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November 24, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-11-24

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.4i4tr tgan,

:43a tR

Occasional snow;
1-3" expected

Vol. LXXXI I, No. 65 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 24, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


meetings: Opening up?




In what might be the University's first
ove toward lifting the curtains of sec-
recy which surrounds the Regents' monthly
meetings, President Robben Fleming said
yesterday he will suggest that the board
consider opening its monthly Thursday
night sessions to members of the public or
In recent years, the traditionally closed
sessions of the Regents have come under
sharp attack by student and faculty groups
who seek more knowledge of the publicly-
elected board's o p i n i o n s and decision-
making processes.
"Certainly the public is interested in what
es on behind the Regents' closed doors.
But, in fact, a great many things the Re-
gents discuss in closed sessions could be
discussed in the middle of State St.," said
Fleming in an interview yesterday.
The Regents meet each month for some
14 hours of closed meetings during the two
ys, Thursday and Friday, they gather
here. On Friday, the hold a public session
at which all final decisions are announced.
As the Regents point out, very few votes at

ucational-type" sessions usually include an
address by a prominent personage followed
by a question-and-answer period.
"Opening the Thursday night sessions
would be a trade-off, however," Fleming
said. "The opened meetings would lose their
frankness and candor, with the resultant
loss of valuable exchange between speak-
ers, Regents and the executive officers."
Yet Fleming affirmed that the opened
sessions could maximize public confidence
and trust in the board.
"It seems that now could be the time to
consider this question, certainly it's some-
thing to discuss," Fleming concluded.
Last Thursday night, the Regents per-
mitted a Daily photographer and reporter
to attend their forum with Roger Heyns,
former chancellor of the University of
California at Berkeley. After a few minutes
at the session, however, the two students
were evicted by Vice President for Univer-
sity Relations Michael Radock
Raddock said he would block The Daily's
access to the meeting unless the Regents
also invited other local media to the same

The regents contacted last night ex-
pressed sharply diverging views on open-
ing the Thursday night sessions. Yet most
agreed that the issue is important, one
worthy of their consideration.
"I would basically be in favor of open-
ing up the Thursday night sessions. It
would be good for people to know what we
talk about at these meetings," said Regent
Paul Brown (D-Petoskey) last night.
On the other hand Regent Robert Brown
(R-Kalamazoo) said that the Regents
"1 A -n + - ^ F n nrn - n r1r~

Some $1500 of Student
Government Council funds -
which as of last weekend was
apparently out of SGC con-
trnl-wnas seecured by Central



President Fleming
these brief meetings are not unanimous
and rarely does more than five minutes of
discussion precede each vote.
Fleming said yesterday he will suggest
when he next meets with the board the
possibilities of permitting certain students,
faculty members, or perhaps the press to
attend the Regents' monthly Thursday
night sessions.
According to Fleming, "non-business, ed-







need some time to themselves to explore -v uCyv
and ask some questions" on the issues they Student Judiciary yesterday,
deem important. moving SGC a step closer to-
"I'm not opposed to listening to others wards resolving the contro-
and would be in favor of extending the versy over the funds.
open hearings, but I don't think we should The action was taken following
open our session," Brown concluded, a ruling by CSJ early yesterday
The open hearings to which Brown re- morning that a freeze on the ac- I
ferred were established a few years ago to counts of American Revolutionary
allow all sides on a volatile campus issue Media (ARM) and two allegedly
to air their views before the Regents. related organizations would con-
Other regents stress they are in favor of tinue until such a transfer took
free and open discussion, but point out that place.
many times the Regents are inclined to 1 The freeze on ARM and Inter-
national Liberation Studies and
See FLEMING, Page 6 University Film Society was in-
voked by CSJ Sunday night fol-
lowing a complaint against them
* by SGC.
SGC had alleged that ARM was
regards to the handling of the
CSJ met in a preliminary!
hearing late Monday night and
early yesterday morning to hear
:::::?::::.::;}:.;;>:"}<.:. ':the charges and consider exten-
sion of the freeze.
The funds originally granted
by SGC to the student print co-
op were held jointly by that group
and the Washtenaw County Print
The transfer was agreed to by
.ti Barbara Goldman of the student!
e print co-op and ARM, and facili
:: :; ;$ >;::::;} >. ,-:""::, ated by the acquiescence of
? ,;::.:::: ,;:.. ;;:; ":<}f:>;::}:CharleS Thomas of the Black
".$.:.. : ":::::. ::.::.:::Economic Development League
(BFD L) repre Pitg the Wsh-I
. tenaw County Print Co-op.
According to the CSJ ruling, the
<{; f: ..: . .. ":::::..::.}":s::..r:..".?:.;.;:":::;$::: com pletion of the transfer al-
? ._r?:;.;.lw the freeing of ARM 's and the

