Saturday, November 20, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Saturday, November 20, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Prof chosen as new dean BOARD AFFIRMS COMMITMENTS School unrest: Symptom of racism (Continued from page 1) municate academic values and give advice." Morris said. "But we have to find out exactly what stu- dents and faculty expect of the counseling system before we de- cide what changes ta make." - Women set to rally in D.C. (Continued from page 1) around Lafayette Square, bypass- ing the White House, then down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capi- tol. The crowd, according to WO- N.AAC, will assemble at the west steps of the Capitol for a three hour rally, including speeches by tennis champion Billie Jean King, National Welfare Rights Organiza- tion leader Beulaii Sanders, and Shirley Wheeler, a Florida wo- man who has been convicted of having an illegal abortion. The scheduled speakers will lead the marchers, including delega- tions from the Black Task Force, Third World Women, High School Women, Campus Women, Catho- lies for Abortion Law Repeal, Church Women for Legal Abor- tion, Gay Women, Women of the Medical Professions and other designated contingents. Supervising the marchers will be a crew of over 200 women, F medical, legal and general mar- shals, who have participated in special training sessions. Child care facilities and housing ar- rangements for marchers are be- ing provided by WONAAC. Counter - demonstrations by opponents of abortion are being organized here and in New York. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Ohio. A group called Americans for Life has arranged the protest here. At the same time a second WO- NAAC march and rally is sched- uled today in San Francisco, also calling for "repeal of anti-abortion laws, an end to forced steriliza- tion and repeal of restrictive con- traceptive laws." He added that "nothing major will be done immediately." Student expectations with re- gard to the counseling system dif- fer widely. Some students view counselors simply as card-signers! --a necessary inconvenience inj the registration process. Others expect intensive, personal guid- ance in designing their programs1 while at the University.; Between these two extremes are those who want varying amounts of technical information with re- Bard to graduation requirements and options. Rhodes said he would leave Morris essentially free to develop his own program for improving the counseling situation. "We will have formal, weekly meetings." said Rhodes. "But my whole style of running LSA is to j pick the best people we can" find: and then trust them to get on with; I the job." Rhodes is still looking for some- one to fill the new associate dean-{ ship for curriculum development. "I'm looking for someone with the right combination of talents to convert my somewhat visionarv ideals of what education should,1 be into concrete programs," Rhodes said. These "visionary ideals" basic- ally involve his belief that cur- 1 r iculum should be much more flexible than it is at present, and allow those students to complete a degree on their own time sched- ule without the constraints of the ; "four-year lockstep." (Continued from page 1) port," which documents racism in A group of white parents met. tors, and many of the present as --The school board must im- the city school system and pre- with the Board of Education well as past board members." mediately take steps to identify sents recommendations for spe- Thursday night and presented a In the HRO release Potts and and serve the needs of non-middle cific changes. list of recommendations. These Christella Moody, staff develop- class white students. The report written last fall fol- included adequate protection and ment specialist, explain that, al- The differences between the 'herfair and equal treatment for all though the report has been adopt- board's final approved program lowing a trashing incident in i~ students, investigation of thefts, ed and some partsimplemented. and the original demands revolved neer High School, was presented assaults and extortions in Ann objectives such as parent-student mostly around counseling. Accord-o ted t Ju an was Arbor schools, the hiring of a vo- involvement and in-service pro- ing to the board's decision no new' accepted then with the school cational counselor, and the estab- grams "have not noticeably be- staff will be hired. superintendent s recommendations, lishment of a smoking lounge for come reality in the day-to-day Instead, expansion and increased according to Human Relations Of- all students and teachers. person-to-person relations and ex- effectiveness of counseling services fice ombudsman Robert Potts. While many citizens applauded periences of students in the will be emphasized through re- The report recommends changes the acceptance of the demands by schools." assessment of the present staff in administration, curriculum, pu- C the Board others expressed doubt Potts and Moody also charge, situation. pil personnel services, student - concerning actual implementation "In spite of all the liberal, wise, In addition to approving the: parent input, physical facilities, of the programs. humane rhetoric which is coming modified version of the black de- and discipline policy and proce- Model Cities staffer Bill Jones, forth about positive programs. mands, the board also accepted a dures. who has been active in the drive the fact is that the obvious frus- supplemental proposal. A statement issued by the black for change in the schools, com- trations and hostilities of long: This proposal reaffirmed the students and parents steering mented. "I'm not so naive as to