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December 07, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-12-07

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By GENE ROBINSON strict pub
The Regents will not make a deci- research,
sion until January on Senate Assem- ly to fu
bly's resolution to restrict classified re- knowledge
search, as a result of a decision made publicatio
by the Senate Advisory Committee on Accordi
University Affairs (SACUA) yesterday was mad
to hold off on the issue. that the
According to psychology Prof. War- of propri
ren Norman, SACUA's chairman, the mainly f
decision to delay any further action on Critics
the proposal came after conferring with proprietar
President Robben Fleming. Fleming had part of t
in turn conferred with "several" of the be dealt
Regents. Backer
Norman said the decision was made state tha
because of several "serious reserva- should b
tions" that Fleming and the Regents Mention
\ had over whether or not the proposal resolution
was presently ready for consideration, the loose
The assembly resolution calls for the on classii
University to not enter or renew federal mit som
research contracts or grants which re- to contin

blication of the results of the
unless the research is so like-
urther the "advancement of
e" as to warrant limits on open
ing to Norman, the decision
e in part because of criticism
resolution makes no mention
etary research-research done
or industrial corporations.
of the proposal claimed that
ry research was an integral
he research issue, and should
with in the resolution.
s of the resolution, however,
at 'the two types of research
e treated as separate issues.
of proprietary research in the
they say, would necessitate
ening of proposed restrictions
fied research, in order to per-
e of the proprietary research

ion on
Senate Assembly's Research Policy
Committee (RPC) is currently looking
into the proprietary research issue and
is expected to complete a report on it
sometime in December.
Norman says that SACUA has
scheduled a meeting with RPC to dis-
cuss the report on Dec. 15, and that if
the report is in adequate form it will
be presented to the assembly at its
Dec. 20 meeting.
The assembly meeting date is after
the December Regents' meeting, sched-
uled for Dec. 16-17. The Regents, pre-
sumably, will not act on the measure
until receiving some sort of message on
proprietary research from the assembly.
Another reservation about the pro-
posal, according to Norman, was that no
decision has yet been made on the fu-
ture of Willow Run Laboratories, the
site of the vast majority of University
classified research.

Willow Run is now affiliated with the
University, but Fleming has suggested
that the labs could possibly be trans-
ferred to the control of an independent,
or perhaps state agency.
Norman said the issue was "com-
pletely up in the air," and that he
would like to see some action taken on
the labs before the Regents act on the
"Under the circumstances," Norman
said, "there is no sense in pressing the
issue at this time." He said he wanted
the resolution to receive "favorable con-
ideration" from the Regents, and felt
that the proposal was not ready for
such consideration.
Fleming said he saw the SACUA
move as an attempt to "clarify the is-
sue" and that the resolution is currently
"not yet ready for consideration."
The resolution will probably be con-



sidered by the Regents in January, pro-
vided that the report on proprietary
research and some sort of proposal on
Willow Run have been submitted.
Sociology Prof. Leslie Kish, long an
opponent of University classified re-
search. disagreed with the move.
"I don't think we should wait," he
said. "The issues of classified and pro-
prietary research should be treated as
two separate issues."
George Zissis, of the Willow Run
Labs, said last night he thought the
move would prove "worthwhile."
He said he hoped SACUA and the
assembly would not only consider pro-
p.ietary research, but also consider
sponsored research which is neither
classified or proprietary. He said the
results of such research are often se-
verely limited as well.

President Fleming Prof. Norman

See Editorial Page

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Drizzle, fog,
chance of snow

Vol. LXXXII, No. 72

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 7, 1971

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages



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CALCUTTA, India (R) - The Indian Army claimed yes-
terday that Pakistani forces in East Pakistan are retreating
in disarray and their situation is critical.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi announced in
India's Parliament that India has formally recognized the
Bangla Desh rebels as East Pakistan's legal government.
West Pakistan, meanwhile, disputed India's claims and
in retaliation for its recognition of Bangla' Desh, broke off
diplomatic relations with India for the first time since the
countries became independent after World War II.
The two countries had maintained diplomatic, ties during
two previous wars.
Meanwhile, the U.N. Security Council decided last night
to hand over to the veto-free - General Assembly the job of

State retains power
to channel some funds
In a long awaited decision, a circuit court judge ruled
yesterday that the State Legislature cannot interfere with
the constitutional authority of the Regents, though it can
specify how state appropriations will be used by the Uni-
The ruling also struck down provisions of recent state
appropriation acts which placed stipulations on the numbers
and tuition rates of out-of-state students, faculty classroom
hours, and the use of state money for faculty or students
who have disrupted University operations.
The ruling wil not necessarily change these policies-
but their enforcement will now be left to the discretion of
the University.

