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November 21, 1971 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-11-21

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Page Eight


Sunday, November 21, 1971

emonstrators mareh

Latin American nations cite
interest in U.S. war surplus

Demorstrtio lmrpc
for .abortion law repeal

The Latin - American countries
visited last week by U.S. presiden-
tial counselor Robert Finch are
reported to have expressed interest
in military material available aft-
er the end of the Vietnam wai'.
Finch is touring six Latin-
American countries on a special
mission for President Nixon, des-
tined to formulate new U.S. poli-
cies for Latin America. At the end
of the trip, Finch will turn over
policy recommendations to Nixon.
The 46-year-old former secre-

tary of health,.education and wel-
fare already has visited Peru,
Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil..
On Monday, after a weekend of
rest in Rio, he flies to Honduras
and later to Mexico, on the last
leg of his 14-day trip.
The major war surplus items of
Latin-American interest have been
trucks, helicopters, and C130 mul-
tipurpose cargo planes,' which
might become available as* the
United States withdraws from
South Vietnam.
Last May, Nixon waived the

SGC control of $1500
grant lost, AIIM says"

U.S. self-imposed $75 million
limit on arms sales to Latin Amer-
ica and asked Congress to raise
it to $150 million.
The move apparently was mo-
tivated by concern about Euro-
pean arms and equipment sales-
men, who have netted hundreds of
millions of dollars through arms
sales to Latin America in the last
three years because of U.S. reluct-
ance to be active in the market.
All of the countries Finch has
visited so far have made major
military purchases in Western
Europe recently, shunning the U.S.
Brazil, Argentina, and Peru
have ordered more than six Mir-
age jets from France in the past
few years. Arms sales agreements
have been made or negotiated be-
tween France and Argentina,
Brazil, Fuador and Peru, and
arms manufacturers from Britain,
Italy, West Germany, Sweden and
the Netherlands have made pro-
fits in Latin America.
Although the main thrust of
Finch's visit is aimed at sooth-
ing the six Latin-American coun-
tries in the trade and aid areas,
the subject of military supplies
came up in conversations at vari-
ous levels during the trip of the
16-man delegation.
Sales of military supplies would
indirectly help the long suffering
U.S. balance of payments, and
provide relief to some worries of
the Nixon administration about
the political influence some Euro-
pean countries have gained in
Latin American through military
Finch is expected to make
strong recommendations in this
area to Nixon upon his return.

(Continued from page 1)
Throughout the rally, the New
Haven Women's Liberation Rock
Band - an all female group -
played feminist songs, some writ-
ten especially for yesterday's dem-
Groups of women danced to the
band throughout the afternoon.
"The state of Florida is the
criminal, not me," Wheeler told
the crowd.
"We must fight together to re-
peal these laws, because I'd hate
to see another of my sisters go
through the living hell I did,"
she added.
'Wheeler is appealing her two-
year probation sentence meted out
last October on a manslaughter-
abortion charge.
She has said she intends to
continue her appeal all the way to
the Supreme Court if necessary.
"Never again will a Shirley
Wheeler face a 20-year prison
term for exercising her constitu-
tional right to control her own
body, "Catholic physician Roberts
"Nov. 20," she added, "will go
down in history because, for the
first time, masses of women have
gathered together to tell this gov-
ernment in no uncertain terms
that we will no longer tolerate
laws that degrade, mutilate, and
murder women."
Roberts also spoke on the wom-
en's movement.
"Women's liberation," she said,
"means learning that all women
are sisters, not competitors."
"It's not about becoming a her-
mit in a commune and ignoring
the suffering of your unliberated
sisters, "and," she continued, "it is
certainly not about wealthy and
middle class women plotting to
get classier and wealthier."
"The time for women to control
their bodies has come," she con-

(Continued from page 1)
SGC members, he claims, were
putting pressure on. ARM to set-
tle the growing controversy which
he says they felt would be dis-
ruptive to the election.
To SGC sources, however, the
question remains unclear and the
body, according to council mem-
ber. Joel Silverstein "is in a posi-
tion of not knowing what's going
SGC members were taken by
surprise by DePue's announcement
as they had believed the funds
would be forthcoming.
Administrative Vice - President
Jay Hack, said last night he "did-
n't know" what the unit could or
should do about the development.
Others expressed doubt over
whether the situation was as De-
Pue had portrayed it.
The $1500 appropriation had,
according to council sources, been
originally in the hands of ARM,
obstensibly to purchase equip-
ment for the co-op in Chicago.
According to Silverstein, SGC
has "no way of knowing" whether
funds voted by the co-op board
to go to WCBEDL even in fact
were transferred to that group.
One source close to the council
speculated that the money, in fact,
was still in the hands of ARM, de-
spite the contention of DePue and
Thomas to the contrary.
There also is a question over
whether the action of the print
co-op in granting f u n d s to
WCBEDL was legal.
Under the original terms of the
SGC grant to the student co-op,
the funds were to be used to es-
tablish a co-op to participate in
Rent your
Roommate with
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the "operation and direction of the
Washtenaw County Print Co-op."
Whether the grant to a autono-
mous county co-op is legal there-
fore, is unclear.
DePue said last night he felt
the student co-op's actions were
"clearly within the spirit of the
original SGC motion."
Others, however, are less clear,
and Hack said last night he was
uncertain whether the grant was
legal or not. He added that he
thought SGC should retrieve the
money and decide for itself
whether or not to grant it to
Although future actions of SGC
remain unclear, it appears that
the matter will be investigated, and
an attempt to retrieve the funds
may be made.

