editorial Directors reserve the
right to edit all letters sub-
-Daily-Denny Gainer
years of age. Secondly, there is
an increasing awareness that wo-
men, as well as men, have a right
to personal fulfillment - a right
denied to a woman confined to
wifely and motherly duties in the
For the child the pressing ques-
tion is whether being "liberated"
from the mother is actually a good
thing. Since studies indicate that
social experiences in the first five
years of life have significant con-
sequences for future personality
development, this question can-
not be overlooked.
However, preliminary investiga-
tions indicate that even for very
young children separation from
the mother and placement in a
stimulating outside environment
has not had negative effects,
Though further study is called for,
child care centers offer children
interaction in an open, educational
environment, unlike the relatively
secluded situation in the home.
For the mother, child care cen-
ters mean freedom from being tied
to the house, and permits involve-
ment in the world outside the
home without the stigma society
attaches to leaving a child. It can
mean a return to school or train-
ing for a career. Such care could
also assist in the recruitment and
maintenance of women in the
labor force.
THERE ARE obvious implica-
tions expansion of day care serv-
ice could have on changes in atti-
tude toward the structure and
role of the family. Opponents of
day care argue that a clear result
of such programs will be the re-
moval from the mother and family
the function of raising the child.
Proponents of day care agree, but
view as necessary such a change
of the family role as sole educator
and socializing agent of very
young children.
THE NEED for federal govern-
ment funding of a network of cen-
ters is demonstrated 'by the lack
of success women have had lo-
cally in obtaining any significant
financial commitment from the
Seeking ways to help working
mothers at the University find
adequate care for their children.
women on campus formed an ad
hoc child care group. After sev-
eral attempts to meet with Pres-
ident Robben Fleming and work
with a committee established to
study the issue, the group found
temporary space in Markley Hall
and opened a center in Spring.
In authorizing $2 billion dollars
to provide local governments with
up to 80 per cent of the cost of
child developnent center opera-
tions, Congress is helping to elim-
inate one of the major obstacles
to establishing viable day care
centers nationally.
GOVERNMENT funding is par-
ticularly significant to mothers on
welfare or with low incomes who
are dependent on free or low cost
service. Unless they are federally
funded, child care centers for the
poor run the risk of precarious fi-
nancing and evolvement into
babysitting services instead of of-
fering educational and social ex-
periences comparable to high cost
centers, available to upper middle
class families.
Conservative Congressmen op-
posing the bill argued that it at-
tempts to indoctrinate children
and authorizes the government to
"mold the characters of our na-
tion's young." However, the gov-
ernment will hopefully recognize
the need for local units to spend
the money based on their own as-
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