standing, but now blatant among board's priorities concerning the; committee expressed regret, "that believe that the mere acceptance staffs, students and community, "rapid" implementation of the , these demands had to be negotiat- of the demands will insure their ? are still being charged almost ex- "Humaneness in Education Re- ed" before they could be accepted, implementation. If that were the vlusively to black students and case the need for them would their parents." have never been manifested." Few in the community believe LSA ad board paLast fall, students at Pioneer that the issue is permanently set- LS 'd b a d passes p rt trashed the school apparently in i ed or that the tension in the rsone thea cof pprentiyon schools has been alleviated. (continued from page 1) hope that the faculty would con- ron the administ atio treaction Angella Current, Community the equal representation proposed. sider and approve the parity plan of eight demands. Black high Center program director who is According to Russ Bikoff, mem- at their December meeting, school students had presented the known by almost every black ber of the LSA Student Govern-| Bikoff said he was "elated" by demands in 1969 for hiring of school student in Ann Arbor com- ment who handled the presenta- the board's action yesterday. "It black counselors and teachers and mented, "We have by no means tion of the proposal, the executive indicates that the LSA Student the development of a black studies dealt in any effective way to committee should consider the Government has become an ef- program to the administration. eliminate racism. The demands plan either this Monday or the? fective force within the college," At Wednesday's school board are reformist at most. following Monday. he said. meeting The Huron Valley Asso- "We're sure they're going to On Feb. 27, 1970 the Adminis- ciation of Black Social Workers PAUL NEWMAN approve it," he said. ' tratiye Board approved a plan for , charged that since January the 'n Following the executive com- student parity but student with- HRO report has been treated with Alfred Hitchcock's mittee's expected approval, the i drew the plan before any further "incredible inactivity" and that it TORN CURTAIN matter goes before the literary action was taken because of a dis- "has not "enjoyed the commit- Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 18, 19, 20 college faculty, the final decision- pute over the jurisdiction of dis- ment needed for its implementa- 9 .00 75c making body. Bikoff expressed , ciplinary. cases. tion from teachers, administra-SHALL p University, s ReformedK-X Church 1001 E. HURON at Fletcher . 10:30 a.m. "Discipleship with Integrity~ Speaker: BILL PANNELL 5:30 p.m. Student Supper. 6:30 p.m. "Discipleship-How Radical Can You Get?" Speaker: BILL PANNELL --------.--_____________ Kent State trial rdelay rej ected (Continued from page 1) The 6 to 1 decision gave no in- dication of the justices' views, with no written statement released. The dissenter was Justice William Douglas. He said he believed the Ohio anti-riot laws seem uncon- stitutionally broad and that they "infringe on freedom of expres- sion protected by the First Amendment." All 25 charged with rioting were ar c r indicted by a grand jury, a s - sembled after the shootings, which blamed the incident on faculty firms uarrel and administrative permissiveness and the student dissenters. (Continued from page 1) Recently, a group of Kent State Write-On employe, Harger had told # students presented Atty. G e n. him that "competition in the term- John Mitchell and President Nix- paper writing business must be on a petition with the names of kept to a minimum." over 10,000 Kent State students The activities of term-paper writ- asking him to open a federal in- ing companies have evoked ,the vestigation of the Kent State af- animosity of college administra- fair. Mitchell had previously stat- tors and faculty at the University ed that an investigation could do and throughout the country. no good. The term paper services stake - ~ their reputation on supposedly in- Daily Clossifieds tricate mechanisms "preventing" their patrons' discovery. Write-On, Bring Results which currently claims to do a $4,000-plus weekly business in Ann Arbor, claims to keep confidentialI files on all customers, designed to BILLIARDS prevent mishaps like the one in- volving the two LSA students. TABLE TENNIS The names and course section BOWLING of the two students involved inB L the incident are being withheld FOOSBALL pending possible action by the LSA Administrative Board, the literary / college's internal disciplinary com- UNION mittee. L r C) 000 Vr, a U 0 O a 0 C) )o G o C : t~ / :r ° ":; fr:0 :op p r: {y2 t * . ~'. ~~o~o~) 00 4< 0U0 ,r . . . . ... .... .:.. 111 y ,/I l : /4fd:v: i: R SY?"~i. %. + 6 Ir~y hejuc For the student body: Genuine Authentic Navy PEA COATS $25 Sizes 34 to 50 CHECK MATE State Street at Liberty F R A N C 0 N 'I A IRANCONIA COLLEGE Franconia, N.H. 03580 Become the architect of your own education. Conceive it, describe it, construct it, and then achieve it. Franconia is seeking quali- fied students for Spring (Feb. 15) and Fall 1972 ad- mission. Students who are ready to play an active role in planning their education are invited to apply. For ap- plication, catalog or inter- view appointment contact Admissions. Box AA. -9 -p WOMEN-Harvard Law A woman student from Harvard Law School will be at Career Placement Monday, Nov. 22 to answer your ques- tions about Harvard. .ween rance~ uI. -v A1,:; MALE STUDENTS OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE $3 That's the difference be itjt a ittle lemon frao Lemon Up and products with or extract. That's why Lemon F