cluded, "and no government, no
Catholic church, no army will
stop us."
Messages from feminist groups
in Italy, Canada, New Zealand,
and England, as well as American
feminists Gloria Steinem, Mary
Travers, and Rep. Bella Abzug
(D - N. Y.) were relayed to the
crowd through WONAAC organiz-
Throughout the rally, scattered
capital police perched themselves
on the Capitol steps above the
gathering. There were no women
At one point, a speech was in-
terrupted by a woman who de-
manded that male photographers
leave the stage area.
Over half the photographers
present were male. Reporters for
the broadcast media appeared to
be predominately male, but many
of the printing media reporters
were women.
WONAAC had invited men to
participate in the march and
rally and to work in support of
WONAAC's goals.
Detroit WONAAC leader Cole-
man said black women, "are not
going to take second place to any-
one." .She called present legisla-
tion, "which keeps welfare moth-
ers from easily obtaining abor-
tions," "colonial racism" and add-
ed that "4,000 black women die
each year from illegal abortions."
"We are not going to be the
breeders," she concluded. "We're
going to be the leaders."
Another black feminist, NWRO
leader Saunders, said that many
black women were hesitant to par-
ticipate in activities such as the
demonstration. Some black women
are distrustful of groups like WO-
NAAC, she explained, because
"they feel they're being used."
"I've been attending demon-
strations since 1963, and this is
the best one I've been to," said
Carole Evans, an organizer of last
spring's Mayday war protest, who
faces indictment for refusing to
testify before a federal grand
jury about the protests.
Evans blasted what she called
the protectors of American wom-
anhood", like Sen. Barry Gold-
water, (R-Ariz.) who opposed ex-
tending the draft to women, as
would be possible under the pro-
posed Equal Rights Amendment.
"We have enough trouble al-
ready with women without giving
them M-16 rifles," Evans quoted
him as saying.
"President Nixon is proud of the
woman who holds the hand of the
men who hold the power," Evans
To the predominately male fed-
eral legislators and the all-male
Supreme Court, Evans admonish-
ed "get out of our lives, get out of
our wombs, and then get out of
our way,"

