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November 16, 1971 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXXII, No. 58 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 16, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

0 "
quits, climaxing
print co-op flap
Student Government Council member Barbara Goldman,
'74, unexpectedly resigned without comment last night, as
SGC met to resolve a controversy over a $1,500 allocation for
a student print cooperative.
Constituting SGC's largest expenditure this year, the
$1,500 had been granted several weeks ago to the American
Revolutionary Media (ARM), of which Goldman is a mem-
ber, for the purchase of printing equipment.
As of last night, the purchase had not been made.
Late last night, SGC members gathered in an emergency
meeting to consider the status of the funds and to discuss
the possibility -of pressurihg ARM for full reimbursement of

f~. -u . N








... . .. ... ..... . ......
......... .....

The text of Fleming's state-
ment appears on today's Edi-
torial Page.

Polls open
today in
SGC race
Polling booths for the Student
Government Council all - campus
elections open today as students
will cast their votes on a num-
ber of SGC candidates and refer-
enda issues in the two-day elec-
tion race.
The resignation of four Council
members last month opened nine
of SGC's 11 at-large seats for
this election, and 23 candidates
are in the race.
In addition, there are 14 refer-
enda questions on the ballot con-
cerning SGC funding, the Brad
Taylor r e c a 11 campaign and
structural aspects of Council.
Council has set up 15 polling
places around campus to open
The Campus
from 10 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. In
addition, booths will be placed in
the larger dorms and resident
halls during dinner time.
Meanwhile, in other campaign
action, SGC's Credentials and
Rules Committee (C&R) late last
night charged Bob Black, chair-
man of the Committee of Recall
Brad Taylor, with violating the
SGC Bill of Rights in tearing
down posted election leaflets.
C&R postponed a decision on
former SGC presidential candi-
date Bill Thee's alleged distri-
bution of anonymous anti-fund-
ing campaign material.
While grouped into four par-
ties and seven independents, all
23 SGC candidates center their
campaigns on what they see as
the need to make Council more
effectively serve the interests of
the student body.
Just what are students' inter-
ests is the issue of debate, with
the moderate Responsible Alter-
native Party (RAP) arguing for
confining SGC's role to student
services and the Radical Peo-
ples Coalition candidates arguing
for increased expansion of Coun-
cil's activities to include joint
University-city projects.
The four RAP candidates, list-
ing themselves as conservatives
and moderates, are Mat Dunas-
kiss, William Krebaum, Curtis
Steinhaur and Douglas Rick.
The Radical Peoples Coalition
is composed of five members:.
Allison Steiber, Joel Silverstein,
Jean Teshima, Art Nishioka and
Arlene Griffin.
The Government Reform of
University Policies (GROUP)
party and the Community Party
each support SGC involvement
See SGC, Page 2

the funds.
In the midst of the meeting,
Goldman entered silently with an-
other ARM member and placed a
small piece of machinery on the
table. Attached to it was a check
from ARM for the full $1,500 and
a note announcing her resignation.
She refused to comment.
SGC president Rebecca Schenk
said, "I suppose Barb felt she was
on a chopping block and probably
wanted to avoid a lot of question-
The original motion brought to
S G C by Goldman, asked that
Council provide a $1,500 grant to
the University Print Co-op as a
matching investment with the
Black E c o n o m i c Development
League (BEDL) for a cooperatively
owned print collective.
The motion was passed with the
stipulation that the allocation be
granted pending the acquisition of
new funds which SGC expected
shortly. '
Three weeks ago, representatives
of ARM asked that SGC allot the
money immediately with emer-
gency funds. According to Rebecca
Schenk, ARM spokesmen told.
Council that a "very good deal"
on print equipment was available.
At a special meeting of the ex-
ecutive council of SGC the money
was allotted to ARM at that time.
Several days later, Council mem-
bers say they informally received
word that the deal "had fallen
through," and that ARM was.hold-
ing the money in hopes of com-
pleting another deal.
SGC members explained last
night that the procedure in giving
ARM the money was not made
clear by the executive officers. Art
Warady, Council treasurer said his
understanding was that ARM would
return the money if the deal was
not completed.
George DePue, spokesman for
ARM explained that the money
was being returned to SGC be-
cause "they're all a bunch of
white racists and they deserve it."
Jerry Rosenblatt, SGC executive
vice president s a i d, "Council
should have asked for a report on
the status of the money immedi-
ately. We made a mistake by not
being clear enough to Barb Gold-
Andre Hunt, SGC coordinating
vice president said, "I think Barb
has violated our mutual trust. We
are all going to be more suspicious
of each other. now."
The University's Print Co-op
Board, composed of members from
ARM and other students, met Sun-
day night and voted to give the
$1500 to BEDL as representative
for the Washtenaw County Print
Co-op, the umbrella organization
for a community co-op.
According to SGC sources, the
board may not have had the au-
thorization to transfer the funds.
For most Council members, the
meeting's action brought to light
for the first time the status of the
allocation. Most Council members
called the situation a "general lack
of communication."
Through discussions between
BEDL and SGC members last
night, it became clear that BEDL
See SGC, Page 10

