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November 19, 1971 - Image 1

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Windy and clearing,
chance of showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 61 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 19, 1971 Ten Cents

Eight Pages








Two students in a literary college
English class, who independently patron-
ized a local term paper writing service
last month, were subsequently caught
when it was found that they had unknow-
ingly submitted identical papers to their
The students involved say they both
purchased term papers from Write-On,
Inc., the Ann Arbor branch of a national-
ly-syndicated organization which buys
and sells college term papers.
The term paper services stake their
reputation on intricate mechanisms for
making sure that their patrons cannot
be discovered. They claim to keep con-
fidential files of all customers, designed
to prevent mishaps like the one involving
the two LSA students.
However, the two students inadvert-

ently were sold two identical five-page
term papers on Henry David Thoreau's
The students subsequently submitted
the papers for a class assignment due
Oct. 28 in a section of English 269: Intro-
duction to American Literature, instruct-
ed by Prof. Joseph Mullin.
One of the students says she paid
$17.50 for the five-page "original paper."
Based in East Lansing, the term paper
syndicate currently sells upwards of
10,000 pages per week through its
branch offices in Lansing, Ann Arbor,
Ohio and Pennsylvania, charging $2 per
page for "used" papers and $3.50 a page
for "custom written" papers, according
to Art Harger, owner and manager of
Harger says that Write-On's records
show that the firm sells between 1,500

and 3,000 pages per week, with an aver-
age weekly income of over $4,000.
English Prof. Leo McNamara, one of
the members of the LSA Administrative
Board-the literary college's internal dis-
ciplinary committee-says he has been
apprised of the matter, but declined to
comment on how the board would handle
the case.
Eugene Nissen, secretary of the board
and currently its acting chairman, de-
clined to comment on the case, but said
that "the purchasing of term papers
undermines the basic tenets of the edu-
cational system, and would probably be
construed by the board as plagiarism.''
Under the LSA Faculty Code, Nissen
explained, "the penalty for plagiarism
can range from an "E" in the work
See TWO, Page 8

FC LYPRESENTATION:"~:i:: ii:::t:i
Regrents discuss
secret research :

The first formal presentation of a Senate Assembly
proposal which would ban most federal classified research
contracts from campus was given to the Regents yesterday
by members of the Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA).
Senate Assembly, the faculty representative body of which
SACUA is the executive committee, passed the controversial
proposal last month, but in order for it to take effect, the
Regents must accept it as University policy.
The proposal calls for the Uni-
versity to "not enter into or re-
new federal contracts or grants
that limit open publication of the
results of research" unless "the
proposed research is likely to con-
tribute so significantly to the ad-
ei vancement of knowledge as to jus-
tify infringement on the freedom
-rju Yto publish openly."
A 1010 n7-10 0 L1,] IYesterday's presentation, given

$85 I
The funding referendum to
increase Student Government
Council's allotment from stu-
dents' fees to $.85 was defeated
by students in Tuesday's and
Wednesday's campus - wide
elections, SGC's Credentials
and Rules Committee (C&R)
reported late last night.
The appearance of 184 un-
counted ballots Wednesday night
made yesterday's results uncertain
until C&R's action.
The additional ballots did not
affect the outcome of the funding
referendum vote, which was de-
feated 2415-2360.
The results also did not affect
the newly - elected council mem-
Joel Silverstein, '73, fell from
fourth to sixth in the certified
According to C&R member Jeff
Lewin, '72, Election Director David
Schaper, '75, found the 184 bal-
lots, which originally were thought
to be blank, late Wednesday night.
In the presence of four C&R
witnesses, Schaper later sealed the
ballots which C&R voted, at a
meeting yesterday, to hand-count.
In other action aimed at remov-
ing any possible "doubt" over yes-
terday's results, C&R voted:
-To reaffirm that 102 ballots
reported as "in question" by The
Daily were "invalid;" and
-To ignore an error in the pro-
gramming of the computer which
tabulated the election results. The
computer had incorrectly reported
that in one category the number
of ballots exceeded 100 per cent.
In explaining the programming
mistake, newly-elected SGC mem-
ber John Koza said, "We pro-
grammedtthe computer toconsider
six questions when there were
seven on the ballot.'
"We should have good statistics
tomorrow," he added.
SGC, which according to the
election code "finally certifies" the
election, could only have blocked
final approval last night "if they
had some specific objection," said
one C&R member.
Meanwhile in other action, C&R
fined former SGC member Bill
Thee $10 and disqualified him
from holding any office related to
SGC for one term.
The committee ruled that Thee
violated SGC's election code by
distributing anonymous campaign
literature in campus mailboxes.
Thee could not be reached last
night for comment.
SGC voted C&R a two-week ex-
tension to investigate charges
against Bob Black, '73, that he
allegedly tore down posted election
A hearing for Black will be held
this afternoon.
As stipulated in the election
code, C&R normally goes out of
business after it certifies the elec-
The final election results capped
a controversy which included a
concerted campaign on the part
of both SGC candidates and mem-
bers for and against the increased
funding referendum.
One disappointed pro-increase
observor concluded, "We won a
victory over last spring's election
in picking up 10 per cent more of
the vote."
"The contradiction, however, is
that students voted expensive pri-
orities for SGC without providing
the funds needed for their imple-

