Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December S, 1971 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 5, 197 I 'U' RECRUITMENT Admissions reps tour schools Artistic Beauty and Acoustical Excellence 1 I a Need By KAREN TINKLENBERG and cuirriculum changes, as well asi Every fall and spring of t h e to answer students' questions. t academic year, representatives Uit from the admissions office extend Usually Erickson wi e the already-extensive University a group of 10 to 12 students, who Influence even further, visiting query him on a variety ofareas, in-l high schools throughout the state. cluding dorm living and costs,r Lance Erickson, assistant direc- transportation on campus, cur- tor of admissions, emphasizes that rent trends in campus politics, and the representatives' role in making their chances of being accepted these trips is to disseminate in- inder the admission requirementso formation to students and coun- Of the various programs. selors without using "hard-sell" In some schools, the admis-s recruitment techniques. Their sions representatives only m e e t main task is to update counselors with counselors. The counselorst on current admission requirements are presented with a record show- State legislature studies r party delegate selection (Continued from Page 1) the situation for the Democrats. i The vote split along party lines Republicans also cite monetary' when legislatoros weighed the ef- costs and a potentially low votert fects of the 18-year-old vote, the turnout as objections to the bill. S cost of the election and possiblef "There was no proposal to place repercussions to the state Demo- I Teewsn rpslt lc cratic Party should the bill fail. any other matters on the ballot Democratic National Coan-during this election," Rep. Ray Smit (R-Ann Arbor) argues, "and mittee orginally proposedele ation the people are asked to fund more attuned to convention year this election strictly because of ac moreiattuneito coe yearproblem created by the Democraticr public opi ocrats also contend National Committee." that unless a special election is{ Smit also charges] that the pos-t held prior to next summer's na- sibility of a very small voter turn- tional conventi6ns all people in out "would distort the selection of the state who have turned 18 since convention delegates permitting August 1970-an estimated 500,000 takeover of both political parties voters--will be unrepresented in by a well organized militant min- the delegation selection process. ority." Should Democrats fail to alter Democrats counter that Repub- the state law-and consequently licans are afraid that newly elect- elect no new delegates-they might ed precinct delegates would be an- be blocked from participation in ti-Nixon and would select anti- the national convention. Nixon delegates to the national Because of Michigan's role in convention. This, Democrats say, preventing the seating of the would embarrass state Republicans white Mississippi delegation at the at the convention. 1968 Democratic convention, ob- "I think the fear of the 18 to 20 servers say, many southern states year old vote is a significant factor are hostile toward Michigan and for the Republicans," Rick Winer, would not mind seeing it excluded an administrative assistant to from the convention. State Sen. Jack Faxon (D-Det.); Republicans, expectedly reluct- said. ant to help the Democrats out of At a conference in Chicago this an embarrassing predicament, con- weekend, 2,300 young voters are tend that since state law did not examining ways in which they can create the problem the Legislature pressure the national political par- should not be forced to correct ties. ATTENTION: Students Receiving Degrees by August 1972 GRAD 11 Computerized Job Opportunity Matching System is available for the second and final time this academic year. This system can be helpful in searching out potential employers. Come in and pick up the forms. Deadline for completed forms: 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 8. STUDENTS WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE LAST CYCLE OF GRAD 1I, PLEACE COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR PRINTOUTS ing which applicants from t h a t a year, some going directly into high school were accepted I a s t jobs, while others attend vocation- year and, of those accepted, t h e al schools. Others are disillusioned number that declared their inten- with college after hearing the re- tions to go to the University by ports of friends who are now col- paying the enrollment deposit. The lege freshmen. record also shows whether r e - Erickson believes an "anti-intel-i jected students were unacceptable lectual" streak among parents of by the standards of programs ap- lower-income levels discourage plied for or were rejected because students from attending college' of space reasons. A record of the because they believe graduate sal- grade point averages of this year's aries are not high enough to make sophomores who are graduates of the cost of education worthwhile. that high school is also presented One counselor accused the liter- to the counselors. ary school of requiring higher test According to Erickson, the num- scores for female applicants. ber of applications