Thu r's&v.flDecembe~r 2,1~7 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven .g n y ._.-. - qA. . Enjoying the (Continued froth Page 2) When asked why Michigan was singled out for his store, Little- ton replied that "more wine is sold pgr capita in Michigan than anywhere else." This new wine renaissance is sure to have an affect on our all American eating habits. Co- ca-Cola will probably have to fight with the white wines for its place next to a plate of Ham- burger and French Fries. As Littleton remarks, "the Spanada drinkers of today are the Cha- ' teux Margaux drinkers of to- morrow." If undecided as to what kind of wine you should serve at your meal the Wine Shop offers you gourmet consultation. "First of all you have to de- cide when you are going to serve the wine," says Littleton, "as apertif, table or after d i n n e r wine. There really are no s e t rules. A person should drink what he likes. The true test of any wine is its taste." The Wine Shop is also opening a branch. in the International Market in Kerry Town. Kerry Town is a new bustling little avant-garde food center, where you can shop for as well as feast on unusual goodies. Kerry Town consists of numerous little specialty shops. It's still in the process of growing with space open for others. The Kerr y Town International Market is part of the proposed Ann Arbor Plaza sponsored by Arbor-A Inc. for the Fifth Ave. and Detroit street area. At the moment Kerry Town consists of six shops, The Good Earth, Carlo Druzetich's Meats, Ann Arbor Fish Market, Ling Lee Inc., Strudle Haus, and Kos- mopolita Delicatessen. The first thing that greets the eye at the Kerry Town entrance are the flanks of meat displayed in the freezer showcase which is part of Druzetich's meats. It- aliari salami also hangs from the coiling in between which y o u can read "the writing on t h e wall" - custom o r d e r s for freezer meats! As you continue to meander through the market the fruit and fish markets and the deli- catessen come into view. Among the coplus array of fruits and vegetables at Ascione Bros. Fruilt Market are strewn such exotic items as artichokes, advocados, pomegrantes, r o - mane lettuce and persimmons. Kosmopolita delicatessen has a selection of , meaty sandwiches, soft drinks and Baklava f o r lunches or just a snack. Kosher vegetables and Italian canned soups are also available. Soon to be offered are hot dishes from around the world like Indone- sian Lumbia, Cado Gado, and Sate. The motto of the Ann Ar- bor Fish Market, plastered on their freezer door, is "eat tish- live longer, Eat oysters-love longer." I don't know what the Ann Arbor Fish Market can do for your love life, but you cer- tainly have a fine collection of seafood to choose from offered every day of the week - live iner lobster, squid, whole octopus, swordfish, just to mention a few. Special cuts of meat are avail- able upon request. Another area of the Interna- tional Market includes an or- ganic health food store, a strud- le bakery, and a miniature oriental super market. The Good Earth health food store makes available to you unique organic products for the good nourishment of body and soul. It carries baked goods from local Cosmos Kitchen and Har- mony Bakers, papaya syrup, sauerkraut juice, a variety of flour, and instant Tiger's milk. Also at your disposal are vita- mins, minerals, herbs and cos- metics with natural rather than synthesized oil bases. Enticing smells lead you to the Strudle Hause where homemade cherry, apple, cheese strudle, sourdough bread and imported German rye are open to view. Ling Lee Inc. is a Chinese grocery and gift shop. Hot egg rolls are a daily feature. Pick from snow peas, sea cucumber, transparent noodles, sticky rice, dried shrimp and cloud's ear. things Now that you have been in- formed hopefully a spark h a s been lit in your psyche. Enlight- enment at last. The final reali-1 zation of gastronomical depriva - tion. No more need to eat TV dinners five times a week and cold pork and beans the other two. Give your stomach lining a break and Betty Crocker and Alice B. Toklas a new kick. Make use of the above and then sit back and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy ... a p.. The Visual Arts: a Film Survey THE KREMLIN and v THE VATICAN Tonight, 7 p'm. R.C. Aud. FREE SKI EQUIP EXCHANGE BUY OR SELL Barbour Gvm-DeG. 4 E 1 For the student body: SGenuine Authentic SNavy PEA COATS $25 Sizes 34 to 50 ii ii E 1 We have the BEST REPAIRS and SERVICE around-TRY US SPORTS CAR SERVICE of Ann Arbor, Inc. 4705 WASHTENAW (next to Ypsi-Ann Drive-In) 434-0110 T-W-F-846; M and Th.-8-9 i I A* I OWN-ft- t 'gtw'jt,++'t Ge'~'~" b P~cS vn ~ BRING EQUIP TO SELL 9:00-12:00 SALE: 12:00-4:30 15% COMMISSION TO U-M SKI RACERS CHECKMATE State Street at Liberty I. I I PRE-CHRISTMAS GIFT BOOK SALE Includes Publisher's Remainders, Reprints, Close Outs and Special Imports ~~OLLETTrs MaeSaN Uirsity- OOK S t ' CiE State St. at N. University--Open Sat. Afternoons 'til Christmas -Ui r 3 Join The Daily Staff 11 K as I 'U ,,, NEWSREEL PRESEN TS I SALT OF THE EARTH TONIGHT &T 9:30 P.M. DONATION SATURDAY MATINEE DEC. 4 MUKI TSUR Co-Editor of THE SEVENTH DAY (A work analyz- ing the feelings of soldiers who fought in the Six- Day War of 1967) Educator and Youth worker and Secretary of Kibbutz Ein Gev SPEAKS AT HILLEL DECEMBER 8-8 p.m. Does the Kibbutz Movement Face a Crisis ? Politics of the second-generation kibbutxniks. Effects of the Six- day War. Generation gap between Kibbutz founders and their Children. Kibbutz society and Israeli society. There will be time to ask questions about general kibbutz life for those interested in spending time on a Kibbutz. 7:30 $1.00 Trade up to DUAL professional auto, turntable 1219 with the 1219, Dual has achieved what many audio experts have called the "no - compromise" auto- matic $175 .00 other models from $99.50 WORKSHOP 2555 JACKSON RD., ANN ARBOR 665.3664 (Westgate Shopping Center) 2:30 P.M. DONATION 75c I AUSTIN DIAMOND COMING SATURDAY EVENING BATTLE OF ALGIERS 7:00 & 9:30 P.M. DONATION $1.00 i 09 S. University 663-71S, I I4 Subscribe to I ALL SHOWS AT 331 THOMPSON Between William & Liberty 16400 W. 7 Mile Rd., DETROIT "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" BR 3-7985 0 BankAmericard 0 Masters 0 Diners I --- _. l - 1 : . r . 11- Jll