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September 09, 1971 - Image 59

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-9

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Thursday, September 9, 1971


range Five

Thursday, September 9, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five

Ann Arbor drama spectrum:
Theatre staged for everybody

In Ann Arbor, theatre is for everybody,
not just for slick professionals or self-im-
portant speech and drama majors who hide
behind their proscenium arches, curtained
with mystique.
The growing number of theatre groups
underlines the increasing popularity of the
dramatic medium. Radical politics led many
students into guerrilla theatre, a highly
cultivated art form in Ann Arbor. And al-
though political fervor has waned some,
for many students the interest in theatre
remains strong.
Student theatre groups have formed or
will form in many dorms, or just from
groups of friends who decide they would
like to ecome involved in drama. Drama,
musicals, and rock operas are constantly
being written and produced.
The growing interest in theatre has been'
sparked by the availability of cheap fa-
cilities like Canterbury House and the Resi-
dential College auditorium. Canterbury
House has closed, but hopefully new loca-
tions will be found. One group, the Lord
Chamberlain's Players, has successfully
used the foyer of Angell Hall.
And, hopefully, the loss of Canterbury
House will not kill the Ann Arbor Drama
Festival, three weeks of nightly productions

by local and visiting groups-almost all
good, and all free.
The festival firmly established the excel-
lence of the work done by many of these
groups. Such plays as "Muzeeka" or "Mar-
tin in Heaven," both originals, prove that
student theatre shows more than just pro-
nise; it is already worthwhile.
The festival also included several nights
of workshops for those interested in learn-
ing about acting, production, and writing.
Throughout the year, many students put
on plays, including the Residential College
Players, who are in an especially good posi-
tion because they have their own auditorium
at East Quad.
The "official" student theatre group is the
University Players, affiliated with the
speech department. Each term the Players
produce a varied schedule of, plays, some-
time with stunning success, sometimes with
dismal failure. Each production should be
judged independently, and the reasonable
ticket prices make that possible.
There are also professionals on campus,
and the quality of their work is indisputable.
The Actors Company brings three or four
plays to Ann Arbor every fall, then takes
them on to Broadway and invariable rave
reviews, like last year's version of "The
See THE, Page 11






International productions....

or the more classic ones

Tune in to campus music scene

If a bass interest in music rests in your blood, University of-
ferings may be able to serve your noteworthy aspirations.
Along with the School of Music, the University houses a staff
of.-organizations and events in which a musically inclined student
may participate.
For those with a desire to perform, a variety of choirs, bands,
symphonies, and orchestras await their audition. For those who
would rather listen than perform, a host of student and pro-
fessional groups exist for their pleasure.
The School of Music operates several University musical
groups. Most of these, including the Jazz Band, Concert Band,
Marching Band, Symhony Band, and Choir open their annual
auditions to all University students.
Outside the music school other student musical societies lurk.
The Men's Glee Club auditions any interested male soon after
school begins. They give two campus concerts each year.
Besides various student performances, The University Musical
Society (UMS) presents several professional concert series each
year. Last year they brought violinist Issac Stern and Artur Ruben-
stein, the master pianist, to Hill Auditorium.
For the 1971-72 season, UMS has engaged several interna-
tional presentations. Among others, the schedule includes pianist
Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli from Italy, Andres Segovia, the

guitarist from Spain, and national and international symphony
An East Asian series is also planned for this year. The first
group will feature Edo Festival Music and Pantomime, an "intang-
ible cultural treasure" from Tokya. During the winter season, a
performance will be presented by Korea's most distinguished singer
and mime of legendary stories.
The musical society will open their season at the new Power
Center for Performing Arts with Marcel Marceau, a style pant9-
mimest from Paris, and follow with the Sierra Leone National Dance
Company from Africa.
The rest of the schedule includes varied instruments and
choral presentations, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet from Canada,
and the National Ballet of Washington D.C., who will dance
Cinderella by Prokofieff.
Pop-folk-rock-jazz concerts are often given in Crysler Arena
during the school year. Usually these are sponsored by UAC. In
the past, Buffe St. Marie, Laura Nyro, and the Fifth Dimension
have appeared at the arena.
. Two University sponsored radio stations broadcast musical
selections which may be heard almost anywhere in the Ann Arbor
vicinity. WUOM sends classical music over its 91.7 frequency.
And the student iun folk-rock station may be received in either
the dorms or in University Towers, at 650 AM.
And, of course, unscheduled ad-hoc music may be heard daily
on the Diag or in the Fishbowl.







From skydiving to Tae Kwon Do,
U' groups vie for your affection




If you joined every student
organization at your high
school, what may impress you
most with the size of the Uni-
versity is the staggering num-
ber of extra-curricular activi-
When you have recovered
from the initial shock of dis-
covering that there are over
* 600 of them, feel reassured that
at least a few students are not
members of every organization.
You might even think of
starting an organization whose
purpqse is -to clear up the
muddle surrounding all the
existing organizations.
As you have gathered by now,
it is not difficult to start your
own group or club - all you
have to do is get an applica-
tion from the Office of Stu-
dent Organizations, fill it out
and present it to the Student
Government Council for ap-
proval. However, it is becoming
increasingly difficult to find an
activity which is not already

accounted for by some other
At present, there is no 43-
man squamish club, but prac-
tically every other sport has its
devoted group of followers on
campus. Groups participate in
sporting activities from weight-
lifting and rugby to La Crosse
and Tae Kwon Do.
Not to be outdone by sports
enthusiasts, political groups
sprout up and wither away with
the frequency of the campus
pigeon population.
Ranging from ad hoc stu-
dent support groups for strikes
to more permanent organiza-
tions like the College Republi-
cans, political groups cover the
entire political spectrum. Fol-
lowers of writer Ayn Rand have
banded together in the Students
for Objectivism while the Rad-
ical Independent Party flour-
ishes by their side.
If you haven't yet worked up
the courage to discuss "Atlas
Shrugged," you can always
start skydiving instead, or learn
how to fly with the U of M

Flyers. And with a minimum
of dramatic or literary talent,
you can perform in one of the
many spectacles produced each
year or write for a student pub-
If you have a taste for learn-
ing about subjects not taught
at the University itself, o n e
student organization may be
able to help you.
The Free University offers
courses in such diverse subjects
as freight hopping, macrame,
and unicycling. Look for F r e e
'U' "registration" at the begin-
ning of each term.
Foreign students have form-

ed a plethora of national
groups, but if you can't find
your particular nationality
among them, a visit to the In-
ternational Center might rem-
edy the situation.
Along with the growth of re-
ligious activity nationally, a
new crop of cults and mystics
has arrived on campus.
A shower of leaflets, signs
and posters will greet you when
you arrive in the fall, telling
of how to get acquainted with
each of the groups on campus.
Even just the casually interest-
ed are encouraged to sample
the fare of mass meetings that
will take place at the begin-
ning of the year, which adver-
tise and elaborate on the func-
tions and operation of each
particular organization.
A forewarning, however,
should be made. Jumping
wholeheartedly into the activi-
ties of one or two groups at
the start of the year can tend
to isolate you rather than open-
ing you up to new ideas and


all I I I





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When you have a typewriter problem-
on all makes of manual, electric, and portable machines
Olympio, Remington, Smith Corona, Royal, Underwood-Olivetti

Stereo Radio

Tiny Hughes
Larry Rock.

Robert Young
Sid Clemons

Whether it's a new ribbon you need or a new type-

/ O1DA6




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