Mt e frtPDzm Dai1 Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan superscription Rehearsing the end of the world by lynn weiner 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT SCHREINER Reforming state pot laws N RESPONSE TO public outcries pro- testing the harshness of penalties for possession and sale of marijuana, many local governments have adopted reform laws. Last year Ann Arbor passed such an ordinance - making possession of mari- juana a misdemeanor, but leaving open the option of prosecuting offenders under the harsher state law. Yet, as soon as it seemed some pro- gress was being made toward the event- ual goal of complete legalization of mari- juana, it appears that Michigan is head- ing towards a new drug law even more re- strictive than the antiquated one now in effect. Supporters of liberalized drug laws were dealt a severe defeat Thursday when the State Senate passed - in a 29-2 vote - a bill setting marijuana possession as a felony punishable by two years imprison- ment and-or a $2,000 fine. Last summer the House passed its ver- sion of this bill which would make mari- juana possession a misdemeanor, setting a 90-day and-or $500 penalty for posses- sion, but would allow free use of it. Now the bill must go before a confer- ence committee, where it is expected some kind of compromise will be reached. BUT, IN THE meantime, the prospect of a state law keeping marijuana in the same clasification as heroin, rendering possession of it a felony does not bode well - especially for the University com- munity. While any law prohibiting marijuana is objectionable - limiting individual freedom, striving towards a public moral- ity, and denying evidence that marijuana is not a very dangerous drug - in a community such as ours, where marijuana use is widespread, any law prohibiting its use will especially be met with outrage. Yet some laws do exist, not particularly for enforcement, but rather to satisfy the conservative furor that would arise in their absence. Perhaps this is all we can hope for in regards to marijuana laws. But even in such a case, there are laws which are highly objectionable and there are others which can be tolerated. UNTIL THE state legislators reach their decision, then, it is hoped that the city will choose to enforce its own law rather than the archaic state law. But, in the long run, there is no excuse for the type of legislation envisioned by the State Senate. Those who care about reforming drug statutes should press their state legislators for reform. It must be made clear that placing marijuana violations in the same category as heroin abuse will not be tolerated. -ROSE SUE BERSTEIN THE EARTH MAY shudder today under a force equal to five million tons of TNT - as we re- hearse the destruction of the world. The detonation by the Atomic Energy Commis- sion of five megatons of potential death is a logical action for a nation which bleeds under the notion that violence is an appropriate means of conflict resolution. The nuclear; test, scheduled for today on the Aleutian island of Amchitka, not only displays U.S. ability to participate in nuclear holocaust - the ultimate performance - but may trigger tidal waves, earth tremors, pollution hazards, and radiation dam- age. The act is the purest form of violence. But violence to the earth and its inhabitants, when controlled by the state, is acceptable to the majority of human beings - if they live in the right state. Murder is masked as war or capital punishment, and defoliants, napalm, bullets, clubs, and fists are seen as necessary 'elements of social control. ILLEGITIMATE VIOLENCE, however, is viewed by the same human beings as intolerable. And not only illegal murder, but draft card burning, property damage, looting, and trespassing are viewed as crimes which may merit an order to kill. A recent study by the University's Institute for Social Research indicates that respondants in a survey of American men defined as "violent" the following acts: looting (85 per cent), draft c a r d burning (58 per cent), police beating students (56 per cent), and police shooting looters (35 per cent). These statistics sharply illustrate a society where property is more valuable than life - where the act of looting is considered 50 per cent more violent and the incineration of a piece of paper 23 per cent more violent than the shooting of a looter. Even if we were to be consistent with this value system, we should protest the Amchitka desecration on the basis that the earth is our "property" and we refuse to allow its violation. BUT ONE REASON the outrage is muted may be because we anticipate the holocaust each time we detonate the bomb, and so meet a deep-rooted psy- chological need of aggression, as well as the neec to symbolically flex our muscles in a show o: sLrength. It may