nployes: Equal
that most employes had received under them who-both groups agree-are often
the old contract." doing the same job.
Second of two parts
As one progresses down the food line
at any University dorm, one person asks,
"Would you like some soup?" A short
while later another asks, "Which, kind
of meat would you like?" One person
gets paid $1.75 an hour for doing the
job. The other gets $2.60. The difference?
One is a student.
Students who are employed part-time
(under 30 hours) at the University often
find that their working conditions differ
sharply from those of non-student part-
time employes. These differences affect
a wide range of areas including schedul-
ing, benefits, grievances, and most im-
portant, pay.
This situation has aggravated both
students-who often find they have no
place else in the community to turn if
they want a job-and the union, which
fears that such discrepancies give the
University an incentive to try and em-
ploy students, rather than union workers.
According to Manager of Employe and
Union Relations James Thiry, the Uni-
versity has always believed, until this
year, in the dictum "equal work, equal
Since the contract was signed last
February between the University and the
American Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employes (AFSCME)-
the union for service and maintenance
workers at the University-the Univer-
sity has placed the whole question of
temporary employment under study be-
cause of limited funds, says Thiry.
"As a result, when AFSCME employes
got an increase from collective bargain-
ing, we retained students at the wages
Students who work in part-time jobs
cannot be part of the union, according
to the agreement s i g n e d between
AFSCME and the University. The union,
therefore consists of all non-students
working under 30 hours and all employes
working full-time (over 30 hours).
Even before the University changed
its policy, however, Thiry points out that
there were exceptions to what the Uni-
versity termed "the general rule of
'equal work, equal pay.' " These excep-
tions, he said, cover the jobs in the area
of housing, the libraries and night park-
ing attendants.
According to University figures, these
jobs employ close to 1,000 students. These
students make over $1 an hour less than
union workers standing right besides
Justifing these exceptions, Thiry says
wages differ "when the content of the
job does in fact, differ though on the
surface they may be the same." He
uses parking attendants as an example.
"During the day," he says, "a park-
ing attendant has a lot of work to do,
as the flow of traffic is fairly heavy.
At night, however, when the flow of traf-
fic is extremely light, the level of re-
sponsibility is different and we usually
do not use union members for the night
The second example encompasses the
majority of $1.75 an hour employes who
get the benefit of "schedule flexibility"
in return for their low wages. "Student
employes in some kinds of work have
quite flexible schedules," says Thiry.
"In housing and the library a student
can obtain excused absences with little
difficulty for reasons such as an exam
or ski trip," Thiry says. "There is a
different employe-employer relationship
so there is a different level of expecta-
According to the Office of Student
Housing policy on student employes,
student pay scales begin at $1.75 an
hour and increase a nickel with each
year the student works-with a $1.90
limit after four years.
This compares to a minimum salary
which a union employe working the
same job receives, whicll ranges from
$2.60 to $3.25 an hour.
Workers and students both tend to
agree that there is little difference be-
tween the jobs done, especially on the
food line and in the dishroom.
See STUDENT, Page 7
-Daily-Phyllis Perry
Dorm workers-union and non-union
See Editorial Page
Vol. LXXXII, No. 67 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 1, 1971 Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
may act
ur es
against SGC execs
A proposal calling for the
resignation of Student Gov-
ernment Council Administra-
tive Vice-President Jay Hack
may be presented at tomorrow
night's Council meeting as a
result of growing discontent1
with Council's executive board,
some members say.
Criticism has also been directed
toward two other Council leaders,
President Rebecca Schenck and
Executive Vice-president Jerry
Rosenblatt, but these charges are
considerably less severe and will
probably be handled by the Coun-
cil in a closed discussion, the
critics add.
SGC members who say that the
proposal -calling for Hack's resig-
nation may be introduced, charge
that Hack has been generally in-j
competent in performing hisj
Specifically, Hack's critics claim
their acts are based on what they '
call his inability to deal with stu-
dents and faculty members and
his failure to properly delegate
authority. They also say he has
often hurt SGC by incorrectly act-j
ing as its spokesman on importantI
Although The Daily contactedA
most Council members, none would
allow their names to be used.
Supporters of the resignation
resolution claim to have as many
as eight of Council's eleven vot-
ing members as co-sponsors and
claim support from a broad range
of political interests. They admit.
however, that the wording of the
possible resolution, which has not I
been finalized, will be crucial toI
the eventual outcome of a vote.
