Wednesday, November 1 0, 1 971 THE MICHIGAN DAILYPgeFv Page Five x Sa turday Morning Farm ers Marke t Stopping only to savor ani apple or allowing an occasionial breeze to scatter our thoughts, .Fall slips by us, amber sunlight and crimson leaves beans unnnoticed. Y~et for those with onily a monment for things like seasons, 14 all can be found not far from the city's c acopliolly, here, Aiulon'g stalls of red ripe tomatoes and a sympiony of squash. Fruits of it summner's warmth, meni of a suinmer's labor, they come in b~attered. trucks bef ore (lawn,~ B~earing their labors ini soggy wooden crates, gathering here to offer the lush, fresh, wis- domi of their land. And it's a p~umlpkini-warmi pleasure of sights aid( smells to walk amiong thiem.. -Carla Rapoport Photos by Robert Wargo ; M I