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November 18, 1971 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXXII, No. 60 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 18, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pages





Ad slate,





-Daily-Sara Krulwich
VICTORIOUS SGC candidate Michael Davis (left) and. Brad
Taylor, (right), who kept his SGC seat after an unsuccessful at-
tempt to recall him, celebrate at SGC offices late last night.


Board accepts



Tight vote
keeps seat
Student voters narrowly de-
feated a bid to recall Student
Gpvernment Council member
Brad Taylor, '74, in the cam-
pus - wide elections Tuesdayi
and yesterday.
In r e s ul t s released late last
night, the recall referendum failed
to receive the 60 per cent of the
"yes" vote required to effect the
The vote was 2409-2106, or 54
per cent in favor of the referen-
Although election officials re-
ported early this morning there
were 102 ballots which were not
counted by the computer the votes
on these ballots would not be
enough to change the results.
The recall defeat caps a highly-
charged controversy surrounding
Taylor's recent testimony before
the House Internal Security Com-
mittee (HISC) concerning partici-
pants and organizations in the
National Student and Youth Con-
ference for a People's Peace, held'
here last February.
The People's Peace conference
produced the first plans for last
Spring's Mayday anti - war pro-
Taylor said last night that the
defeat of the recall attempt was
"a victory for free speech.''
"I think it vindicated me and
shoed that the case against me
was a fraudalent one," he said.
However, Bob Black, '73, chair-
man of the ad hoc Committee to
Recall Brad Taylor, said, "Realis-
tically speaking, Taylor lost be-
cause a majority of votes were
against him."
Black added that "the point of
recall is to make government of-
ficials more accountable for their
"That purpose was served," he
The referendum was initiated
Oct. 7 as the recall committee
submitted to SGC the 1,000 signa-
tures required to place the ques-
tion on the ballot.
Taylor had been covering the
People's Peace Conference for a
publication of the Young Ameri-
cans for Freedom (YAF) of which
he is a member. Last spring,
HISC subpoenaed Taylor as a part
of its investigation of various
anti-war organizations and pro-
Taylor's critics argued that his
action endangered the right of
University students to be free
from intimidation because of po-
litical activities.
They said that HISC-formerly
the House Un-American Activities
Committee-had a policy of har-
rassment designed to discourage
political groups and views unpop-
ular with the current administra-
The recall committee charged
throughout its campaign that eveni
if Taylor was subpoenaed, he went
"overboard" in providing HISC
an extremely detailed account of
the activities as well as the peo-
ple involved in the People's Peace

Michael Davis Marty Scott

Joel Silverstein Mat Dunaskis

William Krebaum

Curt Steinhauer

Moderate, right trend
appears in close ballot
A broad spectrum of candidates with a surprisingly
strong conservative-to-moderate element was elected to fill
nine of the 11 Student Government Council member-at-
large seats in the campus-wide elections Tuesday and yes-
In the unofficial results released late last night, four of
the five candidates running on the GROUP slate captured
seats, along with three of. the four members of the conser-
vative Responsible Alternative Party and two of the five
members of the Radical People's Coalition.
An avowedly apolitical slate, GROUP presented the old-
est and most experienced candidates on the ballot.
Michael Davis of GROUP gar-" - ----
nered the greatest vote in the
election, 1,548, while GROUP's T en
Marty Scott, president of SGC in
1970-71, was next with 1,519. Both
won full-term seats.01
GROUP members John Koza filleu in
and Dale Oesterle finished sev-
enth and ninth, winning half-
term seats with 1.360 and 1,353
votes respectively. * r c
Curt Steinhauer of RAP finished Lr h 1 l e
third with 1,391, William Krebaum
fifth with 1,373, and Mat Dunaskis B OESEBRTI
sixth with 1,373. All three won full- By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN
term seats. With only 1,002 literary college
Doug Rick of RAP lost out with students voting-eight per cent of
a close tenth place position and the college's population -10 of 11
1,336 votes. candidates became members of the
1,336 vtes CLSA Student Government Execu-
Of the five Coalition candidates, tive Council in the campus-wide
only two were elected. Joel Silver- elections.
stein took fourth place and a full- The 15 member Executive Coun-
term seat with 1,377 votes; Arlene cil was established in March, 1970,
sGerti wigth place and a half-term when students approved the idea of
a student government for the lit-
None of the seven independent erary college. The full provisions
candidates were elected, nor were of its constitution, however-includ-
the two candidates running on a ing an as yet non-existent College
Community P a r t y slate. There Assembly-still await implementa-
were 23 candidates in all. tion.
Only 5,331 ballots were reported Financial difficulties have beset
in the election-around 16 per cent the Executive Council throughout

