e Si4 igan Pail Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan superscription ACE lobby: Uniting to resist HEW bias plan? p 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: GERI SPRUNG Prodding the U' on sexism FACED WITH the loss of federal re- search contract eligibility, the Univer- sity last spring submitted to the Depart- ment of Health Education and Welfare (HEW) a set of goals and timetables for achieving employment equity for women. These goals and timetables, weak at best, have not, however, been implemented ac- cording to the University's own schedule and directives. The University's lack of compliance with its own sex discrimination goals as well as the lackluster nature of the goals themselves impelled PROBE, a group of University women, to file a second suit two weeks ago. Once again the University is charged with sex discrimination, and, in addition, bad faith in its alleged ef- forts to fight this sexism. In response to these renewed sex dis- crimination charges, the University has denied that it is acting in bad faith. Pres- ident Robben Fleming called the PROBE complaint "unfair." Yet Virginia Nordin, chairwoman of the University's Commis- sion for Women, agrees with the charges. "I don't think we'd argue with anything PROBE has to say," she commented. These reactions are not surprising. It has been clear since last fall, when the University first submitted an affirmative action program that was deemed unac- ceptable by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), that it Editorial Staff ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Editor JIM BEATTIE DAVE CHUDWIN Executive Editor Managing Editor STEVE KOPPMAN ..... ...... Editora± Page Editor RICK PERLOFF ... Associate Editorial Page Editor PAT MAHONEY .. . Assistant Editorial Page Editor LARRY LEMPET....... Associate Managing Editor LYNN WEINER...........Associate Managing Editor ANITA CRONE Arts Editor JIM IRWIN .............. . . .. . Associate Arts Editor ROBERT CONROW ............o......,oks Editor JANET FREY ......,............ Personnel Director JIM JUDKI . ...............Photogra""v Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Lindsay Chaney, Mark Dillen, Sara Fitzgerald, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Arthur Lerner, Hester Pulling, Carla Rapoport, Robert Schreiner, W.E. Schrock, Geri Sprung. COPY EDITORS: Pat Bauer, Chris Parks, Gene Robin- son. DAY EDITORS: Linda Dreeben, John Mitchell, Han- nah Morrison, Beth Oberfelder, Tony Schwartz, Gloria Jane Smith, Ted Stein, Paul Travis, Marcia Zoslaw. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti Steve Brumrnel, Janet Gordon, Lynn Sheehan, Charles Stein. Business Staff JAMES STOREY, Business Manager RICHARD RADCLIFFE ... Advertising Manager SUZANNE BOSCHAN l. ..FSaes Manager JOHN SOMMERS..........Finance Manager ANDY GOLDING .... Associate Advertising Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Bill Abbott-Display Adv.; Rebecca Van Dyke-Classified Adv.; Fran Hymeii -National Adv.; Harry Hirsch-Layout. ASSOCIATE MANAGERS: Alan Klein, Donna Sills, Judy Cassel. ,ASSISTANT MANAGERS: Paul Wenzloff, Steve Evseef, Ashish Sarkar, Dave Lawson. Sports Staff MORT NOVECK, Sports Editor TERRI POUCHEY....... Contributing Sports Editor BETSY MAHON................Senior Night Editor TERRI FOUCHEY.. ...Contributing Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Bill Alterman, Bob An- drews, Sandi Genis, Joel Greer, Elliot Legow, John Papanek, Randy Phillips, Al Shackelford. did not intend to alter its employment practices. THIS ATTITUDE of institutionalized disrespect for women's rights was' fur- ther borne out by the inadequate goals and timetables proposed last March and later by the University's response to at- tempts at enforcing these goals and time- tables. Last summer for example, in the first such case ever, Cheryl Clark, a re- search assistant at the Highway Safety Research Institute, sued the University for back pay, charging that she was paid less than a male employe executing the same duties. Clark's request was denied. Although the University has been her- %Ided nationally for its affirmative ac- tion plan to achive employment equity for women and Fleming has been named to an advisory unit of the American Council for Education, the University has in fact done little to combat its own in- grained sexism. Especially since the goals it submitted in March were weak - calling for min- imal increases in women personnel throughout the University - it is shock- ing that they have been met with dis- regard and bureaucratic stagnation. PROBE charges the University with us- ing the media to distort and weaken the issue of sex bias, using inadequate pro- cedures to identify victims of sexism, failure to pay compensatory back pay to women performing jobs for which men receive higher pay, and inadequacy in complaint procedures for employes with sex bias grievances. ALL OF THESE issues should be met with more than official assurances that the University is working to combat sex bias. It is patently sexist that the Univer- sity should discrimipate against its wo- men employes because they are women. 