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November 20, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-11-20

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Racial trouble which has flared up in
the city's secondary schools in recent
weeks is not viewed as an isolated oc-
curence by many observers, but rather
as a symptom of a chronic problem of
racism deeply ingrained in the school
system. -
In the past weeks, a white student at
Pioneer High School was stabbed and
eight blacks, including a counselor, were
arrested during one of many incidents.
At Huron High School eight students
were arrested following fights between
blacks and whites.
A release issued by the Human Rela-
tions Office (HRO), a liaison office be-
tween the administration and the black
community, states that the unrest is "the
blasting out of years of accumulated

Root oft
frustration and hostility toward the in-
effectiveness of the schools to educate all
students, all races and classes of stu-
These r e c e n t disturbances between
black and white students led to a school
strike by black students last Friday, the
formation of demands and recommenda-
tions by both blacks and whites, and a
recommitment by school officials to work
toward a "quality school system."
Members of the black community have
cited a "double standard" discipline
policy which "suspends blacks and often
ignores the disruptive activities of
They have also denounced channeling
of black students into non-college prepa-
ratory courses, teachers' low academic
expectations for black students and
"racist curriculum and textbooks," as

city schoo
examples of continual oppression of black
students in the school system.
Charging that black students were
unjustly blamed for the disturbances and
expressing concern for their safety,
black parents and students called the
school boycott.
School authorities reported that over
80 per cent of black secondary school
students either remained at home or
attended alternative classes at the Ann
Arbor Community Center.
Despite the classes at the Community
Center, and an agreement by negotiators
and school authorities to allow students
to make up missed time, some parents
and students feared that they would not
be allowed to make up missed classes.
This was one reason, some black par-
ents said, that students returned to
school the following Monday.

1 unrest?
Wednesday night, the Ann Arbor Board,
of Education approved a modified form
of four demands presented by a black
negotiating committee. The demands,
formulated during the boycott, are:
-The employment of 12 groundsmen
to assure the safety of all students, to
be approved by a bi-racial committee
with a black majority.
-The creation of a core of black
studies programs in all secondary
schools with course content and teachers
determined by black students, parents
and staff.
-The expansion and revision of coun-
seling, including the option to select and
change counselors without repercussions.
Also counselors hired must have aca-
demic preparation in counseling as well
as human relations.
See SCHOOL, Page 7

-Daily-Rolfe Tessen
SCHOOL BOARD member led Heusel, board President Cecil Warner and Superintendent of Schools
Bruce McPherson listen while black demands are read at Wednesday's school board meeting.

See Editorial Page


Sir iAa


chance of snow

Vol. LXXXI I, No. 62 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 20, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pag




Lit college ad board
passes student parity

The literary college Admin-
istrative Board yesterday ap-
proved by a 4-1, vote a motion
for student parity in its mem-
bership and sent the proposal
to the college's executive com-
mittee for consideration.
LSA Student Government lead-
ers are optimistic that the execu-
tive committee will agree to the
plan and hope that the winter
term will begin with an adminis-
trative board composed equally of
four students and four faculty
The student members will be
named by the LSA Student Gov-
The Administrative Board, the
body that enforces college policy
and handles disciplinary action, is
presently composed of six faculty
Six students, two representing
the LSA Student Government, twoX
from the Student Counseling Of-
fice (SCO), and two from the
Coalition for the Use of Learning
Skills (CULS) sit on the board but
have no vote.
The parity proposal provides for
eight ex-officio members without
vote, including student representa-
tives from the Association for
Course Evaluation (ACE), CULS,
SCO, and the Student Govern-
O t h e r representatives wouldI
come from the freshman-sopho-
more counseling office, the junior- REGENT WILLIAM C
senior c o u n s e l i n g office, the meeting yesterday whil
junior-senior counseling office, the associate vice presiden
honors counseling office, and the college Dean Frank Rh
Residential College faculty.
The plan also states that thef
associate deand ofLSA will chairG r
case of a tie.th I ua 54
The issue of student parity on
the Administrative Board has been
a controversial one ever since it
was first proposed in the fall of
This fall, the board has insti-P
tuted parity on the hearing boards
it appoints to judge individual By.SARA FITZGERA
Itases. Each hearing board con- I The pass - fail grading
sists of three students and three apparently has not hurt
faculty members. ,1.,,,,,,. ir... ~ in-t
hi41~A f~i dmi iOn~L t

