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September 10, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-10

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See editorial page


114trI igaYi


Fair with
chance of showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 1 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 10, 1971 Free Issue
U'takes first steps against sexdiscrimin
By P. E. BAUER with discrimination. timetables for increased hiring of also withheld, totalling $3,924000. and non-faculty employes was Other changes will give the The s
In the face of continuing pres- Authored by the University's women set by the University last Refusal of the University to act changed. Under the procedure to grievant the right to cross-examine was use
sure to eliminate sex discrimina- Commission on Women and rep- spring. on HEW's charges would have be used in cases of alleged dis- the respondent in the hearing and Clark, a
tion in employment, some Univer- resentatives of the executive offi- The goals and timetables were brought continued denial of federal crimination, the committee would the right to all information used by claimst
sity officials are confident that cers last week, the revised pro- established as a result of a suit funding. consist of a member selected by the review committee in making salary ti
real progress is being made. But cedure went into effect for a one- filed by HEW last fall, charging The revised procedure removes the employe, and one chosen by their decision. job. The
the status of an important part of year trial period starting Sept. 1. the University with discrimination the ultimate decision in an ap- the dean or administrative depart- The standard procedure will mands f
the University's plans for equity Members of the women's commis- on the basis of sex. pealed case from the hands of the ment heard concerned. These two continue to be used in all non- Clark'
remain uncertain. sion are hopeful that the new pro- University officials have ac- employe's supervisor -who could members would select the third union, non-faculty cases except in the<
Recent d e v e 1 o p m e n t s have cedure will be "more impartial" knowledged that one $350,000 fed- have been responsible for dicrim- member of the group. those involving alleged discrimi- manding
brought the adoption of a new in dealing with women's problems. eral contract was withheld or al- ination in the first place. Under the standard grievance nation. University employes sub- sity on1
University complaint appeal pro- Meanwhile, University officials most two months until the Univer- In order to do this, the compo- procedure, the reyiew committee ject to the union contract and all
cedure, to be used only in cases wait anxiously for the Department sity submitted an acceptable plan. sition of the committee which consists of the grievant's supei- members of the teaching staff al- nation.
of non-union and non-faculty eih- of Health, Education and Welfare Informed sources estimated, how- hears University-employe dispute visor, the area supervisor, and a ready have their own appeals sys- widespre
ployes who charge the University (HEW) to approve the goals and ever, that other contracts were appeal cases involving non-union representative of the grievant. tem.

Twenty Pages
tandard appeal procedure
d in the case of Cheryl
University employe who
to be receiving a lower
han a man doing the same
University denied he: de-
or back pay last June.
s case was the first case
country of a woman de-
back pay from a univer-
the basis of sex discr mi-
As a test case, it drew
ad attention and, ulti-
See 'U', Page 5








bus bombing
DETROIT R) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation ar-
rested six men yesterday, including the former grand dragon
of the state Ku Klux Klan, on charges of conspiring to dyna-
mite school buses in Pontiac, Mich.
The Aug. 30 bombing, destroyed 10 school buses and dam-
aged several others on the Pontiac Public Schools bus lot.
The buses were to be used in a court-ordered school desegre-
gation plan which went into effect Tuesday.
Among those arrested was Robert Miles, 46, of Howell,
Mich., who recently announced he had stepped down as
grand dragon of the Michigan Realm of the United Klans of
America, Inc.
A complaint filed by the FBI charges the six - all Michi-
gan residents - with conspir-

4denied in'
jury probe
From Wire Service Reports
Anti-war activists have won an-
other round in the Detroit federal

ing to bomb the buses, to ob-
struct the court-ordered bus-
ing and to violate the civil
rights of black students.

-Daily-Jim Judkis
waste in lines
Anxious seniors braved the pleasant night air to get good priority seats yesterday for this seasons
football games. Others picked up their trash. Their bodies were replaced last night by juniors anx-
-ai --

An affidavit filed in support of ""'s for seconU priority ti
the complaint indicated that
agents were led to the six by an $130 MILLION:
unpaid informer who infiltrated
the Klan several years ago. Neil
Welsh, special agent in charge of
the Detroit FBI office, said the "' b
government had no advance in-U
formation which could have pre-
vented the destruction of the bus-