Part of the uncertainty sur-
By The Associated Press
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Defense Minister
Jagjivan Ram of India called yesterday for Pakistan to give
East Pakistan independence and avoid possible war on the
Gandhi told the upper house of Parliament that President
Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan of Pakistan could make "a
gesture toward peace" by pulling out his troops and allowing
East Pakistan to establish an independent Bangla Desh-
Bengali nation.
Ram, in a television interview in New Delhi, was more
forceful, declaring: "War can still be avoided if the rulers
of Pakistan see the writing on the wall and give independence
to the people of Bangla Desh.
-Daily-David Margolick
SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY John Connally quiets news-
men waiting to interview him after yesterday's session of meet-
ings between financial ministers of ten countries.
Europe rebuffs
U.S. money plan
U' Club features
feasts with style
Relax in the softly lighted atmosphere. Dig into
a succulent sirloin, wolverine style. Sniff the
freshly-cut rose on the table. Sip a luxurious Rose
Bowl cocktail carefully prepared by an expert
bartender. Dip into an exotic "Maize and Blue
All these exclusive delights await members of
the University Club, which opened yesterday in
the Union. The club has no direct affiliation with
the University, other than the name and the
Membership is open to faculty, staff, students
and alumni of the University and members of
their immediate families with no ceiling on mem-
berships. Students must be 21 to apply for mem-
The club's board of directors will decide whe-
ther to open membership to 18 year-olds in Janu-
ary when the legal drinking age in Michigan
The board, elected by the members, will make
all policy decisions concerning the club's opera-
See CLUB, Page 8
The people of Bangla Desh ex-
pect nothing less than that."
The apparent hardening of In-
dia's official stance toward Pak-
istan came as Radio Pakistan re-
ported that Indian troops were
making some advances in a drive
inside East Pakistan. The Indian
government has said the fighting
mainly is between the Mukti Ba-
hini, the East Pakistan independ-
ence fighters,, and West Pakis-
Jury files,
first Kent
RAVENNA, Ohio (AP) - One of
ROME (/P) - The Group of
Ten' finance ministers repre-
senting the world's most eco-
nomically powerful capitalist
nations yesterday r e j e c t e d
American plans for solving the
monetary crises and insisted
the U.S. devalue the dollar.
The U.S. government has con-
sistently rejected devaluation of
the dollar as a method of solv-
ing the international monetary
crises it precipitated with Presi-
dent's Nixon's tough economic
Nixon's suspension of the
convertability of dollars into
gold and imposition of a 10 per
cent surcharge on all imports
have thrown the international
money market into disarray.
The American plan, presented
by Paul Volcker, Treasury un-
dersecretary, included an offer
to drop the surcharge in return
for an upward revaluation of
foreign currencies. Such a move
would have the effect of mak-
ing American exports more
competitive abroad, while mak-
ing imports to the U.S. more
While rejecting the plan, the
foreign ministers said they
would be willing to bargain fur-
ther with the American pro-
Led by France, the ministers
are seeking a devaluation of the
American dollar in relation to
gold. There were indications
however, that many would be
willing to accept some other
form of devaluation such as a
change in special drawing rights
in the International Monetary
Since World War Two the
stability of the American dollar
in relation to gold has allowed
the U.S. government to indulge
in deficit financing because of
the willingness of foreign inves-
tors to hold dollars instead of
While upward revaluation of
foreign currency or devaluation
of the dollar would have similar
effects on the money market,
the Americans are resisting de-
valuation because it would ad-
versely effect the dollar's tra-
ditional supremacy.
tani troops. 25 persons indicted in last year's
Ram admitted for the first time, Kent State disorders was con-
however, that members of the victed of a misdemeanor yesterday
guerilla band - which he said and the case against a second was
totalled around 70,000 - had been dismissed.
recruited inside refugee camps on A jury found Jerry Rupe guilty
Indian territory. of interfering with firemen but
failed to reach a verdict on th~ree
Pakistan claims that the In- felony counts-arson,dfirst-degree
dians have thrown fresh forces riot and assaulting a fireman. The
across the border and were using felony charges were dismissed as
t a n k s in attacks into East deadlocked after eight hours of
Pakistan. deliberation.