'And it is patently sexist' to fail to fulfill goals aimed at alleviating this discrim- ination. While working toward equality for wo- men, of course, those involved must be constantly alert to the danger of simply replacing a male power elite with a fe- male power elite. Nevertheless, women at the University should be allowed to at- tain positions of importance based on merit, just as men can attain these positions. CONCERNED individuals and groups must prod the University to institute and abide by a vigorous program to achieve employment equity for women. The University has demonstrated clearly by its lack of attention to its own list- less affirmative action plan that only a powerful threat - such as loss of federal contract eligibility - will force it to fight sex discrimination. PROBE and HEW should thus insist upon anemployment equity plan with automatically imposed sanctions for lack of compliance. -ROSE SUE BERSTEIN THE ANNOUNCEMENTS came one after the other - like beads on a string - but the order of the beads didn't make sense. First, the American Council of Educa- tion (ACE) announced last month its ap- pointment of five university presidents, in- cluding President Robben Fleming, to a committee advisory to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). The committee's focus, they said, will be in coordinating national affirmative action plans, all aimed at achieving employment equity for minority group members within the institutions involved. Then PROBE, a group of University women, announced it had filed a complaint with the federal government, charging the University with acting in "bad faith" in its affirmative action plan on sex bias which, it added, was inadequate to begin with. At this point the beads cascade to the floor, unstrung, for Fleming and the other committee members represent institutions most of which have been under fire for stalling and, in some instances, attempting to block HEW's directives to eliminate sex bias. The universities apparently are squaring off against the government on the issue of internal guidelines dealing with employ- ment goals - setting up, in effect, a lobby to represent university administra- tions. The other members of the committee are Derek Bok, president of Harvard Uni- versity and chairman of the committee: Martha Peterson, president of Barnard College; Terry Sanford, president of Duke University, and Clifton Wharton, Jr., president of Michigan State University. OF THESE UNIVERSITIES, two - Har- vard and Michigan State - have recently been involved with HEW negotiations for ending sex discrimination and one - Bar- nard College - is affiliated with Colum- bia University - where federal contracts are currently being withheld pending reso- lution of an agreement between Columbia and HEW to end sex bias in employment. The University of Michigan's affirmative action plan has not yet been accepted by HEW. The purpose of the committee, Chairman Bok said yesterday, is to iron out what the universities must do to comply with HEW guidelines. He also said that the universities were chosen to represent differences of the re- University's Commission for Women meets by lynn weiner Women, (CFW), established last spring to improve the status of women at the Uni- versity, was never consulted or informed of the appointment. The group issued' a statement yesterday indicating its "dis- may" that Fleming accepted the appoint- ment without their knowledge. CFW chairwoman Virginia Nordin said she didn't "doubt the good intentions of the committee members," but that "many men and women just don't understand the dimensions of the problem. Many qualified academic women could have been appoint- ed to the committee. Fleming has a pos- itive attitude - but the problem of dis- crimination is so complex it would be better for a woman to advise HEW on sex bias." Nationally, a woman's group represent- ing the Women's Action Equity League, the National Organization of Women and others is charging "collusion between ACE and vested interests in the University world." And they have begun-to circulate petitions throughout the country calling for the dissolution of the committee. These are not the first charges of col- lusion of universities. against government es suggest- pressure to end discriminatory practices. d ACE as Science Magazine reported last Novem- e, he said, ber that the University had circulated the n institu- initial HEW demands o the