Friday, November 12, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven .HE.MICIIAN DAILY age-Seve UPCOMING ELECTION: Students to vote on SGC funding issues Referenda ask views on vote system, GF powers SGC MEMBER Taylor recall considered TAPES {Continued from page 1) allotment from its current level of 25 cents. The other Council related fund- ing referenda which asks wheth- er the University should stop giving SGC its present funding allotment of 25 cents could cut all student funding. The proposal was placed on the ballot through a petition 'drive aimed at chal- lenging expenditures made by Council in the past. The referendum on the various other campus governments asks if a funding level of 50 cents per student per term should be es- *tablished for school and college governments. At this time college govern- ments have no steady source of income and usually attain funds by requesting money from the deans of their particular units. College governments support ,he student funding referendum as a means to achieve independ- ence from their school's admin- istration, c o 11 e g e government representatives say. According to Engineering Coun- cil Coordinating Vice President Mike McGill, council would in- crease its services to engineer- ing students with the extra money. Any money left over at the end o' he year would be given to the college's dean for a scholarship fund, McGill adds. The literary school student gov- ernment would attempt to in- Jbrease communications between students and council members with the money. "We plan to set up a complaint committee for students so they can have some where to go for help," says LSA Executive Council member Neil Aisenson. Last April students rejected a referendum asking for $1.85 assessment per student per term, 85 cents of which would go to Council with the remaining dollar going to the individual's school or college government. In addition to the funding ref- erenda, SGC has placed seven "projects" on the ballot, asking students to vote for however many projects they feel Council should undertake-if any. The proposed projects are: " Funding a Women's Crisis Center (WCC) . The center would offer 24-hour counseling services for women who have been raped, use local homes to serve as first aid stations, and draw up lists of women volunteers to walk other women at night. *Establishing and initially ,funding a cooperative grocery store. According to SGC Presi- dent Rebecca Schenk, additional funding to expand this project might be raised through a re-. fundable student fee system sim- ilar to the one used by the stu- dent book store; " Working to establish local University - community 24 - hour child care centers. If the SGC funding proposal passes, Coun- cil will probably set up one day care center immediately, Schenk says. Later, additional child care centers would be established; " Obtaining, through Council, federal funds to build low-cost University - community housing using some student funds as seed money; 0 Establishing and funding a large scale paper and glass re- '*cycling center for the campus. An alternative to building a .lew recycling center, Schenk says, is for SGC to designate various areas around campus where stu-~ dents can bring glass, cans .nd paper waste. SGC would then fi- nance the trash removal to a nearby recycling station; * Establishing and funding an academic chair to provide for the teaching of subjects not nor- mally available. Schenk says such a chair fun ded hby Coun cil .. might more easily open up de- partments and their curriculum offerings to student input; and * Financing t h e compilation and distribution of an in-depth consumer report of stores, hous- ing and products in the city. Al- most all goods or services that affect students would be investi- gated and rated, Schenk says. The drive to cut off Council's funding stems from charges by SGC member Brad Taylor that the current campus student gov- ernment is financially irrespon-G sible. "Right now SGC hands outj money to almost anyone," Tay- lor says. "It is grossly unfair to take money from students and just pass it out to any partisan political group." According to Taylor, if students vote to rescind Council's fund- ing, "it will indicate a vote of no confidence in SGC as it now exists. "If we strip away SGC's money, Council has no choice but to change its method of distribut- ing funds," Taylor adds. In response to Taylor's charges, Schenk says that most of the allocations Taylor refers to were niade before her presidential term started. Taylor has sharply criticized SGC's allocation of money to the Radical I-lependent Party's City Council umpaign last spring when then Executive Vice Pres- ident Jerry DeGrieck was run- ning for council. Pressing for an increase in SGC's allotment, Schenk con- tends that Taylor's fund-cutting proposal is a "direct attempt to end student self-government on campus.. Schenk argues that if Council stopped receiving money from student assessments, "SGC would no longer have to be responsive to students," since its funding would come from other sources. In addition, Schenk says, if students refuse to grant funds to their own government, there will be no representativesbody to protect student interests. If the increased funding pro- posal passes, Council would use the additional money to sponsor campus and community projects that students approved in the election, Schenk says. Only if Council receives an increase in its current allotment can these projects be undertaken, she adds. In the middle of the funding battle, SGC member Barbara Goldman argues for keeping the current level of funding. Accord- ing to Goldman, Council should first investigate and draw up plans for the proposed projects and then ask for more .oney. "Let's not give money to SGC until it has thoroughly research- ed the projects students want it to wor kon," Goldman says. Any increase in SGC's funding must be approved by the Re- gents. Council's current allot- ment of 25 cents has been in effect since 1954 when a new SGC constitution approved the allo- cation of this money from each student's tuition (Continued from page 1) cross-referencing. It is designed to create a primary-within-an- election. SGC now uses a "limit- ed vote" system for member at large elections, although it did use a transfer system previously but found it too complicated to score without a computer. The present system allows in- dividuals to cast a number of non-transferable votes for candi- dates, with those candidates re- ceiving a plurality of the vote elected to the vacant seats. Observers point out that. under the present system, a minority slate of one political ideology can obtain a