Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday. December S. 1971 TH IHGNDAL inlvD ~hr~17 .,,r \.t! 4W ' vG4Vi!!tl rl 1 / r 1 I Financial (Continued from Page 1) financial plight, has been part- ly responsible for this, reflected in the funding given the Uni- versity in recena years, and in- directly in nflationary pres- sures on everything from sala- ries to books. Over the past three years, as University colleges and depart- ments received a smaller per- centage of the money they re- quested, some faculty members sensed that the University might be partly to blame-that the slumping economy was not alone responsible for the un- met needs. Psychology Prof. Warren Nor- man, chairman of Senate As- sembly - the faculty represent- ative body - explains it this way: "Last year, when we were forced to make the 1.5 per cent cut (ordered by Gov. William Milliken when expected state revenues failed to materialize) there were a lot of hassl week the administratio Senate Assembly aboutt and the next week we we that a new sport services ing was to be erected. "It became quite a celebre because it was a of not being informed,' man adds. "I think ther istration anticipated th but the assembly, not standing what was going sumed - the worst." As a result, faculty m expressed a new interest decisions connected witi getary planning. In turn administrators were coi of the necessity of great ulty input in administrat cisions, some admittedly tired of being blamed f lack of funds. There wa appeal to administrator Fleming, in letting faculty bers take a larger rol in decisions so they could" budget es. One n told themselves" the problems in- the cut volved. re told Many faculty members and Sbuild- administrators point to a ser- ies of faculty-administration cause discussions which took place this nlatter fall as an indication of such a Nor- heightened faculty involvement. admin- When the ,state gave the Uni- e cuts, versity its final appropriation under- figures for this fall, included on as- was a provision authorizing the state budget director to with- embers hold up to three per cent of the in the appropriation if state revenues h bud- were lower than expected. , more The funds could be restored nvinced at a later date at the state's er fac- discretion. ive de- State officials indicated to having the University in September the or the likelihood of such action and the s some experience of administering pre- s, says vious years' cuts caused Univer- mem- sity officials to seek an alterna- n these tive way of planning cutbacks. see for Instead of waiting .until the state ordered the cuts before acting - and then making only an across - the - board cut -- administrators quickly took ac- tion, Consultations with the Sen- e ate Advisory Committee on Uni- versity Affairs (SACUA) - the group of professors at the top of the faculty's representative essary structure - were initiated' in expectation of the order. Facul- other ty members,' with still fresh d con- memories of real or imagined plans wrongs at the hands of the ad-. ministration, added their own h pro- concerns as word of yet another t most problem spread. most The result was a concensus direc- view favoring a "freeze" on uld be equipment funds wherever pos- sible, instead of cutting from bvious salary funds. It was accepted te the with few complaints. ed for Administrators found some of :ation. their wariness of faculty input - the gone as it proved more profit- ted in able to explain decisions to fac- ulty beforehand than to attempt anned to justify them later. o seek "I'm more optimistic about faculty involvement now," said crisis: Faculty input increases 4 VP smith Flemin details ne bud ta sc hemi (Continued from Page 1) of Institutional Researchi in obtaining and evaluating nec data. The Long Range Planning groups "would relate to the two sub-groups through the Steering Committee,")mt wouli trate on giving advice as to what the University's long range would be. The other two groups would be similarly structured, witl gram evaluation giving advice on which programs they felt needed review and initiated discussions with the programs' tors along these lines, Final administrative decisions "wou made in the light of th; review information and advice." Decisions of the Budget Priorities groups "would be of o importance," as the memo states, because they would indica group's advice on j"requests for new money and money fre reallocations as the result of a program's reduction or elimir Discussions with the faculty's chief representative body - Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs-are planr order to get faculty response to the proposal. Meetings are pl with the Regents within the next three or four months t approval of a trial period for the program. Smith after the administrative scheme was released last week. "The reality of hard times has percolated further faculty inter- est." Faculty involved in the recent budgetary discussions s e e m likewise encouraged. There's no hesitancy now on the part of the administration to admit that they don't have he resources to handle these decisions r e g a r d i n g al- location)," explains economics Prof. Frederic Scherer. Scherer is a member of sev- eral joint faculty - administra- tion groups that have examined among other things - how bud- getary decisions are currently being made and how they might be improved. Excepting SACUA, which is a permanent organ of faculty viewpoint on all matters, these committees are not very active or influential, however. These groups, since their in- ception, have been hampered by a lack of communication and direction. "There has been a lot of dis- cussion in the groups, but no direction in them," says Nor- man. Indicative of the duplication of efforts common in the com- mittees' work were several re- cent recommendations by Sen- ate Assembly's Rights and Re- sponsibilities Committee. While this group was fulfilling its mandate from the assembly by reporting on various aspects of budgetary input, administra- tors were privately developing their own program on the mat- ter, neither side benefitting from the other's work, However, pending the estab- lishment of a comprehensive, m o r e powerful organization, these advisory boards remain the only formal bodies through which faculty members can work for more input. One committee has a title al- most as imposing as its stated aim. Officially called the Com- mittee on the Proper Role of the University of Michigan in the Educational System of the State, it was started about ten years ago to devise suggestions for long-range planning in the University"s dealings with the state government. Proper