final views on
policy open
President Robben Fleming
yesterday raised several ques-
tions about a proposed plan
which would ban most classi-
fied research-from campus, but.
left open the possibility that
he will support the plan with
minor alterations.
The controversial proposal, which
has been endorsed by Senate As-
sembly, the faculty representative
body, calls for the University to
"not enter into or renew federal
contracts or grants that limit open
publication of the results of re-
search," except when "the pro-
posed research is likely to contrib-
ute so significantly to the advance-
ment of knowledge as to justify
infringement of the freedom to
publish openly.''
Fleming's stance on the issue

ployes w h o

"We owe an obliga-
tion to the many em-


faith fully



Willow Run for some

years to protect their By TAMMY JACOBS
The University is attempt-
jobs, and to protect ing to sever its ties with Wil-
low Run Laboratories, where
for t h e economy of the vast majority of Univer-
sity classified research is per-
the State of Michigan, formed, President R o b b e n
the Laboratories." Fleming said in a statement
the abortoris."yesterday.
The statement comes in the
-President Fleming midst of a hot debate at the Uni-
versity between those who wish to
ban classified research from the
campus and those seeking to pre-
------ serve it.
The University has been ex-
.. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . ..".. .. . '. Ut . . . .

-Associated Press
Meany blasts Nixon
AFL-CIO President George Meany yesterday criticized President
Nixon's policy toward communist countries, maintaining that the
President's latest overtures would result in an infux of cheap
labor competition against American workers.



negotiating plan


In an initial attempt to deal
with a nation-wide controversy
brewing over faculty unioniza-
tion, a committee of S e n a t e
Assembly-the faculty represen-
tative body-yesterday issued a
report calling for "consultative
'negotiations" between faculty
and administration over ques-
tions of salary levels and "other
faculty compensation matters."
The report by the Committee
of the Rights and Responsibil-
ities of Faculty Members covered
a wide range of topics, including
long range planning and re-
source allocation as well as the
question of salaries.
"Enlarging faculty participa-
tion" in all of these areas, the
report concluded, would serve
"the University's best interests
in the years to come."
The basic conflict over faculty
unionization has arisen over the
question of the proper relation-
ship between faculty members
and administrators.
While proponents of unioniza-
tion claim it is the only way
faculty can attain a strong voice
in matters of wages and work-
ing conditions, opponents fear
such unions would upset the
traditional relationship between
the faculty and administration
of a university.
Stopping far short of recom-
mending a faculty union, the
report did suggest procedures
for a greater faculty voice in de-
termining salaries and in other
Specifically, it proposed that
Senate, Assembly "reconstruct"
its present Committee on the
Economic Status of the Faculty
to be "a professional consulta-
tive negotiating team" to pre-
sent faculty requests regarding
salary and fringe benefits to the