The Ann Arbor Board of Education last night approved
a modified form of the black demands for change in the
public high schools. The major issue of disagreement between
the board's version and the original demands revolved around
the expansion of counseling services.
Some 300 people listened to Bill Jones of Model Cities
present the four demands which include employment of 12
groundsmen to be approved by a bi-racial committee with a
black majority, creation of a black studies component, sev-
eral points on expanding and improving counseling services,

Women to
march on
Thousands of women from all
parts of the country are expect-
ed to meet in the nation's capital
Saturday for the first National
Women's March on Washington.
Simultaneous demonstrations will
occur in San Francisco, Toronto
and several cities abroad.
The Women's National Abor-
tion Action Coalition (WONAAC)
is planning the march.
WONAAC's press releases stress
that the marchers will be follow-
ing the route of the suffragettes
in 1918, when they marched in
Washington for women's suff-
rage. After assembling at the El-
lipse, an area behind the White
House, WONACC plans to march
down Constitution Ave. to the
Capitol for an afternoon rally.
Various figures in the women's
movement are scheduled to
speak at the rally and express
their opposition to restrictive
abortion and contraception laws
as well as forced sterilization.
WONACC organizers have ask-
ed that men interested in
WONAAC's goals help organize
the march and has invited them
to march also.
"Every state in the United States
has laws on the books which re-
strict the right of women to ob-
tain abortions." W 0 N A A C has
stated. "We believe that all such
laws deny us one of our most
basic rights-the right to contro
our own bodies; the right to con-
trol our own lives.
"Restrictive abortion laws pro-
vide the basis of legalized murder
of thousands of women. Involun-
tary sterilizations are the price
poor women are often forced to
pay in order to obtain safe, lega

and recognition of needs
non-middle class whites
the schools.


The school board accepted most
of the nrovisions but said that
the number of counselors will not
be expanded. Also seventh and
tnth graders will be assigned
their counselors rather than se-
lect them as originally proposed.
In addition, the bi-racial com-
mittee suggested to review the
hiring of the groundsmen will
not have a black majority, but
will have an. equal number of
blacks and whites.
The Huron Valley Association
of Black Social Workers and other
groups endorsed the black de-
mands, written following last
week's one day boycott of public
schools. A coalition of black par-
ents and students called the strike
in response to continual racial in-
cidents in the high schools.
Black reaction to the approval
of the altered demands ranged
from approval to disgust at the
predominately white meeting.
However a black negotiator said,
"We hope when the crisis is over
we-both the board and the par-
ents-will still work to live up to
the committments."

John Koza Arlene Griffin
Winners of SGC at-large

Dale Oesterle







The referendum calling for an
end to Student Government Coun-
cil's primary source of income-
student assesments - was soundly
defeated by students in the cam-
pus-wide elections Tuesday and
yesterday. The v o t e was 3,000-
The outcome of the proposal to
increase SGC's allotment from stu-
dent fees to $.85 per student per
term, from $.25, remained unclear
early this morning as election of-
ficials reported that 102 ballots
not counted by the computer could
change the close results.

In an unofficial tally released
by SGC, the referendum on in-
creased funding was losing by 39
votes-2,327-2,288. The additional
102 votes could alter the outcome
if they are tabulated.
The t h i r d funding proposal,
seeking to assess students $.50 a
term to fund school and college
governments, was approved 2,023-
The SGC Credentials and Rules
Committee will d e c i d e today
whether to count the 102 ballots
under question.
Any increase in SGC's allotment
must be approved by the Regents.
According to Vice President for
Academic Affairs Allan Smith, the
Regents will treat the referenda as
a "declaration of students desires."
However, Smith had no predic-
tion . as to whether the Regents
would raise Council's current fund-
ing level of $.25 per student per
term to the more than three-fold
increase of $.85.
If both funding proposals re-
main defeated, the results will be
taken as a vote by students to
preserve SGC's current level of
The three procedural questions
on the ballot-the proportional
representation amendment, the
consent of the governed proposal
and the special referenda question
-all passed by a wide margin.
Last April, a similar funding
referendum seeking to assess stu-
dents $1.85 a term for SGC and

