CAMPUS ELECTION RECOMMENDATIONS See Editorial Page Y SiU &r AP :4Iaiiyj UNDER WHELMING High--50 Low-32 Partly cloudy; little change Vol LXXXII, No. 55 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 12, 1971 Ten Cents SGC referenda: Surveying the students op Council funding Taylor recall Pr By HESTER PULLING By TED STEIN I ''B In the midst of widespread controversy, voters B Some charge that Student Government Council will decide whether conservative member of Stu- Some students squanders student money by allocating funds to dent Government Council Brad Taylor should re-a.... . nocuous referend "petty partisan political groups." Others argue for main in office. Student Governm an increase in SGC's allotment "so student interests Taylor sparked campus debate when he testified~w Wednesday's all-c can better be served." And some want Council's last summer before the House Internal Security - reading, they ma income to stay where it is. confusing. For the second time this year, students are being - ¢ ' Nevertheless, t asked to vote on the funding level of SGC. This time te s - sentation Amendm they not only have a choice to opt for increasing, Special Referend Council's allotment, but can also vote to completely .t make campus gov cut off SGC's primary source of income. The most co Three of the seven referenda appearing on the Committee (HISC) on information he gathered at important, is t ballot in next week's all-campus election deal with February's People's Peace Treaty Conference held Amendment, aski student government funding. Two apply to SGC and in Ann Arbor. amended so all " one to the governments of the various schools and He had been covering the conference for the resentatives be e colleges. Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) of which ^ the Proportional he is a member. b h rooto Asking whether the income level of Council should s It will take a "yes" vote of 60 per cent of the The Proportion be set at 85 cents per students per term, the pass- student body to remove Taylor from council ly used in SGC P age of one funding referendum would boost SGC's Reasons for Taylor's ejection, placed on the bal- mechanism invol See STUDENTS, Page 7 Brad Taylor See TAYLOR, Page 7 allotting the Issues See P Twelve Pages inions ocedures y W. E. SCHROCK may skip over three rather in- a appearing at the top of the ent Council ballot in Tuesday and campus election-after a cursory y look inconsequential or utterly he three-the Proportional Repre- nent, Consent of the Governed, and a referenda-are all designed to 'ernment more democratic. iplicated, and perhaps the most he Proportional Representation ng that the SGC constitution be 'Student Government Council rep- lected in the future according to Representation System. al Representation System, present- residential elections, is a two step ving transfer of ballots through MEFERENDA, Page 7 CONTROVERSY SPARKED: Pilot residents oppose Price panel sets plans for dining hall pftio pr ofit controls, restricts By PAUL TRAVIS Plans by the University to construct a $400,000 central- ized kitchen and dining facil- ity between Alice Lloyd and Couzen Halls have generated bitter opposition among Lloyd residents. Lloyd residents and staff sharp- ly oppose the proposed combined facility, contending it would ham-1 per Pilot's "living and learning" concept toward education, Construction of the new dining hall, slated to begin in May, wouldj impel Pilot residents to eat their meals in one huge dining facility; they now use three small dining rooms in Lloyd. University officials and Housing Policy Committee have approved the building plans saying that the new hall will save the University money by staff reductions and modernized facilities. These sav- ings are presently estimated at $55,000 per year. "This plan would destroy the concept of the Pilot Program, the I idea of meshing the social and academic lives,' says Tom Lobe, airector of Pilot Program. .'At present we have classes be- ing held°over dinner and some- times have speakers during din- ner. These things would be im- possible in one huge dining room," says Lobe. Lloyd residents plan to hold a esierendum in the near future in orcter to determine exact student opposition to this plan. If the ma- jority is indeed opposed, they will take the results to the Housing Policy Committee and ask that' they reject the project. --Associated Press Fidel flies fist Cuban Premier Fidel Castro raises a clenched fist while President Salvador Allende of Chile waves, as they appeared at the Gov- ernment House balcony in Santiago y sterday. HIGH SCHOOL CONFLICT: Blacks call for SENS. J. FULBUIGHT (D-Ark.), (left) and John Stennis (D-Miss. ber yesterday after Stennis' amendment to the foreign aid bill was viously cut allotment of the military aid portion. Senate revives I Phase 2 restrictions a ixed at 2.5 per cent } By.The Associated Press President Nixon's Price Commission adopted complex Phase 2 guidelines yesterday, requiring post-freeze price in- The new guidelines, which will be effective after mid- 'creases to be justified by legitimate business costs night Sunday, are aimed at holding the national inflation rate to 2.5 per cent a year. If they do not, officials say, there will be further changes. - An immediate upsurge of retail prices next week, how- ever, may be effectively blocked by a commission rule requir- ing posted price lists. The curtailing effect which the guidelines should exercise on profits came as a surprise. During the speech in which he announced the Phase 2 pro- _- gram last month, Nixon said he would avoid using profitIRfle controls. The commission shied away from adopting a general price standard applying to the nation's businesses, but instead laid down general rules covering prices by manufacturers, ' By MARCIA ZOSLAW -Associated Press retailers, wholesale service indus- A new coalition of workers and .), talk outside the Senate cham- tries and professionals. students plan' to demonstrate to- passed 46-42-restoring a pre- The basic guideline is this: Only morrow against wage controls, un- price increases that can be justi- employment, and the Indochina fied on the basis of cost increases, war. minus any amount of worker pro- According to a spokesman of the ductivity gains, will be allowed. If Washtenaw Organizing Commit- Viklikthe price is over 2.5 per cent and tee, the demonstration will at- can be justified