AMCHITKA: PLAYING WITH FIRE See Editorial Page 3k 43a 471 A& 49 att LONGJOHNS High-50 Low-25 Slight warming trend; chance of showers Vol. LXXXII, No. 52 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 9. 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages Research lan Faculty won't consider altering secrecy proposal By W. E. SCHROCK Opponents of the recent Senate Assembly resolution which calls for an end to most classified research at the University failed to file by yesterday's deadline a specific motion that University Senate overturn the Assembly reso- lution-thus hindering their chances to repeal the Assembly action at the up-coming Senate meeting. By failing to file a specific proposal to reverse the action of Senate Assembly, the faculty representative body, oppon- ents of the resolution must now muster a two-thirds majority even to bring such a motion to repeal before the Senate, the 2,700-member faculty govern- not appealed Compromise on tax issue by co'uncl forced It fight { ance body.: If such a motion to repeal the Forum set o~~~ ru e esolution had been filed, the Sen- ate which will meet in two weeks -could have repealed the contro- ] sec r e t versial research resolution with a ~ Elisimple majority. Meanwhile, President R o b b e n Fleming is expected to release a statement on the Assembly resolu- tion sometime before the monthly Regents' meeting in two weeks $ In other actions related to classi- Opinions of Fleming and the other fied research, SACUA will meet executive officers have carried with the Regents Nov. 18 to discuss great weight with the Regents in Senate Assembly's-the faculty rep- the past on other controversial resentative body-recent resolution issues. FIVE MEMBERS of President Nixon's Pay Board tell a Washington to end most military research on The Assembly resolution calls the board has ruled pay raises granted after the wage freeze expir campus. for an end to all University re- may not exceed 5.5 per cent a year. They are, from left, William Later the same day, the Com- search that will "limit open pub- George Boldt, chairman, Arnold Weber, and Kermit Gordon. Publi mittee on Communication will lication of the results of research" bined to outvote union members 10 to 5, an AFL-CIO spokesman sa sponsor a public forum on the except "in cases where the pro- classified research question which posed research is likely to con- the Regents are invited to attend. tribute so significantly to the ad- ! In ddiion PrsidntRobben vancement of knowledge as to jus- Fleming is expected to release a tify infringement on the freedom statement~On agnd Asstey' wesars file pubsyoel- resolution in the near future. Onenagend item Load Por English Prof. Marvin Felheim, cello, Gwynn Suits, and George chairman of the Committee on Zissis with the Senate Advisory fCommunications is asking all "per- Committee on University Affairs r e et sons or organizations who wish to (SACUA) office late last week "for participate in the forum to get in "consideration and review" of the touch with business Prof. Meyer classified research resolution. WASHINGTON (A) - President long as the board does not rule Ryder, who will be chairman of According to psychology Prof. Nixon's Pay Board overruled or- that they are "unreasonably in- the. panel." Warren Norman, c h a i r m a n of ganized labor last night by dic- consistent" with the 5.5 per cent It is anticipated that the Regents, { of SACUA, such a proposed agenda tating that pay raises granted rule. who will be meeting in two weeks, item does not provide for the re- after the wage freeze expires at The board's vote was 10 to 5, will not act on the Senate Assem- peal of the classified research res- 12:01 a.m. next Sunday may not with the public and business bly resolution this month. olution. And further, Norman says exceed' 5.5 per cent a year. members combining to outvote that for the Senate to even con- Furthermore, the board re- labor members. similar forum attempted last year sider such a motion to repeal, it jected organized labor's key de- The ruling brought grumbles must first vote an exception to mand for back payment of raises from labor, but no open revolt, at by the Committee on Communica- normal procedure by a two-thirds lost during the freeze. It ruled least for the time being. tions on the subject of University vote. voting of stock proxies, according that retroactive payment would AFL-CIO President G e o r g e to Felheim. Some students indi- Te s o t U verten be made only in alimited num- Meany, a member of the board, to Feheim Som stuentsmdi-ate say, "A motion to overrule an, ber of specifically approved waoutevyaepksmna cated at that time it would be action of the Senate Assembly was quoted by a spokesman as more appropriate to hold a forum must be announced prior to the cases. saying, "They have abrogated on classified research, and the meeting as a specific agenda item. The board also ruled that raises our contracts." committee agreed to plan to hol' An agenda item which merely in existing contracts may go in- But the spokesman said the one sometime after Senate Assem- See, 'U', Page 8 to effect after the freeze only so question of whether to support bly took action on the topic. - --- _ __- -- - -- - - - -- - ~ - The exact nature of SACUA's p S MEMBER: presentation to the Regents has CB not been finally decided, but the basic form it will take will be as 1 a presentation of the history of the ot ( / so n rtIson o r ror ,, classified research resolution, from S to ta ks n rhs oenaor or