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November 23, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-11-23

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See Editorial Page


Ai t iAzr


Fair and colder;
occasional snow

Vol. LXXXII, No. 64

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 23, 1971

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Te et

Twelve Pages

Council considers
action against ARM





Student Government C o u n c il
may file criminal and civil charges
against American Revolutionary
Media (ARM) today if the group
fails to produce some $1,500 which
Council originally alloted to the
University Student Print Co-op for
the purchase of printing equip-
At an emergency meeting Sun-
day night, SGC v o t e d to file
c h a r g e s against ARM. If the
money is not returnedaby noon to-
day, SGC members and Council
will meet to finalize the legal im-
plications and feasibility of the
unprecedented move, according to
Council member Michael Davis,
In addition, Central Student Ju-
diciary (CSJ) voted late last night
to grant SGC's request for a trial
on their charges against ARM.
* D e b a t e continued early this
morning on Council's request to
continue a temporary freeze placed
Sunday on ARM's student ac-I
counts by CSJ, as well as on those
organizations which SGC members
call ARM "fronts," International
Liberation Studies and the Uni-
versity Film Society.
Doug Richardson, '72, a former
member of SGC and of ARM, re-
signed from the Student Print Co-
op board last night "in protest of
ARM's manipulative, deceitful and
possibly fraudulent dealings in
this whole matter."
Joel Silverstein, '72, an SGC
member who had already resigned
from the print co-op board in pro-
test, said last night, "ARM was
consistently manipulating BEDL
and SGC by withholding informa-
tion from both parties."
With the resignation of Rich-
ardson, the print co-op now con-
sists of two members of ARM and
two additional people. The board
was set up with an open member-
ship policy.
George DePue, ARM spokesman,
called the attempts to place a
freeze on ARM's account, "a witch
hunt against me." He added thatI
the some $1500 is now under a
joint account 'in the Ann Arbor
Bank, shared by Barb Goldman
as representative for the Student
Print Co-op Board and Charles
Thomas as representative for
Washtenaw County Print Co-op.{
Since its original allotment to the
student print co-op board several
weeks ago, the status of the $1,500
has been in almost constant doubt.
According to SGC members, no
equipment has yet been purchased
with the funds and due to several
mix-ups, SGC has lost its controlI
over the money.
A week ago, the student print'
co-op board voted to give the
$1,500 to the Washtenaw County
Black E c o n o m i c Development
League in order to assist in the
creation of a county, non-profit,
See SGC, Page 9


University Senate declined to act on Senate Assembly's
proposal to drastically restrict classified research yesterday,
clearing the way for the resolution to go directly to the Re-
gents for consideration in December.
The Senate discussed but did not vote on the proposal
which, if adopted, would ban most federal research projects
which limit the publication of research results.
According to its bylaws, University Senate may overturn
the actions of Senate Assembly, the representative body of
the faculty.
It had been speculated that some Senate members-in-
cluding many from the engineering college-were hoping to
veto the assembly's proposed
research policy. t-u- Tv

-Daily-Terry McCarthy
PSYCHOLOGY PROF. WARREN NORMAN, head of University Senate (left), officiates at yester-
day's meeting. Dr. George Zissis of Willow Run Laborties considers the classified research proposal
(above, right), while President Robben Fleming lstens to the discussion.


Site of blaze


bars sex


School board building
gutted; suspect arson
Arson was suspected yesterday in the $200,000 blaze which
destroyed the city school system's administration building
Sunday night.
Investigators from the city police and fire departments
and the state fire marshal's office had concluded by yester-
day afternoon that three separate fires had been set inside
the 55-year-old building on the city's southside.
Firemen went to the blaze shortly after 3 a.m. Sunday,
after school board member Ted Heusel reported an anony-
mous telephone caller told him "your building's on fire."

ERA diluted i'n Senate


mark ruling the Supreme Court
yesterday unanimously barred
arbitrary discrimination against
women by legislators everywhere
in the nation.
Meanwhile, t h e constitutional
amendment to guarantee women
equal rights with men, approved
by the House on Oct. 12 by 354-
23 vote, was rejected by a Sen-
ate judiciary subcommittee.
In its place, the subcommittee
approved by a 6-4 vote a sub-
stitute proposal which provides
that neither the federal nor the
state governments shall make
any legal distinction between the
rights and responsibilities of
men and women except on the
basis of "physiological or func-
tional differences."

