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December 03, 1971 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-12-03

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Minority services now inadequa*te?
Continued fr'om page 1} can at least put a damper on patience. "It seems like a big
Angell Fall, the OP office, withI these problems." hoax sometinmes, they work so
one full-timre and a few part-time! Among other projects. out>sr hard to get you up here and then
academic counselors, serves as a sponsors various remedial and it's such a fight to stay, it's like
counselling office and a referral course study groups, a reading as- :being thrown in boiling water,"
agency for minority students who sistance program, and a writer's says a freshmtan in the Ct tSof-
need any kind of help. Somte forty' clinic. The OP counselling officefle
students pass through it on an !presently co-ordinates an individ, According to statistics circu-
average day. ual tutorial program for some 50 lated among administrators this
Most of these students are refer- minority students, staffed by paid fall, only one-third of the OP
red to the CULbS office in Haven and un-paid graduate students freshmen enrolled from I*8 to
Mall. Here, 15 upperclassmen and and professors. 1070 earned degreees after four
graduate students work part time' McCargo said that last year years. Another third graduated
to counsel the nearly 350 students CULS, which is an, office of the or expect to graduate after an ad-
who seek their aid throughout literary college, served some 200 ditiOnal one, two or thtro aca-
each semester on academic and students with the 15-member demic years.
personal .problems. staff which presently serves some On the basis of other recent
350 students. "I don't know what' studies of QP students, this defer-
'A regular L~SA counselor will we're going to do next year," he red graduating pattern is attrlbut-
he ylave very little idea what is needT added. ed to Poor academiic counseling,
to byabakfeshncmn Administrators readily adm~iti lightened. schedules to taoe uhfa-
to tis campus," says Sam Mc- the growing need for more minor- miliar work lead, and possibly
ICargo, Grad. -- head of CULS' ity supportive services. "It's a very.j unantidipated financial b*utdens of
counseling services. "It's amaze- peal problem," says President Rob{ a Personal or family natur.
ment, confusion, and mnisconcep- ben P'leminlg, "still our student Dr. Gilbert Maddox, thend-
t~~~~~~~~i ion, and here in this office we !services for all students are made-.etro h potniypo
quate." grain, said in his review of OP
"I would hope our black stu-' last year that the small percent -
Nake , dents would recognize the good age of white O)P students, while
Nak d un h I faith effort on the University's sharing many problems in cord.
natual oodresturat Ipart and understand that we mon with black students, toner-
ntrlforetuat can't change everything over, ally find regular existing services
inexpensive, carefully night." Fleming continues, more readily accessible arnd bone-
prepared lunch Fleming adds, "gradually, as fielal than black students.
Weekdays 11 -2:30 their numbers increase, I, think black students.' for. "rather
black students will feel more substantial historical, social, and
33 1 THOMPSON comfortable here." Cultural reasons, seldom feel at'
Black students, however, see the ease or satisfied within the pres-
pictur e with less optimism and ent service structures,,' he says.
I :. As a, result, Maddox proposed in
this report the establishment of a
black student center to bring all
THE RAU HT H USEtie blacdk services together, much
341 S Rory at Byrne since, he explains, the Univer-
sity community is much like 1,
TOLEDO, OHIO 1foreign country to miany enter-
ing blacks,
The Regents and executive of-
1- 992 Vieers rejected the proposal last
summer and Maddox subsequently
left his post as OP director.
PRESENTS According to Recent James
waters (tuske#0 i) who was a
SU~pA student and member of the blacks
SUNDAYStudent Union (>CSZVi during the
NOV. 21SAM strike, the Regents and ex-
MOY.2iecutive officers rejected Mo-d-
dox's proposal for a unified black
center Partially because "the Ad-
"SAVOYBROWNministration wants to beep the
c ontrol Of OP at the admnihistra-
Also FewwrihO 1 j "obody has any real power."


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