heoriginal study by the Senate' Assembly Research Policies Com- mittee to the resolution's recent passage. benina recent Attica uprising ,nwhiche reesla scom- By BRUCE RUBINSTEIN massacre. Formerly an inmate Soto told his audience after the mittee, , he spent his time there police and national guardsmen research proposals for conformity Calling for the immediate re- helfahe sn he the p oliced ntion r smen with present University policy, will lease of all prisoners in the United negotiating on behalf of the pris- rushed the prison, prisoners were make public the minutes of its States, Prisoners Solidarity Com- oneis. beaten unmercifully, and many of meetings from now on, geography mittee member Tom Soto told a The State of New York, he said, them were lined up against a wall Prof. George Kish revealed at yes- crowd in the Union ballroom last had cut off all water lines into the and executed. terday's SACUA meeting. night about what he termed the prison. The prisoners in the yard The conditions that existed be- Kish, chairman of the Classified horrors of American prisons today were forced to urinate and defe- fore the rebellion still exist at At- Research Committee, said that "as -particularly at the New York cate on the ground. They were tica today, Soto said. Prisoners cState Correctional Facility at At- ' given only 900 sandwiches each are allowed only one five-minute of Oct. 29, minutes of the meeting jtica C day for 1300 prisoners to divide shower per week. They are forced of the Classified Research Com- iot. up. By the time the troops went to work for 25 cents per day. Pris- mittee when deposited at SACUA Soto, who spent four days in- into the prison, the prisoners were oners can be thrown into solitary offices become public record." He side Attica during the uprising in so weak from lack of food and confinement on the accusation of added that minutes will not be September which left 42 dead, told ' water that they could not pos- any guard with no trial. They are released "until approved by the of the "deplorable" conditions in- sibly have ' defended themselves, beaten for no reason at all, he committee." side the prison at the time of the So, o said. said, except that guards have City seeks advisory Feb. vote By TAMMY JACOBS Following a violently abusive verbal battle City Council last night called for a city-wide ad- visory referendum in February on the controversial personal income tax. The compromise was engineered by Councilman Robert Faber (D- Second Ward) after Council, vot- ing along party lines defeated Democratic Mayor Robert Harris' motion to adopt the one per cent tax and then submit it to a city- wide vote of approval-customary procedure on tax issues. The Democrat-run city adminis- tration has long claimed that without adoption of the income tax, the city will be in serious financial trouble next year. With- out the tax, the administration projects the city will suffer a $480,000 deficit from this year, and a $1.2 million gaphbetween revenues and budgetary needs to maintain present levels of city services. -Associated Press press conference yesterday that es at 12:01 a.m. next Sunday G. Caples, Neil Jacoby, Judge c and business members com - id. .. 4 Councilmen Robert Weaver (R-Second Ward), front, and Norris Thomas (D-First Ward), watch the procedings at last night's City Council meeting, Weaver's deciding vote defeated a pro- posal for a city income tax, forcing th- Democrats to adopt a compromise measure. PANEL REPORT: - + Expansion of Vs' research role asked By DANIEL JACOBS A faculty committee studying the administrative struc- ture of research at the University has recommended that the role of the vice president for research be increased. Headed by chemistry Prof. Charles Overberger, the six- man committee was established by President Robben Flen- ing last June in response to Vice President of Research Geof- frey Norman's announcement that he would retire from that i L raises, yve pay the Pay Board would be left to the AFL-CIO convention begin- ning in Miami Nov. 18. Asked if the five labor mem- bers of the board would walk out as a result of the decision, Pay Board Chairman George Boldt said, "I'm confident they will not." Boldt said labor members bhad indicated to him that they would continue to serve on the board. Boldt told newsmen the new guidelines represent "a ~ tarting point for the ultimate goal of ending inflation." The 5.5-per cent general wage standard will be subject to periodic review, the chairman said. He said retroactive pay w;l be granted "only in a limited num- ber of carefully defined circum- stances." Under the standards, a retro- active pay increase could be granted by the board, on a 2ase- by-case basis, under certain cir- cumstances: -If prices were raised by com- panies in anticipation of wage increases scheduled to occur dur- ing the freeze; or -If wage agreement made af- ter Aug. 15 succeeded an agree- ment that had expired prior to Aug. 16 and retroactivity was an established practice or had been agreed to by the parties. The board left open the pos- sibility it would approve other retroactive increases to remedy "severe inequities." The 5.5 per cent rule would mean a maximum pay increase of $10.58 a week for a $10,000 a year worker. The board did not spell out whether raises in collective bar- gaining agreements reached dur- ing the 90 - day freeze period would automatically be limited to 5.5 per cent, or whether they could exceed- that standard so long as not "unreasonably incon- sistent" with it. While nullifying