Now a unit for gathering in-
formation, this committee under
the proposed plan would have
the right to consult with the
administration and directly with
'the Regents.
Failing to attain satisfaction
t h r o u g h these channels, the
committee would be empowered
to report to the assembly, which
could accept the report, instruct
the committee to return to ne-
gotiations with "a modified set
of proposals" or direct an appeal
to the Regents.
As a last resort under the
plan, the assembly could re-
quest that the matter go to
"fact-finding or advisory arbi-
Missing from the report was
any mention of a strike as a
possible sanction. Law Prof.
John Reed, chairman of the
committee, said yesterday the
omission signified the commit-
See FACULTY, Page 7

had been long awaited by both DEMTANDSTT-SUED"
opponents and proponents ofbthe E A ND ISSUED:
proposed research policy. In view
of Fleming's highly influential po-E
sition with the Regents-who must(
approve the new policy to put it Blackgboy
into effect -both g r ou ps had
sought his support..1"
In a statement printed in theI
p u tcUniver sity cor d, p tedwe k l y t7C l
newsletter of the University ad-
ministration, Fleming said that
"the existence of classified re- By GAYLE POLLARD s
search on a university campus is A black boycott of Ann Arbor's s
a source of uneasiness," but added public schools ended yesterday e:
that "my concern is that any pol- as most black students returned t
icy which is adopted be rational, to classes after high absenteeism ti
fair to all of our colleagues, and, Friday. 0
if it changes existing conditions, The boycott was called off in
there shall be a time-phasing so a close vote at a community ti
that individuals who may be ad- meeting Sunday night, attended s
verselyaffected are reasonably by over 400. Despite interim ar- e
protected." rangements, many feared stu- C
Fleming's statement emphasized dents would not be able to make h'
that the Regents will take no ac- ueir classe aets
tion on the proposal until their up their classes adequately. p
December meeting-after the Uni- The meeting also accepted by
versity Senate, composed of 2,800 consensus a list of four demands b
professors, researchers and admin- which were presented to the m
istrators, meets to consider the Board of Education in a closed
proposed policy Nov. 22. meeting last night. The board i
The Regents, however, will dis- caucused and its preliminary po- n1
cuss the resolution this month sition was expected to be re- r
both in their closed briefings and leased late last night. 0
in an open hearing Thursday af- The demands have also been a
I ternoon. supported by a coalition of white p
Fleming's four major points of parents and students, according t
contention with the Assembly ver- to Ruth Zwifler, acting chairman t
sion of the policy were: of Parents and Students United r
-A suggestion that if "the way for Full Educational Opportuni- ti
the faculty feels about classified ties. t
See FLEMING, Page 10 Citing concern for the physical

fering Willow Run into a non-

'ott of city
ools ends
afety of blacks in Ann Arbor
schools, a coalition of black par-
nts and students called the
trike Thursday night after con-
nual racial incidents in the sec-
ndary schools.
School authorities estimated
hat over 80 per cent of black
econdary students either attend-
d alternativenclasses at the
ommunity Center or remained
ome Friday in support of the
trike. Elementary students also
The group's demands, prepared
y a 14-member steering com-
.ittee, are:
* More protection for blacks
.n the schools. Twelve grounds-
ien should be placed in two-
man teams throughout the sec-"
ndary schools. While the men
re recruited, biracial parent
atrols are to be on hand to pro-
ect students. A biracial commit-
ee with a black majority will
eview the final applications for
he groundsmen to determine
heir acceptability.
* Establishment of a black
tudies curriculum in all second-
ry schools with course content
nd teachers determined by
lack students, parents and staff.
Principals are asked to meet
with a black committee to select
eachers and identify course con-
ent in English, social studies,
peech, music and arts, with
ourses to start next semester.

profit corporation, unaffiliated
with the University, but perhaps
under the auspices of the state
government, the statement said.
Fleming's statement, released
yesterday in the University Re-
cord, the weekly newsletter of the
University administration, a 1 s o
discusses a controversial proposal
by Senate Assembly which-if ac-
cepted by the Regents-would ban
most such research.
Fleming said, "Regardless of
what action the Regents may take
on the modification of the clas-
sified research policy . . . the
Laboratories cannot prosper and
might not even survive within the
U-M structure."
Fleming cited the decline in fi-
nancial support for Willow Run as
the chief reason for its inability
to exist in its present position.
The Willow Run budget has de-
clined from $13 million to $6 mil-
lion since 1966.
"We have known for some time
that financial support for Willow
Run was becoming increasingly
uncertain," Fleming "said. "Even
if the present rules for accept-
ance of classified research .
remained unchanged, the likeli-
hood of reversal of this downward
trend was slim."
Fleming listed three alterna-
tives for Willow Run:
-Retaining it in its present
form "with a high probability that
competent research groups could
not be sustained;"
-Disassociating the labs from
the University by placing the labs
into a non-profit corporation un-
der auspices of the state; or
-Placing the labs in a non-pro-
fit corporation without state sup-
Under the last two plans, there
would be. no limit to the kinds of
research Willow Run would carry


