See Editorial Page
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Variable cloudiness
Vol. LXXXII, No. 71
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 4, 1971
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
u dgetary
By MARK DILLEN Over the pastt
First of two parts tiona has heen re
pro blems
three years, the state's worsening financial cond-
lected in a Proportionately decreasing level of state
niversity. In this article, and one tomorrow, The
0 Last November, University
administrators imposed on each
University departmental unit a
budget cutback equal to three per
cent of that unit's salary budget.
The aim was to reallocate about
$2.7 million for faculty pay raises.
* Shortly thereafter, Gov. Wil-
liam Milliken ordered a one and
one-half per cent cut in the Uni-
versity's state appropriation, as
state revenues lagged behind ap-
propriation levels.
Aside from giving University ac-
countants headaches, those bud-
get cutbacks placed strict con-
straints on the operations of many
University departments. Indeed.
University officials, who adminis-
tered all the cuts in an "across-
the-board" manner, predicted that
the financial mess would cause
"an erosion toward mediocrity" for
support for the U
Daily examines the effect of the budgetary problems on the Uni-
the University.
At first glance, such a conclu-
sion seemed unescapable. Student
tuition was raised over 15 per cent
to strengthen the faltering gen-
eral fund, but even this move
failed to alleviate the tight finan-
cial situation.
This year, the University re-
ceived a $4.6 million dollar in-
crease in state funds - a disap-
pointing amount that prevented
the University from making most
major program improvements or
expansions, but which was suf-
ficient to allow it to meet its bare
minimum requirements for new
The indications are clear. If
the University is to achieve pro-
gram expansion or improvement.
funds will have to be generated in-
ternally through a system of se-
lective cutbacks and reallocations.
Large amounts of new funds from
Lansing are simply no longer
The effect of the funding prob-
lem varies greatly throughout the
University. Some units, in fact,
were excused from making part of
the ordered cutbacks because of
their extremely poor financial con-
Thus, the three per cent Uni-
versity-ordered cutbacks actually
allowed the University to reallocate
only $2.4 million - rather than
the $2.7 million that would have
been saved if all the units had
made the full cut.
Basically, the cutbacks were im-
plemented in one or more of the
following ways:
-By leaving unfilled faculty po-
sitions vacated by retirements or
-By reducing the number of
course offerings;
-By reducing the size of the non-
academic staff, including secre-
tarial and both full-time and tem-
porary help; and
-By halting equipment pur-
chases and eliminating small ex-
These cutbacks served mainly to
aggravate financial problems that
had already existed in the units.
But in certain cases, departments
fared better than the norm -be-
cause of specially earmarked
funds provided by the state.
For example, the University's
dental school, newly-housed in a
$17 million complex, received more
funds than it had requested from
the state. The dental school, along
with the Medical School, is con-
sidered to provide a greatly-
needed service to the state, and
thus is in the enviable position of
having little worry over funding.
At the opposite pole is the lit-
erary college, "where it's harder
to document the need for funds
to the Legislature," says psychol-
ogy Prof. Warren Norman, chair-
man of the faculty representative
Senate Assembly.
"My guess," Norman continues,
"is that the cuts were tougher on
a larger proportion of the literary
college than otherdunits because
LSA has been under-funded for
'the longest period of time, consid-
ering its growth."
Allan Smith, vice president for
academic affairs, who dismissed
Gov. Milliken VP Smith
extend to
Indian airfields bombed;"
Gandhi calls emergency
By The Associated Press
Fighting erupted along the border of West Pakistan and
northwest India yesterday in a dangerous new escalation of
month-old hostilities that originated 1,000 miles away in
East Pakistan.
Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi told her nation
Pakistan had "launched a full-scale war." A Pakistan army
spokesman said: "We are at liberty to go across the border
as deep as we can."
The Pakistani spokesman claimed Indian ground forces
had attacked along the 750-mile border at about noon. Pakis-
tani jets blasted Indian airfields in raids that continued today.
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi told the
Indian Parliament today that Pakistan had
declared war on India, the Associated Press
reported at 1:03 a.m.
The prime minister, going before Parlia-
ment for formal approval of a state of
emergency throughout India, did not say
in what form the Pakistani war proclama-
tion had come..
Meanwhile, the Washington Post re-
ported in today's editions that Pakistani
Prime Minister Agha Mohammed Yahya
Kahn would make a major statement over
Pakistani radio at noon today (2 a.m. EST).
