. SINCLAIR FREEDOM RALLY See Editorial Page C, r 41,*6 Lw 43Ut11a ~!IA4 DEPRESSING High-49 Low-40 Fog, continued low temperatures, showers Vol. LXXXII, No. 75 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 10, 1971 Ten Cents he'C' and athletics: Who are The Vic By JIM KEVRA relatively passive attitude toward and CHRIS PARKS The athletic department, with its $3 million operating budget, is the admission of most high school "In terms of athletics," says responsible for the administration of intercollegiate athletics and intra- graduates, the sought-after ath- Rodney Grambeau, director of in- mural sports at the University. This article is the first of a three-part lete is wooed with free visits to tramural and recreational spores, series in which The Daily explores the operations of the athletic de- the University (a maximum of two and the 'l "students today are more con- by NCAA regulations), and other cerned with participation than be- partment. inducements. ing a spectator." But because both the recruiter part 1 However, changes in student partment provides funds for may make up for possible academ- and the athlete know what the.* priorities have not always been coaches to travel thousands of ic deficiencies. other wants, the recruitment pro- _ :;,;;;";," f si:a,:s:stigs ~>"< .« <.:.::: met with parallel changes in Uni- miles and spend uncounted hours. " The athletic department op- cess may actually be the most ceive a weekly newsletter and will Th versity policy, trying to convince promising high erates an extensive tutoring serv- straightforward interaction be- ci e a sletter andawihl While students fight for space school athletes to come to the ice whose function is to help ath- tween the athlete and the Uni- scout for high school prosiects in sible, in overcrowded intramural facili- University. letes with their studies and keep versity. his area. If he ties, the varsity athletic program " The second largest part of them eligible to play. Coaches usually hear of talent- the n grows to increasing levels of so- the athletic department's $3 mil- 0 It is easier for athletes to ed athletes through a number of Don Dufek, secretary-treasurer his p phistication. lion budget - nearly $600,000 this register for classes than other stu- sources including newspapers of the Graduate 'M' Club, an or- Developing and maintaining a year - is spent on scholarships dents. A signed note from an ath- sports magazines or "bird dogs" - ganization of letter-winning alum- atten "big-time" athletic establishment for varsity athletes. Grants are letic counselor or coach is gener- usually alumni with a strong in- ni, feels alumni scouts make a vi- If is a process which not only re- based on athletic ability rather ally all that is needed for an ath- terest in athletics. tal contribution to the athletic de- plied quires large amounts of time, than financial need as are regu- lete to get into closed course sec- In addition, Athletic Director partment. "Say an alumni knows such money and personnel, but the de- lar University scholarships. tions. Don Canham has added a new of a good athlete who is also a visits velopment of a sub-unit of ath- " Athletes are not admitted to The recruitment of athletes is a facet this year to the recruitment good student," he says. "We hope weekc letestudents, distinct from the the University on . a competitive big business at the University as process and funds to his depart- our people will be alert to this Ac regular student body. academic basis like most students. it is at most other major colleges. ment's coffers as well. For an an- and recommend him to our often Wolverine football " Each year the athletic de- Instead, their athletic abilities While the University takes a nual $10 fee, an alumnus can re- coaches." Twelve Pages tors'? e coach may receive films of thlete in action or, if pos- travel to see him in person. looks like a "good prospect," ext step is to talk to him and arents about the possibility of ding the University. interested, the athlete will be with certain inducements - as full scholarship offers, by influential alumni, or end excursions to Ann Arbor. cording to Dufek, coaches "ask alumni to drive the See 'U', Page 12 Legislators pass reduced drug penalties -Associated Press EAST PAKISTANI refugees are returning to the Jhikar Gacha area in Kensapre after Indjan troops captured the town. The refugees had fled to India. Pakistan {agrees to U.N. cease-fire call Child-care bil vetoed NyliXon Strongly worded statement blasts anti-poverty act WASHINGTON (P) - President Nixon vetoed yesterday a bill to establish a massive federal child- care program, describing it as rad- ical, reactionary legislation which would promote communal-rather than family - centered-approaches to childrearing. In his strongly worded message to Congress, Nixon also said the measure to extend the anti-pover- ty agency