94t Ar igattat Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan CirCus max11mus Ireland was built on potatoes by lindsay chancy - 0 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: HESTER PULLINGI SGC election in review ANOTHER STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council election has come and gone, leaving behind only echoes. As in last spring's SGC election, con- servative candidates made an impressive showing - winning three full-year seats. Radical candidates picked up two seats, one of them for a half-year term. A new dimension was added, with the -appear- ance of GROUP, Government Reform of University Policy, four of whose candi- dates were victorious. The election results had similarities to last Spring's with the notable exception of the unprecedented referendum to re- call Brad Taylor, which was defeated. On funding proposals though, students once again voted in a close ballot not to in- crease SGC's annual per student assess- ment, but they also turned down the pos- sibility of cutting off Council funding al- together. College government funding passed, in a close vote. Three innocuous referenda aimed at further democratizing SGC won handy victories. Se we have the results, and once more, we consider the meaning - a customary post-election chore. fS CAMPUS sentiment shifting to t h e right? That might be one inference to draw from a superficial glance at the election outcome. But again, the r i g h t presented a unified group of candidates whereas the left - presented voters with a wider choice. In effect, the left garnered twice as many votes, but they were dissipated among various candidates as in last spring's election. Leftist oriented stu- dents had to choose between the relatively inexperienced Radical people's Coalition, the GROUP members - undeniably adept but accus- ed of strong radical politics, and a num- ber of the independents. How will the new SGC differ from lackluster Councils we have had before? It had become fashionable of late to rail Council for its ineffectiveness, in- ertia and its lack of real power. SGC does indeed lack authority excepting its allocation of $18,000 yearly, appointments of students to various committees and en- ioyment of some administration recogni- tion as the legitimate "voice of the stu- dents." Before the election, these age-old crit- icisms of SGC had been temporarily sus- pended after the en masse resignations of four members at large, leaving nine seats to be filled in this week's balloting. It would not make much sense, critics decided, to chastise a body seating 11 in- dividuals when in a few weeks, nine of its members would be new ones. And, with the defeat of the Taylor recall and the resignation of SGC mem- ber Barbara Goldman Monday, voting students have placed all ten current mem- bers at large on Council, including Brad Taylor. The defeat of the referenda to abolish and increase SGC funding, however, in- dicates that while students may approve of Council as a concept, they have no abundance of confidence in it as a func- tioning organization. And it is difficult indeed to justify increasing funding of an organization which has inspired so lttle support and a great deal of antipathy from all seg- ments of the. University from persons o all political persuasions. For example, the idea of a student food co-op has been tossed about for over a year, yet SGC has done nothing to estab- lish such a service. Even without the money necessary for the actual opera- tion, Council could have looked into pos- sible sites and other grocery logistics Instead, SGC puts forth a set of pro- posalswhich could berimplementedpif funding were increased, but it has posited little evidence that its plans will generate enough interest on Council to be enacted WHAT SGC needs is effectiveness, and . the way that can be attained is through its members' active efforts, not through increased appropriations aimed toward student services, appealing through those services may appear. Council must overcome the political dif- ferences of its new members, or the lack of faith it presently suffers will continue. Indeed, if SGC members do not fight their ego-tripping impulses and instead work for student interests with the money they presently receive - we shall not be sorry to see SGC dissolve. For, in the larger'perspective, the "au- thority" to appoint students to serve as tokens in the University governance structure, the "power" to. dole out certain allotments to various student organiza- tions, and the "legitimacy" to speak for student opinion based on a mandate of 16 per cent of the student population are in- consequential entities. These shadowy de- finitions of SGC's raison d'etre have too long been held up as threats in what has been a mythical fight for student rights. Without Council, it has been assumed, students would be at.a terrible disadvant- age in the scheme of University opera- tions. "Power