Saturday, November 6, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Joseph McCarthy: A Fred J. Cook, THE NIGHT- MARE DECADE, Random House, $10.00. By WILLIAM GAUS ' The phrase "Nightmare De- cade" will seem to many a per- fect title for the decade that saw three worthy and deservedly- loved political leaders assassi- nated while the nation still had a great need for their leadership and was engaged in the fiercest phase of a decidedly inglorious war. In the mind of Fred J. Cook, however, the Nightmare Decade is one of the great anti-communist crusades In Am- erica from the end of the Sec- ond World War to the middle of the 1950's. The book actually fo- cuses most closely on the period from February, 1950 to Novem- ber, 1954. On February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy went before an audience in Wheeling, West Virginia to deplore the laxity of the American people in the fight against Communism. The Senator attributed this lax- ity to "an emotional hangover and the temporary moral lapse" that follows a war. He then des- cribsd an astonishing threat to the nalion. While I cannot take the time to name all the men in the State Department who have been named as? members of the Communist Party and members of a spy ring," he told his audience "I have here in my hand a list of 205 that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who, nevertheless, are still working and shaping policy in the State Department. He did have a piece of paper in his hand which he held up for, the audience to see. To this day it is not certain what the paper was. McCarthy himself once rougishly described it to a friend as "an old laundry list." Late in 1954, the United States Senate condemned McCarthy. From that day he suffered a fall from power and disappearance from public view as complete as Nikita Kruschev's, though Mc- Carthy continued to hold public office. He resurfaced in the headlines only at his death in 1957. * In between the Wheeling speech and the Senate condem- nation were four and a half years in which McCarthy +was able to drive from government the able and impeccable George C. Marshall, to engineer the de- feat of Millard Tydings, who had been an entrenched power in Maryland for years, and to cast into doubt the loyalty of great numbers of Americans both in and out of government. It was all done moreover, with no special intelligence, cunning, charm or diligence. None of the charges had more substance than his original list of 205. As Cook tells it, McCarthy stayed ahead of the truth by messy smothering his failures with promises of even more sensa- tional disclosures. Charges were made, hard evidence promised, people subpoenaed and grilled, but never was the promised hard evidence produced. Instead as the investigation degenerated, McCarthy would divert attention from his failure by making a new charge even better than the previous one. Each charge would catch the front page everywhere and could be understood by all. The merits of the charges were discovered in proceedings that were, by comparison, tedious and hard to folow. Aiding in Mc- Carthy's strategy was the fact that there are those of wealth and influence who benefit from an atmosphere that fears and suspects any modification of what is known here as the free enterprise system. Aiding as well were other,' more subtle factors, the genuine fear many Americans had-and have-of ussia after the Sec- ond Wor Id War, the anti-reli- gious orientation of most Com- munist parties that repelled many Americans and made anti- communism a matter of simple decency to many. There was genuine shock over the fall of China, which had been trump- eted throughout the Second World War as a strong democra- tic, allied government. Where- as it was in fact not strong, not house in the slighttst democratic, was no ally and not the government of many areas of the country. McCarthy and many who helped him may have been no more than the crassest of opportun- ists, as Cook shows, but they won the approval of large num- bers of decent people, and plac- ed many others in a difficult position, not approving, but suf- ficiently uncertain of their ground to be cautious. None of this is convincingly treated by Cook. Silence or complicity is rarely laid to good-faith, doubt or to strategy; it is always the result of cowardice or worse. No one is .given credit for wanting to bring down McCarthy. In Cook's view, no step was taken by anyone until it could not be avoided and then the action tak- en would be the least possible. Even those who think ill of and expect little from our political leaders will find this shallow treatment disappointing. What is not given shallow treatment arethe shortcomings of the Senator. No derogatory detail is too small: McCarthy's house was messy. McCarthy was very unsystematic driving from his office to his house, and never did figure out the shortest way. McCarthy provided a wealth of material for anyone wanting to engage in this type of study, and to a point it is useful in under- standing McCarthy. He was a B 0 0 K S Rackham Literary Studies dangerous and unprincipled man who did this nation great harm but he does not come across as a truly sinister figure. He was in some ways only an amiable, un- couth