Senate Assembly seeks greater
voice iU' investment policy



Senate Assembly, the faculty
representative body, has changed
very slightly its "hands off" policy
toward University investments.
The change resulted from a Sen-
ate Assembly subcommittee report
which was requested by the faculty
unit last year i the midst of fre-
quent discussion of the Univer-
sity's policy in voting its stocks.
At that time, students and other
groups-including Ralph Nader's
Campaign GM-urged universities
and other large public stockhold-
ing institutions to vote against

management positions at stock-
holders' meetings on philosophical,
not business, grounds.
Yesterday, the assembly gave
voice-vote approval to a policy
that would slightly alter the Uni-
versity's long-standing opposition
to voting its s h a r e s on these
Under present policies, "the in-
vestment officer votes (stock)
proxies in accordance with the
recommendations of the corpora-
tions' management unless other-
wise instructed. If a question
arises concerning the manage-
ment's recommendations, the Re-
gents would decide whether to
support the position of manage-
ment, or to suggest an alternative
to management; or to vote in op-
position to the management's rec-
ommendation and consider selling
the stock."
Despite widespread discussion of
the issue in the University com-
munity in past years-climaxing
last spring in a special forum on
the matter-the R e g e n t s have
never voted stocks against man-
Senate Assembly's policy pro-

=-In situations of "substantial out.
controversy," the committee will 0 Expansion of counseling staff. The statement said that th
form another committee to study Students must be able to select and director and staff of the Labora
the issue and report to administra- change counselors without fear of tories have "vigorously pursued
tors; and punishment, while counselors must these alternatives," and that both
-When "substantial considera- have academic training in both the University and the state ar
tion" of the question has been counseling and human relations. exploring the second alternative
made, a regental-approved letter Career counseling should be in- and will give a "feasibility report
or "expression of concern" will be itiated for both college-bound and by Jan. 1, 1972.
sent along with the Regents' stock non-college bound students. Last night Fleming said that h
proxy, conveying what is thought 0 The school board must take has appointed William Pierponi
See FACULTY, Page 2 See BLACKS, Page 2 See 'U', Page 10
U.S. balance.of-payments deficit
Soars to record $12 billion high







A women's aid and counseling service, the Women's Crisis Center,
opened its doors yesterday in offices on the second floor of the Union.
"We want to pull together all type of services for women in any
kind of crisis to this office. The center is basically a place for women-
to get help from other women," says Marnie Heyn, an organizer of
the center.
The center offers a wide range of counseling including personal
counseling, suicide prevention. drug help and abortion counseling.

WASHINGTON (P) - The na-f
tion's balance-of-payments deficitl
surged to its highest level in
history in the July - September
quarter-$12 billion by one meas-
urement-the Commerce Depart-
ment reported yesterday.
Despite President Nixon's opti-
mism about his domestic economic
program, the report indicated that

paying newly effective wage in-
creases must first clear their price
hikes with the government-a re-
versal of an earlier exemption.
By one measure, the official re-
serve transactions balance, the
balance-of-payments deficit was
$12.1 billion on a seasonally ad-
justed basis.
This balance, which only records
transactions between governments,1
reached a record deficit level in
.+I- - -A Ila-fa . .+ lon n A

the deficit was a September sur-
plus in the nation's trade balance,-
which had floundered into deficit
for the four preceding months.
In announcing the new require-
ment for large companies, the
Cost of Living Council answered a
request made Saturday night by
Price Commission Chairman C.
Jackson Grayson, who said the
board wanted to look at all major
companies' price increases before
an nf A s

poses that: his international economic pro-
-University groups concerned gram has yet to produce results.
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