?.possible4after.Mar.:: .. Hins- to: our"office, or:al 63-6.
Dai r Calendar 1972; recipients will be notified soon as ( nations beginning tomorr6w. Come in
dale Scholarship, for undergrad single Nov. 30 - National Security Agency
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 women, wholly or partially self-support- (liberal arts candidates must have tak-
ing who don't live in Univ. residence en and passed the NSA Professional
halls or sorority houses; The L. H. Qual. test before interviewing).
TV Center Film: "Understanding Seeley andTheB. Welker Scholarships. Dec. 2 - Harvard Business Sch.;Inst.
Money Using Inflation," WWJ-TV, grad and undergrad women on basis of of Paralegal Training.
Channel 4,' Noon. acad., contrib. to Univ. life, and finan. Dec. 3 - Harvard Bus. Sch.; North-
Family Recreation Program: for fa- need; The L. E. Elliott and The A. C. western Univ., School of Mgmt.
culty, staff and married students, All Lloyd Fellowships, grad women of any Seniors and Grad students receiving
Sports Bldg. facilities, 1:30 - 5:30 p.m, accredited college for acad., creativity, degrees in 71-72 academic year Grad II
Music School: J. Winerock, piano, leadership; The L. B. Conger Fellowship, free computerized job opportunity
Sch. of Mus. Recital Hall, 2:30 p.m. any woman cand. for master's 'degree matching system available for 2nd and
Music School: University Symphony for acad. and finan. need. final time. Pickup forms; deadline
Choir, Mill Aud., 8 p.m. Wed., Dec. 8. (Engr. & Grad. Bus. Ad.
Musical Society Chorica-Dance Thea- WINTER COMMENCEMENT st n cons your rese Bv ae
ter Co. from Athens, Power Ctr, 8 p.mERC E ment Offices).
Dec. 19, 1971
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Held at 2 p.m., in Hill Aud., all grad- SUMMER PLACEMENT
Environmental Health Seminar: T. J. uates of 1971 fall term may attend. 212 S.A.B.
Powell, "Radiation in Space," Sch, of Reception for graduates, relatives, The Washington Post, wash, D.C
Public Heah m L A ud., 1 , p.m. friendsin MichnLeague Ballroom im- announces summer '72 positions f o r
SACUA: Rackham Lecture Hall, 3 p.m. mediately following ceremony. Tickets: r ssan gadstetRpo-
Senate Assembly Rackham Lecture 4 to each prospective grad., distributed ing assignments, photographic and copy
Hall, 4 p.m, from Mon., Dec. 6, to Fri., Dec. 17, at editing openings. Details available
Music School: Opera, "The Magic Diploma Dept., 1518 L.S.A, except on Appi, deadline, Dec. 1.
Flute," Lydia Mendelssohn, 8 p.m. Sat., Dec. 11. Any remaining tickets Add ,D.
Music School: Tuba Students Recital, will be available Sat, morning, Dec.
Sch. of Mus, Recital Hall, 8 p.m. 18, at the Info. Desk of LSA on first CAREER PLACEMENT
served basis. Academic Costume: May EDUCATION DIVISION
be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 N.
General N otices University; orders should be placed im- The following schools will send reps.
mediately, MUST be placed before Nov. to our office to interview prospective
27. Assembly for Graduates: At 1 p.m. teachers during December. Appoint-
Week of Nov. 28: Swedish "Together in Nat. Sci. Bldg.; signs will direct ments can be made through Educ. Re-
Onter" photo-film-slide exhibit of graduates to proper stations. Programs: ceptionist in our office, or by calling
family day-care ctr.; sponsored by Soc. distributed at Hill Auditorium. An- 764-7459. Appointments can be made
Wk, Pub. Health, & Educ., Mich. nouncements: limited number of an- beginning Mon. morning, Nov. 22.
League, 8-5 p.m. nouncements for sale at Info, Desk, DEC. 1 - Wyandotte, Mi.
Attention Women: Notice of Alumnae First Fl. Lobby, L.S.A. DEC. 7 - Alpena, Mi.; Detroit, Mi.;
Council Scholarships for 1972-73; ap- Rochester, Mi.; Southfield, Mi.
plications for following scholarships and CAREER PLANNING & JLACEMENT DEC. 8 - Cleveland, Ohio
fellowships for women available in of- 3200 S.A.B. DEC. 9 - Springfield, N.J.; G r a n d
fice of Dir. of Alum. lActivities, Mich. Interviews at C.P.P. - you may make Rapids, Mi.
Union;must be returned by Jan. 14, appointments for the following organi- ud/.J4ltJ inle
%P -
-'_..i. ~ ...r'...,.": :"': :i iff. ."J"i i f'/r.i" '

Morris: New ideas for counseling

(Continued from page 1)
literary college and as a mem-
ber of the Administartive Board.
He has also been active on a
number of other LSA and Uni-
versity committees and last Feb-
ruary he authored an extensive
initial report on the literary col-
lege's Bachelor in General Stu-
dies Degree.
Morris says that generally in
a university community, there
is often a gap between the plan-
ning of innovations and their
"I think there is general
agreement that many changes at
the college and the University
are necessary," he says. "But
the key is how do you specifical-
ly go about getting these chang-
es - how do you implement all
these plans?"
Morris says it is possible for
small groups of literary college
faculty and students to experi-
ment with new programns, but
explains "there is a substantial
difference between permitting
experimentation in education,

and actively encouraging it."
"Even the Residential College
has not been as innovative as it
might have been," he continues.
"I think we must find out why."
"I am concerned that we have
not been able to formulate an
environment that does not sim-
ply per.mit, but actively encour-
ages innovation," Morris says.
"I'm particularly concerned in
the area of counseling."
Morris says the counseling
here has not been adequate in
any of its "presumed purposes."
"Whether the counselor is
seen as a 'permission-granter',
'father-figure' or 'information
clerk', there is great room for
improvement." he says.
"There are a lot of people
around the country writing and
thinking about counseling pro-
grams and there is a lot of dis-
satisfaction with the program
here. It is unfortunate that the
two never seem to meet."
Although he has not yet as-
sumed his new post, Morris went
before the Administrative Board

Friday to ask that the board
undertake a broad study of LSA
Morris wants the administra-
tive board to be the core for
substantial input to create a
counseling program suitable to
students, faculty members, and
"There are some universities
of comparable size to Michigan
that do have highly effective
counseling programs," Morris
says. "Hopefully, we can revalu-
ate, revitalize, and reconceptua-
lize our program here to make it
highly effective."
Morris became a faculty mem-
ber here in 1965. He received a
BA from Yale and an MA and
PhD from the University of Illi-
nois. He was promoted to asso-
ciate professor of psychology last
In 1968, he received the Uni-
versity's Distinguished Service
Award. He is a member of the
American Psychological Associa-
tion and belongs to several hon-
orary societies.


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