mentation," he added.I


-Daily-Rolfe Tessem
NEWLY ELECTED Council members William Krebaum, John
Koza, Michael Davis, and Marty Scott pose yesterday before
their installation to SGC seats won in the campus-wide elections.
members take office
The nine newly elected Student Government Council
members were seated last night at the end of Council's regu-
larly scheduled meeting.
With their seating, SGC's size increased to 11 voting
members, just one short of the required number.
All the new members were hopeful about Council's
potential for the coming term, but clear differences exist
between what they each hope to accomplish during their

.l t ll ll

Proposals calling for the insti-
tution of a mandatory studentI
health fee-now estimated at $20
a term-and possible construction
of a new health service facility
were considered by the Regents
yesterday at an open hearing.
The recommendations w h i c h
came out of the Committee for
Long-Range Pla n n i n g of the
Health Service in September. also
included a closer alignment of the
University Medical Center and the
health service.
The Regents' concerns focused
r on the possible new building. How-
ever, since the present building is
deemed unsatisfactory by s t a t e
licensing authorities, it must be
renovated even if the new facility
is to be built, President Robben
Fleming told the Regents.

at an hour-long closed meeting,
was the first time the Regents
formally had a chance to dis-
cuss the proposal with faculty
According to psychology Prof.
Warren Norman, chairman of
Senate Assembly, "We presented
the Senate Assembly request, and
recounted some of the assam-
bly's discussion of what was wrong
with the present policy."
Asked if the meeting was a
presentation, discussion, or argu-
ment one source commented that
it was "all three." while others
added that the Regents "seemed
interested" and "asked a lot of
However several 'articinants
commented that the Regents
"didn't give any indication" of
their reactions to the proposal.
The Regents are not expected to
take any action on the proposal
until at least the December meet-

"It's a shame to put another Besides a basic oresentation of
half million into the present build- the proposal, there was c1iscussion
ing if we're just going to rip it of several points, including some
down,' commented Regent Law-. criticisms made by President
rence Lindemer (R-Stockbridge). Robben Fleming in a statement
Vice-President for Academic Af- releasd Monday.
fairs Allan Smith pointed out that Norman gave .the presentation,
it is not possible to "supply the but engineering School Dean Gor-
services envisioned in the report den Van Wylen, who has come out
with the present facilities." In ad- publicly against the policy, also
dition, Smith and Dr. Robert An- spoke, as did economics Prof.
derson, Health Service director, Frederic Scherer, a member of
noted that the present building on SACUA.,
Fletcher St. could easily be used Most of the members of SACUA
for other purposes such as class- were present, as well as the chair-
room facilities. men of the Classified Research

-Daily-Rolfe Tessem
THE 12-MEMBER GUEST PANEL in yesterday's classified research forum speak in the Union Ballroom
on Senate Assembly's research proposal (fop) to an audience of about 125 people.
Speakers debate Assembly plan
at forum held on researchi issue

Council plans
film society
In an effort to pave the way
towards implementing procedures
for supervising the Orson Welles
Film Society, Student Government
Council last night voted to make
the society pay $1.75 an hour to a
supervisor who will check the
ticket operations.
At a hearing three weeks ago,
Council allowed the film society
to continue in order to fulfill ob-
ligations to ticket holders but
placed all financial operations un-
der SGC supervision.
In other action last night Coun-
cil selected 10 people as nominees
for the search committee for a
new vice president for student
The names, out of which five
will be selected by President Rob-
ben Fleming to actually serve on
the committee, include Jerry De
Grieck, '72, Pam Kepford, Grad,
Prkash Sathe, '73, Andre Hunt,
'74, Rosemary Cobb, '74, Jeff Kap-
lan, '73, Courtney Crim, '74, Dick
Martin, Grad, Pat Donise, Grad,
and Pat McKinnon, '74.