a attempt to completely come tax, last night's severely limits the chances of getting it i in time for inclusioni 73 fiscal year budget. Republican kill the in- compromise Democrats' implemented in the 1972-' If the advisory referendum passes the February vote, the Council is expected to formally adopt the tax. Opponents will then have six weeks to raise the 2,600 sivatures necessary to force, the issue to a second referendum, which would take place in late June, a scant few weeks before the 1972-73 budget is finalized. ',LAU 119141-4-J uuu5 v 19 1atwauv . The battle that lea to the tab- i ling - and therefore defeat - of Harris' original motion was set off when Councilman Robert Weaver (R-Second Ward), generally con- sidered the "swing" vote on the Republican dominated council, announced his decision to oppose placing the tax on the February referendum and instead push for a temporary 1.75 mill rise in the property tax which is presently used by the city. Amid Democratic charges that Republicans "are willing to force an endless series of cuts in 'service without letting the people have some part in the decision," and re- turn charges by Republicans that the Democrats were moving with- out the recommendations of a Harris - appointed Citizens Tax Committee (which was evenly split on its preliminary report, and will not give a final report until next year), the motion wasI defeated. "I'm really boiling mad and I'm going to say so at this time," Harris exploded. "Sooner or later we're going to have that tax - this city cannot run without it." Charging the Republicans with "fiscal irresponsibility," H a r r i s promised to "tell the people of this city that they have a bunch of Republican councilmen who are too yellow to place the issues be- fore them - cheap, penny-pinch- ing Republicans who will not face the music." See COUNCIL, Page 8 office at the end of 1971. At that time, Fleming d the function of the office in City rejects zoning unit appointment After last night's pitched battle ment of/ research. We tried to do over the city income tax proposal, a thorough job." City Council rejected Mayor Rob- Among the committee's recom- ert Harris' appointment of former mendation are the following: Daily Editor Mark Levin '73L, to -The vice-president for research the city's Zoning Board of Ap- should be directly responsible to peals. the president and serve on the The 6-5 rejection of what Har- Committee on Budget Administra- ris had earlier termed a "routine tion as well. While both of these appointment" was seen as Repub- policies have been observed in lican reaction to the partisan bit- practice, they have yet to be in- terness over the tax which immed- corporated in the regental by-laws. iately proceded the Levin vote. d -A Research Affairs Advisory Leviny wro hasbeenafiiat Council should be established, Levin, who has been affiliated meeting with and advising the vice with the Democratic party for presidenth a avisi the several years, charges that the ap-prsdn on a regular basis. The Council would include heads of all pointment was at least in part departments involved in research. rejected because he is presently a among others. Overberger cites student and formerly connected "the importance of the combina- with The Daily. tion of teaching and research" as "?t has nothing to do with a motivation the Council's estab- Levin," said Councilman Robert lishment. Weaver (R-Second Ward), who -A "white paper" should be cast the deciding vote against the published, specifying the nature of appointment. See GROUP, Page 8 irected the committee to review n the "total context of the Uni- -Keversity," Overberger said. A c c o r d i n g to well-informed sources, Fleming was uncertain whether the vice presidency should be continued. The office is one of six vice presidencies under Fleming. Overberger describes the com- mittee's function as "an attempt to recommend what we felt were the best mechanisms for the ad- ministration and the encourage- grudges against them. The prisoners inside Attica were told by Soto that there was no way an agreement would be reached and that the State had been plan- ning a massacre from the very beginning. The prisoners, Soto said. re- belled to show those outside the walls that conditions such as they were living in had to be stopped and that "the walls of the prisons must be torn down." "All prisoners are political pris- oners, prisoners of a political sys- tem that will not allow them to make a living," Soto said. He said c r i mn e s such as stealing, pros- titution, and pushing dope were crimes of survival, committed only because it is the only way poor, people are able to support them- selves and their families. The United States is not "onel nation under God," but several, he continued. The Black. Chicano and Puerto Rican nations he said, are all being exploited "by those f've per cent of the white capital- $3-MILLION WORTH U.S. Ca From Wire Service Reports The S t a t e Department an- nounced yesterday the U.S. has ended all shipments of military aid to Pakistan, while at the same time highly reliable sources said that Indian troops had crossed into East Pakistan to silene Pakistanirganne shic had incels arms to Pakistan shipments would be cancelled as of yesterday morning. Bray refused to connect the decision on Pakistani arms to the current situation between India and Pakistan. "This is some- thing that has been in the works with Pakistan for some time," 'R-rn.... nir *~ ...... .1 .: .. uxaYfilYCiYV'. _ 1:.T. ', . .. r .. .. . f! :.