by this formula, tempt to "get w o r k e r s and * sion. break the freeze is to strike their But the price boost may not be jobs-" i so great as to cause an increase in The Committee was established a company's pre tax profit rates' a few weeks ago by the coordi- measured as a percentage of sales- nators of the "Up Against the 64-24 a move by Chairman. J.W. In other words, profits can in- Wall Street Journal," a radically Fulbright of the Foreign Relations crease only through a rise in sales oriented student-worker publica- Committee to cut an extra $185 volume if a price increase, is in- . million from the military aid part volved. - The protest to be staged out- of the bill. "This means that some prices The Senate, meanwhile, appear- will go down," said Price Commis- side the Ann Arbor Internal Rev- ed to be standing firm against sion Chairman C. Jackson Gray- enue Service office has been en- early action on an interim fund- son. "Some will not increase at all. dorsed by over ten area labor and ing resolution passed by the Some will go up more than 2.5 student organizations. House Wednesday night to pro- per cent." The trend of worker-student co- vide money after Nov. 15 for the The commission's guidelines, an- operation was recently demon- Pentagon, Agency for Internation- nounced at a news conference strated nationally during the 17 al Development, Office of Eco- after days of late evening work regional anti-war demonstrations nomic Opportunity, District of sessions by the seven member pan- last Saturday. The Detroit protest, Columbia and other agencies el, raised many questions that will which attracted a crowd of 1200, which have yet to receive their be answered only when final reg- was endorced by the AFL-CIO and regular appropriations for the ulations are published. The com- the United Auto Workers besides year that started last July 1. See PHASE 2, Page 6 other labor groups. omen s week to feaurefair , plays By JAN BENEDETTI Emphasis on Women" week, sponsored by several local women's organizations, begins today featuring entertainment, an abortion teach-in, lectures and workshops aimed at educating the women of the community. Women's Night", an evening of consciousness- >K raising plays and improvisations will open the 1 "If the residents come out strongly enough opposed to the plan we will try to draw up a new eliool ~&IPLL proposal for the use of the funds," says Lobe. "There is no reason not to have student input into decid- W ing what those funds will be used ate By JONATHAN MILLER and GAYLE POLLARD for," he adds, aid In the wake of recent racial incidents at city schools, a coalition The construction plan calls for of some 350 black parents and students last night called for a strike a new dining hall to be added to warn Against all Ann Arbor public schools. ouzens an a connecting draw Last night's meeting arose out of the most recent conflict between Cassagewayd o e ilt between In school-aged youths-one white student was stabbed yesterday; and ouzens an yd. Dem eight blacks, including a counselor, were arrested at Pioneer High Under the construction plans, field School in unrelated incidents. some $150,000 is earmarked for with' Yesterday's confrontations were the most serious in a six-day improvements on Lloyd itself, six series of racial problems at city schools, which heightened last "The $150,000 tacked on to this tions proposel is really a bribe," says a grar ,'hursday at Huron High with the arrest of eight students following Lloyd resident, "some students are To some fights between blacks and whites. afraid to oppose the plan for fear econ According to a speaker at last night's meeting, the strike by the improvements will then not be day black students is expected to last until negotiations between city made." vides )ortion, ASHINGTON OP) - The Sen- passed a $1.5 billion military bill yesterday after restoring million in response to a ning that the sharply cut mea- might jeopardize U.S. with- Tal efforts in Vietnam. addition the bill contains ocratic leader Mike Mans- 's amendment calling for U.S. crawal from Indochina within months and a series of restric- on the U.S. arms aid pro- n. gether with the $1.1 billion omic aid bill passed Wednes- night, the military bill pro- a $2.6 billion package in of fore place of the $2.9 billion measure rejected just 13 days ago. Arguing for his amendment, Stennis said the Foreign Rela- tions Committee's cuts of $538 million from the original bill and $798 million from the adminis- tration request "jeopardize the success of our withdrawal from South Vietnam." "I believe that modest increases are required even for those pro- grams to be phased down in a rea- sonable manner," he said, add- ing that by voting for the reduced levels "we essentially vote to kill military assistance immediately." The bill now goes to the House which earlier this year voted $3.4 billion for the aid program, just $100 million below the Nixon ad- ministration's request. The immediate parliamentary path for the aid program still ap- pears clouded-and funds may run out temporarily next Monday. But the Senate action appears to as- sure the program will continue for now, though at a reduced level. The administration won a major victory when the Senate voted 46- 42 for an amendment by Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss.), chair- man of the Armed Services Com- mittee, to restore $318 million cut school officials and black students' and parents reach accord. A list of definite demands, from the flack community however, has not t been released. At a mass meeting at the Ann 3 Arbor Community Center yester - day, black students reported in- cidents of physical harrassment at Pioneer, Huron and Forsythe schools, which many attributed to white outsiders. According to one of the adults present last night, "Physically, it's, not safe for them (our children)1 to go to school, tomorrow."1 OUSTED TEACHER Vanderhorst raps Democrats By CHARLES STEIN Attacking the city's Democra- tic leaders and several leaders of the black community for be- ing "phony manipulators of black people," a former city school teacher addressed members of the Radical Independent Party forced to vote only for the lesser of two evils." Vanderhorst was a teacher- in the Forsythe Junior High School in Ann Arbor until last Feb. 4, when she was suspended for causing what the school board describes as "student - teacher