to the Uni- Erickson, however, insisted t h a t versity has decreased as compar-, there has not been any sex bias ed to this time last year, while the against women, and added that' number of acceptances has i n- the medical school and the en- creased. gineering college are especially in- Some of the grade requirements terested in recruiting women ap- have changed. The literary school plicants. for example, now accepts students Erickson advises students to in the upper 10 per cent of their visit the campus before making class, as compared to the 3.5 grade any definite plans. "No one col- point average used as part of last lege is best for everybody," i n- year's criteria. A student with a cluding Michigan, he said. 3.2 grade point and a combined Though Erickson and other ad- SAT score of 1100 is also accept- missions representatives do not able, regardless of his or her class: use a hard-sell approach, the "line standing, between informing and selling is Some counselors and students mighty thin sometimes", as one cite the current lack of job op- counselor put it. portunities for graduates as a rea- son for the decline in student in- terest in college. More students are choosing to stay out of school REMEMBER OUR HOLIDAY HOURS BILLIARDS SUNDAY12-5 MONDAY-FRIDAY TABLE TENNIS 9-9 BOWLING SATURDAY FOOSBALL d-530 UNIONSTANGER'S UNION have made the the most renowned name in Ho using? JBL hi fidelity loudspeakers hear them at the HI-F IStudio of ANN ARBOR 121 W. Washington 668-7942 R.R.T. For the student body: FLARES by Levi Farah Wright Lee Male CHECKMATE State Street at Liberty w I I Residence Hall Applications Are Now Being Accepted for the Winter Term NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR HOUSING PLANS FOR THE WINTER TERM FOR Up-to-Date Information on Housing CALL General Housing Information-763-3164 Family Housing Assignments-763-3168 Off-Campus Housing Bureau-764-7400 Residence Hall Assignments-163-31 64 Small Group Housing-763-3205 HOUSING OFFICE 3011 STUDENT ACTIVITIES BUILDING i _ i' I I ROSE BOWL 1972 For your convenience,,Students International will remain open until 8:30 P.M. NIGHTLY and will be open ALL DAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AFTERNOON (for groups of 10 or more, we will come to you) Available only to PLEASE CALL: 769-5790 STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL 621 Church Street CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 3rd Floor, Student Activities Bldg. 764-7460 I 0 - q ,.-- Il ___ __ _ ___ Ii i I_ I. III Applications are now being taken for the University Cellar i SCHOOL SPIRIT HANG! ROSE BOWL 1972 Two New Prestige "Hangs Ups" for Michigan Boosters with' Spirit "Go Hang" in Their Rooms, Dens or Offices. Elegant Plaques, 9 x 97/" in Plush 3/" Thick Wolverine Maize and Blue. University of Michigan l ,Students and Their ,,VImmediate Families Departure Dec. 29th & 30th Return Jan. 4th& 5th Hollywood is a HAPPENING.. 7 Exciting days $209 + 10% TAXES &SERVICES INCLUDES: NSPORTATION VIA UNIVERSAL 0 Party Jet Flight Direct to Los Angeles LINES LUXURY SUPER DC-8 JET AIR- 0 Gourmet Meals and Beverages of Your Choice ER WITH COMPLETE IN FLIGHT in Flight VICE " Fabulous Deluxe Rooms-Private Bath, Swimming Pool, TV, Lounge, Restaurant HT ONLY-DETROIT-LOS ANGELES- 0 Chartered Private Motor Coach Transportation DETROIT-$129.00 Exclusively For Your Group to Hotel, TAX INCLUDED Parade and Game RATA COST $124 PLUS $5 ADMINISTRATIVE 0 Free Avis Rent 'A' Car For Each Group of Four AIR FARE BASED ON 100% OCCUPANCYP PRORATA COST MAY INCREASE OR " Gourmet Dining-Half Price Meal Plan DECREASE DEPENDING UPON THE NUMBEROF PARTICIPANTS 0 Very Best Reserved Grandstand Seats at Rose Parade " Deluxe Box Lunch at Rose Bowl Game ; Rose Bowl Game Transportation ~ .. Free Service of Hotel T ravel Desk S Free Admission to Disneyland Plus 10 Free Rides 0 Deluxe Optional Sightseeing-Marineland of Pacific, Movie Studio Tour, Plus More ... ''To Your Room Bag Handling"and Tips * 'An Exclusive Insuran ce acainPlan" Medical Expenses i * Free Time to Enji; the Sun, Beach and Nightlife the Heart of Hollywood -Deluxe Rooms -Heated 0 Party Jet Return Flight 11 B Board of Directors 3 two-year seats will be appointed by S.G.C. Deadline for application is Dec. 10. H FULL DETAILS AND APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE AT THE CELLAR A SPECIFY PLAQUE A [ OR B Q Send Check or M.O. for $3.50 ea. to: CAVALIER SALES INC. 308 A. Jefferson-Washington, Missouri II-- Christmas in Europe -- Vacation or Ski ROUND TRIP JETS by Caledonian-Bua, Capitol, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines * FULL DINNER WITH WINE 0 NON-STOP JET * CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 0 CANCELLATION PRIVILEGES 0 COMPLIMENTARY OPEN BAR _ " DEPOSIT HOLDS SEAT 0 COMPLIMENTARY FRUITS, SNACKS * FINANCING ARRANGEMENTS Air- Seats Car. Fit. Craft Air No. Routing Departs Return Cost Chg. Total B-707 186 CAL 215 Det/London/Det 12/23-12/26 $150 $15 $165 ROSE BOWL '72 APPLICATION BIG TEN TRAVEL HEADQUARTERS 304 S. Thayer Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 Phone 761-6574 Office hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily l Name 7 Local Address Phonel Home Address City State _________-'I I O m I I