1: 114 Ar40wn fa'ii Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan futures past 4 The great grading mess: An examination by dave hudwinI 1 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ALAN LENHOFF Behind Write-On Tue. SPLASHY HEADLINES spread across the nation's newspapers this week when two University students were caught handing in identical papers to the same class. An odd quirk brought the story nationwide coverage - the papers h a d been purchased from a clever modern business, Write-On Inc., specializing in custom written term papers. However, the straight news reportage - in publications such as the New Y o r k Times, the Detroit Free Press and As- sociated Press - obscures the 'more fun- damental and disturbing implications of the event. The revelation that a couple of college kids cheated, employing a Vonne- gut-like twist, is in itself the l e a s t important event. THEPRIMARY onus must fall on a system of university education more concerned with paper credentials, than in close personal dialogue and interaction. From an early age, students learn that, in order to "make it" in society, they 'must acquire a college degree. They attend college, often without questioning the premises behind their at- tendance - and shortly find themselves working towards achievement on tests and papers only because these are the requirements the degree imposes. Hence, there is a tendency to work primarily for material rewards, and to lose sight of the education goals which stand behind it all. The system forces into college m a n y students who shouldn't be there. The rigors and methods of an education are not appealing to every person. In a broad sense, there are thousands of ways to become educated, including working, travelling, and reading inde- pendently; society insists otherwise. It is no surprise that students are brought to cheating under these artificial pressures. NOT ONLY is the system's stress on certification to blame, but also the prin- ciple of large lectures, rigidly conducted recitations and the requirements that virtually every course has. Not surprisingly, faculty members too are channeled into a set procedure. Few professors have, the presence and the flair to engage an audience of students on a continuing basis - even in the area of their most intimate knowledge. Pro- fessors are compelled to lecture just as students are forced to listen. The format is double ineffective. Additionally the faculty is under pres- sure to "publish or perish," and good teaching often is secondary. Students, bored and lackluster in their classes, play directly into the hands of enterpreneurs like the management of Write-On. WRITE-ON'S proprietors apparently feel no compunction for ethics, or if so, they adhere to a wildly offbeat moral code. The thrill of easy money is appar- ently electric and its enticing flavor sup- ercedes other considerations. Denying all moral considerations, "Write-On," and its competitor "Creative Research" are' not intended to help stu- dents, but to multiply their alleged $4,000 a week take as quickly as possible. They exploit students under pressured d e a d- lines, charging outrageous prices for the easiest assignments. ARE THERE solutions? One is simple. Students must "write- off" Write-On. If they do not patronize them, its business cannot be conducted. If they do, they can count on another administrative foul-up. The number one interest of the term paper outfitters is profit; little details like duplicate papers are always prone to be revealed in the furious ring of the cash register. But the greater problem lies with the educational system itself. Only when the university ceases to function as a repository to certify stu- dents and begins to provide an environ- ment directed exclusively towards learn- ing, will the pressures to cheat be render- ed superfluous. --RICK PERLOFF T HEY ENTERED the lecture hall with hearts beating quickly and stomachs churning. Giving each other weak smiles and commiserating with their fellows, they sat down and put their books under their chairs. A thousand unrelated facts gleaned from prolonged cram ses- sions clogged their brains as they took out pens and pencils. They nervously glanced over their shoulders at each other, aware they were being tested and eval- uated against the rest of the class. "You have one hour to finish the exam," the professor intones gravely as the competitive regur- gitation of information begins. THIS SCENE is overdrawn, but not much. Testing and grading have long been targets of the crit- ics of education and their abolition the hallmark of many experiment- al schools. Here at the University formal examinations and letter grades are a deeply ingrained tradition and, attempts to create some flexibility within the system with pass/fail and other innovations have come slowly. The thesis of 'those interested in educational reform is that testing and grading are counter-produc- tive. Their brief goes along these lines: Students are intrinsically moti- vated to learn because of an in- nate curiosity about the w o r I d around them. Grades provide an added incentive only because stu- dents have not yet had an oppor- tunity to discover the joy of learn- ing for its own sake. Furthermore, they say, students eventually come to work for the grade rather than a basic under- standing of the course material. They study only items they expect to be tested on, discouraged from deeper exploration of areas that interest them. Examinations be- come ends rather than means. This system sours relationships with instructors because they must evaluate students. It turns professors into authority figures who must be appeased rather than resource personnel who happen to know a great deal about one field Finally, they believe that going to school is not supposed to be fun - it's a job and should be approached that way. Students who do not achieve in terms of grades are letting down their par- ents and the state, which support their education. LIKE MOST complicated issues. there is some truth on both sides of this argument. One difficulty is that grades have at east t h r e e separate functions - they serve as motivators, sources of feedback and as evaluation devices for a society