6th WEEK 40M DIAL 8-6416 Shows TODAY At 1-3-5-7-4 "It is a trip much worth taking. Not since '2001' has a movie so cannily inverted consciousness and altered audience percep- tion." -Time Magazine I HELLSTROM CHRONICLEI Keep your eyes on what she cannot see new s,,.briefs By The Associated Press THE PORTUGUESE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY voted unani- mously yesterday to allow the government to take far-reaching measures againstsubversion, including suspension of individual liberties and guarantees. A resolution said that the government may adopt the "neces- sary measures" but did not spell out what they were. The flexible wording of the resolution, according to news sources, could be applied to the country's African possessions of Portuguese Guinea, Angola and Mozambique. * * * . THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION has announced it is appealing the decision by U.S. District Judge Stephen Roth in the Detroit segregation case. Roth ruled on September 27 that the Detroit Board of Educa- tion and other official agencies, including the state board, were guilty of maintaining de jure segregation within the Detroit school system. The state board had previously tabled a motion to appeal the Roth decision until the court order had been "received and studied," according to the state Board of Education Pres. Dr. Edwin Novak. The Detroit board also is planning an appeal. REPORTS ABOUT SOVIET restraint in arms shipments to Egypt have turned out to be a product of wishful thinking yesterday when U.S. officials reported the arrival of a new batch of Soviet aircraft at Russian-operated airbases south of Alex- andria. Secretary of State William Rogers had said in a weekend inter- view that the Soviet Union "in the last four or five months has operated with some restraint as far as military shipments to Egypt are concerned."j iff 4-C Friday, November 19, 1971 Page Three y::-0a;. , . $:tf ?{.: ""coca.,.;%rn:?s.?:: :^/'"}..4rk ,% % ?t ,:q" y, ";.ypy+,,, ,^;.?X'"^.:'::;:.:..,,..,.,s,;?Yr .. k ".--.; .,"::".},-":- . :;.; .. . Nom: ).v..:. - n.{..... :...C. T?. r'}"fi9v :.L.v . :?'. .f.}}h;::y'.'..::.v::: }."rn ..:4.t:4:v.. "":l.:v::: nv{. a{{:.};f.; 4... { :.v}"a}.:,........ rr.:.v::.v:::::::::.:^:a:"$:;.Y.: r.":}^. :., ......... ... n":}:..v.:n.v:v...:.v.:::::'.}:v;.;n.:n:"::i}13}}::-'r}}:vi:C6}:v.v: :{.}$:'- $)::"}f:.1"}: .u ryri".v v:: v: " . ".4:::. r.:r:...:..."..:::::::::.v::::::vv::r: .:fi"}':}:}:{Q:}^:.;}}:+}:v.v:::.v::.v:::::::::'" i}:}Y::: :.., ":.:..::.v::::::::.v:. "j''::yi :':?:': '?;j::'}i:::{:%:i'2::;:>: $$5;%;: $$ ri::}:: :S:-. 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The industries will remain closed un- til the pollution, caused by high levels of dirty matter in the air, subsides. Pollution cause Ala. industrial shutdown Yesterday, however, State Department press officer Charles Bray said, "We are going to see whether these deliveries may not have opened a gap in what we have described as restraint." * * * WITH UNEMPLOYMENT nearing depression levels, Britain's Rebellion against traditional film structures Conservative government came under sharp attack in Parliament Violation of genre conventions yesterday for failing to deal with the problem. Absurd plots The number of jobless jumped by 40,346 this month to 90,022, Ab l ch od the highest level since the depression years of the 1930s. Aruptly changing moods Roy Jenkins, the Labor Party's spokesman on economic matters, Jump cuts announced that the opposition will strive to censure the Tory gov- Brechtian alienation devices ernment for its failure to deal with unemployment. Fragmented, episodic style* * * Scenes shot quickly on location PLANS FOR A STUDENT lobby in Lansing, will be the sub- Sceessht uiklyonloatoject of a conference in Mt. Pleasant, Mich. this weekend Documentary techniques-close-up interviews where delegates from colleges and universities in the state will Mobile camera, often handheld gather, according to student organizers. Beautifully composed shots by Raoul Coutard In addition to conducting the lobby to deal with issues affecting Intellectual games students and education, the group will also provide an information center for common campus problems. Tongue in cheek symbolism * * * PETER LAZAROS, was convicted on 12 counts of perjury yesterday by a Detroit federal-court jury. COME ON OUT TO The conviction on all counts - including charges he lied in testifying that he made payments, or saw them being made, to former Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh - makes Lazaros eligible for the maximum sentence of 40 years in prison. Defense Atty. F. Lee Bailey indicated, there would be an appeal. CI UILD FRIDAY NIGHT FIELD MARSHAL Thanom Kittachorn said yesterday one reason for his sudden anti-democratic coup Wednesday was fear that the People's Republic of China's entry into the United , Nations would spurn Chinese in Thailand to insurrection. Thanom cited rising crime and terrorism as another justification for the coup in which he ousted the Thai cabinet, dismissed parlia- DIR. JEAN-LUC GODARD, 1965. An advertising !ment, and suspended the constitution. executive (Jean-Paul Belmondo) leaves the absurd- ity of his job and married life to run away with his former love (Anna Karina) for a brief idyll on the RC Players Cote d'Azure. The definitive romance of our times. SHA WW: OVERRULED - ANOUILH: CECILE ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 7:00 and 9:05 75c East Quad Aud. Thurs.