is inherent in the people," ac- cording to our state constitution. If SGC fails to perform, the student population must work for its best interests apart from any formal recognized University structure. It is too late to tolerate foot-dragging. -ROSE SUE BERSTEIN IT ALL STARTED about the third week in September when Rob decided that we were wasting too much money on food. "I have noticed," he announced to his assembled roommates, "that we spend 32 cents for 46 fluid ounces of canned juice." "That's less than a penny an ounce," observed Greg, who happens to be a math major. "Nonetheless," Rob continued, "we could further economize by drinking Kool-Aid, which would cost approximately 15 cents per gallon, and that's including sugar." "How much is that per ounce?" I asked. Everyone ignored me. "Just one point," said Mike. "I noticed that our canned juice contains 100 milli- grams of Vitamin C per six ounce serving. Where are we going to get those vitamins if we drink Kool-Aid?" "Linus Pauling would not appreciate this,"'said Greg. But Rob is sure smart, he is, and he had the answer at his fingertips. "I have here at my fingertips," he said, "a bottle of 250 milligrams of ascorbic acid tablets. We add nine tablets to each gallon of Kool-Aid and we get more vitamins than Hi-C. And since they cost slightly more f than a penny a tablet, we still save more than 50 per cent." Kool-Aid fortified with Vitamin C is really quite good, and we learned to like it. A COUPLE OF WEEKS later, Rob in- stituted another economizing innovation. We were sitting around the dinner table digesting our supper of hamburgers a n d Kool-Aid, when he asked suddenly, "How did you like the hamburgers?" "They were great," we said. "Well, then," Rob said, "you'll be happy to note that I saved 15 cents per pound on that stuff." hamburger, and it has the same nutri- tional value and it's cheaper. Now, aren't you impressed?" We were amazed. The only result of our switch to ground animal parts. aside from the monetary sav- ings, was that Rob became subjected to continual harassment whenever he cook- ed, which was almost every night. "That looks real, Rob. Like real dog food." "Gee, Rob. That sure looks like some- thing you'd feed your dog - if you didn't like him very much." These comments apparently had an ef- fect on Rob, because one day a, 25 pound bag of dog food appeared in the corner of our kitchen. That evening, as Rob was preparing to make supper, Mike discretely inquired, "What's for supper?" "Fried potatoes," Rob answered. "Potatoes and what?" "Potatoes and potatoes." "We have to eat something besides po- tatoes." "Why? Ireland was built on fried po- tatoes." Mike thought that perhaps Ireland was built on boiled or roasted potatoes, b u t with dinner hanging in the balance, this was no time to argue. So we had fried potatoes for supper. They were great. THE NEXT DAY, the dog food bag was still in the corner, and Rob was preparing a hamburger dish for supper. Oddly enough, no one made a single comment about dog food. In fact, we all noted the high quality of the dinner. The dog food now resides in a closet where it acts as a preventive deterrent. But 25 pounds is less than four dollars which is less than 17 cents a pound. I i We were happy because when you buy eight pounds of hamburger at a time, that type of savings can add up. "Was it on sale?" Mike asked. "Not exactly," said Rob. "In fact, it wasn't really hamburger." "It sure tasted like hamburger," said Greg. "What was it?' I asked. "The label said 'Ground Animal Parts,'" Rob said modestly. "Ground animal parts?" I said, feeling my stomach start to churn. "Isn't t h a t used for dog-food?" "'MAYBE," said Rob, "But it tastes like Linking child abuse and abortion laws A By JEAN KING and WENDY WILNER EVERY DAY in Michigan and in other states children are born to mothers who had sought to ter- minate their pregnancies but were unable to do so because they lack- ed money or information. Are these unwanted children more likely to be victims of child abuse than children of mothers who had not sought abortion? No, according to a handbook available at the recent teach-in from opponents of liberalized abortion laws. Dr. and Ms. J. C. Willkie, in their Handbook on Abortion re-, port that "Dr. Edward Lemoski, Professor of Pediatrics at t h e University of Sputhern California, did a four-and-a-half year study of 400 battered children. He de- termined that 90 per cent of the battered children in his study were planned pregnancies." The authors comment that "ninety per cent is far a b o v e average for planned pregnancies," and they conclude that "we could apparently kill all 'unwanted' bab- ies in the early stages of preg- Jean King is an Ann Arbor attorney active in the women's movement; Wendy Wilner is a second-year law student at the Uni- versity- nancy, but still not significantly reduce the numbers of battered children." ON THE OTHER hand, a