Rackham Student Government
(RSG) voted last night to post-
pone their fall elections which had
been previously scheduled for this
Applications for candidacy must
now be filed by Dec. 17, and the
elections are scheduled for later
In January.
"We realized that it wouldn't
be possible to mail ballots out in
time to reach students before they
left campus for the holidays," ex-
plained, RSG Executive Council
member Martha Arnold.
RSG also faces the problem that
only three Rackham students have
applied for the twelve vacancies
which need to be filled, Arnold ex-
The twelve positions to be voted
on in January include eight one-
year And two one-semester posi-
tions on the RSG Executive Coun-
cil as well as the chairman and
vice chairman positions on RSG's
RSG was organized last spring
following a dispute over the legit-
imacy of the recently dissolved
Graduate Assembly. A proposal to
form RSG was approved in last
spring's campus-wide elections.

seeking a cease-fire in the,
India-Pakistan conflict.
The action came after the Soviet
Union had, vetoed two cease-fire
proposals, over the weekend and
threatened to veto a third. In this
vote, however, the Soviet Union
In other developments, the
House Appropriations Committee
approved suspension of all U.S.
foreign aid to India and Pakistan
"until hostilities cease" or Presi-
dent Nixon declares the aid- as'
being in America's interest.
The suspension was approved
by a voice vote on the $2,84 bil-
lion foreign aid bill, which also
slashes America's United Nations
contribution by $100 million, more
than half.
In the fighting, the Pakistani
air force carried out new attacks
deep inside India and along its
borders. Anti-aircraft guns open-
ed up in Bombay after radarmen
reported a flight of Pakistani jets
sweeping from the Arabian Sea.
Hospital officials reported some
70 people wounded.
A spokesman for India's East-
ern Army reported advancing In-
dian troops had captured the town
of Feni, cutting a road and rail
link between the capital of Dacca
and the Port of Chittagong.
In East Pakistan, the garrison
town of Jessore was reporting to
be receiving many Pakistani army
wounded and dead soldiers.
The Indians claim 52 Pakistani
combat planes have been lost
while India's air force reports
losing 39.
India also claims to have cut
all air and sea routes between
East and West Pakistan, which
are separated by 1,000 miles of
Indiana territory.


-Daily-Terry McCarthy
CENTRAL STUDENT JUDICIARY last night listens to the SGC case for the return of the $1,500 print co-op funds. Unanimously, the
court decided to keep the funds in the Student Print Co-op account.



do wn


to rega in
The Central Student Judiciary is enti
(CSJ) voted unanimously last Jan. 1,
night to deny Student Govern- The
ment Council's request that the of cont
$1,500 sum allotted to the Stu- to cha
dent Print Co-op be returned. control
Instead, the sum is to remain repres
in its present location in the location
board's account with board mem- In a
ber Barbara Goldman and CSJ's gal te
Mark Goldsmith as co-signers. secreta
Holding that the original SGC ed, "W
allotment terms have an indefi- (SGC)
nite time limit of "winter 1971," their o

printing co-oj

uled that the Co-op board
itled to the funds until
funds have been the focus
roversy in past weeks due
rges that SGC had "lost
" of the funds - which
ented Council's largest al-
n this year.
hearing dominated by le-
chnicalities, CSJ recording
ary Jay Newman question-
rhy should we rescue them
from a misallocation of

The original SGC motion, pass-
ed in September, approved the
allocation of money to the board
for the purchase of equipment
to enable an earlier opening of
the Washtenaw County Print
Co-op by the winter of 1971.
However, SGC stipulated that
the funds would be awarded af-
ter the council received pay-
ments from its student insurance
programs to finance the allot-
Shortly thereafter, in an in-
formal executive motion spon-