-Sat. 8:00 P.M. Nov. 18-20 BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (P) -- In response to extreme air pollu- tion, a federal court judge yes- terday ordered an injunction to shut down 23 major Birming- ham industries. U.S. District Court Judge Sam Pointer Jr. made the unprece- dented decision at the request of the Enxironmental Protec- tion Agency (EPA), through the Justice Department. The move invoked the emer- gency powers of the 1970 Clean Air Act to force the shutdowns until the pollution situation eases. According to forecast- ers, changing weather patterns yesterday diminished the se- vere air pollution. ' John White, director of the The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan. 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier, $11 by mail. Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5 by carrier, $6 by mail. EPA's enforcement division, said his staff would decide this morning whether to ask Point- er to lift his shut-down order, depending on the effectiveness of the shift in weather. The request for the injunc- tion came after the particulate level, or count of dirty matter in the air, soared above 700 for the second consecutive day Wednesday. The EPA considers a particulate level of 625 as the warning stage. The agency says the dirty air count should not exceed 260 for more than one day a year. Bir- mingham has had nearly 70 such days in the past year and averages a count of 167. A thin haze hung over the city all day yesterday, causing " some persons to complain of burning eyes. County health officials said there was no marked increase in respiratory patients admitted to local hospitals. Persons with respiratory and heart ailments had been warned to stay indoors and avoid exercise during the air pollution crisis. SAIGON 0- - With the military situation becoming cri- tical in Cambodia, U.S. warplanes have stepped up their sup- port of Cambodian troops, official American sources reported yesterday. Reports circulated in Saigon that the South Vietnamese government was considering a Cambodian request for infan- try and heavy weapons for the defense of Phnom Penh. Hand-to-hand fighting was reported near the western out- skirts of the Cambodian capital. Dispatches from Phnom Penh reported U.S. Cobra heli- copter gunships have been thrown into the battle raging from 10 to 12 miles west of the capital.m bodians have been getting sub- stantially more American air sup- port in the last 10 days, and one to remain on source declared, "They, asked the United States for more air sup- - port because they were in a w age board p Critics of the Indochina war have maintained that while the MIAMI BEACH (P) - AFL-CIO President is winding down U.S. President" George Meany won la- troop involvement, he has mark- bor approval yesterday to stay on edly increased air support. President Nixon's Pay Board but They cite recent air strikes in refused to cooperate with wage Cambodia, Laos and North Viet- rulings he considers unfair, nam in attacking what they be- "If the President doesn't like lieve is a stepped up air war. the terms we 'ye laid down he can The increased support to Cam- kick us off," he said. bodia has been mainly U.S. fight- The AFL-CIO convention of er-bombers, flying from bases in 1,000 delegates representing near- South Vietnam and Thailand, the ly 14 million workers unanimous- informants reported. The planes ly approved the action, after have been active on Cambodia's Meany said he would quit the northeastern front. ' board if he decides there is no A Cambodian officer on the hope of winning fair wage con- front west of Phnom Penh said trols. the rockets of the Cobras were The convention approved a reso- unable to penetrate the jungle lution that "our representatives cover of enemy bunkers and add- remain on the Pay Board only so ed that heavy weapons are need- long as a reasonable hope exists ed. This would account for the of securing recognition of the request for South Vietnamese validity of contracts and achiev- heavy guns. ing justice for working people A dispatch from Phnom Penh generally," and especially for low- said Cambodian and enemy troops income Americans. fought with knives and rifle butts "We'll decide when that hope in flooded rice fields 12 miles is gone," Meany said. from the downtown section of "Until those objectives are as- the capital. sured, labor cannot associate it- Three clashes were reported self with the actions of the board near the village of Sre Ampil, or encourage cooperation with about five miles from the Phnom their administration or enforce- Penh city limits. Field reports said ment," the resolution said. a Cambodian advance was halted The action came after Meany in hand-to-hand fighting. bitingly accused Nixon and his The U.S. Command announced Pay Board of threatening to ruin that last week five Americans the nation's economy, and an- were reported killed in action- nounced Nixon would confront the the sixth consecutive week of 1,000 AFL-CIO delegates in a fewer than eight combat deaths. speech here today. I1 film critic 0 social critic revolution ary 0 Jean-Luc Godard Cinema Guild * this week 0 Nov. 22 I BLACK STUDENT UNION presents ROD RODGERS DANCE COMPANY performing "Dance Poems .. . i 1 I i I VMA I I