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High-low 60's
Low-mid 40's
Mostly cloudy,
chance of showers
Vol. LXXXII, No. 46 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 2, 1971 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
committee gives
split report
A Citizen's Tax Committee-
expected by many to recom-
mend that Ann Arbor adopt a
one per cent personal income
tax-told City Council instead
last night that it was equally
divided on the issue.
The report of the predominantly
Republican committee came as a
setback to Democratic Mayor Rob-
ert Harris, who had hoped the
committee would advocate the tax,
thus giving the mayor a better
chance at enlistingytheRepublican
Council votes needed to pass his
tax resolution.
The resolution will come before
the council in a first reading next
In order for an income tax pro-
posal to be on a city-wide ballot
in time for it to take effect during:
the 1972-73 fiscal year, it must be
passed by the council by Nov. 15.
The tax committee's report, a
prelude to an expected major rec-
ommendation sometime next year,
was presented by its chairman,
John Laird, who told the council
the split came because of "philo-
sophical differences" in regard to Guy Larcom, city administrator, and Ma
the city's priorities among mem- (below), chairman of the Citizens' Tax
WASHINGTON OP--The Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee agreed yesterday that the United States should stay
in the foreign aid business,astCongress appeared headed to
ward a stopgap resolution to keep the program alive.
But controversy loomed over the duration of any such
revival measure, and the shape of a long-term foreign aid
The Foreign Relations Committee spent some 90 minutes
behind closed doors discussing the future and the impact of
last Friday night's Senate vote that killed the $2.9 billion
foreign aid authorization bill.
No votes were taken at the committee session and no
formal decisions made.
City Clerk Harold Saunders
1 bers of the committee.
e CityAdministrator Guy Larcom,
H o se- t - 1ouse 'l as well as other members of the,
city administration, have been
urging adoption of the tax, saying
fo * e s1p r vl that 'Ann Arbor faces a budget -
crisis next year, with projected
revenues of $12 million and pro-
jected "normal, growth" expendi-
By CRIS ARKStures of $14.5 million.
Following weeks of pressure from both inside and out- However, the tax committee's
side city hall, City Clerk Harold Saunders announced last report cites "philosophical differ-
night his willingness to institute a program of door to door ences concerning the approximate
voter registration in Ann Arbor. levels and types of sources which;
the city ought to be providing as
Saunders' announcement, which came in the form of a well as varying estimates as to the
joint report prepared with City Administrator Guy Larcom, potential for increased operating
concluded that he would "recommend that door to door reg- efficiency w i t h i n city govern-1
istration be instituted in Ann Arbor." ment."
In fact, the committee report
The move could have a large effect in increasing regis- aysthat about half the 20 com-
tration among Ann Arbor's newly enfranchised youths. 'mittee, members estimate a rev-
The conclusion came as a surprise to many who opposed enue-expenditure gap of less than
the door to door concept. $500,000, as compared to the gap
five times that great projected by
Councilman James Stephenson'! 1Ile ses Larcom.
(R-Fourth Ward) expressed shock U lf Simultaneously with the t a x'
at the decision telling Saunders "I committee report last night came
can't believe you're recommending ; a "budget outlook" report from
it" voter figures Larcom's office, suggesting three
Supporters of the concept, as budget alternatives for 1972-73-
well, were caught off guard by the a "no growth" budget, a "sub-
decision. By MARK ALLSHOUSE level" budget, and a projected
The report had followed the City Clerk Harold Saunders re- budget if an income tax is passed.
Larcom told the council his re-
introduction of a resolution three ported yesterday that 4 259 18-20 port was "not intended to be
weeks ago by Councilmen Norris year-old voters have been regis- alarmist, or to overstate the fig-
Thomas (D-First Ward) which tered in Ann Arbor since the vot- ures," but that the city needs
would have instructed the clerk to t i"g rs" besources," and whether
institute door to door registration. ing age was lowered this summer. "reat resonce a whether
or not the income tax proposal is
At that time action was deferred This represents close to 12 per passed, "We must reconsider the
until the clerk along with the city cent of the total registered vot- tax structure of this city."
administrator could compile a re- ers in Ann Arbor: Ann Arbor's tax system present-
port on the feasibility of such a ly includes a 14.85 mill property
project. Of the new voters who were reg- tax, which would be reduced auto-
Mayor Robert Harris explained istered during the massive voter matically by 7.5 mills if the income
last night, since the clerk has the , registration drive this fall, three- tax is passed.
authority to take such action with- fourths registered at locations Although Harris is optimistic
out the approval of the council, other than City Hall. about the chances of passing the!
Council meeting last night.
