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November 04, 1971 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-11-04

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Page Ten.


I hursday, November 4F, I V I 1

PageI Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 usd November -





Dial-a-Ride, Ann Arbor's newest
transportation system, is being ex-
panded to service more territory,
to the apparent satisfaction of
everyone but the cab companies.
The service, first put into op-
eration Sept. 24, has been growing
continually each week, according
to Ann Arbor Transportation Au-
thority (AATA) officials.
Under the Dial-a-Ride system,
radio-dispatched mini-buses are on
call in one area of Southwest Ann
Arbor. When a passenger calls the

transportation authority, a mini- But, while many of the Ann Ar-
bus is sent to the caller's home bor citizens using the service seem
and transports him or her to the quite pleased with it-usage has
downtown central business dis- grown from 530 persons during its
trict. first week to 930 last week-there

Passengers can also travel from
the downtown area to any loca-
tion within the Southwest target
area, or from one location in the
target area to another.
University officials are presently
working out an agreement with
the city transportation department
to provide Dial-a-Ride service in
the campus area at night.

are some who are not so* satisfied
with Dial-a-Ride.
Veterans Cab Company filed suit
last month against the city, claim-
ing that Dial-a-Ride is a taxi ser-
vice and the city and AATA have
no permit to operate such a ser-

Youth vote yields mixed results

(Continued from page 1) Quinn ruled students could regis-
The third seat was won by Wil- ter in the cities where they attend-
bur Brookover, an MSU professor ed school. The ruling was made
who nosed by 12-year incumbent the night before the election.
Mayor Gordon Thomas. His vic- The Cambridge Elections Com-
tory,bobservers said, was made mission refused to let students reg-
possible by votes piled up in stu- ister, claiming the young people
dent precincts. Brookover made a had no proof of residency in the
strong appeal to students in the city. The commission is appealing
last weeks of his campaign. Quinn's ruling, and no votes will be
The impact of the student vote counted in the city until the issue
was minimized in some areas as j is resolved.
out-of-town students ran into prol In Boston, several hundred 18-21-
lems registering, year-old voters were forced by
In Cambridge, Mass., students challenges to cast paper ballots
were not allowed to register to vote and record their names on them.
in city council elections, even after The challenges, involving improper
State Attorney General Robert registration, came in student-domi-

In Urbana, Ill., 32 college stu-'
dents and two professors were ar-
rested and charged with obstruct-
ing a polling place after they
staged a sit-in. The demonstra-
tions began when some students
refused to sign a statement declar-
ing Urbana their permanent resi-
dence and were denied balolts.
In Columbus, Ohio, home of Oihio
State University, out-of-town stu-
dents were not allowed to vote in
the city's mayoral and city council
races, as a ruling to let all stu-
dents vote came after the regis-
tration deadline. However, resi-
dent students were influential in
the mayoral race, electing a mod-
erate Republican candidate over
the conservative Democraticin-
Young voters generally had little
effect in large cities, though. In
Philadelphia, voters elected law-
and-order candidate Frank Rizzo
as mayor.

However, Circuit Court Judge
Ross Campbell overturned the suit,
ruling first that Dial-a-Ride is
not a taxi service, and second that,
even if it were, the city would need
no extra permit to operate it.
The cab company has appealed,
and although the extent to which
Dial-a-Ride has cut into the com-
pany's business is not known, there
has been a marked decrease in
business for cabs servicing the
Dial-a-Ride areas.
One Yellow Cab driver called
Dial-a-Ride "a waste of money,"
and said if the city would pay the
cab companies the money they use1
to administer Dial-a-Ride, the
taxis could service the community
more efficiently.l
Another driver from Veterans
Cab Company complained that
Dial-a-Ride is leaving out lower
class people by restricting its
boundaries to the southwest por-
tion of town, about the middle of
Ann Arbor's economic range.
"Hell, the system was originally
set up to serve the poor," he said.
"Man, look where the damn things
go-to the rich."
Dial-a-Ride, however, is expect-
ed to eventually extend through-
out Ann Arbor. The first expan-
sion, which started M o n d a y,
stretched the Dial-a-Ride area to
a new subdivision south of Scio-
Church Road and the area just
north of Pauline Blvd.
Additional points have been
added to the downtown destina-
tion area, including stops at both
Despite the new territory, Dial-
a-Ride is not yet operating at full
efficiency, with lulls during mid-
morning and afternoon. But of-
ficials believe that as people be-
come more familiar with the ser-
vice, these periods will decline.
Dial-a-Ride one way fare costs

