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a t
Mostly cloudy and cold,
chance of snow flurries
Vol. LXXXII, No. 48 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 4, 1971 Ten Cents
Busin: Anatomy of a conflict y
By ARTHUR LERNER took steps to eliminate racial im- Pontiac school system was illegal- As the new school year ap- plan for further integration of the
Pontiac, the entire Detroit balance in one school five years ly segregated. Keith ordered cross- proached, NAG carried out a mas- city's 320 schools and to assess
Metropolitan area, teachers, par- ago. town busing within Pontiac, ive campaign against the court- its present integration plan.
ents, school boards and every poli- Roth's final ruling, still forth- prompting a housewife, Irene Mc- ordered busing-including picket- He also gave the State Board
tician in the state are caught up coming, will, however, have direct Cabe to found the National Ac- ing, petitions, and boycotting of of Education 120 days to design a
in Michigan's most controversial bearing on over 85 school districts tion Group (NAG) to protest the the schools. proposal for integration that
issue in years - busing to achieve in the Detroit area. His prelimi- "forced" busing. The controversy drew national would include Detroit and at least
racial balance in the state's nary ruling suggested he may or- At issue in the case was whe- headlines when 10 empty Pontiac some of its suburbs.
schools; der inter-city busing between De- ther a community is guilty of dis- school buses were dynamited Au- Roth will issue a final deci-
Busing conflicts in Pontiac and troit and its suburbs to provide crimination and must therefore gust 30, and five Klansmen were sion only after he receives anda!
Kalamazoo that have seen picket- equal educational opportunities undertake intra-city busing when subsequently indicted. hears testimony on both of theseA"
ing, petition drives and the dy- to the city's young peoples. school officials fail to adjust At that time in Detroit, Roth plans and those of other interest-
namiting of school buses have Yesterday, Gov. William Milli- school district lines and build new was considering a suit filed by ed parties.
been overshadowed by a federal ken announced he will appeal schools in all-black or all-white the Detroit chapter of the Na- Some additional busing of De-
district judge's unprecedented rul- Roth's ruling and immediately neighborhoods, k n o w i n g the tional Association for the Ad- troit's 65 per cent black student
ing that de jure segregation ex- drew criticism from civil rights schools will be largely'segregated. vancement of Colored People body may begin in February, and
ists in Detroit's school system. leaders, who charged he was Keith's ruling was upheld by (NAACP). He ruled September 27 definitely by next September, au-
Though Judge Stephen Roth's knuckling under to "racist" pres- a the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of that the Detroit school system was thorities predict. However, any
decision has far-reaching implica- sure. Appeals in May, while the Su- operating in violation of the con- cross - district, inter - city busing
bons for efforts to integrate the The ruling and ensuing uproar preme Court last week declined to stitutional equal protection guar- could not begin until September
nation's school systems, the de- have followed an ongoing battle review the case, permitting the antees of the 14th Amendment. 1973, they say.
cision alone will probably have over U.S. District Judge Damon busing which began in September On October 4, he ordered the Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley has
little effect on Ann Arbor, which Keith's 1970 decision that the to continue. Detroit school board to draft a See BUSING, Page 7 Marchers protest busingi
Ten Pages
-Courtesy of the Pontiac Press
in Pontiac
appeal school
bias ruling
Special to The Daily
LANSING - In a long-anticipated move, Gov. William
Milliken announced on state-wide television last night he will
appeal the decision of a federal district court which found
some Detroit area school districts guilty of racial segregation.
The decision, by U.S. District Court Judge Stephen Roth,
found the districts guilty of "de jure" (by law) segregation,
and ordered the State Board of Education to submit a deseg-
Special To The Daily
WINDSOR, Ont. - Demon-
strations across Canada yes-
terday protested the U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission's
planned five-megaton nuclear
test, scheduled to be detonated
on Amchitka Island in the Pa-
cific Ocean Saturday after-
regation plan-which most observers
- h ci~
would include the
,t+ dnts between 1
busingvi ou s uL..1
Detroit and the suburbs.
Taking his first stand on the
--" 0 0 controversial busing issue, Milli-
ken said that while some busing
may be desirable, "this important
case" deserves "full and complete
judicial review."