The Supreme Court decision,
announced by Chief Justice War-
ren Burger, was the first by the
high court cloaking women with
the equal-protection clause of the
Constitution, the basis for earlier
rulings advancing the rights of
Burger said legislators may
treat women differently from
men only when the purpose is
The decision came in a rela-
tively obscure case from Idaho
in which the father and mother
of a deceased son had vied for
the right to administer his es-
tate of less than $1,000. Under
state law the father had been
named the administrator.
"We have concluded," Burger
said, "that the arbitrary prefer-

Trials begin
nnl Kent htp!

More than 40 firemen and three
pieces of equipment fought the
blaze as it raged through the
building, entirely gutting the
Further trouble struck the

SJ 3-% Z ' '- lschool system - which has been
plagued with racial violence re-
;cently - later Sunday night when
ie thieves broke into Ann Arbor's
Pioneer High school. crashed
RAVENNA, Ohio (A) - As pro- through a brick wall into the
testors defied a court order and building's strongroom, and broke
demonstrated outside, a trial be- into a safe, taking $1,000.
gan yesterday for a man charged In a statement y-sterday. school
with riot and assaulting a fireman superintendent R. Bruce McPher-
in the May 1970 disorders at Kent son said: "The only heartening
State University, thing about this destructive fire
rt..? 5% h f, r t -is that there were no injuries or

ence established in favor of
males by . . . the Idaho code
cannot stand in face of the 14th
Amendment's command that no
state deny the equal protection
of the laws to any person within
its jurisdiction."
Melvin Wulf, legal director of
the American Civil Liberties
Union which filed the brief for
the mother,, said "I am moder-
ately pleased that we won the
case, but the pleasure is very
qualified because we did not win
on the broader grounds."
"Our purpose was to try to get
the Supreme ,Court- to declare
that sexual discrimination is un-
constitutional, and they have ap-
parently declined to take that
major step," Wulf said.
Key senators disagreed about
the impact of the ruling on the
Equal Rights Amendment.
Women's groups who have
fought for years for the, Con-
stitutional amendment to give
women fully equality under the
law with men, have in the past
contended the exception in the
substitute p a s s e d yesterday
would nullify its effect.
The House rejected language
with a similar intent by a vote
of 265-87.
The proposed amendment, as
it passed the House, provided
that equality of rights under the
law shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or
any state on account of sex.
See COURT, Page 9

About 250 of the Senate's 2,800
members, composed of University
faculty members, librarians and
researchers, attended the meeting.
Senate members discussed the
proposal for about an hour, ar-
guing both for and against the
resolution, but did not vote on it.
The controversial resolution,
passed by Senate Assembly last
month,. proposes that the Uni-
versity "not enter into or renew
federal contracts or grants that
limit open publication of the re-
sults of research," except when
"theproposed research is likely
to contribute so significantly to
the advancement of knowledge as
to justify infringement of the
freedom to publish openly."
University Senate has been
mainly a ceremonial body in the
past. The main purpose of its
twice-a-year meetings has been
to present announcements and
improve faculty relations.
Had the Senate voted to over-
rule the assembly's proposal yes-
terday it would have been the
first time such an action had been
A vote to veto the proposal itself
was not on the official Senate
agenda. However, a motion by
three Senate members to review
A major military action in-
side East Pakistan, possibly in-
volving Indian troops, was re-
ported yesterday by both In-
dian and Pakistani sources, the
New York Times said in to-
day's edition.
The Pakistani government
charged last night that India
had launched an all-out mili-
tary offensive without a dec-
laration of war.
Meanwhile, according to late
reports from the Associated
Press, an Indian broadcast said
Bengali rebels had launched
the offensive, not I n d i a n
The Indian broadcast said
East Pakistan's Bengali Liber-
ation Army was "advancing
deep into the Sylhet district (of
E. Pakistan) despite resist-
ance from the Pakistan army.
(See earlier story, Page 3.)
the proposal was included on the
Among the sponsors of the mo-
tion to review the resolution was
Dr. George Zissis. of Willow Run
Laboratories, the site of the vast
majority of University classified
A vote to veto the resolution
See 'U', Page 7I