-Associated Press
China in Security Council
Delegates from the People's Republic of Cl4na yesterday make
their first appearance at the United Nations Security Council.
They are, from left, Tang Ming-chao, Huang Hua, China's per-
manent U.N. representative, and Chen Chu.

U' to lose up to $2.1 million
os part of state funding cutback
Whatever hope the University had of avoiding a cut in
this year's state aid was dashed yesterday by Gov. William
Milliken. "Definitely," he said, "we're going to have to go
ahead with a cut."
Word of a probable cut between two and three per cent
of the state's operating budget had been in the air since last
month, but not until Milliken's statement was the cut as-
sured. A new provision,, in this year's appropriations bill
allows Milliken to make the cut in order to avoid a state
budget deficit.
University officials were in a sense, forewarned when the
rovision was attached to appropriations bills earlier this
- r spring and summer. This,
1 1combined with a letter last
Jury seated month from the state to all
recipients of state aid-in-
first K en c luding the University -pe
or en pared University administra-
tors for yesterday's announce-
ment and gave them time to1
student trial prepare their own cuts.

search i
new OS





RAVENNA; Ohio .()-A jury' of4
eight men and four women was
#ated yesterday to hear the trial
of Jerry Rupe, one of 25 persons
indicted last fall on charges stem-
ming from the 1970 disorders at
Kent State University.k
Rupe, 23, is charged with arson,
first degree riot, assaulting a fire-
nand interfering with firemen
ring a May 2, 1970, blaze which
destroyed a campus ROTC build-
Two days later four Kent State
students were killed in a confron-
tation with Ohio National Guards-,
men who were attempting to dis-
mrse a crowd on campus. The dis-
orders erupted May 1 after Presi-
dent Nixon announced he planned
to send troops into Cambodia.
Rupe is the first of 23 persons
scheduled for trial before Portage
County Common Pleas Court Judge
win Jones.
he 23, along with two other per-
sons who have ,not been appre-
hended or identified, were indicted
by a special state grand jury five
months after the killings.
After being impaneled, the jury
was taken to the university cam-
to view the site of a building
which was burned during the dis-
orders. Some 20 demonstrators
ere waiting at the site, but the
'urors stayed at the top of a hill
verlooking the area.!

We'd been anticipating the cut
for some time," said Allen Smith,
vice president for academic af-
fairs yesterday. "We're giving
each unit maximum leeway in
determining the cuts."
If Milliken decides to take the1
entire three per cent, about half
of the University's loss will comej
from non - salary parts of the
University's budget. These funds,
including equipment allocations,f
have been subject of a self-im-
posed freeze at the University
level in anticipation of the Gov-
ernors announcement.
The other half might be decided
by department chairmen and
deans of the University's schools
and colleges. However, according
to Smith. not all units have "iden-
tified" sufficient funds in either
As a result, there is likely to
be some variance in the require-
ments imposed by Smith's office
on the various schools and col-
leges with the individual units
given a couple of months to pare
their expenditures.
However, this year's cut will not
be like the many imposed in the
recent years of state financial
troubles. Unlike -past cuts, order-
ed by state administrators, this
year's allows for the possibility
that the state's financial pic-
ture might improve and gives
Milliken the option of returning
all or part of the money he cuts
from every state agency.