(If there are significant developments
during the early morning hours, The Daily
will publish an "extra" edition, to be dis-
tributed around campus by 10 a.m.)
bias c
The University's Commis-
sion for Women yesterday en-
dorsed a class action com-
plaint which charges the Uni-
versity with "bad faith" in
implementing an affirmative
action plan to end sex bias in
hiring practices.
2300 jam
new voter
g8 ha
Special to The Daily
The Indian government declared
a state of emergency and Gandhi
said in a radio address: "We have
no other option but to put our
country _on a war footing."
Pakistan's president, Gen. Agha
Mohammed Yahya Khan, issued a
compulsory service order for all
essential personnel- and former
members of the armed forces.
U.S. Ambassador Joseph Farland
met with Yahya in Rawalpindi. A
source said no information was
available on whether Farland was
carrying a message from President
In New York, members of the
CHICAGO - Some 2,300 stu- U.N. Security Council consulted on
dents gathered here last night for whether to hold a council meeting
a weekend conference aimed at on the fighting but adjourned
the reawakening of student ac- overnight without reaching a de-
tivism and the establishment of cision. Pakistan has asked for U.N.
a bi-partisan pressure group of observers to be stationed in East
young voters. Pakistan.
Winning the enthusiastic sup- A broadening of fighting on the
port of young people, Rep. Bella subcontinent posed a threat of di-
Abzug (D-N.Y.) proclaimed, "You rect involvement by the super-
young people can rip off a piece powers The Soviet Union supports
of the power in this country . . .1 India and Red China backs Pak-
and you've go to do it for all the istan. The United States has tried
oppressed minorities who can't;to steer a middle course, but large
Sdo it alone." y stockpiles of U.S. weapons are held
Organized by the Association of by both countries.
Student Governments, the con- Pakistan's chief U.N. delegate,
ference at Loyola University, has Ambassador Mohamed Aly, told a
drawn college students from all news conference in Cairo that any
over the country including such request by his country for Chinese
places as n Wichita, Kansas, El help in the fighting "depends on
Pas Teas, Wanh , Kunts , l the war going on now and whether
Paso, Texas, and Huntsville, Ala. India will persist with its aggres-
"We seek the power to put an sion."
end to the manipulative control The Indian airfields attacked by
which the present political par- Pakistani jets included one at
ties have over this country" said Srinagar, the capital of Indian
conference organizer Duane Dra- Kashmir - a sore point between
per. the two countries since 1947. They
Those goals most raucously ap- have fought two wars over the
* plauded throughout last night's Kashmir area since their inde-
speeches, included the rejections pendence from Britain after World
of Supreme Court nominees Wil-I War II.
liam Rehnquist and Lewis Powell. A Pakistani military spokesman
the defeat of Nixon in 1972 and said a total of seven Indian air-
the complete end to American fields were hit in the initial strike.'
military involvement in Indo- Ambala, 110 miles north
china, of New Delhi, was the closest the
Although the conference area He said two of them, at Agra and
was glutted withposters, leaf- Ambala, were bases for Canberra
lets and information desks for
v a r i o u s presidential candi-
dates Draper says "We will go be-
fore no one with hat in hand. We
belong to no candidate or party."
According to Draper, former ' f
student body president at the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma, nearly ev-
ery presidential aspirant had
sought to address the conference,
"but we refused to be co-opted."
Today's speakers include Dan-
iel Ellsberg, Rep. Paul McCloskey
(R-Cal.) and Charles Evers, hu-
man rights activist. In addition
the conference delegates hope to
hammer out a general statement
of purpose which will lead to thef
-Associated Press
INDIAN SOLDIERS man a sandbagged emplacement near Petrapole, India Wednesday, about a
half mile from the India-East Pakistan border. Yesterday the fighting was extended to the West
Pakistan border and Pakistan said its warplanes struck Indian cities.
Detroitit plans busing
In a near unanimous decision
the commission, which is charged
with improving the status of Un
versity women, voted to inform
President Robben Fleming and the
Department of Health, Education
and Welfare (HEW) of its dis
The complaint, filed with the
federal government two weeks ago
by PROBE, a coalition of Univer-
sity women, cites the "distortion.
confusion and inaccuracy" of goals .'
and timetables for equal hiring
which have already been submit-
ted to HEW and the "University's
failure to meet even these defi-
cient goals" as evidence of the -Daily-Robert Wargo
University's bad faith. WOMEN'S COMMISSION Chairwoman Virginia Nordin
Fleming said last night he was speaks at yesterday's meeting.