be, too, that we serve a drive toward self destruction - for the testing of an atomic boml conjures up images of not the rehearsal but the actual performance. Then, the testing will not bE underground but instead mushroom clouds will bil. low up as fire and heat devastate the earth and it. living beings. The Bomb - the star of the early 60's stage screen and t e l e v i s i o n - is making t comeback. In the flush of its notoriety, whict grew after Hiroshima, it generated its own protest movement along with profits for fallout' shelter manufacturers. But the intensity of outrage and fear died down; we cannot live with the continual knowledge that we have created and used and may use again the monster weapon of destruction. THE AMCHITKA bomb forces us to remember something we ignore every day when we detonate its little brother bombs in Indochina - that bombs symbolize our value system - where life, whether of the earth itself of its people, is subordinate to power display. And power - in the sense of winning conflict - is achieved by violence, where "winning" and "los- ing" are spelled out not in the alphabet of resolu- tion but in the language of body-counts and mass graves. Incidents like the Amchitka test should underline the urgency to the American people - and the people of the world - that we must intensify the search for new methods of resolving conflict. FOR IF WE continue to rely on our current system of nuclear deterrant strategy and cold-war game- manship, and thereby continue to subordinate life as the ultimate value, then at best we may only destroy a portion of our earth and at worst the curtain may fall and we may not be around to have the option of resolving any conflicts at all. 4 And the battle o f the sexes. continues ... Bail for Angela Davis THOUGH IT HAS received little public notice, the Angela Davis trial has once again begun, and been delayed. So Angela, once again, must return to soli- tary confinement in the Marin County jail - just one of the prisons in which she has been held for over a year. She must return not because she has been convicted of any crime - she has no criminal record. In fact, she is not even being charged with actively perpetrating the crimes in connection with which she is being tried. Instead, she is detained simply because California authorities have placed her- in jail and deliberately denied her requests for bail. This is a blatant miscarriage of judi- cial process, and its importance should not be overlooked by anyone." No reason has ever been given for deny- ing her bail. The last time it was refused, nothing at all was said beyond the sim- ple statement that the judgment h a d been made "on legal grounds." However, the whole history of Angela's case in- dicates that regardless of the law, neither state nor federal authorities have ever had an intention of letting her out of jail. Angela was charged with murder and kidnapping following an August, 1970, courtroom incident in -which Jonathan Jackson, two of the defendants, and a judge who had been taken hostage were killed. Though there is no question that Angela was never at the scene, she was charged with the full crime when it was discovered she owned the two guns used by Jackson. She was charged with murder and kid- napping under a California law which permits the prosecution of accomplices to a crime to the same extent as those who actually commit the crime. NOT BELIEVING she could get a fair trial in California, Angela fled. Two months later federal authorities arrested her and set bail at $250,000. Clearly, this record bail was not designed just to in- sure Angela's, appearance in court - the only function bail legitimately serves. In- stead, it was calculated to inform t h e American public that the government has no intention of letting Angela free. Despite this strategy, the public out- cry at the arrest provoked such a furor in this country, that it soon became clear even a quarter of a million dollars might be raised. So the care was quickly turned over to New York State authorities, who not only placed Angela in solitary confinement, but also denied any bail at all - high, low, or otherwise. A federal fudge later ordered Angela removed from solitary confinement. But following an extradi- law, as guaranteed in the 14th amend- ment. Calley was let out of prison because President Nixon thought this action poli- tically popular. But Angela is black, a woman, and a Communist, and California authorities decided it is far more exped- ient just to keep her locked up. THIS IS HARDLY surprising, since the State of California has been persecu- ting Angela Davis for years. It first tried to fireher from her job at UCLA for be- ing a Communist. Court orders reversed this decision. But at the end of the school year she was fired anyway, despite her