-Associated Press
THREE SUPPORTERS of Mukti Bahini guerillas of East Pakistan watch for the approach of the
Pakistani Army as a group of guerills recuperate nearby. Heavy fighting was reported yesterday in
East Pakistan between the guerillas, who seek an independent East Pakistan, and government forces.
Fighting flares in E. Pakistan,
India denies invasion ehariaes

others' accounts. an action which
ARM spokesman George De Pue
said is necessary for the sur-
vival of the organization.
Last night. Michael Davis.
counsel for SGC before CSJ, said!
he was satisfied with the action
and that charges against ARM
on both the criminal and CSJ
level would be dropped.
Despite these events. however.
SGC has still not accomplished
its major goal: the return of the
elusive $1.500 to their control.
Davis said yesterday he intends
to accomplish this by filing suit
against the student co-op before
CSJ for the return of the money.
Under the terms of the emer-
gency appropriation. he claims.
the co-op's handling of the
money has been illegal.
Charges against the groups and
the freeze on their funds were
initiated by SGC following a
stormy emergency meeting Sun-.
day afternoon.
The meeting was called after
ARM spokesman George DePue
announced the group would stop
payment on the check for the
$1.500 it had given SGC last
The contraversy over the mon-
ey began last month when SGC
When the turkey's on the
table and the hunger's in our
gullets it's time enough to take
time out from our Pulitzer pur-
suits and take a brief vaca-
tion for Thanksgiving. We'll
be back with you for break-
fast next Tuesday, Nov. 30.
approved a motion by Goldinan-
then an SGC member- for fund-
ing a student print co-op to work
with a Washtenaw County print
An emergency grant was sub-
sequently approved when SGC
was told a "good deal" could be
See SGC, Page 6

NEW DELHI VP)-Heavy fight- "the greatest restraint." There,
ing has broken out in East Paki- were demands that the issue be
stan, both India and Pakistan re- taken to the U.N. Security Coun-
ported yesterday. The Pakistanis cil.
maintained they were battling In- A Pakistan army source in Dac-
dian invaders, but India said East ca, the East Pakistani c pita 1,
Pakistani rebels-and not Indians claimed his countrymen demol-
-were involved. ished 18 Indian tanks and in-
India claimed its G n a t jets flicted heavy casualties on Indian
downed three Pakistani warplanes soldiers in fierce ground fighting
over Indian territory. Pakistan along the East Pakistani borders
acknowledged two l o s s e s and, with India.
claimed two Indian planes were
shot down. Pakistan charged India launched
shot dwn. .a large scale offensive into the
A Pakistani military spokesman area on Monday, attacking in the
in Rawalpindi indicated the al-'aeonM dytacignth
nd Indian assault was not as Jessore, Sylhet and Chittagong re-
legedaIninst aedtasingthas gions on either side of the em-
large as first reported, stating that battled province.
elements of the 42nd and 320thb
'Indian Mountain Brigades were India denied the charges and
leading it. Pakistan radio said said the attacks came from East
Monday the Indian 9th Infantry Pakistaniaindependence fighters
Division, 4th Mountain Division trying to wrest the province from
and two tank regiments were at- government control.
tacking in the Jessore area.
The military spokesman said yes-
terday the brigades were believed'
to be elements of the two divisions
Pakistani indpnnce fighters /)1,1

President Fleming yesterday named a 10-member search
committee to choose a sucessor to Vice President for Student
Services Robert Knauss.
The committee includes five students, chosen by Student
Government Council, two staff members in the Office of Stu-
dent Services and three faculty members chosen by Senate
Knauss announced last summer that he plans to leave
his OSS post early next year to become dean of the Vander-
-----bilt University law school.

Pakistan President Agha Mo-
hammed Yahya Khan declared a
state of emergency in his country
-which has been under martial
law since March 1969-"in view of
the threat of foreign aggression."
Yahya has stated he would not
hesitate to declare war against
India if it helped the Mukti Bahini
capture any territory in East Pak-
But despite the Pakistani claim
that Indian troops were occupying
some East Pakistani border areas,
only scattered incidents were re-
ported on the border between In-
dia and West Pakistan in disputed
Kashmir State.
The Kashmir border, on the
other side of India some 1,0UU
miles from the East Pakistani
fighting, was the scene of two
previous wars between the two na-
tions, in 1948 and 1965.