Thirty sti
-Daily-David Margolick
yor Robert Harris (above, from left) listen as John Laird
Committee, explains a point of his group's report at the City
--dents declare
,y In SGC race
Thirty students have declared
themselves candidates for the
nine Student Government Coun-
cil member at largevacanciesuto
be filled in a campus-wide elec-
tion Nov. 16 and 17. The period
during which candidacy may be
filed ended yesterday afternoon.
The turnout of candidates is
unusually large, particularly for
a November election. Tradition-
ally the March elections, which
include the SGC presidential con-
test and voting for various Uni-
versity boards as well as elec-
tions of members at large and
referenda, have elicited more
student interest than those in
The nine Council vacancies
represent three-fourths of the at-
large SGC seats. This large num-
ber of vacancies results from
SGC's decision not to appoint
students to replace the four
m e m b e r s who resigned from
Council last month.
Two candidates - Bill Jacobs,
'73 and Donald Wurster, '75-
withdrew from the race almost
immediately after declaring their
"I think the one thing I can "
say is that there wasn't any dis-
position to do nothing," said Sen.J.W F1rh(b o ard
J. W. Fuibright (D - Ark.), the
c h a i r m a n. "Something will be
done, but what it will be, I have iaw legal,
Fulbright said the critical issue
to him would be the military side
of foreign aid, particularly such judge
items as the sharply increased al- 3
lowance for Cambodia, which
'would have received $341 million A ruling by a Livingston County
under the defeated Senate bill, judge has upheld the legality of
He said the Foreign Relations the city's three - month - old bill-
Committee wants to discuss the board control ordinance.
whole situation with Secretary of The r u1i n g, from Livingston
State William Rogers and Agency County 'Circuit Court Judge Paul
f o r International Development Mahinske, lifted a restraining or-
(AID) administrator John Han- der on the city's new ,sign ordi-
nah, as soon as possible. Fulbright nrn e ctprnonedi g lr y
apernance and pronounced it "legally
said hehoped they couldha enacted."
before the panel within the next
few days. Mahinske also ruled that nine
seemed" billboards planned for erection in
For the moment, there Ann Arbor by Central Outdoor
to be as many ideas about a solu- Advertising Co. could not be built,
tion as members of the committee. as they would violate the local
Sen. Gale McGee (D-Wyo.) said
he thinks foreign aid should be ordinance.
continued by resolution, which The city ordinance enacted Aug.
would authorize spending at about 21 came as the result of five years
the current $2.6 billion-a-year lev- effort to deal with the prolifera-
el, at least until Jan. 1. tion of signs and billboards along
Senate Republican Leader Hugh Iroads. Ecologists throughout the
Scot sid cotiningreslui state and country have waged
Scott saidacouing esution legal action against billboard com-
is likely, followed by an interim panies-blasting the signs as "en-
foreign vaid bill to be drafted by pironmental eye-sores
the Foreign Relations Committee,
with an overhauled assistance plan' Signs with moving or flashing
presented to the next session of parts, signs obstructing windows
Congress. and doors and signs deemed traffic
Sen. Frank Church (D - Idaho) hazards are prohibited under the
ordinance, and sizes of billboards
said 30 days of new life for foreign and a r e a s where they can be
aid should give the committee erected are strictly limited.
enough time to fashion a new-look Arethetictlyflisi ngd.
foreign aid system, which probably At the time of his ruling last
would trim away much of the mili- week Mane annuned im-
tary assistance provided by the self removed from further jurisdic-
defeated bill. tion in the case.
The White House said it is im- He had issued the restraining
'perative that the program be order three m o n t h s ago-only
continued by resolution. hours after the ordinance had
The the House, Appropriations been e n a c t e d-at Central's re-
Committee Chairman George Ma- quest.
hon (D-Tex.) said he would try to Since the restraining order, Cen-
push through a "stopgap" resolu- tral had been trying to. obtain
tion to keep things "as is" for 30 approval for the erection of the
days beyond Nov. 15, when AID is billboards, which Mahinske had
now due t~o expire. originally ordered the city to al-
n deoreiet low.That order was negated, how-
Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.) said eeb uigfo ahea
he thinks the extension should be ever, by a ruling from Washtenaw
limtedtk t 30xdysn pasNov. 1. County Circuit Court which or-
limited to 30 days past Nov. 15. dered maintainance of the status
"If you can't work it out in six quo regarding billboards until a
weeks then you can't work it out," hearing was held on the matter.
he said.
The State Department said fail- At the hearing Sept. 15, Mahins-
ure of Congress to pass a resolu- ke said the city ordinance had
tion to keep AID alive would re- been adopted according to proper
sult in the loss of 4,126 employes procedures, but he left the ques-
by Nov. 15. tion open as to whether Central
could erect the nine billboards
Marty Scott Michael Davis
Those who remain represent
three party groupings along with
16 independents. Included in the
28 are three women and two
blacks, comprising ten per cent
and seven per cent of the total
field, respectively.