The proposed projects, and the
number of votes each received
-3,131 for establishing and
initially funding a cooperative
grocery store;
-2,975 for establishing and
funding a large scale paper and
glass recycling center for the
-2,818 for financing the com-
pilation and distribution of an
in-depth consumer report of
stores, housing and products in
the city;
-2,601 for working to estab-
lish local University-community
24-hour child care centers;
-2,366 to obtain federal funds
through Council to build low-cost
See STUDENTS, Page 7

of the eligible electorate.
While election officials are quot-
ing the results as official, there
appeared to be a small possibility
that they may change.
Over 100 ballots were invalidated
by the computer, apparently due
to some voter confusion on ballot
Further, there appeared to be
some irregularities in the computer
printout that reported the results.
Election officials, however, said
early this morning they did not be-
lieve this would cause a major
change in the outcome.
The SGC Credentials and Rules
committee will have to rule on
both of these questions, probably
The election topped a semester
of controversy for SGC, as a series
of resignations raised old questions
of Council's effectiveness in repre-
senting student needs.
Early in October, three conser-
vative members of Council-Karen
Haas, Rick Higgins and Mary
Schnelker-unexpectedly resigned,
criticizing SGC as essentially pow-
erless and unrepresentative.
At the same time, Marnie Heyn
also resigned, citing as her pri-
mary reason extensive "power
jockeying" on Council.
While Heyn's resignation was an-
ticipated, the abrupt resignation
of three other conservatives was
a surprise; in general, the action
by one-third of the Council prompt-
ed serious questions in the minds
of many students.
The remaining SGC members,
meanwhile, chose to wait until this
election to fill the vacant seats.
See SGC, Page 10

its 20 month existence. Up to now,
its only funding has come from
the LSA Executive Committee and
Dean. In addition, observers report
a sense of political inertia, point-
ed up most recently by the Nov. 6
resignation of President James
Bridges, '72.
Yesterday's election attracted
about the same number of student
voters as a year ago-roughly ten
per cent of the literary college.
The new Executive Council mem-
bers include Kris Sankovitch, '75
(269votes); Mark Brissette, '73 (217
votes); and Neil Aisenson, '73 (210
votes)-all of whom won full term
In addition Action Mandate can-
didates Richard Ross, '73 (253
votes); Bob Stephens, '73 (246
votes); Steve Vagnozzi, '73 (211
votes); and Dave Hornstein, '74
(201 votes) were elected to full
terms. I n d e p e n d e n t Jonathan
Klein, '74 won a full term seat
while Action Mandate candidates
Carl Herstein, '73 (199 votes) and
Charles Barquist, '75 (196 votes)
were elected to half-term seats.
The sole unsuccessful candidate
was James Glickman, '75 (167
Two referenda were also ap-
proved by comfortable margins in
the generally lackluster election
race. One referendum, passed by
633-288, restating the Student Gov-
ernment Council school and college
government funding question.
Without this separate ballot,
however, it would not have been
possible to determine literary col-
lege sentiments on this issue.
The second referendum, which
passed 487-170, amends the con-
stitutional quorum requirements
for the still unformed Assembly.


chief seizes


Rackham Assembly convenes
for first meeting of semester

_ BANGKOK (W) - Thailand's brief experiment
with limited democracy ended'yesterday as Pre-
mier Thanom Kittikachorn dissolved parliament,
suspended the constitution and assumed absolute
1 power.
Paratroopers moved into Bangkok to buttress
regular police patrols, and tanks encircled the
parliament building.. But despite imposition of
martial law and police check points in the streets,
the capital appeared calm.
Regular announcements on Radio Thailand said
Thanom would head a revolutionary council with
,l { ,,. n rso -aallMoi 'atimilt.vmnt- r T

Rackham Assembly, the lower
house of the Rackham Student
Government (RSG) which includes
representatives from most depart-
ments within the graduate school,
met last night for the first time
this term.
It was only the second meeting

of the Assembly since the forma- program proposed last spring by
tion of RSG last spring, although Allan Smith, vice president for
the executive council, the upper academic affairs, which is cur-
house of RSG, has met weekly rently being discussed in closed
throughout the term, meetings of the University's Aca-
At the meeting, the Assembly demic Affairs Committee;
discussed: -A proposed Symposium in Edu-
-RSG's counter-proposal to the cation and Employment tentatively
graduate s t u d e n t associateship scheduled for the winter term;
-The proposed Rackham fee
s atritnrea nrd enrn11ment nolicv

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