administra- tions of other schools, "in an attempt to n's groups gain support for university resistance to protesting the demands." and charg- Fleming, as Bok, sees the role of the e interests 0 committee in "discussing with the secre- t may not tary (of HEW) the problems involved with minority administrating affirmative action pro- grams." This may, some women paint out, be aich filed interpreted as defending the interests of said yes- the administrations against what may be was an viewed as unreasonable HEW demands. higan." resignation CLEARLY, THE LOBBY does not repre- they said. rent the universities als a totality, but mmend to rather only the administration's point of t be spent view. And if this is so, and the lobby -suc- nstitutions ceeds in communicating with HEW, then ney flying women and other minorities affected by ng to find affirmative action plans should also or- ith federal ganize to formally represent their view- mination.". points. hey added, For the ACE committee speaks for ad- ile women ministrators who represent a status quo, ... would and only pictures one bead on the string the prob- of perceptions of the problems of discriM- ination and its alleviation in the nations I gional HEW office directives. It is interesting to note, then, that two of the five universities represented are within 60 miles of each other - Michigan State and the University, that two rep- resent the east coast Ivy League, and one is in the South. There is no representation of any schools west of Michigan, and all of the schools are large institutions. Why were these particular schools cho- sen? ACE President Logen Wilson said Thursday that the presidents were chosen for the following reasons: * Fleming. "He has had more exper- ience with HEW and has a .legal back- ground." * Wharton. "We wanted a black." * Peterson. "Her affiliation with Colum- bia, and because she's a woman." * Bok. "We chose Bok because he knew Pottinger (one of the HEW heads) and had talked to him about the problem. He's also a forme'r law student of his." * Sanford. "He's the former governor of South Carolina." These "representatives" of the nation's universities represent the administrations of universities which, for the most part, have been charge by women's groups with bucking HEW guidelines on ending sex discrimination, The committee was born when the As- sociation of American Universiti ed its birth, and Wilson offere the parent organization because it broadly represented America tions of higher learning. Both national and local wome have kicked the beads around, the formation of the committee a ing that it represents only the of the administrations - which be the interests of women or groups. PROBE, THE GROUP wh charges against the University, terday Fleming's appointment "affront to the women of Mic "We call for his immediater or removal from the committee," "We believe that . . . he reco ACE . . . that their energy bes in cleaning up their own i rather than waste our tax mo around in private airplanes tryi ways to keep from complying w contract orders to end discri "If HEW needs advisors," th "there are thousands of capab in all parts of the country who be most willing to, explain how Lem should be corrected." THE UNIVERSITY'S Comm fission for colleges. U.S.:0 By ALAN LENHOFF IN WASHINGTON, speculation is mounting that the Nixon Ad- ministration is preparing to ex- pand arms shipments to Latin American countries - despite the recent opposition to Latin Amer- ican military aid voiced by mem- bers of the Senate. Last week, presidential advisor Robert Finch announced that many Latin American countries have expressed an interest in pur- chasing American military equip- ment that will become available at the end of the Vietnam war, Finch is currently in Latin America on a special mission for President Nixon designed'.to help formulate new policies toward our southern neighbors. Finch is expected to m a k e recommendations to the President upon his return, and selling sur- plus military equipment to Latin American countries is sure to be high on his list. These sales would serve two important functions for the ad- ministration. First, they would help ease the burgeoning U. S. balance of payments deficit. Also, the sales would help provide as- surance to some of the more para- noic Nixon advisors who worry about the political influence Euro- pean countries have gained in Lat- in American countries through military sales. But to expand this trade, Nixon will have to win over Senate crit- ics of the current Latin American policy. Specifically, those critics have blasted the Department of D e - fense's Military Assistance P r o- gram (MAP) and the State De- partment's Agency for Interna- tional Development for bolstering the power of numerous right-wing governments in Latin