Aget su1bmitted to


rand jury investigation oT the
yarch 1 bombing of theU.S. The com plaint chae ctionth aeen sor aov
apitol and the May Day demon-sii the desegregation plan at a July
tratios wit r the U.S. 4 meeting of the United Klans of By ALAN LENHOFF An added $4.6 million in this faculty-staff salaries and benefits
wo of the seven subpoenaed wit- T hiaff aitLake Odessa, ch and CARLA RAPOPORT year's state appropriation to the averaging 6.5 per cent;
esses. who was unnamed, quoted Miles In the wake of the State Legis- University along with $5.3 million -$1.6 million for inflation on
esses District qotd ilsareyg -$1.6thllionaforsnflationso
U.S. District Judge Cornelia as saying, "if they bus the niggers, lature's completion of the Higher garnered from this fall's increase non-salary expenses, such as heat
Kennedy Wednesday refused a we're going to do something Education Appropriation bill, Uni- an tuition contributed $9.9 millon and electricity;
overnment's request for immu- about it." versity administrators said yester- new dollars to the Unversity's -$1.6 million for increasing stu-
ity for Colin Neiberger of Boston Bgday they have finally submitted budget. dent financial aid, which includes
nd Terry Taube, formerly of De- Bfr htmeig h fi a hyhv ial umte
nd now living in Sa Fa- davitt said the informer was told the 1971-72 general fund budget to According to University officials, funds aimed at assuring 10 per,
by Klansmen that- dynamite was the Regents for approval, the minimum increase in expen- cent minority enrollment by 1973-
isco. stored at the Klan meeting place The budget, almost two months ditures for fiscal 1971-72 totals 74. The commitment was made
She said the government would' in downtown Pontiac.ate due to a legislative logjam , during the Black Action Movement
ave to make a "modest showing"' Tin dontnPntc. hlate due islate logam $11.5 million over last year's strike in 1970;
r qestonsit ans te to wt- The complaint charges the men this summer, is expected to ap- -8000frsaficessa
ef questions it wants he ould planned details of the bombing at proach $130 million-about $10 mil- budget. The increase consists of: -$800,000 for staff increases at
esses to answer before she could subsequent meetings and also said lion more than last year, -$6.5 million for increases in the University's Dearborn campus;
u -e n m. . . they met Wednesday "and dis- j and

dent Nixon told Congress yes-
terday the current 90-day
wage-price freeze will not be
extended but instead will be
replaced by an unspecified
"system of wage and price
IThis system, Nixon said, would
be worked out after consultations
with Congress and various busi-
ness and labor groups, the first
of which will be a conference to-
morrow with several top labor un-
ion leaders.
The3wage-price freeze expires
Nov. 13.
The President made the an-
nouncement in a 25-minute tele-
vised speech before a seemingly
Sreceptive audience of legislators,
diplomats and cabinet members.
"Regimentation and govern-
ment coercion must never become
a way of life in the United States,"
Nixon said. "Price and wage sta-
bilization, in whatever form it
takes, must be only a way-station
on the road to free markets and
free collective bargaining in a
new prosperity without war."
As for specific requests to Con-
gress, Nixon urged that three tax
proposals he unveiled Aug. 15 as
part of a blockbuster economic
program should be given "first
priority-before all other busi-
These measures, now being con-
sidered by the House Ways and
Means Committee, would remove
the 7 per cent tax on autos, grant
rapid tax write-off privileges to
businessmen investing in new
plants and machinery, and ac-
celerate by one year a $50 increase
in personal income tax exemp-
tions now scheduled to take ef-
fect Jan. 1, 1973.
"Taken together," said Nixon,
"these proposals would reduce
taxes now paid by individuals by
$3.2 billion, and would provide
$2.7 billion in incentives to com-
panies to invest in job producing
AFL-CIO President G e o r g e
Meany and some other labor
chiefs have argued the Nixon
package would grant too much
tax aid to industry and not
enough to individuals.
The President, after asking for
priority handling of tax legisla-
tion, next emphasized a call to
Congress to resist "many tempta-
tions to raise spending and to cut
taxes in addition to the recom-
mendations I have made."
In the short run, he said, cut-
ting taxes and boosting spending
is popular, but went on:
"As we look at the realities of
the budget at this time, we must
face up to this hard fact: any ad-
ditional spending increases not
accompanied by tax increases -
and any additional tax cuts not