In addition, Milliken said he is
launching a petition drive to place
~snur SL"1 (V on the ballot a proposal which
r swould end the funding of local
school districts through property
By GERI SPRUNG taxes--a system he has long called
The transfer of 40 women pris- "inequitable." -
oners to the Detroit House of Cor- "I believe the action I am tak-
rection (DeHoCo) from the Wayne ing in planning, the appeal is
County Jail has caused a turmoil sound and judicious as well as -
*as DeHoCo matrons have gone on timely and appropriate," Milliken
strike, prisoners have been placed said. It was chair-raising day on campus yest
inovercrowded conditions and "My action is consistent with my I a arriig
transfers from Wayne County have past record as an advocate of winter.
been denied several privileges. human rights and with my sup- - ---
As the matrons walked out yes- port of decentralization of the De- NIGHT T BU SER VICE:
terday in protest of the transfer troit school district to assure more ; U
which they contended created a local control over education.
langerous.working situation in the "Local control by local people
already overcrowded jail, the oper- is essential - whether in cities.
ation of the jail was left to sup- suburbs or rural areas," the gov-
ervisory personnel. ernor added.
Almost all matrons scheduled to Milliken, named as a defendant
work since Tuesday night have in the suit which brought the Roth
gone on strike and Superintendent decision, can thus legally appeal
William Bannan expects the rest; the ruling.
tf the matrons will join them. Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley and
Bannan has suspended without John Porter, state superintendent
pay the 25 matrons who have re- of public education, were named
fused to work "until they are as co-defendants in the suit, but By MARY KRAMER ning last
willing to come back and do their have indicated they will not ap- The city's Dial-a-Ride bus ser- nedy, an
job." peal. vice appears destined to satisfy plan whi
The inmates of one of the jail's Milliken's appeal, however, can- the need for a nighttime bus ser- executive
eight women's cottages have been not be filed until Roth issues a vice in the immediate campus ing and
istributed throughout the other final order on the case. So far, area. Tuesday.
even to make room for the trans- Roth has only ruled on the seg- University executive officers have Bus ser
fers, so that cottages which nor- regation issue, and has called for approved a proposal to institute three-fold
mally house 40 to 50 prisoners now the formation of desegregation and subsidize the service in an security
have as many at 61. plans which could be incorporated area defined by Vice President for
The matrons contend this makes into his final order. Student Services Robert Knauss. pace are
more work for them and their When it is filed, the appeal will Knauss hopes to have the ser- proved in
work is now more dangerous. 1 go to the Sixth Circuit Court of Knas by tonay th sr ing and
g Sources say the inmates are also Appeals in Cincinnati and could vice operating by Monday in an
uncomfortable in their new quar- conceivably reach the U. S. Su- area which will include University security g
ters because of the overcrowding. preme Court, as Roth's decision Judith
Bannan claims all inmates have may include the nation's first Dial-a-Ride expands through ganizer, v
beds, though some of these have court order to bus students across the city. See story, Page 10. plan, but
been placed in the halls. Other district lines.
sources indicate, however, that the After last night's speech, Milli- Terrace apartments, M i c h i g a n
beds are mattresses placed on the ken told The Daily that a major Union, Oxford Housing, and the
*loor. reason for seeking an appeal was sorority houses along Hill Street.
In addition, sources report that to "defuse the busing issue" and "The current commitment is to
the DeHoCo inmates were trans- to move public focus to the pe- run the service until the end of
See DEHOCO, Page 10 See MILLIKEN, Page 10 s s n u
____ - .-----~ -~ ___ ~ -thesemester and evaluate its level
in in the wind
erday, as winds whipped
As students, union members and
environmentalists demonstrated at
American missions and blocked in-
ternational bridges from Canada
to the United States, a previously
secret report was r e 1 e a s e d in
Washington warning that the
x'i j blast, code-named Cannikin, could
trigger earthquakes and tidal
waves by its impact on faults in
the earth's crust.
"T h e underground explosion
could serve as the first domino in
a row of dominoes leading to a
major earthquake," said the re-
port, prepared by Russell Train,
-Daily-David Margolick chairman qf President Nixon's
Council on Environmental Quality.
Meanwhile, a three-judge fed-
up to usher in the first cold of eral appeals court in Washington
refused for the second time to '
- - halt the nuclear test, turning back
environmentalist opponents of the
Lawyers for those seeking the
injunction argued that even gov-
ernment experts believe the ex-
plosion, equivalent to a detona-
tion of five million tons of TNT,
could trigger earthquakes and tidal
waves, kill wildlife and release
radioactive waste into the air.