America, thereby preventing long overdue land and economic reforms. NIXON'S PAST record indicates that he will have few misgivings about selling U.S. military equip- ment to these countries. Last May, for example, the Pres- ident ignored a self-imposed $75 million limit on arms sales to Latin America and asked Congress to authorize sales of $150 million. At that time, Nixon said he was concerned that the U n i t e d States was beginning to lose hun- dreds of millions of dollars in arms sales to European competi- tors. Indeed, all of the countries Finch has visited thus far have rFeeding - 4 Loyalist Argentine According to Nixon, this coun- try's "failure" to secure more of the arms market has been due to its reluctance to actively pur- sue such trade. A recent study, however, disputes that statement. THE STOCKHOLM International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has reported that four countries -the United States, the S o v i e t Union, Britain and France - have supplied more than 90 per cent of the major arms to Third World countries "where all wars have been fought in the past 25 years." The institute said that the sale of arms by the four victorious World War II powers was one of the most politically profitable ven- tures to emerge from that con- flict - totalling close to $18 bil- lion since 1950 and continuing cur- rently at a rate of about $1.5 bil- lion a year. "The United States is the larg- est supplier of military equipment in the world, accounting for near- ly half the world's total trade in weapons," the report said. "Since 1950 well over a third of the total major weapons acquired by Third World countries have come from the United States." The report was issued last week by an international team of five South American feuds tionalists and liberal and left-wing elements - in direct contradiction with our goals for reform in the Americas, as stated -in the Al- liance for Progress. According to John Gerassi, form- er Time Magazine Latin Ameri- can correspondent, "Our arms .. . have encouraged Latin American armies to rule, violating constitu- tions, denying elections and mak- ing a mockery of democratic pro- cess." The result of our military a I d to LatinsAmerica, Gerassi c o n crudes, is that "Latin Americans continue to think there is only one way to defeat their armies -- oy arming the people." Surely, this has been d e m o n- strated on several. occasions, in- cluding Bolivia where peasants and miners armed themselves in the 1952 revolution and in Cuba where guerrillas routed Batista's U.S. trained and equipped troops and 'eplaced the regular army with peasant militias. SHOULD NIXON choose to ex- pand the flow of military equip- ment to Latin America, it is ap- parent that this bloody struggle between fascist military institu- tions and the nationalist reform- ers will continue for years to come --with the Latin American people becoming the victims of our mis- guided Cold War and economic strategies. The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any one who wishes to submIt articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. 4 troops prepare to meet army rebellion. 1 7F { ,I Vo i i - 11 1CCC -,y . t"A t lJ l ( t s } f 1 I i ; ii 1r a pons used in these wars have come almost entirely from the in- Justrialized nations of the North- ern Hemisphere." The report also charged t h a t while France and Britain h a v e been involved in the arms trade for economic purposes, the key moti- vation of both the United States and the Soviet Union has been to use arms deals as part of their global power plays - thus turn- ing the Third World into the literal battlefield of the Cold War. Certainly these findings are not unique. For example, John Ken- neth Galbraith, the noted academ- ician and former ambassador to India, has said that United States arms shipments to Pakistan ac- :ully caused the war between Pak- istan and India in 1965. His ex- planation is simple: If the U.S. had not, provided the arms, Pak- istan would have been incapable o'f seeking a military solution no mat- ter how strongly they felt about retaining Kashmir. The arms had been provided by the U.S. to protect Pakistan from possible aggression by either the Soviet Union or China. The prob- lem that emerged in 1965 was that Pakistan did not share the Unit- ed State' viewmnint that Kashmir boats which it borrowed from the U.S. Navy. While the rationale for American military aid programs has been to prevent communist subversion from within, (extra-continental at- tacks having long been regarded as being beyond the realm of pos- sibility) Latin American militar- ists have tended to expediently brand all opponents as "Commun- ists." Our arms, therefore, have consistently been used against na- , 14I .-.. .-, .yh.: . 4 1 X., I U if. ~..t