that has become a merito- cracy. If grading is to be eliminated, each, of these functions must be replaced, but they all require dif- ferent solutions. First, there are a multitude of other motivators available other than a letter on a transcript, Peer encouragement, rewards by p a r- ents and instructors and personal satisfaction from learning are all factors that if fully utilized could help replace grades. Second, feedback could be pro- vided by informal tests, written evaluations of a student's w o r k and conferences between students and their instructors over their progress. Finally, enough good jobs and places in graduate and profes- sional schools should be m a d e available so that qualified appli- cants don't have to engage in cut- throat competition with others, who are also qualified. IF THESE SOCIETAL "good- ies" must be based on academic performance, there should be an opportunity for those not inter- ested in them to work without grade point averages and test scores. The system assumes everybody is alike and does little to allow for diversity. People who come to a university for a true education should not be shackeled by tradi- tional evaluative methods. Those who wish a job ticket or a place in graduate or professional schools might still be required to compete, but this burden should not be spread to everyone. '4 but who have no further claim to divinity. Traditional grading methods. moreover, pit one student against another, causing competition ra- ther than cooperation in the pro- cess of learning. Students are urg- ed to do better than the other guy instead of measuring their per- formance against their own abil- ities and past progress. A stu- dent's goal is to beat the median-- a figment of a statistician's imag- ination - rather than some self- set objective. In addition, they contend that time-limited exams and s t r i c t grading discriminate against those individuals who don't do well un- der pressure. "Clutching" despite a good knowledge of the material. they are victims of a rigid format of evaluation. Finally, traditional methods of evaluation make learning an un- pleasant experienced by creating anxiety. The tests, assignments and the final apocalyptic moment when a grade is given are aver- sive stimuli, as the psychologists might say. SUPPORTERS OF the present grading system might agree with a number of the criticisms made by the reformers, but quickly point out that some of the "bad" fea- tures of traditional grading meth- ods are necessary. They argue: Students require the expecta- tion of an exam to get them to spend the time necessary to mast- er a subject. Tests and grades, while not a requirement for learn- ing, are excellent motivating fac- tors that increase students' per- formance. Though there may be excep- tions, results on examinations and papers correlate fairly well with a student's understanding of the course material.. Without an ex- amination, students would n o t have to learn portions of a sub- -Daily-Terry McCarthy ject which they might not want to learn, but they need to master. It's necesary to evaluate s t u- dents' knowledge because corpora- tions and graduate and profes- sional schools only desire the top students. The resources of society in terms of jobs and advanced training are limited and should be granted on the basis of merit as measured by grades. The competition that results is a positive factor, they argue, be- cause only through competition do people achieve excellence. There is a deep competitiveness, probab- ly biological, in our nature and to stop competing would be to stop achieving. If some people cannot s t a n d the pressure involved in competi- tion they.deserve to be left by the way-side. Life is a struggle - full of pressure and deadlines - and people had better learn to take in school before they get out into the real world. I Al " - __ _ ._ .- All they, are saying 7 Black community's demands AFTER SEVERAL weeks and a history of racial incidents in the Ann Ar- bor Public schools, a coalition of black parents and students called a strike last week. During the duration of the one day boycott, school authorities reported that over 80 percent of the black secondary school sudents failed to attend classes. Some elementary school students a 1 s o participated, many of them attending classes at the Community Center, while a 14 member student-parent steering com- mittee drew up a list of demands. Lois Owens, who moderated the meet- ing where the demands were agreed upon by the black community, put the issue simply: "Brutality has once again enter- ed our schools and black people are as usual the victim," she said. Since then, the school board has ap- proved a modified version of the de- mands, including more safety procedures, creation of a core of black studies cours- es, revamping of counseling services - making them more responsive to black needs - and serving the needs of non- middle class whites. But even with 'the implementation of demands or the year old Humaness in Education report, the consistent feeling in the community is doubt - doubt that schools will remain racially quiet or that racism will disappear from Ann Arbor's educational institutions. WHILE MOST whites seem to believe that violent racial incidents are a re- cent phenomena here, caused solely by black provocation, black folks know dif- ferently. According to a letter written by con- cerned members of the black community, the recent disturbances started last month at Huron high, "not as outgrowths of black student aggression, but because "a group of white students, who identify themselves as Greasers chose to confront and punish a black male for socializing with a white female." The resulting rac- ial tension flowed from Huron high school to Pioneer, the letter charges, where "the presence of police and their hostile tac- tics precipitated the violence." But this version doesn't quite coincide with some of media stories or police re- ports which fingered blacks as trouble- makers. After all, a white girl was stab- bed. Part of the discrepancy is caused by blacks' failure to report incidents to the so-called proper authorities. But after years of enduring white hostilities in these schools as well as in