"surprised" at the commission's
"There have been previous in- EDUC T ON QU
dications that commissionmem-
program has been progressing," he Mesks co
said.u r
The affirmative action plan was
drawn up after an HEW investiga-
tion 18 months ago found the
University discriminated on the n r
basis of sex in hiring. HEW re-
jected an original plan, while a
second plan, which includes goals LANSING, Mich. (N) - Gox. William Milliken yesterday
and timetables for the hiring of asked the state Supreme Court to decide on the constitution-
women, has neither been accepted,
or rejected. h; ality of the state's property tax-based school funding formula.
HEW officials were unavailable Presently, school funds are collected directly from prop-
for comment yesterday on the'
most recent complaint. erty taxes. Milliken has claimed that this practice favors
The Commission will also ask richer districts, citing that the disparity in finances amount
tmet wth Fleigcnenn
this appointmenteming coAnericn to as much as $600 per pupil in some cases.
Council on Education (ACE) com- He has also said that property taxes "go to the heart
mittee to help HEW coordinate
procedures for administering af of equality in education, much more than busing."
firmative action programs. I Milliken asked the high court to
The commission "noted with say if the state's public school fi- I
dismay" Fleming's acceptance of ] nancing system "invidiously dis- Y P N" rm in
See WOMEN, Page 8 criminates against and denies sub-
DETROIT 0P) - The Detroit an anti-busin
Board of Education yesterday lier this year
submitted three plans for school Gov. George
desegregation, one of which in- Meanwhile,
volves suburban as well as urban Frank Kelly h
school districts. decision that
The plans were presented to segregated fo
U.S. District Judge Stephen Roth, poses." The ax
who had previously ruled that terday in Ci
the school district was guilty of sixth circuit C
"a c t i o n s and inactions" pro- The board
moting segregation. proposals for
Roth had given the board a 5 urban schools
p.m. deadline yesterday to pre- concept of a1
sent a desegregation plan. integration pl
In Alabama yesterday, a fed- "only meanir
eral judge ruled unconstitutional segregation.
schools a
According to a recently released survey,
Residential College(RC graduatesuhave
had little difficulty in gaining admis-
sion to graduate schools despite the col-
lege's innovative program.
The survey, published by RC, aft r
graduating its first class last year, said
g law, passed ear-
at the request of
state Atty. Gen.
has appealed Roth's
Detroit schools are
r "clarification pur-
ppeal was filed yes-
incinnati with the
Court of Appeals.
made no specific
including the sub-
, but endorsed the
metropolitan school
an, saying it is the
rgful solution" to
The other two plans the board
submitted provide for integrat-
ing schools within the city.
One would expand and revise
the present magnet plan where-
by high schools offer a specialty,
such as shop or performing arts,
in an effort to attract both black
and white students who are out
of the normal attendance area.
The other plan would involve
busing 38,000 students in 110 ele-
mentary schools. Board officials
expressed a preference for the
expanded magnet plan.
i .
w.ep t R C
had hoped," he said. "~Once the system
was explained to the admissions offices
of the graduate schools, many found it
preferable to the traditional grading sys-
He noted that many schools relied
more heavily on the critical evaluation
written by an objective teacher, which
stantially equal educational op-
portunity to students" in violation
of the state Constitution.
He also asked the court if the
current financing system based
on local property taxes "results in
substantial disparities of revenue
produced per student" and denies
"substantially equal educational
ooortunity to students" in viola-
to stay on 11n
research post
with ~ ~ ~"N" othrs nvlve inaciviie rag---------- - -----A. Geoffrey Norman will remain
with othersinvlvedinactiviierang-tion of equal protection under the
ing from free-lance writing to art. U.S. Constitution. as vice president for research after
Wunsch described two factors which Th!usin nov sc his planned retirement date of Dec.
he said explained this creativity. "First, public moment as to require early 31, President Robben Fleming an-
there is a process of self-selection in determination," Milliken told the nounced yesterday.
admissions. A student must see himself court.
as fitting into an experimental environ- Norman, who is past the man-
ment. Milliken has launched a petition datory retirement age of 65, had
--~ ~ .drive to put on the ballot for a