Iive lJr4i, isai Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT SCHREINER Election recommendations THE FOLLOWING recommendations for the campus-wide elections which began yesterday and are con- tinuing today were explained in last Friday's Daily. SGC at-large seats Recommended Joel Silverstein, Michael Davis, Ar- lene Griffin and David Burleson. Acceptable John Koza, Bob Nelson, Art Nishioka, Marty Scott and Bob Garrity. The referenda Funding proposals We recommend that students v o t e "No" on the referendum calling f o r the abolition of SGC funding by end- ing the 25-cent per student allotment Council receives from student fees each term. Conversely, we urge that students support an increase in SGC's financial base by voting "Yes" on the referendum calling for an increase in SGC's p e r term allotment to 85-cents per stu- dent. At the same time, we recommend that students support the viability of school and college governments by vot- ing "Yes" on the referendum calling for the per student allotment of 50 cents per term to the student govern- ment of his unit. Concerning the allocation of n e w funds we urge "Yes" votes on the pro- posals for continued support for t h e women's crisis center, and for the es- tablishment of a cooperative grocery store, a child care center, low-cost housing, a recycling center, and in - depth consumer report. However, we recommend a "No" vote on the proposal to spend money for an academic chair for teaching courses not presently available.' Facul lHE COMMITTEE has reached two general conclusions. FIRST, we gladly acknowledge that compared' with faculties at many other universities the Mich- igan faculty has better relation- ships with its administration and governing board and a larger role in the University's important de- cisions. Nevertheless, we conclude that the University's best interests in the years ahead will be served by sharpening and enlarging the faculty's participation in Univer- sity governance. SECOND, we note that for some time, and particularly during the past five years, the economic sta- tus of the Michigan faculty has been suffering a relative decline. We believe that failure to reverse that trend will lead a significant portion of the faculty to be re- ceptive to proposals for faculty unionization. A nationwide movement to or- ganize faculties for collective bar- gaining appearsto have the State of Michigan as a focal area. Cen- tral Michigan University was the first four-year college in the coun- try to elect a bargaining agent. In 1971, Oakland University was the first to sustain a faculty strike. Last February Senate Assembly appointed a Comnnittee on the Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty Members and asked it to report on the "present and future nature of faculty organizations." The following are excerpts from a resume of the report and recon- niendation by the committee. tained therein would be embodied in specific faculty-administration recommendations to the Board of Regents, together with any reac- tions or suggestions that may. is- sue from Senate Assembly. -After trying to seek agree- ment with administration officials, the committee should have the right of consulting on these mat- ters directly with the Board of Regents. -In the event that agreement is not reached, the committee shall then report to Senate As- sembly the areas of disagreement and the respective positions there- to. -The Senate Assembly would then have a number of options, including but not limited to (1) accepting the report of the com- mittee without comment, (2) in- structing the committee to return to negotiations with a modified set of proposals, or (3) directing an appeal to the Board of Regents. In the event that agreement still can- not be reached, Senate Assembly could request that the matter go to fact-finding or advisory arbi- tration, or it could register its dis- satisfaction by adopting and pub- licizing a resolution of censure. 2. OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES IN ADDITION to its role as a negotiating agency, CESF should also be given the responsibility continually to investigate, analyze, and otherwise monitor the eco- nomic treatment of all individ- uals that comprise the University of Michigan faculty, to make reg- ular reports, to propose guidelines on faculty compensation, and to make recommendations for facul- ty discussion and approval, sub- ject to the supervision of Senate Assembly and SACUA. These duties, together with the responsibility for consultative ne- gotiations, would at a minimum necessitate appointing a paid staff consisting of an executive ad-. ministrator and a secretary, and operating an office cooperative with but essentially independent of the administration. CESF should be charged with responsibility for considering the compensation of faculty members as individuals rather than as a mere group of averages, and should be charged to uphold the right of every member of the uni- versity faculty to fair economic treatment in comparison with his peers. It must, therefore. develop procedures for working with the several schools, colleges, and de- partments to prevent and to over- come inequities suffered by less advantaged faculty members. B. P L AN N I N G, BUDGETING, AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION 1. Long Range Planning SENATEaASSEMBLY should consider long-range planning as a process requiring both diverse ap- proaches and concerted, integra- tive effort over the next three years. Each committee having spe- cial concerns that could be brought to the overall planning ty status: process should be especially charged with this responsibility and all committees asked to bear in mind this need for long-range planning. In particular, the fol- lowing committees and commis- sions may be expected to have complementary material to offer. without unduly overlapping in their activities: Academic Affairs, Financial Affairs, Economic Sta- tus, Proper Role, Resource Alloca- tion, and University Relations. 