Although environmental groups
ie a su re say they are studying the possi-
bility of an appeal to the U.S.
Supreme Court, an Associated
it may lack sufficient publicity to Press report from Washington in-
gain student support. dicated the chances for a success-
"Thn ,ful appeal were remote.
-Associated Press
CANADIAN DEMONSTRATORS block the Blue Water International
Bridge connecting Port Huron and Sarnia, Ont., yesterday to
protest a scheduled U.S. H-bomb test.
Grads revise charter
for new federation
t Friday, Knauss, Ken-
d Ellsworth drafted the
ch was presented to the
officers-President Flem- a regulaton against
handouts in the University Terrace
the six vice presidents-apartments," she said. "People in
Oxford can have them slipped
rvice is one aspect of a under their door but the U Ter-
d strategy to improve area race people will have to be in-
for the University Ter- formed some other way."
a. Knauss has also ap- Besides official University ser-
stallation of better light- vices, the newly-formed Women's
an increase in University Crisis Center is organizing groups
guard patrolsof two to four women to patrol
S patrls, the area. In addition, the WCC has
Frandzel, a petition or- lists of women who have volun-
was pleased with the bus teered to walk at night with other
expressed concern that women.
The planned explosion, which
will have a force 250 times greater
than the atomic weapon used at
Hiroshima, has caused a storm of
protest in Alaska and across Can-
Government spokesmen, includ-
ing Premier Pierre Trudeau, have
criticized the American govern-I
ment, and c h u r c h and labor
groups, environmentalists and stu-
dent organizations have all joined
in decrying the test.
Representatives f r o m s i x
graduate and professional school
student governments met last
night to revise the charter of
the Graduate Federation (GF),
proposed successor to the
Graduate Assembly (GA), which
received criticism when origin-
ally presented for ratification
last month.
The revised charter attempts
to answer claims of "undergrad-
uate pollution" and "inpropor-
tionate representation" made by
John Koza, Grad, in a suit
brought before the Central Stu-
dent Judiciary (CSJ) early last
In contrast to the previously
proposed document, the charter
which will now be presented to
the individual governments for
approval will stipulate that:
-the federation shall consist
of "delegates", not "representa-
-no government which has a
majority of undergraduates in
its constituency will be ad-
mitted to the federation, and
-major policy decisions will
be decided by a two-step pro-
cess of voting which will enable
delegates to cast votes in pro-
portion to the number of stu-
dents in their respective schools.
Claiming he was denied the
previously promised opportunity
to attend the meeting, Koza ex-
claimed late last night that
"constitutions should nothbe
written in closed meetings."
student vote yields
Five students picked
for LSA policy unit
of use," said Knauss. "It will then
be determined if student support
merits a continuation of the pro-
According to University secre-
tary Richard Kennedy, the service
will cost students approximately
25 cents a ride-considerably less
than the 60 cent fee charged city
j residents.
The University will provide a
trial subsidy to cover theigad).
Transportation Service Mana-
ger John Ellsworth and Harlan
Mulder, a University financial of-
ficial, are currently working out
details with city officials.
A -_
LSA Student Government last
night named five of the ten stu-
dent members of the yet to be
established Student - Faculty
Policy committee.
The other five members, at
versial report by an ad-hoc stu-
dent-faculty committee proposed
its establishment.
Student power advocates, how-
ever, complained at the time
that the plan approved by the
faculty falls far short of the body
proposed in the original report.
Thousands of newly enfranchised voters went
to the polls for the first time Tuesday, influencing
local elections in a few large student areas, but
wielding little power in the big cities.
While students scored no resounding victories
like the one in Berkeley, Calif., last spring, when
three radical city councilmen were elected, some
student-supported candidates and students them-
selves were elected in towns with large student
In Newcomerstown. Ohio. Ron Hooker. 19. a
Student candidates suffered a setback in Kala-
mazoo, Mich., however, as three students running
in a 19-way race for seven city council seats placed
14th, 18th, and 19th. They did, however, elect the
first black mayor in the city's history.
The main effect of the youth vote was naturally
felt in college towns. In Bloomington, Ind., Francis
McCloskey, a recent Indiana University law school
graduate, defeated a two-term incumbent Repub-
lican mayor by nearly 3,000 votes.
McCloskey, a Democrat, ran especially well in
student precincts. However, figures may be mis-