fortune-seeker. He was completely unsuited for any res- ponsible position and was entire- ly unprepared mentally for the obloquy that followed his cen- sure. So vulnerable and unready was he that he quickly deteri- orated physically and died one of the most pathetic figures in Washington, his death hastened if not caused, by alcohol. Never- theless, the barrage of personal shortcomings is so unrelenting that it becomes an attractive feature of the book. Despite its limitations, the book has value, especially for those who think that the heavy- handed rhetoric of a Nixon or a Johnson or a Mitchell is as low as we can go in American poli- tics. Cook does not quite redeem the phrase Nightmare Decade, but he does reconstruct a low point in American politics. RACKHAM LITERARY STU- DIES, edited and published by graduate students in Literature, $1.00. By ANGELA McCOURT . Let me first declare my in- terest: as a graduate student in Comparative Literature, I can hardly view the arrival of Rack- ham Literary Studies with chill- ed detachment: the new journal is the brainchild of a welcome collobration between graduate students and faculty of the vari- ous departments of literature, and its purpose is defined by the editors thus: We believe that a graduate Journal which is less remote in place, in delays of publication, and in general image than the professional Journals, should contribute to the preparation of graduate students to take active roles in professional forums of scholarly exchange when they become teachers and scholars of literature. The editors and contributors to RIS are students; financial sup- port and encouragement came from faculty and administration. At the end of the twelfth cen- tury, the unknown author of the Niebelungenlied wrote: Do brahte man die vrouwen da :si i ligen vant. si huop sin schoene boubet mit ir vil wizen hant; ' do kustes also toten den edeln ritter guot. diu .Ir vil liehten ougen vor leide weienten bluot. (They brought the queen to where he lay; She lifted his handsome head with her white hand. She kissed the dead one, the noble and good knight. Her shining eyes cried blood because.of her sorrow.) In this century, Leopold Sedar Senghor writes: 4Femme nue, femme noire Vetue de to couleur qui est vie, de fa forme qui est beaute J'ai grandi a ton ombre; la douceur de tes m a i n s bandait mes yeaux. P e r h a p s the juxtaposition, across seven centuries, and be- tween vastly different continents and cultures, illustrates some- thing of the scope of the literary dialectic. The persistent skeins fascinate-theme, form, imagery can remain relatively constant, If you use tampons, you already know howtw. use the w*era deodorant:.. Noiforms. and yet, in each, an utterly in- dividual voice r e m a i n s. The sweep of poetic experience is well represented in Rackham Literary Studies, and in fact, my major objection is that the other genre suffer by comparison: of seven articles, five are on poetry. This in turn, gives rise. to an- other problem for the general reader: analysis of poetry tends to be more closely text-bound than that of, say, prose fiction or drama. The traditions of expli- cation de texte and practical criticism often yield more pre- Ev .i -Woodcut by Gerhard Marcks cise and comprehensive commen- taries than the less formalized cr itical methodologies of any without the, author' textua f a- miliarity, it can make for rather frustrating reading: one admires the skill of the method, the acute tend to lose tihe wholepoeme ad evnthe poetry In adapting term papers for pub in vn p ylicatin the differences between a journal audience and the participants in a seminar must. be taken into account. As Rackham Literary Studies becomes more widely known on campus, it will, no doubt, attract a wider range of material, and the problems of content balance will hopefully disappear. A sec- ond hope would be for a thicker publication which will allow some of the wirters more room to de- velop their ideas: Jane Missner's article on Myth in Literature is a victim of space restriction. She accurately locates the problem of myth in literature as being "all things to all men" and surveys the disparate attitudes and in- adequacies of the various schools -but she unfortunately does not have room to formulate a more synthetic definition. Dan Latimer contributes a formidable essay on "The Struc- ture of Hofmannsthal's Poetry and Lyric Plays" made all the more enjoyable by a quality rare in critical prose - humour. With an accurate sense of liter- ary direction, Mr. Latimer re- jects the simplistic psychoanaly- tic interpretation of the dicho- tomy in Hofmannsthal's work, and goes to the language itself, demonstrating a subtle structure in the poet's work. There are articles on writers from France, Africa, Italy, Spain and Germany, and translations ranging chronologically from Middle High German, to a poem for Jan Palach, the young Czech who immolated himself in Pra- gue after the Russian invasion. I am told that Dorothy Yep's translations, from the Chinese, are exceptionally fine; her use of typography makes them de- lightful English poems in their own right: old, sick, i yield my post and lurch like a sandgull trapped between sky and earth A series of woodcuts, depicting