re- commendation by Nancy and Nor- man Polansky incorporated in their report to the Joint Commis- sion on Mental Health for Child- ren of February 1968 entitled "The Current Status of Child Abuse and Child Neglect" points out that the child in the greatest danger from both abuse and severe neglect is below the age of three. He is often in danger of death. At a minimum, they say, the abus- ed child will be marked for 11i f e emotionally and in his ability to learn and to earn a living. This degree of danger, the Polanskys believe, is customarily underesti- mated by the public in general and by people in occupations with re- sponsibility for investigating abuse cases. The Polanskys' recommenda- tions for reducing the incidence of child abuse include permanent removal of any child under the age of three from a home if there is persuasive evidence he has been abused, probation for the parents of such a child, continuous obser- vation of the other children in the home, and prosecution of such a parent under child abuse statutes. where possible. Concerning abortion laws, they recommend "a general legal prin- '4 -Daily-Sara Krulwich Letters: Women discuss abortion issues To The Daily: FOLLOWING THE SUCCESS of last Saturday's Teach-in on abortion, I would like to comment on the import- ance of the repeal struggle as a part )f the growing feminist movement. For 'years women have been victims of a cultural and economic sexism which has pre-determined our role and position in life solely on the fact (hat we are physically equipped to bear children. By these standards, wo- men need, it seems, to develop a kind )f dual behavior - a behavior that at one and the same time allows us to be sexually liberated (exploited), and sexually untouched, pure (asex- ual). We are not intelligent enough for a demanding career, but we have a natural "gift" for pedagogy. We aren't strong enough to take care of ourselves without male assistance, but our "instinctual" behavior makes it possible to do countless hours of house- work and childcare after an eight hour workday where we're payed half the salary of a man in the same posi- tion. Pregnancy is beautiful and mother- hood our greatest fulfillment, but we get fired, expelled, and/or repulsed if it doesn't occur within a prescribed set ments in the feminist struggle f o r equality is the right to control our own bodies. Instead of being victims of our sexuality we assert the right to its full expression whatever we determine that to be. The decision is ours to make, not to be made for us! Abor- tion on demand is essential to the right to control our bodies, but it can- not be completely successful unless ac- companied by unrestricted access to contraceptives and an immediate end to forced sterilization. The various arguments being posed against abortion have in common their denial to women of sexual self-control. The view that pro-abortionists are anti-life, advocators of murder, pro- jects a questionable understanding of what protection of life means. Since in the present system a child is-tot- ally dependent from birth to e a r 1 y adulthood on the emotional and eco- nomic support of one or two individ- uals. it is most crucial that those child- ren be wanted. That is their real right to life. And it is the woman's right to decide when and if she wants a child in her life. Pregnancy doesn't equal motherhood nor indicate familial security as thous- ands of children alone in institutions or even their own homes remind us. peal movement as a forerunner to en- forced population control misunder- stands both our demands and the full meaning of the present legal situation. The fact that there are presently laws controlling our most personal activi- ties, laws which enforce compulsory motherhood and sterilization, which make homosexuality a crime - those are the laws which this racist, sexist system needs in order to exist. Re- peal of anti-abortion laws and no forced sterilization ensure the individ- ual woman's rights to sexual expres- sion. Until this is a reality the threat of genocide continues. IN THE MOVEMENT for an end to a system living off exploitation and oppression, feminism will grow and strengthen asdan integral part of the fight for self-determination for women, men and children. But our effective- ness continues to depend on our abil- ity to build an independent feminist movement, to draw thousands m o r e women around women's demands for an end to discrimination and for full equal rights. The Women's National Abortion Ac- tion Coalition (WONAAC) which seeks to unite black women. Chicanos, Asian- American women, working women and tion November 20th in Wash., D.C. Demonstrate for repeal of all anti- abortion laws, an end to restrictedcon- traception, and forced sterilization! -Marcia Wisch WONAAC Nov. 14 To The Daily: I AM CONCERNED that most of the recent discussion on repeal or re- form of abortion laws has not shed any light on one of