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December 08, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-12-08

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Arts Editor
John Lennon and Yoko Ono Lennon
are among the personalities scheduled
to appear at Friday's John Sinclair
Freedom Rally in Crisler Arena, The
Daily learned yesterday.
According to highly informed sources,
the Lennons learned of Sinclair's nine-
and-one-half to ten-year prison sen-
tence for possession of two marijuana
cigarettes after a visit last week by
movement leader Jerry Rubin, who is
also scheduled to appear at the bene-
Ono reportedly called benefit organ-
izer Leni Sinclair and offered assist-
ance. Within 24 hours, Leni Sinclair,
Committee to Free John Sinclair mem-
ber David Sinclair and promoter Peter
Andrews were on their way to New






York City to begin discussions with
the Lennons.
The benefit marks the first concert
appearance by the Lennons in over two
years. It is anticipated, according to
an informed source, that the "John
Sinclair Song", written by Lennon, will
be sung by the couple on Friday night.
The problem was whether the De-
cember 10 date would be time enough
for the Lennons to prepare and to re-
hearse a band. But the desire, accord-
ing to a source, was that it remain the
Rainbow People's benefit, and not a
Lennon show.
After a long visit with the Ann Ar-
bor people, Rubin, and movement sing-
er Phil Ochs-who is also scheduled to
appear-John and Yoko assured the
Ann Arbor group that indeed they
would be able to perform a short set
at the benefit.

With the scheduled appearance of
the Lennons and other nationally
known radical leaders, including Bob-
by Seale, Allan Ginsberg, and Rennie
Davis, benefit organizers believe that
the efforts to free Sinclair have taken
on national proportions.
Contending that he is a political
prisoner Sinclair charges that all ac-
tions taken against him have been be-
cause of his political beliefs, rather than
for his "crime" of possession of two
marijuana cigarettes.
Sinclair founded the White Panther
Party, now the Rainbow People's Par-
ty, which defines itself as a "national
political party devoted to radical polit-
ical, economic, and social change within
Friday's benefit is the first national,
mass oriented program attempting to
gain support for Sinclair.

The benefit will include such well
known political figures as Chicago
Seven defendants Jerry Rubin, David
Delliger, Davis, and Seale; poets Ed
Sanders and Ginsberg; Rainbow person
Leni Sinclair; National Student Asso-
ciation President Marge Tabanking;
National Welfare Rights Organization
representative Jonnie Lee Tillmon and/
a tape made by movement lawyer Wil-
liam Kunstler.
In addition to the appearance by the
Lennons, Archie Shepp will be per-
forming with the Contemporary Jazz
Quintet, a local group.
Joy of Cooking and Commander Cody
and the Lost Planet Airmen, David
Peel and the Lower East Side, Dr. John
and the Up will also be appearing at the
Tickets, will be on sale today at Cris-
ler Arena from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono

See Editorial Page



:43 aily

Colder, windy;
chance of snow


Vol. LXXXI, No. 73 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 8, 1971 Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Charges dropped
Prosecutor dismisses rest of
cases, citing lack of evidence

in Kent

disorders ME RC




RAVENNA, Ohio (R) - The remaining 20 cases against
persons indicted in the May 1970 Kent State disorders were
dismissed by the state yesterday for "lack of evidence."
The state's decision was announced shortly after May
Helen Nicholas, the fifth person to be tried on charges stem-
ming from the incidents, was acquitted of a charge of inter-
fering with a fireman during the May 2, 1970, burning of a
campus ROTC building.
In earlier Kent incident trials on various charges, two
defendants pleaded guilty, one was found guilty on one count
by a jury and charges against another were dismissed for
---lack of evidence.

by teaching fellows
for bargaining unit

IBia's claim,
awaited b
govt.s units'
The official status of a recent
complaint launched against the
University charging sex discrimi-
nation remains unclear, as neither
of the two government agencies'
involved in such complaints ac-
knowledge having received the
YetGaye Crouch, president of
PROBE-the women's group that
filed the complaint-says she gave
it to a Labor Dept. official Nov.
However, officials at both the
Labor Dept. and the Dept. of
Health, Education and Welfare
/(HEW) offices in Washington say
they are unaware of the charge
and that they never received the
Louis Mathis, an HEW official,
said although the actual location
of the complaint is unknown, it
will be routinely processed when
it is received.
However, he could not give a
procedural outline of such action
or an estimate of when such ac-
tion would come.
Citing lack of department re-
sources as a major hindrance to
immediate investigative action, he
said, "We have to maintain a
balanced program because the ex-
ecutive order covers race, religion,
national origin, and sex."
His department, he says, com-
posed of 96 people in nine regional
See U' BIAS, Page 8