Orpheus' journey through the underworld (and, say some scholars, the student's career through graduate school) enliv- ens the text. The editors are to be complimented on their ini- tiative: I look forward to seeing the second volume, scheduled for the Winter term, and hope that neither Hercules nor Pandora will have a place in future edi- tions. -1 Emotional Shiftlessness Ernest Ellis, THERE LIES A TALsE, Eerdmans Publishers, $4.95 By NEAL BRUSS Works have been appearing which, above all, terrify through an awful grimness which has nothing to do with madness, irony, cliquishness or sensation- alism. To the extent that these works succeed, they are deeply serious and prophetic: they each project a reading of the future to an audience through living metaphor, as visionary art al- ways has. G a 1 w a y Kinnell's Book of Nightmares articulates the un- conscious in this way through primitive imagery. Ted Hughes has been \vriting frightening poems throughout his career and most recently tried to sustain the horror in a song cycle, Crow. More revealing are his extraor- dinarily gripping readings of "Her Husband," "Bowled Over," and "Wodwo" on the Argo rec- ord. "The Poets Speak--V", which is in the UGLI audio room collection. The same horror seems to be working in the prints of David Hockney, as in his illustrations of New York City for "The Rake's Progress." The horror reaches back to medieval Northern Europe, in the spirit of the paintings in Mars' temple in Chaucer ' s TODAY'S WRITERS - William Gaus, an instructor in the law school, recalls that he was at one time the only left-handed algebra teacher in the nation's second-largestcity. Angela McCourt is a Junior Fellow in the Society of Fellows Neal Bruss is familiar to Daily readers as a long-time re- viewer and a former Daily ma- gazine editoro. "Knight's Tale." Hockney has illustrated six u n c e n s o r e d Grimm fairy tales; Kinnell's book is illustrated with alchemi- cal and magical etchings. Hughes has said in an interview that for him the world has en- tered a dark age, with only the material shells of dead spiritual forces persisting. Some medieval art, as these artists know, terri- fied above all else. A poem which can deeply and unavoidably frighten m o d e r n readers, is the polar opposite of all the mitigated and euphemis- tic statements of politicians and industrialists and of Romanti- cized popular art, advertising and pornography. The poem which terrifies is far more ef- fective than the satire which only twists a euphemism or the reportage which cannot capture in words the horror of events. Ernest Ellis' There Lies a Tale is an i r o n i c, black-humored short novel. Even though it iss about Auschwitz, it does not horrify. As such, it falls in with a range of absurdist literature of the last twenty years, and perhaps it is dated. But one w o n d e r s whether deeply ironied writing and the emotional shiftlessness which is its result, captures the greatest possibilities of this time. Per- haps more seriously, one won- ders whether in a euphemistic world the negative image of an abomination projected by a sa- tire is adequately different from the abomination itself. In Eliis' novel, jeweler is ap- pointed to a commission ap- pointed to examine the sewage system of Auschwitz. The jewel- er's speculations on what he finds are even more euphemistic than the lies of the kapos: thus Jews have highest priority for "retirement", crematoria a r e presented as refineries and clothes taken from executed camp inmates are shown as charitable contributions from around the world. The jeweler's ideas so surpass what ,the Nazis formulate as their own explan- ations that he is offered a job among the Nazi staff. The irony is blunted when the jeweler is mistakenly grouped with trainloads of new inmates, and the novel is complicated by being enfolded in two tale-with- in-a-tale frames. At one point, the camp commandant is pre- sented as the Macbeth of the Banquo's ghost scene. The novel ends with men - with - straight- jackets pursuing the jeweler in New York. The devices of this novel, par- ticularly the illusion-reality bit, are not particularly cunning. But more important, it is emo- tionally flat, which at this time might be a source of disappoint- ment in any work, whether it deals with Auschwitz or not. L. S. & A. STUDENT GOVT ELECTIONS, PETITIONING NOW OPEN for EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBERS-AT-LARGE EIGHT FULL-TERM SEATS File Petitions at Rm. 3-M, Mich. Union FILING CLOSES MONDAY, NOV. 8, 5 P.M. '' -- F _"1 !II THE, 71-72 STUDENT DIRECTORY IS HERE GET IT-NOV. 8, 9, 10, 11 In your favorite dorm dinner line WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS IN YOUR DORM ALSO AT MICHIGAN DAILY BUILDING The Price-ONLY ONE DOLLAR i* 4 NEW! AND AT LAST! ANOTHER AMAZING ADVENTURE TO OPEN YOUR MIND... You might be happier at Atna. Stopping feminine odor is easier than you think. Each tiny-as-a-fingertip Norforms* "Suppository" is as simple and safe to insert as a tiny tampon. Just insert-it begins dissolv- ing instantly to kill bacteria, stop feminine odor where it starts . . . internally, in the vaginal tract. You feel clean, fresh, odor- free for hours. 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