ernor's decision to appeal "an in-
dication of racism."
After describing his plans fcr
the appeal, Milliken turned to his
proposal on property taxes as "the
question which goes to the very
heart of equality in education.
much more so than busing."
Milliken cited the "wide dis-
parity of resources for education"
in various districts, saying that
some districts spend $500 per stu-
dent while others spend more than
The governor's petition to cnd
all property taxes which fund local
schools will ask the following re-
-No local school millage be lev-
ied for regular school operating
costs. Local millage could be lev-
ied by popular vote, however, for
$10.00 per month

1 1 ken to appeal
school bias decision
(Continued from page 1) "educational enrichment and con-
tition drive for "more equitable struction."
school funding. "-The subsequent loss of prop-
Milliken also told The Daily that. erty tax revenue be made up leg-
while busing provides one way to islatively through other taxation;
ease racial tensions, "the best an- and
swer comes through open housing -Maximum property tax total
and job and educational oppor- be cut approximately in half and
tunities." j1frozen at that level.
Following a meeting this after -- _-_---_-_-_-_-_---
noon between Milliken and black
officials, Jesse Goodwin, head of
Detroit's NAACP, called the gov-

10-7 MON.-THURS.
10-9 FRI., SAT.
Te Zihe £7h pp2e
347 Maynard St.
Subscribe To



Get it-NOV. 4, 5, 8
at the Diag, the P&A building, Michigan Daily building,
and in your favorite dorm dinner line

DeHoCo strike
(Continued from page 1)
ferred from one of the better cot-
tages and are now upset about the
inferior conditions.'"
The inmates from Wayne Coun-
ty were transferred to the prison
Monday when Circuit Court Judge
Joseph Sullivan ordered the in-
mate population at Wayne County
reducedfrom 1066 to 913 to en-
able renovations to begin.
The renovation of the jail is the
result of a suit filed last January,
charging the conditions in the jail
were inhumane. The suit was up-
held by a three-judge panel which
called for such major changes
that either the old jail had to be
completely renovated or a new jail

nated districts.
An aide to Mayor Kevin White,
who defeated Rep. Louise Day
Hicks in the Boston mayoral elec-
tion, said the challenges were com-
ing from Hicks' supporters, but
Hicks denied the allegations. The
challenged votes will be counted
and allowed to stand until the,
challenge is resolved.
U.M. Christian Science Organization,I
Nov. 4, 7:15 PM, 3545SAB. 911 are wel-
Tenants Union, Nov. 4, 7:30 PM, 1528
Gay Liberation open house, Nov. 5,
7:00 PM, Canterbury.

built. American Indians Unlimited, Native
These inmates too have been is- Am. Teach-In, Nov. 13, 14 at Angell
suing strong .complaints since they Hall Audy BR c."Hunted Race' rock
havebeendenid viitatongroup, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
have been denied v i s 1 t a t i 0 n, Nov. 12, 7:30 PM. Tickets are now on
grounds, radio and t.v. privileges. sale at the Union, 2-5 PM.
Michigan Union Dining Room
Buffet Lunch Mon.-Fri.

Nixon-backed Republican candi- f a uniform 60 cents, and a book of
dates won elections in the Pitts- ten tickets is offered for five dol-
burgh area and Indianapolis, as lars. The buses are on call from
well as other cities around the 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day except
country. Sunday.
Charles Gabriel
Pinkie Smith
Fine Food, Cocktails, Dinner
r r)
Open Seven Days
11 a.m. to 2 a.m
Saturday and Sunday 319 S. FOURTH AVE. 4
5 p.m. to 2 a.m. 761-3548
- - - -- - - - - - -

For the student body:
* Male
State Street at Liberty

in concert
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 8:30 p.m
Bowen Field House
TICKETS-$3.50, $4.50, $5.50
Available at
. McKenny Union Ticket Office
* Ann Arbor Music Mart, Liberty St.
* Michigan Union


Dinner on Fridays
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner on Saturdays


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