and establish the child- development program was too cost- ly and administratively unwork- able. After issuing the veto message, presidential press secretary Ronald Ziegler said Nixon was not opposed to some form of child-care aid for welfare recipients. But, Ziegler said, Nixon feels "the American people have not indicated in any way" a desire "for the federal government to get involved in raising children on this scale." Nixon, in his veto message, de- clared, "For the federal govern- ment to plunge headlong financial- ly in supporting child development would commit the vast moral au-1 thority of the national government to the side of communal approach- es to child-rearing over against the family-centered approach.'' Senate Democratic Leader Mikel Mansfield (D-Mont.) said he was not prepared to say whether an. attempt will be made to override the President's veto. But other Democratic sources said they doubt the Senate would override, pre- dicting several Republicans who voted for the bill might vote to sustain Nixon's action. Patterned largely on the popu- lar preschool Head Start program for the poor, the legislation would create a far broader program of day-care, medical, nutritional nd social services for children from all walks of life.I SGC MEMBERS Rebecca Schenk, Jay SGC meeting. Council voted to print Grad, to fill a Council vacancy. -Daily-Jim Judkis Hack, Joel Silverstein and Brad Taylor debate at last night's the names of 224 undercover agents and appointed Bob Nelson, Bill cuts pot sanctions to misdemeanor level By PAUL TRAVIS The State Senate approved a broad new drug and nar- cotics law yesterday with reductions in the penalties for use, possession and sale of marijuana, LSD, peyote and mescaline. After much fiery debate the Senate passed .the House- Senate 'conference committee compromise bill with a vote of 22-12. The bill had won approval in the House on Tuesday. To become law, the bill still has to be signed by Governor William Milliken, who is expected to approve it. It will not go into effect until April. Under the bill, marijuana penalties would vary depend- ing on the amount and use. "Use" would be classified as a misdemeanor with a maxi- mum penalty of a 90 day jail sentence and a $100 fine. ( " "Possession" of less than two S n l i r ounces has a maximum penalty of one year in jail plus a $1;000 fine. Possession is also considered1r a misdemeanor. oupes rise This means that an officer could charge someone having less than two ounces of marijuana with the with the stronger "possession" charge. By HOWARD BRICK The present law calls for a one Supporters of John Sinclair, year: maximum sentence and up radical leader now in prison for to $5,000 in fines. Violators are possession of two marijuana ciga- presently charged with a felony. rettes, gained hope that Sinclair Under the new law possession might be freed soon with the pas- with the intent to deliver to an- sage of the new state drug bill other person would still be a fel- yesterday. ony but the penalties were reduced The bill, passed by the Senate to a maximum of four years in yesterday and expected to be prison and a $2,000 fine. Posses- signed soon by Gov. Milliken, in- sion of more than two ounces cludes provisions for p o s s i b 1 e would be considered evidence of commutation of existing sen- intent to deliver to someone else. tences resulting from drug cases. The present law sets a 20 year The act directs the parole board minimum sentence for sales or to review current drug sentences (intent to deliver) with penalties and recommend possible commu- possibly reaching life imprison- tations to the governor. ment. According to Ann Arbor Police Milliken, while praising the bill Chief Walter Krasny this new as "the dawning of a new, en- provision would result in more lightened era of Michigan's ap- convictions for sales. "There would proach to drug abuse," had no be fewer cases of sales charges comments on the possible com- being reduced to mere posses- mutation of existing sentences. sion," Krasny said last night. "I Referring to the bill's passage, would assume that there will be Leni Sinclair, Sinclair's wife and more sales convictions." a member of the Rainbow Peo- Possession of hallucinogens was ple's Party, said, "We can't help also reduced to a misdemeanor but take some credit for ourselves, punishable by one year in jail because we started working for the and a $1,000 fine. . lessening of marijuana penalties Sales or delivery of hallucino- back in 1966 . . . it's not a per- gens will remain a felony carry- feet bill by any means, but this ing a maximum sentence of seven is a great step forward." She said years in jail and a $5,000 fine, that all penalties for marijuana Mere possession of hallucino- use and possession should event- gens is now a felony charge pun- ually be eliminated. ishable with up to four years in Leni Sinclair