2. Commission on the Future of the University In addition, Senate Assembly should immediately seek for the establishment of a Commission on the Future ofthe University, whose charge it shall be (a) to study proposals for change in the planning and financing of American higher education, in the operation of extension services, and in the interrelated structuring of undergraduate, professional, and continuing education, (b) to serve as a coordinating agency for long-rangeplanning activities of other university committees, (c) to report its finding to Senate As- sembly and the Central Adminis- tration, with any further publica- tion within the University com- munity that may be appropriate, (d) to place on file relevant bibli- ographies and materials, and (e) to make recommendations for further study and action. 3. Proper Role of the Univer- sity SENATE ASSEMBLY should encourage the Proper Role com- mittee to follow up its initial in- vestigations reported in February and March, 1971, with specific charges relating to the Univer- sity's position within the State of Michigan and within higher edu- cation generally. C. SENATE ASSEMBLY PRO- CEDURES SENATE ASSEMBLY should take steps to improve the patterns of representation both in its own membership and in its. commit- I ,A Assembly report Senate Assembly meets Recall Brad Taylor We urge students to vote "Yes" the Recall Brad Taylor referendum. SGC procedures on tees. VACUA in particular should be charged with the responsibility of finding and reporting ways to improve the recruitment and nominating process. Particularly notable is the low proportion of younger faculty. SENATE ASSEMBLY should ask that the University of Michi- gan fund a continuing program of study by designated faculty and supportive personnel (a) to ascer- tain the attitudes of faculty and other members of the University community on issues affecting ac- ademic work and (b) to gather de- tailed information regarding the economic status of the faculty, as a whole and in its parts, as com- pared with that in other institu- tions of higher education. SENATE ASSEMBLY should establish a regular procedure, not only through the "University Re- cord" but by other means as well, to assure (a) a greater knowledge of its committees' work among the faculty, (b) a greater ease of ac- cess to them by faculty, (c) a more effective discussion within the University community of is- sues raised in their reports, (d) a more thorough monitoring and following through of programs proposed or instituted by Senate Assembly, and (e) the establish- ment of several resource stations within the University library sys- tem where faculty and others can expect to find up-to-date docu- mentation on issues being con- sidered by Senate Assembly and its committees. We recommend that students in- crease the fairness of SGC voting pro- cedures by voting "Yes" on the Pro- portional Representation Amendment. At the same time we encourage stu- dents to reinforce their desire for dem- ocratically elected student governments by voting "Yes" on the Consent of the Governed referendum. Finally, we urge a "yes" vote on the Special Referenda proposal suggesting that SGC conduct occasional special elections to decide "important q u e s- tions." The morality of research PRESIDENT FLEMING'S statement Monday on classified research and the Willow Run Laboratories was en- couraging for its rational approach to the highly volatile research controversy, but disappointing in that it largely avoid- ed the moral issue surrounding classified research. One well-taken point from Fleming was that the proposed Senate Assembly class- ified research policy would apply only to federal contracts. Clearly, he has pointed out a major flaw in the proposal. Although the focus of the anti-classi- fied research drive this past year has been a staunch anti-military stance, the ac- tual proposal seeks to ban military re- Gala premiere THE PEOPLE'S Republic of China made its U.N. debut Monday, "with a bitter attack on the United States." The substance of this "bitter attack" was a request for immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Indochina and the cessation of U.S. military support for Taiwan. Observers considered this "attack" a surprise, having expected China to re- spond to their warm welcome in the Unit- ed States. Instead, they got a forthright statement of China's position in two areas of deep concern to the Chinese. If this opening episode can be taken as indicative of the way China plans to conduct itself before the General As- sembly, perhaps that body will be prod- ded towards a more serious and business- like orientation, devoid of such silliness as acknowledging an opaque p 1 a s t i c "warm welcome" when the task at hand is not friendly at all. -R.S.B. Editorial Staff ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Editor JIM BEATTIE DAVE CHUDWIN Executive Editor Managing Editor STEVE KOPPMAN .... ... ....Editorial Page Editor RICK PERLOFF As ociate Editorial Page Editor PAT MAHONEY Assistant Editorial Page Editor LARRY LEMPER , Associate Managing Editor LYNN WEINER Associate Managing Editor ANITA CRONE........ .........Arts Editor JIM IRWIN Associate Arts Editor ROBERT CONROW........ ...... .... Books Editor JANET FREY ... . . . Personnel Director JIM JUDKII' -Photogra; 1v Editor search solely on the grounds of academic freedom. Thus, if acacemic freedom, or the freedom to disseminate openly the re- sults of research, is what the assembly really values, then certainly the policy should be broadened to all research agree- ments that limit open publications of sub- sequent results., BUT IT IS apparent that the true moti- vation behind the proposal was a de- sire to end University ties with the mili- tary - with the issue of academic free- dom arising simply to make the proposal more palatable for liberal and moderate psyches. It seems likely, furthermore, that this maneuver might cause the Regents to re- quest that Senate Assembly propose a uniform policy for all campus research. This would delay the implementation of any new research policy and probably would necessitate loosening the criteria for refusing classified research proposals in order to preserve much of the Uni- versity's politically innocuous proprietary research. Certainly, Fleming's statement s h o w s compassion for the employes of Willow Run, and rightly so. If the University de- cides to ban all or most classified re- search, surely it should be willing to aid those men and women who were attract- ed or perhaps even recruited to come to the- campus at a time when research was one of the top goals of this institution. BUT FLEMING'S major failure is his implication that by changing the status of Willow Run to an independent, ;non-profit corporation, the University has satisfastorily dealt with its moral dilemma over classified research. If Willow Run's present research pro- jects continue - whether under the aus- pices of the State of Michigan or a non- profit corporation - nothing substantive will have been accomplished, save the creation of a false consciousness that the University has absolved itself of all com- plicity with the U.S. military establish- ment. Certainly the Viet Cong will have no appreciation that the remote sensing devices that detected them were not de- veloped in a universiy atmosphere. Taken as a whole, Fleming's statement is particularly encouraging in that he did not take a firm stance against the assembly's proposal. It is well-known that he was under considerable pressure from a number of strong research proponents to, take geh an nosition. hut a.nwrentlv. he As of September, 1971 about 130 colleges and universities had or- ganized for collective bargaining more than two-thirds of which were community and 28 of which were in Michigan. Michigan State University has been the focus of organizing activity for several months. Faculties at nearly every col- lege and university in Michigan have experienced formal organiz- ing activities. The critical ques- tion that will ultimately face the University of Michigan faculty is: to what degree would collective bargaining be an opportunity to improve the professional and eco- nomic status of the University of Michigan faculty or be a threat against it? The committee believes that the substantive and structural changes it recommends will serve to sup- port values fundamental to the very existence of a university com- munity and to advance construc- tive changes in its life. RECOMMENDATIONS A. FACULTY COMPENSATION* 1. CONSULTATIVE NEGOTIA- TIONS SENATE ASSEMBLY s h o u 1 d present for early faculty discus- sion and approval a procedure in- volving consultative nnotiations with administration officials on salary levels and other faculty compensation matters.Thisre- commendation stops considerably short of full collective bargaining but aims at fulfilling similar goals. The following proposals in- dicate the approximate model to be used : -The Senate Assembly should reconstruct the present Commit- tee on the Economic Status of the Faculty (CESF) as a professional consultative negotiating team, re- sponsible for formulating specific requests regarding salaries and fringe benefits for academic staff. -ThetCESF should be charged with gathering information and then conferring with administra- tion officials. The results of this initial process should then be em- bodied in specific proposals from the committee, coupled with spe- cific replies from the administra- tion. These proposals would have to be made sufficiently early in the year so that the negotiations could be taken into account within the budgeting process. -If a substantial agreement is reached between CESF and the administration, the policies con- Goldman resignation To The Daily: THE REASONS for my resigna- tion from Student Government Council:. SGC is a non-representative tin- ker-toy body composed of ego- tripping individuals who find it more important to maintain them- selves in a position of pseudo-pow- er than to do anything useful for the student community. They want student money, but they have no concrete plans for how to use it, except on the basis of priorities handed to the'student community in the past. SGC is not serving student in- terests, it is serving the interests of the Administration. The Ad- ministration would not have liked the UM Student Print Cooperative to come into existence. SGC, in its customary mode - power-play - implemented the Administra- tion's desire. The paranoic accu- sations and outright lies thrown at the Student Print Cooperative, me, and ARM served to, prevent t h e Student Print Cooperative f r o m providing student access to t h e larger County Cooperative being set up by the Black Economic De- velopment League, Welfare Rights Organization (BEDL-WRO). SGC, which was to have no control over the larger cooperative, overextend- ed its power-starved hands to go around the Student Cooperative, which was where its power ended, to BEDL-WRO. BEDL-WRO does not need that kind of white upper-middle £lassr racist bullshit for $1,500 - one- thirtieth of the cost of the County Print Cooperative. SGC got all it could get out of the situation, its $1,500 back. There will be no student coopera- tive input to the County Coopera- tive. MY RESIGNATION was some- thing everyone on SGC wanted, and now they have that, too. They are now free to plan camping trips with Vice-President Knauss, rip- off students by profit-making on charter flights to Europe and life insurance sales. They are now free to keep SGC in an ivory tower, and maintain Rebecca Schenk and Victor Gutman asrfavored proteges of President Fleming. It is my hope that the n e w council can perceive what SGC is, and what it does, and will work to change that. But I doubt that this will happen. In fact, I'm sure it won't. Council will con- tinue to diddle along for another year, functioning out of neurotic problems and pathetically small power-games. SGC is not confused about its role. At some level, every member of Council knows exactly what she or he is doing, and will continue to play meaningless-to- destructive games until enough people are willing to relate to ob- jective reality and act to take SGC out of the hands of the ego- trippers, and into the hands of the people. Off the corporate University. All Power -to the People. -Barbara Goldman '73 ARM Nov. 16 Old timers ro The Daily: THE SGC CANDIDACY of the GROUP - Marty Scott, Bob Nel- son, John Koza, Michael Davis O and Dale Oesterle - has caused rather a stir in campus political circles. The Founding Fathers, per- ceiving a "crisis" of SGC, have buried past political differences and resolved to step in and save us from ourselves. Like Cincinna- tus at the bridge, these superstars have loyally answered the call - in fact, they have anticipated it - and stand ready to save student government from the enemies who assail it. Whether these enemies approach from the Right or the Left is, however, unclear. Churc- hill's prophecy is fulfilled in re- verse: The Old World is redressing the balance of the New. I ADMIT I have no answer, but I have an idea of the likely con- sequences. Fragmented among the GROUP and the RPC, the votes of the constructive majority, left or right, will be dissipated. T h e0 GROUP's superfluous candidacy will lead to an undeserved victory by the Far-Right Trojan horse. -Bob.Black, "73 Nov. 2 Letters to0 The Daily K Ftures past 4 Our annual hate ritual with Ohio State by dave ehudwin_____I r NOVICE G. - FAWCETT may be t h e president of Ohio State University, but one Wayne Woodrow Hayes is second to none in fame and influence on that sprawl- ing campus in the middle of Ohio. Woody Hayes is an institution at Ohio State. After 20 seasons leading the Buck- eyes to victory after victory, he symbolizes what the university stands for - foot- ball. It's not a game or sport at Ohio State: football is a way of life. The enthusiasm approaches near hysteria as sell-out crowds flock to the horse-shoe shaped stadium on the banks of the Olentangy River to madly cheer Fat Woody and his boys. letics is one of the main factors contribut- ing factors to this mediocrity. Furthermore, Ohio State does not stake its reputation on sportsmanship and, fair- play. Michigan fans who have travelled to Columbus have come back with stories of violence and threats they suffered be- cause they merely cheered for their team. IT IS A SHAME when something as en- joyable to watch and participate in as foot- ball becomes transformed from a game into an obsession. It is not surprising t h a t coaches and athletic directors hae capi- talized on this hysteria to turn football into a big business. This university has not altogether es- three weeks in Columbus this past sum- mer and the Buckeyes were just putting artificial turf in their stadium. , Woody knows when he's got a good thing, so he announced that the stadium would be open one weekend afternoon for fans to take home some natural Buckeye sod as souvenirs. The fans came, dug and Woody had a field excavated without charge for his plastic grass. Artificial turf has previously been controversial last fall when Ohio State was set to play Michigan on their real grass. The Wolverines had won in 1969 on our artificial turf, but as the game approached in 1970 on their grass bumper stickers OSU fans sing "We don't give a damn about the whole State of Michigan" and we respond by singing "Bye-bye Woody". They have their bumper stickers asking "Bo Who?" and we answer with "A Buck- eye is a hairless nut." BOTH SIDES have booed the other and there have been fights, pranks and such an enmity between partisans of the t w o schools that a visitor from another planet might wonder why people get so wrought over a team of people moving a leather ball 100 yards across plastic grass. It may be heretical (Bo forgive me) but our football rivalry with Ohio State has become too intense. Perhaps it, would be