the com- munity, the prevalent attitude remains, why tell anyone anything if it won't make a difference? Nevertheless, black parents and s t u- dents called a strike against Ann Arbor public schools and most responded. One Pioneer student commented, I thought we left because of our safety. "If we're striking to end oppression, those white kids will be gone and graduated and we'll still be striking." She's right, and the boycott ended after one day. BUT MAYBE R. Bruce McPherson, su- perintendent of schools, is sincere in his efforts to implement the demands. Now that blacks are unifying, and parents are working with students, ignoring blacks is no longer easy. Yet it remains to be seen what will happen if the de- mands are implemented. The only unexpected demand revolves around the needs of non-middle c 1 a s s whites. By including this class in the demands; some white hostility may be subdued. Since many of these whites see backs as a threat, many times they ini- tiate disturbances. Some blacks have criticized the inclus- ion of assistance to poor whites in the demands. They argue that this smacks of the Marxist tenet of unifying the com- fi rI s I tIET' "~I1 s p: JI ,'TTr -rTTy 71 is give youth a chance By CHRIS PARKS 5GC EXECUTIVE Vice President Jerry Rosenblatt, well-known for his unflagging enthusiasm for the electoral process, paid us a 0 visit again last weekend to discuss the latest project for getting i the nation's youth involved in the system. Following a brief presentation on the topic,, he handed us a press release, called a "Guest Editorial." The release, prepared by the president of the Association of Student Governments (ASO), a nation- wide organization representing 380 college campuses (not the Uni- versity), lays out the premise for youth action in national politics and V, announces an Emergency Conference for New Voters to be held in Chicago the first week in December. In order to channel these po- tent energies, ASG has planned a conference of young voters for the 3rd, 4th and 5th of December in Chicago. Envisioned as a massive meeting of the young and commit- ted who are willing once again to "give the system a chance" the conference is expected to form a "youth caucus" along the lines of the present black and women's caucuses, and draw up a youth platform. * It will also discuss plans for getting "delegate power'in the national party conventions which will "insure that one or both of the national parties nominates a candidate acceptable to the young and the poor in this country."<>r:'' THE MAJOR ASSUMPTION of Cean Gene the entire project, that American youth as a group have some common interest substantial enough to weld them together/ as a political unit, is certainly open to question. All available eevidence, in fact indicates that as a group youth are quite as divided in their goals and beliefs as the general population. Even on a single campus the differences are great. Any common ground between the Youth Americans for Freedom, the Young Demo- crats, RIP, and the Young Workers Liberation League for example would be sparse indeed. This difficulty in defining what a "youth caucus" would repre- sent is revealed in statements of the project's promoters. According to one organizer the platform of the caucus is likely to include planks opposing the present administration, calling for an end to the Indochina war, favoring protection of the environment and support-#' ing minority rights. These are certainly laudable goals; so laudable in fact that there isn't a major candidate, with the exception of Nixon, who wouldn't and hasn't fully endorsed all of them. Nixon himself, in fact is only dis- qualified by the first item. WHAT THESE PLANS REPRESENT, in reality, is a great leap backwards in political consciousness, a regression to political positions which have already been adopted by the established parties (who isn't for peace and preservation of the ecology?) Worse, it represents a return to tactics whose bankruptcy was proven to the satisfaction of all but a stubborn few four years ago. An assassin, and not the "power elite", we are told, prevented young people from winning nothing less than the "presidency in 1968." While this is undeniably an attractive fantasy, a realistic assess- ment of the situation renders such a judgment dubious. It is far from clear that Kennedy would have been nominated, had "President Nixon must know what he's doing ... He has more facts than we do." I. Letters to The Daily No peace To The Daily: MONDAY some 100 people from Michigan went to Washington as part of the 14-day Daily Death Toll demonstration organized by the Fellowship of Reconciliation and Clergy and Laymen Concern- ed. After seeing our senators and congressmen, we gathered on the steps of the Capitol for a memorial service for the 300 Vietnamese who die each day in the war which continues in Vietnam and else- where in Indochina. We then walked in procession to the White House. There on the sidewalk, one of our number ran straight through us, enacting an Ameri- can bomb falling on Indochina. Others of us. repnresenting Indio- dochinese casualties are not - and that the war continues and hundreds die every day because of the action of American pilots and the use of American war ma- terial. Without American military involvement, the war would im- mediately end. Until it does, this country will continue to be re- sponsible for the terrible suffer- ing of the non-white peoples of Indochina. May this country know no internal peace till the war in Indochina ends. -Prof. John Bailey Dept. JofNear Eastern Languages and Literatures Nov. 16 Halftime omission To The Daily: THE FOLLOWING WAS to 11Q70 hos sri riA i r +he hqlf- this great mistake brought to a total and immediate end, so that both Americans and Vietnamese alike may live in Peace. Thank you" Perhaps you are in error in thinking that an organization which seeks to entertain students cannot also have political inclina- tions. Yo-yos and Vietnam are not necesarily in conflict. -Homecoming Central Committee UniversityActivities Center Nov. 2 Salutations To The Daily: TUESDAY'S "Salutary Feast" article was the greatest piece of radical doublethink you've ever printed. An admitted token candi-