Role - as it is com- monly known - has been head- ed by mathematics Prof. Win- fred Kaplan, who explains that the group "was not terribly ac- tive" until late February, when a two-day conference worked on matters of long-range plan- ning. One subcommittee, which grew out of the conference, called the Subcommittee on Planning Me- chanisms, sent a report to Flem- ing last summer calling for "a small central committee of ad- ministrators, faculty and stu- dents which would coordinate ideas concerning allocations." Such a committee says Kaplan, would be "more advisory than not" for fear that "firm power would upset the administra- tive structure." This idea was basically ad- hered to in the administration plan Proper Role committee members like Scherer and James Lesch, assistant to Smith, say the group "is doing very lit- tle" until the administration starts discussions on its full plan with SACUA. Other study and advisory groups, such as the Faculty Re- form Coalition, the Academic Affairs Advisory Committee and the Advisory Committee to Mi- chael Radock, vice president for university relations and devel- opments, will express their re- actions through more formal groups as SACUA and Senate Assembly. For now, the only committee still scheduled to report on mat- ters of faculty input in budget- ary planning is the year-old Resource Allocation Commis- sion. The commission has develop- ed three task forces this semes- ter: --Budgetary Policy. W i t h, Scherer assisting, 15 graduate students at the Institute of Public Policy Studies are exam- ining case decisions on budget- ary policy, with an eye toward evaluating overhead funds - monies which various depart- Despite the difficulties, faculty members in- volved in these decisions-of late with Univer- sity initiative-find there is much to be gained. Many feel that their increased interest in bud- getary decsion making has kept the decision makers-deans, department chairmen and ad- ministrators-more attentive to faculty desires. Ironically, some of the most pessimistic viewpoints on fac- ulty input in budget decisions come from committee members themselves - arguments apart from the commonplace adminis- trative view that faculty mem- bers are too prejudiced to weigh real needs objectively. "It took many months for us (Resource Allocations) to gain even rudimentary knowledge of the budget," says social work Prof. Rosemary Sarri, a com- mittee member. "I don't know how we can get faculty involved at the next level." "It takes a lot of time, full- time, to make intelligent dici- sions," agrees Dean Gordon Van Wylen of the engineering college, another member of Re- budgetary decision making has kept the decision makers - deans, department chairmen and administrators - more at- tentive to faculty desires. Indeed, so it seems. The resi- tancy of most administrators to increase faculty decision-mak- ing power is slowly giving way nation-wide among state-fund- ed universities. One promising plan was re- cently adopted at the University of ;Minnesota, where priorities will be decided with major fac- ulty - student input. Locally, ad- ministrators seem anxious to see how this experiment turns out. If successful, a similar plan may be the "better mechanism" for which University adminis- trators say they have been searching. "It may be that there isn't any better way to do it," says Fleming, "but we'll try to in- crease faculty input for a while and see if it works." The final votes on the mat- ter are not as yet in. Though administrators seem amicable to some faculty and student in- put at nearly all levels, they still fear such measures may "reduce some of the freedom of- individual units." And should financial condi- tions improve, the faculty might think it best "not to rock the boat" and thus halt the move- ment for faculty input in its tracks. Student representation on the committees remains a final question. Existing advisory com- mittees have long lacked stu- dent members because Student Government Council has sought student representation on these panels equal to that of facul- ty members, SGC has also de- clined to appoint students to these groups because they have only advisory, not binding power. Without representation on the the new committees, students may find faculty pressure alone insufficient to change a mun- dane process that affects stu- dents greatly. "When you get right dowr to it," says Lesch, "decision mak- ing is the budget . . . as far as change is concerned. I guess you'd say the monkey is on President Fleming's back now." ments receive as reimbursement for expenditures incurred as a result of research programs. A report is expected, says Scherer, within a few weeks: -Size of the graduate school. An education school graduate seminar is examining whether graduate s c h o o 1 enrollment should be tapered off because of the current lack of demand for doctorate holders in many fields: and -Tenure. A final group is ex- amining the problem of age dis- tribution among faculty in a period of non-growth budgets. The members wonder whether the average age of tenured fac- ulty members climbs upward too greatly when lack of funds pre'ents hiring of new, young- er instructors. While Resource Allocations hopes to end its mandated two- year existence with a "white paper" report on these subjects next February, there is no guar- antee that their recommenda- tions concerning a planning mechanism will appear before agreement on the basic structure is finalized. source Allocations. "Meeting two hours once every two weeks, it is very difficult to know enough to make inputs." Administrative officers on the committees h a v e additional fears. Lesch is concerned that a planning board comprised of faculty and students not dupli- cate current functions of the administration. Lesch adds: "Lots of people think there are better mechanisms. On pa- per there are, of course, and maybe even in reality. But if you have the input of 100 different faculty members on budget cuts you'll get 100 different responses on where to cut." "When you're outside you often have easy answers." says Fedele Fauri, vice president for state relations and planning. "But when you get into the nit- ty gritty, you see that it's more difficult than that." Yet, despite these difficulties, faculty members involved in these decisions - of late with University initiative - find there is much to be gained. Many faculty members feel that the increased interest in - -_ R UAC-DAYSTAR presents TUES., DEC. 14th and WED., DEC. 15th A TE ND D Tickets Go on Sale Tomorrow TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY! 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