'UJ' meets
with Gov.
on budget
University officials yesterday
met with Gov. Milliken and his
budget advisors in the first in a
series of hearings over the appro-
priation request.
The University request of $98.8
million represents an increase of
$20.7 million over the current
year's funding level.
The probability of receiving an
'increase of that magnitude is
quite slim, however.
Last year, the University asked
for an additional $22 million in
state funds. The figure was subse-
quently slashed to $4.6 million by
the State Legislature.
The University contingent for the
budget hearings included President
Fleming, Allan Smith, vice presi-
dent for academic affairs, Fedele
Fauri, vice president for state re-
lations and planning, and Frank
Rhodes, literary college dean.
Included in the University's re-
quest are funds which had been
earmarked for an 11 per cent aver-
age increase in staff salary and
That raise has been placed in
jeopardy by the new 5.5 per cent
guidelines set down by President
Nixon's Pay Board.
High on the University's list of
priorities for the coming year are
health science developments and
increased student aid funds, Uni-
versity officials say.
According to State Budget Di-
rector John Dempsey, it is unlike-
ly that the University, or any of
the state's large four-year insti-
tutions, will receive funds for ex-
pansion of undergraduate pro-
Instead, he says, the state plans
to expand undergraduate level po-
sitions by concentrating on devel-
oping community colleges.
As always, the final appropi ja-
tion figure will depend largely on
the economic status of +he state.
Recent reports of increased pro-
fits among the major automobile
companies have offered on. sign
that the state's economic picture
may be improving.

Group designs courses to induce
educational and social change'

Jerry Rupe, 3, was the first of
{ 25 persons indicted by a special
state grand jury to go on trial in
connection with the disorders. He
was indicted in October 1970 on
charges of first-degree riot, as-
saulting and striking a fireman and
interfering with a fireman May 2,
1970, when fire destroyed an ROTC'
Outside the Portage County
Courthouse, about 15 college-age
protestors briefly demonstrated
and then heeded police orders to,
disperse. Some entered the court-'
house to witness the trial.
Five men and -three women were
See FIRST, Page 7

loss of life. Beginning Monday, we
will move to restore administrative
services for the district and will
expand those services with each
succeeding day."
McPherson announced an emer-
gency plan, under which essential
school services will be maintained
from temporary quarters at
schools and offices elsewhere in
the system.
He also pledged to "pay all em-
ployes on schedule."
By last night, no arrests had
been made in the case.
McPherson said yesterday the
building was insured for a total of

Starting next term, the Pro-1
gram for Educational and Social
Change (PESC) will offer Uni-+
versity students a program ofi
courses centered on social and1
educational change.;
The program will include a list1
of 40 courses in a wide range of
academic disciplines.
"People have the right to de-
termine the forms of their own
education," says history Prof. Ro-
bert Sklar, a PESC member. "We
are trying to facilitate self-dis-1
According to Sklar, PESC isI
designed to provide a community;
for faculty and students who wantE
to work on educational and sociall

change. It aims to give students
the opportunity to create indepen-
dent courses on themes of their
own choosing. PESC also plans
to provide faculty support for the
formation of groups within one or
more courses as well as for inde-
pendent study projects, Sklar said.
Alan Statman, '74, stresses stu-
dent self-determination as a goal
of PESO. "I see PESO offering the
student some power over his edu-
cation through choice of course
content and method of learning,"
Statman said.
PESC includes 40 courses for
both undergraduates and gradu-
ate students. The anthropology,
economics, geography, English,
history, political science, physics,

psychology, sociology, and Resi-
dential College humanities and
social sciences departments are
At present PESC officially con-
sists of about 20 students and 20
faculty members. Other faculty
members have also added their
courses to the program.
A PESC booklet outlining the
program is being prenared by stu-
dent and faculty PESC m-mb-r,
and will probably be printed and
distributed within two weeks, Stat-
man says.
in an attpmnt to involve nnn-
Stv0-nt mpni-b-rs. a PTa(C
courses will be onen and fre- to
whornmver wishes to attond. Credit
Cannot be awarded to non-r-ais-
*qrod studpnts. HowevPr. faculty
m-tmbers will orovide narticinnnta
with written sta~tPments~ indinatin0
=p=i=fac=orv comn=tion of th
coursp work.
PESC nlon to 0ffPr two aiU.r-
na+i,(rp nnronebes in itc emlrc-C.
Tnrl~i'onp nlon. s+ijdentc will hn
tolr th +b a an- of rlieioiionn cn-
A orornn rnv piln to wro-I ro-
-thrr on ono nroin(t or conartn-
1v on n vnriniv of nrninnte rath'
a. common thpmrnCv- n -mom
h-*e ~r11 1Wn" +.ho mc+^rQ'* ,
w1ith the f ilty m mhnr t

'People s
Oil puddles lying on the floor of the old
Fisher Cadillac Garage will soon be mop-
ped up in preparation for the opening of
the new People's Comnmunity Center.
The new facility, set to open Dec. 1 at
502 E. Washington St., will provide a new
home for the Free Peoples' Medical Clinic.
Drug Help and other organizations cur-




will be used for a creative workshop. An-
other area will be used for service groups,
and the whole second floor is being con-
verted into an expanded Free People's
"Everybody's going to want to use the
facility when it's done, so they might as
well help now" says a worker from Drug
Among the groups which have offered

... . .........

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