Ohio State Atty. Gen. William
Brown held a brief news confer-
ence Tuesday in his office to for-
mally announce Phat the remain-
ing 20 cases had been dropped.
Brown said in a statement that
the dismissals "are not intended
to vindicate nor criticize the spe-
cial grand jury, the students, the.
National Guard, the administra-
tion of Kent State University, or
any other' party involved in the
Kent State incidents of~May 1970"
John Hayward, the state's chief
prosecutor in the cases, said the
transcript of the special state
grand jury that indicted 25 per-
sons in the Kent disorders had
been received by the prosecutors
10 days ago. Upon review of the
transcript and consideration of the
outcome of the trials so far, he
said, "It is theconclusion of the
office of the attorney general of
Ohio that the following cases be
dismissed for lack of evidence."
But, he claimed, the first five
cases would have been tried in any
event because there was sufficient
evidence to warrant trials.
Common Pleas Judge Edwin W.
Jones said in ordering Nicholas'
acquittal that it appeared "there
is a great possibility that some of
the defendant's rights under the
14th Amendment were not neces-
sarily observed."
The acquittal came after her
attorneys argued that testimony
given by an arson investigator
should be stricken from the rec-
ord since Nicholas did not know
a statement she gave the investi-
gator could be used aaginst her.
They also said she refused to give
a written statement.
The investigator, Francis Brin-
inger, had testified that Nicholas
told him she had pulled on a fire
hose during the ROTC building
fire. However,hearlier testimony
from another fireman indicated
the hose had been chopped in two
and was useless.

-Associated Press
AN INDIAN army gunner fires at Pakistani positions in a village 1500 yards inside the East Pakistan
border yesterday. Both sides have taken trench line positions along the border.




Attempts by the University's
teaching fellows to unionize
received a severe setback yes-
terday when the Michigan
Employes Relations Commis-
sion (MERC) ruled that the
proposed bargaining unit was
"not appropriate".
This, ruling, which can be ap-
pealed, in effect denies the right
of the teaching fellows to have s
representation as a bargaining
unit. This still leaves open the
question of whether a suitable unit'
can be organized.
The petition, submitted by the
Teaching Fellows Union, would
have authorized an election to
determine the official bargaining
unit for the University's 1,200
teaching fellows.
The Teaching Fellows Union
had filed the petitions containing
the signatures of 30 per cent of
the teaching fellows at the Uni- c no isd
versity last January. This is the
first step of the unionization Mitch Stengal, member of the Union fo
According to state law, if the nomis, addresses an audience in the Un
employer in this case the Uni- during a debate on President Nixon's'
versity - refuses to recognize the (See Story, Page 8).
unit, the action is brought before-
MERC. Briefs are then filed by the'ME
disputing parties. This was done
last March.
According to John Krogman of
the Teaching Fellows Union, at/use
hat time the issue of whether the(,prosduinwsalglnt
proposed union was g legal unit
for representation was raised.
"The University argued that the
teaching fellows and the research a nSSg
assistants were not distinct groups.
It was obvious that their tactic LANSING(W) - The State House p
was to blur the issue of represen-
tation. Apparently they were suc- yesterday which would, if enacted by the
cessful." charges to a misdemeanor.
Krogman said that the decision Final passage of the measure is ca
was somewhat unexpected at this through Senate approval of the conference
time. "We thought that MERC The House passed the measure yeste
would wait for the court decision The ouse py t mare mesg
before they made their ruling," he months after voting by a larger margi
said. liberal bill, which would have made p
The decision referred to is the carrying a 90-day sentence.
appeal by the University of an Under the latest draft, the basic sen
earlier MERC decision that is session would drop from a- maximum o
presently being studied in the and a $5,000 fine to a maximum of one y
Court of Appeals. The charge would be a misdemeanor.
That decision gave collective
bargaining status to interns, resi- The Senate previously demanded a tw
dents and doctors at the Univer- Substantially stiffer penalties are re
See MERC, Page 12 See POT, Page8

-Daily-David Margolcks
r Radical Political Eco-
ion Ballroom last night,.
"new economic policy."