C onuress



Thus far in the grand jury in-
vestigation all seven of the anti-
war activists subpoenaed have re-
fused to answer any questions be-
fore the grand jury on the two
occasions they have been called.
They have cited portions of the
Bill of Rights, particularly the
Fourth and Fifth Amendments, in
refusing to testify.
Kennedy also noted that only
two of seven ('ffenses under in-
vestigation a, , subject to immu-
nity-interstate gravel to encopr-
age riot and illegal possession and

cussed additional acts of violence
acnd ddestruction against the CORRECTION
In addition to his Klan affili- The Daily wishes to apologize for two statements appear-
ation, Miles also has been active ing in yesterday's issue. In an article about drug abuse in Ann
in the American Independent Arbor (Page 6, Community Life section), The Daily intended
Party. He was the party's 1970 only to suggest that in the past there have been drug traffic-
candidate for Michigan secretary king problems in the State St. area, where P.J.'s restaurant
of state. and a variety of other businesses are located. The Daily did
Meanwhile, in Pontiac yester- not intend to imply that P. J.'s was in any way involved in Ann
day 13 arrests were made during Arbor drug traffic.
a series of rock throwing incidents
and clashes between crowds of Similarly, the caption under the accompanying picture
whites and blacks, bringing to 38 1was highly inappropriate. The picture was intended to drama-
the number of arrests since Tues- tize the problem drug sales could cause, by depicting a gather-

use of explosives. day.
Immunity protects a witness Four persons were arrested dur-
from prosecution for statements ing a rock throwing spree between
before a grand jury. It also de- groups of blacks and whites total-
prives the witnesses ofthis right to ing over 20 persons as school let
refuse to testify on the grounds out at Pontiac Northern High
See GOVT., Page 5 School.

ing a young people that frequent the area. We did not intend
to suggest that the people who happened to be in the picture
were engaged in drug trafficking.
The Daily apologizes to them, and to P.J.'s. We sincerely
regret any embarrassment it may have caused them.

-$1 million for staff increases
at the Flint campus.
The difference between the $11 5
million in new essential expendi-
tures and the $9.9 million in new
dollars available will be offset by
a reallocation of funds within the
Included in the reallocation is
about $2.8 million made available
in July when each unit of the Uni-
versity was required to submit a
plan for "saving" an amount equal
to three per cent of its previous
year's salary budget through re-
ductions in faculty, staff, and
other instructional costs.
In addition, President Robben
Fleming yesterday said the Uni-
versity has still not reached a de-
cision on whether to continue any
portion of the traditional $1.1 mil-
lion subsidy to the city of Ann
Arbor for police and fire services.
If these payments are not con-
tinued, the money apparently could
be reallocated to fund other gen-
eral fund expenditures. Along with
the savings in the units, reallo-
cated money would then total $3.9
That figure, added to the 89.9
million in "actual" new dollars
available to the University this
year appear to provide the Uni-
versity with a new purchasing
nower of $13.8 million - or 2.3

-Associated Press
PRESIDENT NIXON ADDRESSES a joint session of Congress
yesterday to announce that the federal wage-price freeze will not
be extended beyond its initial 90-day period. Behind Nixon is Vice
President Agnew, left, and Speaker of the House Carl Albert.
Faculty strike closes
Oakland Univers ity
By JIM IRWIN The AAUP, which says it repre-
A faculty strike for higher sents 216 of the university's 280
wages has closed Oakland Uni- faculty members, had rejected
versity indefinitely - an event the university's final contract of-
unprecedented among four-year fer of an9.8dper cent wage in-
colleges in the' state. crease and demanded a 20 per
Oakland's president, Donald cent increase in wages, fringe
O'Dowd, announced Tuesday the benefits and other changes.
university would be closed until Mediation sessions over the
further notice and requested stu- weekend produced no settlement.
dents to return to their homes. One administration spokesman
O'Dowd said he took the action said the 9.8 per cent wage increase
O'Dod sad heoffer was "already overextended"
regretfully, and cited a deadlock ofrws"led vrxedd
in contract negotiations with the in view of the state legislature's
mericanAso an Univer- higher education appropriations
Americanfssoci Aon ,whof hbill passed Tuesday providing on-
gained recognition almost a year wage hike for Oakland's faculty.
ago as the faculty's sole bargain- weveraor Oakland
ing agent. However, according to Oakland
_ _ Prof. Gertrude White, a spokes-
,man for AAUP, the changes re-
quested by the faculty can be met
school if the university reallocates its
available money.
In addition to a salary increase
of about 15 per cent, White says
the AAUP is asking for:

Voter registration: Noset

Once inside Waterman Gym,
it took half an hour to register
for classes Wednesday and over
twice that long to register to
Newly enfranchised students
lined up 10-deep to secure for

form she's started for that per-
Office of City Clerk workers
required students to show their
IDs, give their address, birth-
place and birthdate and tell
whether they had registered

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