-Daily-David Margolick A Pakistani spokesman said The indictments stem from a
-- heavy fighting was in progress h i g h 1 y controversial Portage
around Pachagarh in the north- County, Ohio grand jury report
ern-most tip of the East Pakistan- delivered last winter, the result
Indian West Bengal frontier where of an investigation into incidents
Pakistani troops withdrew two at Kent State in which four stu-
miles "under heavy pressure." dents were shot by National
urbs An Ioe Guardsmen.
1 b n Idia miitay sokeman Although a federal- judge re-
in Calcutta said Indian troops cently ruled the grand jury's re-
were still inside East Pakistan in port unconstitutional, the indict-
the Balurghat-Hilli region, 200 ments have stood
P Ar-,16W e M4 Imiles north of Calcutta where ;hycosdStudyfloig State prosecutor James Primm
Omrte crossed Saturday ollowin Jrtasked Portage County Com-
wht was described as a Pakistani mon Pleas Court Judge Albert L.
hough the going may be Caris to dismiss the arson and
India has maintained that ^its first-degree riot charges against
rounding a resignation vote, someL
members say, is based on their LIMITS ON PRESIDENT:
hope that a compromise can be'
worked out beforehand, similar to1
the one they expect to reach on
the Schenck and Rosenblatt criti-
All of Hack's critics say that he
has done a great deal of work for
Council and make it clear that
they are not questioning his in-
Hack stated that no Council
member had ever approached him
on the subject of resignationbut
admitted that he had been in-
formed about the issue by way of
second and third hand sources.
In answer to the charges levelled
against him Hack said, "These
people have no idea about what
I have done for Council and the
amounts of time I've spent work-
ing on SGC business. I only wish
someone had been around for me
See SGC, Page 9
war-ma king
From Wire Service Reports
conservative and liberal Sena-
tors have come to an agreement
on compromise legislation de-
signed to curb the war-mak-
ing powers of the Presidency.
The proposed bill would al-
low the President to engage the
nation in combat under emer-
gency conditions, while stipu-
lating that military involvement
could not continue for more
than 30 days without Congres-
sional approval.
The legislation, designed to
restrict the President's powers
in undeclared wars such as that
in Indochina, is the result of an
agreement between sponsors of
three separate but basically
similar measures.
The three are liberal Sens.
Jacob Javits (R-N.Y.), and
Thomas Eagleton (D-Mo), and
conservative Sen. John Stennis
Due to bi-partisan support
from both liberals and conserva-
tives, the compromise measure
is expected easily to clear the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, and is given a good
chance to be passed by the Sen-
ate early next year
Among certain members of
the Foreign Relations Commit-
tee, approval of the bill has be-
come a matter of urgency due
to the Senate's failure to im-
pose a Vietnam troop withdraw-
al deadline on the President.
Passage of the law would allow
considerably tougher in the
House, the support of Stennis,
conservative chairman of the
Senate Armed Services Com-
mittee, is expected to have some
influence with this generally
more cautious body.
The legislation raises .a con-
stitutional issue over the proper
See WAR, Page 9
incursions across the border have
only been in response to Pakistani
artillery attacks on Indian border
"The intention is to eliminate
the danger which these guns pose
to our civilian. population," Ram
said. "It is more effective to si-
See E. PAKISTANI, Page 9
Peter C. Bliek due to insufficient
Judge Edwin W. Jones deferred
sentencing Rupe for the misde-
Atty. Gen. William Brown said
in Columbus that a decision on
whether to retry Rupe on the three
felony charges would be made
Milliken details tax amendment
Gov. William Milliken has released
tentative drafts o his proposed constitu-
tional amendment for property tax relief,
which would permit the Legislature to im-
pose a uniform statewide property tax on
all property except homes and farms.
Milliken finalized his plans for the amend-
When Milliken first announced the plan
in a televised speech earlier this month, he
said that the question of property taxes is
"the question which goes to the very heart
of equality in education, much more than
The amendment proposal, still subject to
legal refinements, needs the signatures of
ah,,4 35n Anon r e,. 1ga..+ t r--fn apt
Voters support funding for
center for mentally retarded
County voters yesterday approved a bondinga
propositicn permitting the construction of a $2Cv s eedi
million Mental Retardation Service Complex, in
the first election locally registered 18 to 20-year
olds participated in.
The b->nd issue proposed by the WashtenawX
Intermediate School District (WISD) Board of -
T he b, ' + nd., issue. p.7L,. roposed-f by 0+-the L. Was htenaw. . _.ws .. . .....