dean to heac
The Regents approved yesterday the appointment of psi
chology Prof. Charles "Tony" Morris as associate dean f
student academic affairs in the literary college.
The appointment of Morris, who will be responsible f
counseling services in the college, represents the openir
gun in a massive effort by LSA Dean Frank Rhodes to ir
prove counseling and curriculum within the college.
"We've identified the counseling area as one of the mai
concerns of the college," Rhodes said. "For that reason we'
upgraded the head of counseling to the status of associa
Previously, the head of counseling has been an assistal

-Daily-Jim wallace
FACULTY MEMBERS and non-voting students on the literary
college administrative board discuss a proposal to give students
equal representation on the board. The proposal passed in a 4-1
vote and must now go to the executive committee for final ap-
Judge suspends tw/o
Panther sentences,

-Daily-Jim Judkis
CUDLIP (R-Detroit), lower right, dramatizes a point during the Regents open
e Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Flushing), above left, concentrates. William Hays,
t for academic affairs, lower left, reported on pass-fail grading, and literary
bodes announced a new associate dean appointment.
admissions not hurt
ass-fal, study says

A new associate dean for cur-
riculum development is expected
to be named in the near future.
"There's a whole new dimen-
sion to counseling that previously
has not been recognized," Rhodes
said. "The old idea of counsel-
ing was that you needed people to
sit around and interpret the rules
of the university for the stu-
"Now," he continued, "we
would like to make the counselor
an academic advisor who helps
the student in identifying and
formulating his goals and then
helps put together a program to
reach those goals."
"We have a tremendous range
of resources at Michigan," Rhodes
added, "and the counselor should
work with the student to make
full use of them."
In specific terms, it is hard to
say at present what alterations
will be made in the counseling
system, although Rhodes said they
would probably involve "adminis-
trative and personnel changes."
Morris, who will officially as-
sume his new post next January,
yesterday asked the literary col-
lege administrative board to un-
dertake a complete study of the,
school's counseling system.
"No matter what you think the
counseling system should be do-
ing, it's not doing it," Morris said.
"But before we make any changes,
we have to decide what it is that
we want to do."
Almost all the academic coun-
selors are faculty members who
counsel part-time. Morris noted
that the only specified duty of
the faculty counselors, according
to the literary college faculty
code, is "to approve election re-
"I think there. is an assumption
that counselors should also com-
a See PROP, Page '7

ALD only the pass-fail system, while1
g system large undergraduate units such as
students' the literary college grant some
graduate pass-fail options.

cnances for a ussu t

Political science Prof. William
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (N) - The last two Black Panthers Zimmerman, the sole dissenter,
charged in the slaying of fellow Panther Alex Rackley received noted that "the tone of this meet-
suspended sentences in Superior Court yesterday. acrimony that has characterized
Landon Williams, 27, and Rory Hithe, 20, both of Oak- previous meetings on the subject."
land, California had originally been charged with kidnaping He said he was not opposed to
resulting in death and aiding and abetting murder in con- the idea of voting student mem-
nection with Rackley's death in May, 1969. Both pleaded bers on the board, but felt the
guilty to charges of conspiracy to murder last month. srod tionof re esentatio
State's Attorney Arnold Markle had charged that the ulty to four students rather than
two took part, as national Black Panther emissaries, in a plot See LSA, Page 7

or professional schools, the Re-f
gents were told in a report at their
monthly open meeting yesterday.
The report. prepared by Asso-
ciate Vice President William Hays,
surveyed present pass-fail options
at the University and provided
some evidence to indicate the ac-
ceptability of pass-fail grades by
post-graduate programs.
Presently, the medical school
and the Residential College use