said that the Coin- prison. See NEW, Page 8 See SINCLAIR, Page 8 By The Associated Press Pakistan's delegation to the United Nations yesterday told Secretary-General U Thant that it accepts the cease-fire appeal of the General Assembly "sub- ject to a call for U.N. observers on both sides." Meanwhile, India claimed Pak- istani troops were fleeing across the rivers of East Pakistan be- fore a swift Indian advance that had driven to within 25 miles of Dacca, the East Pakistani provincial capital. India also claimed the Paki- stani air force had been wiped out. Pakistan had asked the U.N. for observers before, but -India had opposed such a move. The assembly had called on both countries Tuesday for an im- mediate cease- fire and with- drawal of troops. Despite the Indian advance, Radio Pakistan said: "Indian in- vasion forces have been blunted on all fronts in East Pakistan and they have been dealt heavy punishment." S p o k e s m e n in Rawalpindi claimed Pakistani troops retreat- ing from the border post of Kamalpur killed 540 Indians, and that 45 members of an Indian mountain regiment surrendered after being surrounded by Paki- stani troops. But a high Indian commander s a i d thousands of Pakistani troops were trying to reach Dacca and were being fired up- on from the air as the Indian forces came in behind them. A news dispatch from Dacca reported that with Indian troops drawing nearer, thousands of residents were fleeing the city. SGC votes to undercover age: By CHARLES STEIN Student Government Council voted 5-3 last night to "author- ize and order the printing of the names of 224 undercover agents in its publication Student Action, scheduled for distribution next Tuesday. In other action, SGC voted to refer a complaint lodged against the Orson Welles Film Society to Central Student Judiciary and appointed Bob Nelson, Grad, to fill a Council vacancy. The decision to print the names came after a controversial de- bate which stemmed from fear of legal action, as police officials have stated that anyone who published the list would be guilty of a felony. In the debate on the measure before Council, however, Joel Silverstein, who sponsored the motion, claimed that he had con- tacted nine lawyers, and none could find any legal problem with printing the list. The names in question are all located on a list that was cir- release nts' iIst culated last week at the Mich- igan State University campus in East Lansing, in a booklet en- titled "Know Your Local Po- lice." The list contains the names, home phones and code n u m b e r s of 224 undercover agents, operating in the state of Michigan. Included in the list are 113 agents of the Detroit Police De- partment, 103 agents of the State Police and eight agents on the state attorney general's or- ganized crime division. The list was stolen from the State Police headquarters, and soon afterwards the Joint Issue, an underground paper in East Lansing, got access to the list. They considered printing it, but their professional printers re- fused to print it. In introducing the measure Silverstein said, "The people on the list are involved in making Edrug arrests as well as political hsurveillance. I think Council would be performing a service by making the list public.", Council-member, Michael Davis also spoke in favor of the mea- sure and stressed the poiont that ''publishing the list would serve to weaken the police state which has acted to silence so many peo- ple." } x i S ,r 5 Pilot initiates innovative rr - - JL programs Plans for dining facility continue Fass-no entry system takes effect; students to serve as counselors t By TED STEIN Picture a grading system in which failure doesn't exist. Would you feel a little more at ease in such a system? The University's ten-year old Pilot Program, an experimental living-learn- ing situation for Alice Lloyd freshmen next term only, as an experiment. However, the system is also in use this term. Each course had to vote on the new grading. Eight of 35 courses retained the traditional letter grading system. Two counseling-related proposals have alsn reentlv hen worked out between By KAREN TINKLENBERG The Housing Policy Committee intends to go ahead with its controversial plans for the proposed construction of com- bined kitchen and dining facilities and a passageway between Couzens and Alice Lloyd Halls. A motion to kill the project was de- Gay advocates named to new OSSP offices By JAN BENEDETTI Two homosexuals have been hired by the Office of Special Services and Programs (OSSP) to aid the homosexual community on campus. Cynthia Gair and James Toy will serve as "Program Assistants" in OSSP, a division of the Office of Student Services (OSS), coun- seling and working with the local homosexual community. Elizabeth Davenport, director of OSSP, says, "We're commit- ted to go ahead with this program and bring issues concerning :=> ;:::: :=>