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November 13, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-11-13

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Sir iAa


Partly sunny,

Vol. LXXXII, No. 56 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 13, 1971 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Strike hits
city school
Classes held for
black students at
comnunty unit
Black absenteeism in Ann
Arbor's public schools was
high yesterday, according to
school officials, as some 300
'4 students attended classes at
the Community Center while
others stayed home in sup-
port of a boycott against the
city school system.
A coalition of black students and
parents called for the strike in a
mass meeting Thursday night. The
meeting resulted from recent ra-
cial incidents in the city's senior
and junior high schools.
Meanwhile, classes were held as
regularly planned at all Ann Arbor
schools. Both white and black at-
tendance were affected yesterday
by the recent incidents and the
Principal Paul Meyers at Huron
High School said, "We have very
few black students in school today.
I don't think we have a half a
dozen." Normally about 140 black
students attend Huron.
At Pioneer High School, Prin-
cipal Joseph Pollack said between
25 and 50 per cent of the school's
black dstudents - usually totalling
145-came yesterday.
However, black students report-
ed that less than five attended.
According to Pollack, Absten-
teeism ran between 25 and 30 per
cent of the total student body."
Forsythe Junior High School re-
ported almost four times the nor-
mal amount of absences. Close to
150 blacks and 230 whites failed to
report for classes, according to
school officials.
Attendance at other Ann Arbor
junior high schools was almost
normal, while black attendance
dropped off as much as 60 per cent.
Figures were not available for
elementary s c h o o 1 attendance.
Over all the junior and senior high
schools, at least 450 ot70 black
students boycotted their classes..
Meanwhile, students began :r-;
riving at the Community Center
before 8 a.m., as directed by par-
ents. In an orientation session, Bill
Jones, director of the Model Cities;
Community Skills Center, talked
with students about the strike and
its purpose.
Two members of the Michigan
Civil Rights Commission, District'
Executive Director Melvin Harris
from Jackson and Rita Scott from
Detroit, attended the morning ses-
sion. They listened to student re-
ports of physical harassment, and
their grievances about teachers
with uncaring attitudes, and their,
preferential tendencies towgrds
Scott said that the representa-
tives of the commission were there
at the request of a black commnu-
See CITY, Page 8





men, federal employes and the
working poor were exempted
from post-freeze wage controls
yesterday by the Cost of Liv-
ing Council.
Life insurance rates also will
be allowed to rise without fed-
eral controls after the freeze
period ends at 12:01 a.m. to-
The council further said the
auto industry may, without ad-
vance approval, begin paying a
scheduled wage increase and raise
prices to match. However, both
increases could be subject to pos-
sible rollback.
Meanwhile the President's Pay
Board and Price Commission is-
sued their first legally binding
Publication of the regulations in
today's Federal Register means the
wage and price freeze ends on
schedule tomorrow, allowing de-
ferred raises to go into effect for
billions of workers and setting
rules aimed at holding price in-
creases to 2.5 per cent a year on
At a news conference yesterday,
President Nixon said the pay and
price guidelines are very sound
-Daily--Sara Krulwtch and very realistic. He conceded
that there might be a slight jump
in prices at first after rigid freeze
irection of the Detroit Women's rules are relaxed.
enc. The President said the Pay
- Board's general rule that no wage
agreements may contain raises of
more than 5.5 per cent a year is
an achieveable goal. He said some
businessmen had urged a three or
'. fnuu rinr nr p± I n timi $JUU 1ar


Women's night
Women take part in a circle dancing session last night at St. Andrews Episcopal Church under the d
Street Theater. The activities were in conjunction with a teach-in on abortion being held here this week

-Associated Press
PRESIDENT NIXON confers with Defense Secretary Melvin Laird
after yesterday's press conference.
Combat role ended in
Vietnam, Ixon says