SGC tenure.
Joel Silverstein of the Radical
People's Coalition describes the
new council as not substantially
different than the last, but adds,
"There may be one more person
who will have to be persuaded in
order to get radical programs
passed." Silverstein also expressed
disappointment over the defeat
of the funding proposal to raise
SGC's allotment to $.85, and ex-
presses fears that its defeat will
severely hamper council's ability
to institute new programs.
The members of the Govern-
ment Reform of University Poli-
cies (GROUP) party agree with
Silverstein but say their actions in
the next few weeks will be concen-
trated mainly on procedural mat
"We feel Council can be best
improved "by setting up a more
efficient structure than the one
that presently exists," GROUP
member Marty Scott says.
GROUP member Davis empha-
sizes that the party brings three
new graduate students to Council
where only one sat on the old
A somewhat different view of
the Council was presented by Wil-
liam Krebaum, a newly elected
member of the Responsible Alter-
native Party. He hinted that he
would adopt a "wait-and-see" at-
titude toward Council, since he is
not that familiar with the Coun
cil's operation.

In the midst of continuing debate
over the future of classified re-
search on campus, an open forum
on the research issue was held1
The main point of discussion was
a proposal passed recently by Sen-
ate Assembly, the faculty repre-
sentative body, which, if enacted3
by the Regents, would severely re-
strict classified research at the1
About 125 persons attended the

cluded representatives from anti- next test of the measure comes
research groups, full time research- Monday when the University Sen-

Regent William Cudlip (R-De-
troit) advocated a "self-liquidat-
ing" new building. "like the park-
ing structures." He predicted that
students' medical bills "would be
much bigger at home," and con-
cluded by asking, "What I want
to know is do they get sick down
here or do they come that way?"

Committee and the Research Poli-
cies Committee - the two Senate
Assembly committees most in-
volved with the research issue.
One of Fleming's major criti-
cisms in his statement concerned
a request for clarification of the
"Kerr amendment" to the as-
sembly proposal. The Amendment
See REGENTS, Page 8

forum which
comprised a

was sponsored by they
Committee on Com-
The speakers who
12-member panel in-

ers and clergy members.
The discussion was held mainly
for the benefit of interested stu-
dents and the Regents, who were
in town for their monthly meetings;
and were scheduled to attend the
discussion. Five of the eight Re-
gents attended the forum.
Assembly's statement basically
prescribes that the University "not
enter into or renew federal con-
tracts or grants that limit open
publication of the results of re-
search," except when the proposed
research is likely to contribute
significantly to the "advancement
of knowledge."
Final approval of the proposal
rests with the Regents who will
take no official action on the As-
sembly plan until December. The
University Senate, composed of
all 2,800 faculty members and ad-
ministrators will meet Monday to,
vote on the proposal.
During the forum, proponents of
the proposal argued that classified
research was contradictory to the
concept of a "free university," and
that research can only benefit the
general public if it is open to ac-
cess. They also argued against the
use of University facilities for war-
related research.
Opponents of the measure argued
that stleast snm r the researceh

ate reviews the proposal.
Norman emphasized that the
Senate could only review the act,
and that any final action would
have to come from the Regents.
Dr. George Zissus of the Willow
Run Laboratories, the site of the
vast majority of University re-
search, warned the audience at-
tending the forum of the effects
on the laboratories' workers if all
research was eliminated. He said
See SPEAKERS, Page 8


An effort by University plant
department janitors to revoke a
change in working schedules
was formally rejected this week
when the Michigan Employe Re-
lations Commission (M E R C)
dismissed the case.
Charles McCracken, president
of Local 1583 of the American
Federation of State, County and
Municipal Emploves (AFSCME)

In effect, this increased the
normal work day for these em-
ployes from a 4 p.m. to midnight
shift to one extending from 4
p.m. to 12:30 a.m.-a change the
workers charged violated their
agreement with the University
signed last February.
After filing 120 grievances, the
employes presented their com-
plaints before the Regents last
May, and picketed University

® l




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