Co-chairmen of the committee
C ou n ty to are Jeffrey Kaplan, '73, president
of the University Activities Center
and chemistry Prof. Peter Smith,
a member of the OSS housing
O policy board.
The other faculty members of the
committee are psychology Prof.
Judith Bardwick and law Prof.
bond SSUe1Harry Edwards. OSS staff mem-
bers on the committee are Direc-
By LINDA DREEBEN tor of Special Services and Pro-
Calling attention to the need for grams Elizabeth Davenport and
adequate educational facilities for John Koch of Health Service.
mentally retarded and physically Student committee members are
handicapped children, the Washte- Rosemary Cobb, Jerry De Grieck,
naw Intermediate School District former executive vice president of
(WISD) is asking county voters to SGC, Andre Hunt, SGC coordinat-
approve a bonding proposition to K vice president and Pamela
permit the construction of a $27 Kpford.
million Mental Retardation Service Knauss assumed the vice presi-
Complex. dency in September, 1970, replac-
The complex-which would 'serve ing actingrVice President for Stu-
county children with severe and!dent Affairs Barbara Newell.
moderate mental retardation and' Knauss' appointment inspired
multiple physical handicaps-is- the heated controversy at the time be-
issue of a special election set for cause Fleming had appointed him
Nov. 30. -circumventing the search com-
This election represents the first ;mittee procedure -after all five
opportunity for locally registered candidates chosen by a search
18-20-year olds to vote. cormittee similar to the one
Approval of the bonding program named to find Knauss' successor
would mean a tax increase of .19 withdrew from consideration.
mills of 19 cents per $1,000 assessed In a letter sent to search com-
valuation for a 12 year period. Imittee members, Fleming asked
If the bond issue passes, exist- that they consider "individuals
ing programs in the county would both within and without the Uni-
be brought into one building, which versity" without respect to race or
proponents say would maximize)sex.
the use of facilities and' staff. The Fleming's letter also told the
building, unlike present facilities, committee that its function is "to
would be specially designed to collect the names of possible can-
meet the needs of the children. didates, screen them, arrange for
"The concept of this center," interviews with those who' seem
according to Charles Foster of the the most likely prospects, and
WISD, "is away from institutional- finally recommend several per-
See COUNTY, Page '7 sons."

' Student living costs
rise during Phase 1


As the country moves into
Phase 2 of President Nixon's
new economic program it ap-
pears that Phase 1 had little
over-all effect in Ann Arbor.
The policies, however, seem to
Lave financially affected the
udents at the Univeristy.
With the increase in tuition
and dorm rates, students have
had to pay greater costs while

labor, and the city, however, in-
dicate little or no change in
their economic situation that can
be traced to the freeze.
The main obstacle to judging
the effect of the freeze in Ann
Arbor is the lack of accurate
"It is much too early to tell,"
says William Bott, president of
Ann Arbor's Chamber of Com-
merce. "Our reports and figures

in East Pakistan described the
fighting that began Monday as a
do-or-die battle to drive out the
Pakistan army and establish an
independent Bangla Desh-Bengal
nation-in East Pakistan.
The new flare up between the
subcontinent's two nations, an out-
growth of the East Pakistan seces-
sionist movement that has driven
millions of refugees into India,
brought these developments:
-In New York, United Nations



On a wall in one of the few classrooms in
Pioneer II high school, a poster displays the sad
observation of a public school student: "If I
weren't in school I'd find the world."
The students of Pioneer II, Ann Arbor's new
experimental free school, are there for the most
part because they don't want to look at school
+hn+ --, 0-- 1,-,-1-1 -A,+1%a r al -1r2

School, Pioneer II opened this fall-as a fully
accredited public school-in the Fritz Building, a
former elementary school at 995 N. Maple. It was
the end of a summer of planning by Pioneer
High students and faculty.
But it was just a beginning. Now in its sec-
ond month of existence, Pioneer II faces the
formidable task of proving its worth as an edu-
cational innovation.



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