SGC cmpaign plasters campus
aByROSE SUE BERSTEIN On one front the candidates pre-
..........VOTE!. VOTE! VOTE! With a sent a unified offense against stu-
profusion of political propaganda dent passers-by. The sheer volume1
flying about, this was the theme of leaflets spewed forth makes it
t h a t echoed and echoed and well-nigh impossible to ignore the
echoed throughout the University issues at hand.
'yesterday. Amidst tomes of liter- So sights such as this are not
ature-left; right and transcendent rare-a freshman meaning to go
-it was clear that students were to class, but never before con-
expected to go out and vote about fronted by SGC campaign propa-
something sometime soon. ganda, sets forth valiantly from
A walk through the campus area the dorm room, hoping to reach
found that candidates for next class just in time.
week's Student Government Coun- But traveling down the dorm
*cil elections were as faithful as
dogs-striking every pole, every
tree. the eamp s
The poster-splattered campus, t 'p
R and mounds of litter belie a strug- 4 e e tiol S
gle of war-like proportions-the
fabulous, frenzied, frantic battle
for paper power. corridor leads to posters-GROUP.
Critics have often charged that RAP. People's Coalition. Recall
SGC is a paper organization, but Taylor. Stop Taylor Recall.
it is only during election cam- These posters puzzle our stu-
paigns that this charge is sub- dent, who loses a good two minutes
stantially verified. Printed paper reading them. But then comes the
leaflets attain pre-eminence as crunch-trying to wade through
sources of communication and as the Fishbowl traffic without be-
sophisticated weaponry on the coming politically entangled. And~
two-flanked sovereignty struggle- the odds are all against this per-
a wishbone offense of sorts. son, because the Fishbowl is a

' .

lour per cent wage limit out calied
this "totally unrealistic." WASHINGTON (R)-President Nixon maintained yester-
The Cost of Living C o u n c i1, day that America's offensive combat role in Vietnam has
which outranks both the pay and ended and announced that he will increase the U.S. troop
price panels, issued a last minute withdrawal rate by more than one-third in December and
ruling exempting federal employes January.
and servicemen from general post- Holding an unannounced news conference in the White
freeze wage control.
This means that an average 15 =Hue press center, Nixon disclosed that during the next two
per cent military pay raise may go months the authorized ceiling for American forces in South
into effect on schedule tomorrow Vietnam will be cut by 45,000 to 139,000.
for American's 2.6 million men and More than half the forces will be brought home before
women in uniform. Christmas.
The delays that Nixon imposed 1 However, the President said that
on general federal pay increases ate group the United States would continue
remain in effect, putting back ;air strikes ag 1nst infiltration
white collar pay increases to next 1 routes into Vietnam. He added
July 1 and delaying all blue col- that if the flow of Hanoi forces
lar adjustments six months- southward is increased in the
However, within - grade, merit weeks and months ahead, Ameri-
and longevity increases for federal IAT fg can air activity will be stepped
workers will resume Sunday. . l .p o e tup corresppndingly.
The c o u n c i 1 also said fees The chief executive discussed
charged for all new life insurance By STEVE BRUMMEL the present role of remaining
and annuities, with the exception Three hundred Michigan resi- troops in Vietnam in responsA to
of credit-life insurance, will be ex- Wh a question by -a reporter who
empt from price control. d House gates Monday to drama- wondered when the combat role
However, prices for auto insur- tize thegday's toll of Indochinese there would end.
ance, health insurance,tproperty d d dead in the "wound down" war Nixon disclosed that offensive
insurance, casualty insurance and in So-utheast Asia. operations already have ended
other types of coverage will be Ttand said, "American troops are
controlled. he demonstration is part of a now in a defensive position."
nationwide protest effort against Thewin efexecivepstokofic
Also exempt from wage controls the expanded air war and in- aTheactifecuhensoek540,000
are all workers who receive less creased killing and maiming of amer iamerviceen sere40st0-
than the federal minimum wage, Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambo- med i se vceen eeta
which currently is $1.6 an hour. dians-a fact often ignored with He said his latest withdrawal
Donald Rumsfeld, the council's ( a reduced American death rate. announcement was confined to a
executive director, said these wages C I e r g y and Laity Concerned two-month period because, with
"seldom contribute to the factors (CLC) and the Fellowship for Re- fewer Americans remaining in the
responsible for inflation." conciliation are the national spon- war zone, it is important to main-
The Pay Board's regulations sors for the series of demonstra- tain maximum leverage in pos-
added little to the previously an- tions called the Daily Death Toll sibly fruitful negotiations.
nounced policy of limiting new Project. They do not believe the Nixon said he would make an-
wage increases to 5.5 per cent per nation can de-escalate the ground other withdrawal announcement
year and allowing scheduled in- war while increasing the bombing, before Feb. 1. And, altering his
creases in existing contracts to go in effect substituting Asian lives past phraseology, he said its scope
into effect unless challenged and for American, according to their and duration would depend in
found "unreasonably inconsistent" local news release. part on prospects for the release
with that guide. I Since Nov. 8, different regions of American prisoners of war and
In an other economic develop- of the country have sent 300 per- obtaining a cease-fire throughout
ment yesterday, the Senate voted sons each day to Washington in- all of Southeast Asia.
40-37 to raise the personal income cluding delegations from Philadel- The news conference was domi-
tax exemption to $800 starting in phia, New York, Boston, and Ken- nated by discussion and questions
1972 instead of the $750 allowed by tucky. Each day's delegation rep- on Vietnam and Nixon's revised
the House. resents that day's death toll in withdrawal schedule.
This vote, adding $1.9 billion of South Vietnam. CLC expects the But the President talked about
benefits for individuals to the $15.51 Project to continue at least until the economy, too. He said in ans-
billion tax cut bill, was a victory Thanksgiving. wer to a question that "it's pos-
for Democrats who have contended The Michigan chapter of the sible there will be an inflationary
the measure is lopsided in favor CLC, under the coordination of bulge after the wage-price freeze
of business. See WAR, Page 8 ends this weekend."