P funds
sored by former member Gold-
man, SGC allocated $1,500 from
an emergency fund to enable the
print co-op to buy equipment. A
check was given to Goldman with
the understanding, according to
SGC President Rebecca Schenck,
that the immediate purchase of
the equipment, to be made within
the week, would save the co-op
a great deal of money.
In last night's hearing, SGC
member Michael Davis charged
that the original conditions for
the allotment had not been met..
Machinery was not purchased at
that time, and instead, the
Washtenaw County Black Eco-
nomic Development L e a g u e
(BEDL) received the $1,500 sum
from the American Revolution-
ary Media (ARM) members of
the Print Co-op board.
BEDL's plan for a print opera-
tion allows no student input as
was SGC's original understand-
ing of the Print Co-op Board's
At a SGC meeting, ARM
member Goldman returned a
$1,500 check and resigned from
her council seat. Shortly after,
however, when George DePue of

The decision, handed down by
Ingham County Circuit Judge
Marvin Salmon, temporarily re-
solved a four-year-old case in
which the University, along with
Michigan State and Wayne State
Universities had sought clarifica-
tion of their powers in relation to
the Legislature and the State
Board of Education.
However, Assistant Attorney
General Eugene Krasicky, repre-
senting' the board and the attor-
ney general's office, has indicated
he will file an appeal - a process
that could take another two years.
Salmon did rule that the Legis-
lature can control funds for capi-
tal outlay, or building construc-
tion. He also said that while the
governing boards "have the exclu-
sive right to control and direct ex-
penditures of their institution's
funds, the Legislature "can impose
the conditions that state money
be used for a specific purpose."
Such restrictions, however, may
"not interfere with the boards'
constitutional authority to super-
vise" the Universities.
Salmon also ruled the Board of
Education's role was limited to an
"advisory" one in respect to new
programs at universities - such
as the question of expansion of the
University's Dearborn Campus to
a four-year institution.
Contacted last night, Allan
Smith, vice president for academ-
ic affairs, said, "The lawsuit was
undertaken to get common agree-
See COURT, Page 7

Ballot slot.
closer for
City Council last night passed a
resolution detailing the steps to be
taken by the new Human Rights-
Radical Independent Party (HR-
RIP) in order for their candidates
to be included on the city-wide
election ballot in April.
The councilmen, by a uanimous
vote, passed a resolution which
gives all state certified third par-
ties the power to name candidates
for the April election in a ,party
caucus to be held prior to the
February primary vote.
The measure simply provides
local affirmation to a state law
which has the same provisions.
HR-RIP, however, will not be
placed on the ballot unless the
party's recent petition drive is ap-
proved by the state-thus officially
making HR-RIP a state certified
party. Certification is expected
shortly, according to a HR-RIP

PROBE complaint: New problem for 'U'

Last January, when the Department
of Health, Education, and Welfare con-
fronted the University with the cutoff
of $350,000 in federal funds and the
possibility of withholding $3.5 million
more. the University finalized an af-
firmative action program for increased
hiring of women.
The plan was lauded by President

In a 30-page complaint filed in mid-
November, PROBE, a group of Univer-
sity women, charged the University
-Having inadequate complaint pro-
cedures foi employe grievances con-
cerning sex discrimination;
-Failing to provide any back pay-
ment of wages to victims of sex dis-
crimination. although the University

University pending correction of the
alleged inequities.
President Robben Fleming has denied
all of PROBE'S allegations, calling
them "untrue" and "unfair."
But the University Women's Com-
mission, itself established by the Uni-
versity last spring as part of the af-
firmative action program, agrees with
most of the PROBE complaint.

Youth voter meeting
fails to reach goals
Daily News Analysis
Initiated with the hopes for a national youth party and at-
tracting more than 3,000 college students, the Emergency Confer-
ence for Young Voters limped out of Chicago Sunday - a victim
of heavy factionalism and confusion.
The conference had sought to bring young voters together,
to study ways of reforming the political parties and form a nation-
wide youth pressure group, according to the small group of young
liberals who organized it.


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