India captures Jessore'

~'U' autonomy A look.
Sat the court's ruling
By SARA FITZGERALD likely to end up in the state
Th irn rint ri ny Mon Speme Court several yer

By The Associated Press
The United Nations General
Assembly called on India and
Pakistan last night to order an
immediate cease-fire and to
withdraw their troops to their
own territories, as fighting con-
tinued in the still-undeclared
India suffered a severe blow
on its western front yesterday
but claimed it hadcrushed the
"hard outer crust" of East
Pakistan defenses. Indian troops
have apparently captured the
crucial city of Jessore - less
than 100 miles away from the E.
Pakistani capital of Dacca.
The war issue was
brought before the veto-free
assembly in an effort to circum-
vent the Soviet Union veto in
the Security Council.
There is already precedent for
such action by the United Na-
tions, since it has helped stop
fighting in Kashmir twice be-
The India-Pakistan issue was
transferred to the assembly from
the Security Council by a little-
used convention, the 1950 "Unit-
ing for Peace" resolution. It has
been used only when Council
action was blocked by a big-
power veto - in this case,
Soviet Communist Party lead-
er Leonid Brezhnev blamed Pak-
istan for the India-Pakistan war
yesterday and insisted the fight-
fiht ha ennna .uihi inara,

tion of East Pakistan, but said
that the Chinese government
would not intervene militarily
in the war as long as Pakistani
forces continue fighting.
In the fighting yesterday, In-
dian forces admitted they had
lost the town of Chhamb, lo-
cated in the northern state of
Kashmir. If the Pakistani drive
there is unchecked, it willcut
a vital road into the northern
part of the state. Pakistani
forces came within 30 miles of
the major Indian town of
Pakistani spokesmen report
that 305 civilians have been kill-
ed and 500 wounded since Mon-
day by Indian air force bomb-
ing and strafing in both parts
of Pakistan.

The fighting on the East
Pakistan front was severe yes-
terday, as Indian sources cap-
tured the critical garrison town
of Jessore. Jessore lies 18 miles
from the border and 90 miles
southwest of the Pakistani capi-
tal of Dacca.
Pakistan Radio announced
yesterday that President Agha
Mohammed Yahya Khan was
ending his one-man rule and es-
tablishing a coalition govern-
ment, in an attempt to ease the
country's internal tensions.
The announcement said Yah-
ya Khan had asked former For-
eign Minister Zulfigar Ali
Bhutto, the leftist leader of the
Pakistan Democratic Party, to
establish a coalition government
after Dec. 27 to replace the cur-
rent military regime.

passed a compromise bill
Senate, reduce marijuana
autiously predicted today
committee compromise.
rday by a 67-30 vote, six
in for an original, more
ossession a--misdemeanor
ntence for marijuana pos-
of 10 years imprisonment
ear in jail and $1,000 fine.
'o-year, $2,000 felony level.
tained for repeated drug


incicui cutt ag 1Ut
day upholding the Regents' con-
stitutional authority to super-
vise the University may not
cause many changes in Univer-
sity operations. But had the
ruling gone against the Univer-
sity, the consequences might
have been great.
The decision, released to the
University yesterday, temporar-
ily resolved a four-year-old suit
in which the University, and
Wayne State and Michigan
State Universities, sought a re-
clarification of their powers in
reation tn the Rtate Taisla-

The ruling, however, main-
tained that funds appropriated
by the state for the construction
of specific projects must be used
for that purpose. But he ruled
that once the legislature makes
a general appropriation to the
universities, it becomes the
property of the board, beyond
the reach of the Legislature.
In striking, down portions of
the appropriations acts, Ingham
County Circuit Judge Marvin
Salmon cited sections of the
1963 state constitution which





President Nixon expected to veto
bill approved earlier by. Senate

Local plan
bogged down
Despite the victory for child care
programs on a national scale yester-
day, a revision of a local daycare pro-
posal has met with less success from
the Office'of Student Services (OSS).
The OSS Policy Board last night

WASHINGTON ()P)-The House brush-
ed aside threats of a presidential veto
yesterday and passed 210 to 186 a bill
that would launch a major new day-
care program for preschool children.
The bill, which also extends for two

The new child-development program
it authorizes has aroused intensive op-
position among conservatives, and
President Nixon will be under heavy
pressure from them to veto it.
Although no one mentioned the pos-

VEMEW11-1- *.


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