, U' shows cautious reaction to TEA

As organizers try to build the
fledgling Temporary Employees
Association (TEA) into a bar-
gaining unit for part-time work-
ers on campus, the reaction of
,U n i v e r s i t y administrators is
Administrators a r ereluctant
to speculate on possible future
negotiation with TEA because its
status, they claim, is not estab-
lished. They predict, however,
that employe demands, for better

grievance procedures have a bet-
ter chance of being met by the
University than demands for
higher wages and tighter job
TEA is currently organizing
part-time University employes
around demands for better work-
ing conditions, higher wages,
more job s e c u r it y, improved
grievance procedures and tight-
er jcb descriptions.
Despite funding by Student
Government Council and several
organizational meetings, the As-

sociation has found difficulties in
developing into a mass organiza-
tion. Organizers say that TEA's
present small size arises partly
from the difficulty they have had
in finding all the temporary em-
ployes who work in different de-
partments of the University.
They claim the University will
not release the information t3
the Association.
Apparently the Administration
just does not know what to make
of the new Association. "I'm not
very sure that I know precisely
what it (the TEA) is," said
James Thiry, manager of em-
ploye and union relations.
It is unclear what position the
Administration will take with re-
spect to the legitimacy of such
an organization. Thiry said "+hie
University considers the decision
of any employe to organize or
affiliate or become a member of
an organization that employe's
Thiry said, however. that he
wasn't sure the law in Michigan
providing for colle'_tive bargain-
ing by employes, covered student
He noted the case of Wayne
1State TUniversity stuident. workers

interns' union was an appropri-
ate size for a bargaining unit,
recognition of both unions is held
up in the courts because Lhe Uni-
versity claims they represent
students who are receiving pro-
fessional training through their
jobs and therefore do not strict-
ly qualify as "employes" to or-
ganize under law.
Although administrators hesi-
tate to predict how the Univer-
sity will react to the demands
of the Association, they agree
See "U", Page 8

sea of sentiments.
The other front in the wish-
bone offense of proaganda is more
insidious, involving candidates of
opposing political persuasions who
rip off each, other's posters.
These wily folks emerge in the
dead of night to purge the campus
of beliefs they find distasteful. The
primary brunt of this effort ap-
pears to be the campaign to recall
Brad Taylor. Posters advocating
both sides of this issue adorn the
floors and garbage bins as a result
of nightly rip-off forays by mem-
bers of the two camps.
Next Thursday, when the elec-
tion results will have been an-
nounced, the only remains of this
fierce power struggle will be heaps
of useless leaflets, mounds of
meaningless messages to be incin-
erated and returned to us in
another incarnation as smokey

Authorities quell prison
disturbance in Green Bay

Report unearths grave tale
buried in med school past

GREEN BAY, Wis. (P)-Green
B a y Reformatory authorities
fired tear gas at prisoners and
discharged shotguns as warning
shots late yesterday in quelling
what Warden Don Quatsoe called
"a full scale riot."
Quatsoe said five or six mem-
bers of the prison staff were hos-

and were trying to cut through
prison bars from a central ro-
tunda area.
"We had a small staff on duty
at the time," Quatsoe said.
"They got to some shotguns
and fired them through the bars
up in the area to warn the pris-
oners to disperse. Then the pris-

The year is 1875. Two stooping figures steal
between the tombstones of a misty grave-
yard. Striking the earth with their shovels,
they uncover- a newly-buried coffin.
And the body-snatchers run off to sell their
prize-to the University medical school.
A century later, University doctors have

by history Prof. Leslie Hanawalt of Wayne
State University and Martin Kaufman of
Westfield State College. The report, included
in a recent edition of Michigan History mag-
azine, documented "Body Snatching in the
Body snatchers usually worked in three-
man teams, driving together in a wagon to
a rv arii . 4- Aa.rk o-f rnirrht (OnP mn


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