majority of the va- cant seats with a plurality when they present only a few candi- dates. Voters of the opposite ideology split their vote among a great number of their candi- dates than do those who vote for winners. Under the proposed system, these observers believe, the transfer of b a 11 o t mechanism would insure t h a t ideologies would be represented by the total number of votes cast for them, removing the unrepresent- atives effects of ideological fac- tionalization. The Consent of the Governed resolution reaches beyond the current campaign and involves the now-forming Graduate Fed- eration. In effect, it will say that Graduate Federation or any sim- ilarily structured organization cannot legitimately appoint stu- dents to University or Senate Assembly committees. Graduate Federation is to have its membership elected by indi- vidual graduate and professional school and college student gov- ernments, not directly by the graduate student community. The Consent of the Governed referendum is a "paper resolu- tion" because Council has no jurisdiction over Senate Assem- bly, the faculty representative body, or the Administration, the two groups who solicit student appointments to campus - wide committees and bodies. But according to John Koza. grad, who wrote the resolution, it will carry weight in SGC's campaign to get the Assembly and the Administration to ap- prove some democratic policy of that sort. Meanwhile. J a n a Bommers- bach, grad. one of the chief or- ganizers of the new Graduate Federation, has indicated that the Federation will not be in- timidated by an attempt to pre- vent her group to appoint gradu- ate students as did the organi- zation's predecessor, Graduate Assembly. Bommersbach believes the ref- erendum is a "power play" by Koza. "I don't know what in the hell the man wants," she says. "but supposedly he is protecting grad students from this 'hor- rible monster' (Graduate Feder- ation)." Despite the criteria of the reso- lution, Bommersbach believes her group to be democratic and in the best interests of the grad- uate students community. The third referendum, called the Special Referenda referen- dum, asks simply: "Should Stu- dent Government Council hold special referendum elections forr questions durin g the year?" Council is presently authorized to hold such special elections, ac- cording to member-at-large Joel Silverstein, '72, and SGC is seek- ing a "mandate for Council" on the matter. The Proportional Representa- tion amendment was proposedj by Silverstein, and put on the ballot by a vote of Council-in- cluding conservative member-at- large Brad Taylor. Taylor, how- ever., now claims that the pro- posed system "would hurt con- servatives" despite reassurances} from many people that it would, if it helped any special group,N help the conservatives. According to Koza, who helped3 design the proposed new system, it is "probably the fairest of all election systems." However, he says, "people should be quite aware that it renresents fairness at the expense of simplicity." For the individual voter, the new system would be quite sim- ple: each voter would vote his number of votes, as before. for Council members, but under this system he or she numbers them in order of preference, first, sec- ond, third, and so on. The complexity is in the count- ing of the votes. Each person s vote is initially cast for his or her first choice. If some candi- date receives a quota-one num- ber more than the number ob- tained by dividingsthe total num- ber' of ballots cast by the num- ber of seats to be filled-then that candidate is elected. The number of votes the win- ning candidate receives in excess of the quota are then divided up among the rest of the candidates in proportion to the second place votes on the winner's ballots. The process is repeated down the line until no one fills a quota, and then the bottom candidate is eliminated. That candidate'sy votes are then redistributed to the voter's next choice. If someone is then elected, the excess quota system is then re- peated, if not, then another candidate is dropped. (Continued from page 1) lot by the ad hoc Committee to recall Brad Taylor, are: -"~HisTaylor) testimony be- fore the House Internal Secur- ity Committee endangers stu- dents who have dissented by pe- tition and assembly, against the Indochina war; and -His SGC campaign deceived students by concealing from them the anti-democratic au- thoritarianism of his politics." The ad hoc Committee to Re- call Brad Taylor submitted the necessary1,000 signatures early last month to place the refer- endum on the ballot. T .a.Y 1 o r has maintained throughout thesrecall cam- paign that he gave information of "public record" and only ap- peared before HISC because he was subpoenaed. Failure to ap- pear could have meant possible jail sentence for contempt, he has said. The recall committee however has charged that Taylor's tes- timony "indiscriminately smear- ed everyone from the Mayday Tribe to Brian Spears, a fel- low member of SGC (when Tay- lor began his term)." Taylor's critics have cited the overwhelming approval of the, peace treaty in last Spring's referendum as proof that Tay- lor's testimony before HISC went against the will of the stu- dent electorate. They also charge Taylor with falsely testifying that Spears, planted a Viet Cong flag on the stage during the conference, and that black militant Robert Williams, a teaching fellow in the University's Center for Chinese Studies. was booed. The committee has said that such testimony could be dam- aging in light of HISC's policy of "harrassment Bob Black. '73, chairman of the recall committee, yesterday said that the referendum amounts to "a vote of yes or no on restricting civil liberties." According to Black. the primary purpose of HISC is to "systema- tically collect information on CREATIVE SHABBA T SERVICE Every Friday-6 P.M. at H illel t leftist groups and turn this over to people who would hurt them". Taylor responded to thesetac- cusations yesterday saying that if the "truth" he provided HISC was damaging to such in- dividuals as Spears and, Wil- liams, "then they got what they deserved". He said that he appeared be- fore HISC "as an individual", not an SGC representative. On- ly introduced as a YAF mem- ber, Taylor said that his status as SGC council member "never came up". Taylor added that the real question involved in the recall campaign was whether or not voters "would keep a political minority represented on coun- cil." In the past, Taylor has called the drive a "blatant at- tempt by the committee to steal my SGC seat for their own as yet undeclared purposes." 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