acknow- ledged excellence as a teacher. This time the state was clever enough to use a dif- ferent excuse, but basically it just didn't want anyone with Angela's political in- volvement around its university. So the injustice of her present treat- ment must be seen as nothing new. In- stead, it is merely a continuation of her earlier oppression - the same kind of oppression that resulted in George Jack- son's indeterminate incarceration for a $70 hold-up in which no one was hurt. Black people need not be told this. They are confronted with it every day of their lives. But it is sadly true that the vast majority of white Americans are either unaware that these events have taken place, or else have been convinced by poli- ticians that oppression is acceptable and in their interest. This is simply not the case. For exam- ple, there are few white people in this country interested in having black liber- ation struggles result in violence a n d death. They would surely prefer to see the society reform itself, making violence unnecessary as .a catalyst for liberation. YET, IF THEY allow the courts to be used as a means of removing from the society any blacks who threaten it (Davis, George Jackson, Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, etc.) then how can black people have any respect for their insti- tutions? How can blacks be expected to maintain any interest in change through these "peaceful" means? Surely they can- not. Secondly, if whites allow people like Angela Davis to be incarcerated without being convicted of crimes, they allow judges to undermine the most funda- mental principle of our system of juris- prudence -- that persons are to be pre- sumed innocent until proven guilty. This is especially true when the case involves political unpopularity. For if politically unpopular ideas can justify indeterminate jail sentences w i t h o u t trial, what vestiges of either justice or By ANDY FEENEY EVERAL WOMEN have reacted rather strongly to Rick Per- loff's column on Women's Libera- tion, a few of them implying that Perloff wrote it out of insecurity because his ego was threatened. This may be true. But it would' be a mistake to suppose that Perloff could speak for all insecure males, any more than any one woman could speak for all Women's Liberation, and as an average insecure male I would protest the idea that he can speak for me. I figure my ego is at least as threatened as Rick Perloff's, but I didn't agree with his column. I sympathized, but I didn't agree. MOST INSECURE MALES know what Perloff meant by the "ar- rogance" of some Women's Liber- ationists. It isn't really arro- gance. as Perloff claims, but nei- ther is it the healthy pride the women talk about. It's the atti- tude that crops up somewhere in every revolution that is b e s t summarized as "Now I've Got You. You Bastard: and You're Going to Pay for This." It's not clear how extensive this feeling it, but it does exist. It accounts, for example, for the re- cent publication by a French wom- an of Les Guerillerres, a n o v e 1 about a group of Amazons w h o kill men "for fun and for sur- vival" that received such enthus- iastic praise by a woman reviewer in the New York Times Book Re- view a few weeks ago. It's this kind of attitude that quite natur, ally makes men a little irritated, and I can't blame Perloff for dis- liking it. Unfortunately, however, it does not do a damn bit of good for Per- loff or for any other male to crit- icize this, because women aren't very likely to listen to male criti- cism right now. Women aren't go- ing to listen because they, like blacks, chicanos, Indians, g a y people, and other minority groups, do have valid grievances against us white heterosexual males. And until the valid grievances are set- tled, we can expect a lot more "arrogance" - a lot more hat- red, anger, and guilt-inducing from women. IN A WAY, it's our own fault. Too frequently the reaction of white, liberal, heterosexual males to feminist and other demands has been almost as bizarre as any- thing we're going to find in Les Guerillerres. A lot of liberals and 'radical-liberals" seem to feel that they or rather, that we - have . personal moral duty to govern the world - allegedly for t h e benefit of other people - b u t without letting the other people do it themselves. When women, blacks, and g a y )eople demand more power f o r .hemselves. we tend to refuse. Then, in atonement, we feel guil- ty and participate in grotesque little games so those who feel op- pressed. unable to get what they really want, can play with our bad consciences while we accept humil- iation at their hands. We live in a racist society, so we go to listen to Le Roi Jones and applaud him while he's telling us we're going to be exterminated when the revolution comes. Or, like a friend of mine, we get mug- ged