Involving 14 persons, includ-1
ing Bobby Seale, party chair-
Hithe was given a suspended
sentence of one to three years,
while Williams received a suspend-
ed sentence of two and a half to
five years, with one year on pro-
bation. Both were also sentenced
to suspended threemonth terms,
after pleading guilty to assault
charges in connection with a fight
with prison guards last spring.
Judge Otto LaMacchia noted
William's "excellent record" before
he imposed his sentence.
Seale and Panther organizer Er-
icka Huggins also were charged
with capital crimes in the case,
but their charges were dismissed
after their triale nded in a hung


Students in law, music, and ar-
chitecture are allowed to take
courses in other units pass-fail, but
the business administration, nurs-
ing, dental, natural resources, so-
cial work and library science
schools have no pass-fail options at
this time.
The report says that Residential
College graduates "have a pattern
of acceptance into law, medical
and graduate schools fully com-
parable to, if not superior to, the
normal pattern of LSA gradautes."
While only about 2 per cent of
graduatenschool applicantsehave
had pass-fail grades on their tyan-
scripts, according to the report,
those which included faculty evalu-
ations "carried a great deal of
"Students from the better known,
'quality' schools take less of a
risk with pass-fail," the report
says, "than do students from
schools of lesser reputation."
However, students seeking grad-
uate fellowships may be penalized,
Hays' study warns, because de-
partments "wish to be cautious"
and usually "bet on the students
who are clearly achievers."

"We're getting so damn permis-
sive," Regent William Cudlip (D-
Detroit) said yesterday. "First
they did away with compulsory at-
tendance and now they're going
into pass-fail."
"But when I was in law school
here," Cudlip continued, "if you
missed one course, you lost a
quarter of a credit hour. And that's
why the University has a good law
"I don't think that follows," Re-
gent Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing)
commented wryly.

High Court
vetoes Kent
trial delay
preme Court declined 6-1 yesl
day to delay trial of a group.
25 persons on charges stemm
from the 1970 Kent State Univ
sity disorders.
The 25, including students, foi
er students, and faculty memb
are charged with rioting dur
the campus protest May 4, 1i
Ohio National Guardsmen ope;
fire and killed four students
wounded nine.
The trial was scheduled to be
Monday in Ravenna, Ohio. I
Monday Justice Potter Ste
temporarily acted to hold up
trial until the full court could
cide on whether it should
See KENT, Page 7

Write-On claims 'sabotage'

The manager of Write-On Term
Papers Inc. yesterday accused a
former employe-now manager
of a rival paper-writing company
here - of "deliberate sabotage"
in the sale of identical English
papers to two University stu-
dents in the same class.
The accusation, by Write-On
a. andmannan r Ai .nra

really happened, I believe it was
not an internal blunder but a de-
liberate sabotage by a former
employe turned competitor, John
Stevens, for the purpose of cre-
ating an unfair business advant-
The dispute follows revelation
in The Daily Thursday that
Write-On Inc., an East Lansing-
based outfit with a branch office

the month to form Creative Re-
search, allegedly taking with him
papers, records and pocketing
money belonging to Write-On.
Responding to Harger's
charges, Stevens said the accu-
sations were totally false. "I ex-
pected a foul-up," Stevens said,
citing what he called "shoddy"
business practices on the part of

Women assemble in capital for
march protesting abortion laws
,:- Special to The Daily
WASHINGTON - Hundreds of women fro
all parts of the country trickled into the natior
capital last night in preparation for today's mar
and rally for abortion law repeal.
The demonstrations today are sponsored by t
Women's National Abortion Action. Coaliti
.WONAAC), which has affiliates in 22 cities i
,,dne Detroit.

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