the most import- ant problems women face in obtain- ing abortions-that is the cost. Re- form of the laws which does not in- clude specific proposals for making abortions available to all women, re- gardless of their financial resources, would be worthless. That reform would not alter the present situation for American women. As it is, the rich (or rich enough) can get safe abortion and the poor cannot. The hospitals will continue to see in the emergency rooms the gruesome results of homemade abortion recipes or "hack" jobs unless women begin to demand provision in reform legisla- tion for ability-to-pay abortions. Im- mediately after reform of abortion laws in New York some women had to pay$800! I understand that a safe, ciple that no woman should have to bear a child that she really does not want." THIS OPINION is countered by the widely prevalent view that the abused child is a wanted child who just doesn't deliver. The parents see children primarily as a source of love and gratification. The child may, however, produce mainly cry- ing and colic. Frustrated in their expectations, the parents - or rather one parent with the other acquiescing - batter him for "withholding" the loving responses they seek. Frequently battering parents were themselves abused as children. But the off-hand answer of an observer of the injuries sustained by abused children might be dif- ferent. Scars from cigarette burns and bites or from beatings and scaldings are not uncommon: Mul- tiple fractures and severe head in- juries are frequently seen. Some of the explanations offer- ed by abusing parents are: t h e baby "hit himself on the h e a d with his bottle," or her leg is broken because "she caught it be- tween the slats of her crib," or, the popular favorite, "he fell off the sofa." Doesn't this behavior alone demonstrate that the child is unwanted? IT HAS only recently become feasible to consider, in the Unit- ed States, designing studies that might conclusively answer the questions posed here. As a result of liberalization of abortion laws in many states, the number of le- gal abortions in the United States rose from 18,000 in 1968 to 200,- 000 in 1970. Retrospect research. the only design possible before le- gal abortion became available to a significant number of women. may produce questionable results application for abortion - to the subsequent life history of the child. TIOUGH IT does not relate directly to battered children, a 1966 study in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica is an example of the kind of design that should be con- sidered. Authored by Hans Forss- man and Inga Thuwe, it is en- titled "One Hundred and Twenty Children Born after Application for Therapeutic Abortion Refus- ed." , The geographic area under study was Goteborg, Sweden, a city with a population at the time the child- ren were born about twice as large as that of the Ann Arbor area. The mothers of thi children in- vestigated were women who had applied for a therapeutic abortion in the years 1939, 1940, and 1941, and who had been refused. All these 120 children and their con- trols on a number of sociological indicators. The unwanted children appeared to be worse off in every respect. The differences, the au- thors note, were often statistically significant and when they were not, they pointed toward a worse lot for the unwanted children. "The very fact that a woman seeks an authorized abortion, no matter -how trivial her grounds may appear to some, means that the expected child 'will run a larger risk than its peers of an in- ferior standing in life," say Forrs- man and Thuwe. No battered children were men- tioned in the Swedish report. Does that indicate that availability of abortion is unrelated to battering? Or are the results of the study irrelevant to battering in America because of our tradition of vio- 1 lence? Or should we look more "The first right of every child is to be wanted, to be desired, to be planned with an intensity of love that gives it its title to being." The opening sentence of a speech delivered 119 times in various parts of the United States by feminist Margaret Sanger in 1 916. told, 197 women had made such application during these y e a r s and had been refused, in m o s t cases by a psychiatrist. and a few on further appeal to a medical board. Of the pregnancies for w h i c h legal termination was refused, 68 ended in abortion, either spon- taneous or provoked. The final result, in numbers of children, was 134. Fourteen of these children died before the age of three. closely at the 14 children w h o died before the age of three? AT THE National Abortion Con- ference in New York in June 1971, Dr. Edward Press, state h e a l t h officer of Oregon, remarked that in his state the death rate of in- fants under a year of age had been steady for a decade at twen- ty per thousand, but the prelim- inary figures for last year showed a drop to 15 per thousand. This