in Detroit and feel nothing but "understanding" for the black kids who have robbed us. We can shrug off criticism that we re- ceive from the reactionary right, but because we live in a sexist so- ciety we feel personally attacked if Women's Liberation criticizes us. IT IS TIME for us to stop play- ing these games and do what our consciences must demand of us. We should turn over power a n d jobs to all sexual, racial, and eth- nic groups in society so that each has employment and political re- presentation proportionaltto i t s percentage of the population. While we cannot and should not lead movements to abolish dis- crimination against, and harrass- ment of, women, blacks, and homosexuals, we should support such movements if our support is requested, as long as it does not involve the self-flagellation we have indulged in in the past. And, as we disassociate ourselves from the role of oppressor, we should demand and obtain what every minority group in this society ex- pects. Right now, as society is in trans- ition, women and other groups make essentially contradictory de- mands on us, insisting that we ,, -Daily-Sara Krulwich Women march for abortion reform in Lansing treat them as equals while they exclude us from any of their meet- ings and organizations. I think many males resent this, but if we abandon our present untenable position and redefine ourselves as another (rather large) minority group, we can demand~ consist- ency from those who now oppose us. We will be as morally bound to listen to their complaints about us as they are to listen to our criticism of them - no more. We will have as much right as they do to closed meetings and closed organizations - no more, and no less. WE SHOULD ACCEPT the idea that women have a right to de- fine their own lives, if they wish, without reference to husbands, just as blacks have a right to de- fine their lives without reference to whites. Likewise, we can, and should, demand that our child- hoods not be dominated by fe- males - as mothers, all-female staffs of day care centers, or by female elementary school teach- ers - which precludes the possi- bility of having some male to identify with. As we cease to oppress other groups, we will find that we have valid complaints of our own against them,; and we should de- mand that our grievances be met by corrective action. can ignore an occasional instance of revolutionary "arrogance." In fact, we might find that we have reason to be grateful to the revolution. Right now, those of us who are now reactionaries run around confusedly supporting every cause but our own, trying to cultivate the "right" attitude about black people, Vietnamese, Biafrans, Pakistanis, etc. To a cer- tain extent this is commendable, but frequently it is a substitute for thinking about our own lives, which we find morally unworthy. The liberation of blacks, wom- ONCE WE FREE ourselves from en, and gay people is inevitable, the delusion that we have a re- and we shouldn't oppose it. The sponsibility to govern, and with way to deal with its excesses is it the duty to be crucified by simply to insist on our own dig- everyone who is dissatisfied with nity. while meeting thejust de- our governings, we -can turn to the mands of women and other groups serious business of furthering our - for it we know thatwe uave own interests and determining our nothing to feel guilty about, we own lives. AR Letters to The Daily .t Today's offensive To The Daily: THE NATIONAL Peace Action Coalition has called for antiwar demonstrations in 17 major U.S. cities on November 6. The Nixon administration and the news media are saying that these de- monstrations will be the last be- cause, as they see it, the war in Vietnam is ending, and the anti- war movement is dead. They say that young people are tired and demoralized, and that they have antiwar movement, which - n o w represents the overwhelming ma- jority of the American people. The organized antiwar move- ment, by bringing, millions of peo- ple into the streets in opposition to the war, was the force that sent LBJ back to Texas, the force that shut down hundreds of campuses in May, 1970, compelling Nixon to terminate the invasion of Cam- bodia, and it was the antiwar movement that forced Nixon to begin withdrawing troops at the snail's pace that is now in effect. of the fliers shot down? Nixon is still testing the will and resolu- tion of the antiwar movement, as his tenacious resistance to t h e Mansfield end-the-war amend- ment has shown. Nixon wants you to stay home on November 6 so that when he makes his speech on Vietnam in mid-November he can claim the support of the American people for his policies in Southeast Asia. We cannot fall into Nixon's care- fully laid trap. Actually the Administration is ". * 1 . s:l . _baSY f '! j _ ; T/ 1.1 .Y - . f I'