Although the group compr ses
mostly students in the literary
college-21 of the candidates,
there are also three graduate
students, one law student, two
engineering students, and one
education student. Four candi-
dates are incumbents.
a resolution urging him to do so
is now unnecessary:
While leaving open the possibil-
ity of terminating the program if
it proved unsatisfactory, Saunders1
indicated he would proceed with
the necessary steps including re-r
education of present deputies and
increasing deputy training to get
the program moving.7
He said he hopes door to door,
registration can begin by Decem-
ber. 1
Under Saunders' program, out-
lined in the report, registration
materials will be checked out in~
lots of 25 to registrars who will be1
assigned a specific area of the
city to canvass.
Registration in dorms or apart-
ment complexes where door to
door solicitation is, illegal, would'
be carried on from "a table in the
lobby or commons area."l
The number of those who reg- resolution in time for it to go on!
a February city-wide ballot, Mayor,
istered "was less, than I had pro - tem James Stephenson (R-
hoped for," said Saunders. He felt Fourth Ward)-generally consid-
that some students may have been ered the leader of council's Repub-
undecided about changing their lican majority-last night said he
registration from their home townswas inclined to oppose the tax."
If the vote goes, as expected, by
to Ann Arbor, and would register party lines, Harris will need the
here later. votes of all four Democratic coun-
cilmen plus one Republican. Rob-
According to the 1970 census, ert W e av er (R-Second Ward),
there are 13,865 18-20 year-olds in often the "swing vote" on the
the city of Ann Arbor. Saunders council, said last night he was
says that only 30 per cent of these "generally in favor" of the tax,
newly eligible voters have regis- but refused to commit himself.
In order to pass a personal in-
tered here. 'come tax resolution by Nov. 15,
Saunders also reported that 75 council will have to work overtime
per cent of the approximately 70,- during the next two weeks. Be-
000 Ann Arbor residents of voting sides the regular Nov. 8 and Nov.
age have already registered.nnf 15 meetings, a special working ses-
a sion is scheduled for this session,
those over 21 who are eligible, 86 and open hearings will be held
per cent have registered. several nights next week.
SGC puts referenda
on November ballot
One of the party groupings
which filed yesterday has also
registered to become a student
organization. The party, called
Government Reform of Univer-
sity Policy (GROUP), includes
Michael Davis, Grad, John Koza,
Grad., Bob Nelson, '74L, Iale
Oesterle, Grad, and Marty Scott,
Each of these candidates has
served at least one year on SGC.
Scott was Council president in
1969-70; both Davis and Nelson
have been Council vice president.
Koza has assisted in previous
SGC campaigns, and both he and
Davis were instrumental in work-
ing to abolish Graduate Assem-
The second five-member party
is the Radical People's Coalition,
which includes incumbents Ar-
lene Griffen, '73, and Joel Silver-
stein, '72 as well as Jean Tes-
hima, '74, Art Nishoika, '74 and
Allison Stieber, '72.
The third party is the Respon-
sible Al ter native Party, a
moderate-conservative grouping.
Running on this slate are Doug
Rick, '75E and William Kre-
baum, '75.
In addition to electing nine
members at large to Student
Government Council, students
will vote Nov. 16 and 17 on a
wide variety of referenda, two of
which aim to "open up SGC."
One referendum would grant
SGC the right to hold a special
referenda election each term, at
its discretion.
The purpose of these refer-
enda votes would be to enable
students to decide what they
consider "important issues" on
which Council should work, ac-
cording to member at large Joel
Silverstein, '72.
Although SGC now has the
power to authorize such special
elections, Silverstein explained
that the referendum would le-
gitimize the idea with a "man-
date" from the students.
The second referendum would
extend the "transferable ballot"
system now used for SGC presi-
dential voting to elections of
members at large as well. Under
this system, students would in-
dicate their choices for Council
members in order of preference,
up to the number specified by
SGC before each election.
,An additional provision of the
referendum stipulates that a
quota of first place votes re-
quired for election be established
in each balloting. This quota is
defined as the "whole number
Just greater than the quotient
obtained by dividing the total
number of seats to be filled."
Thus, for example, if 4,900
first place votes were cast, with
seven Council vacancies to fill,
a candidate would need 701 of
these votes for election.
Secretary of Defense MelviniI:
Laird warned yesterday that the Mahinske had previously quash-
scuttling of the U.S. foreign aid ed a 1966 sign ordinance, starting
program could adversely affect a five year legal struggle. He con-
withdrawal of American forces tended that thes1966ordinance
from Vietnam. was not related to public health,
But, Laird told a White House: safety, morals or welfare, and that
news conference he plans to tell it was retroactive and would have
South Vietnamese officials this involved taking down signs already
week that he does, not expect the on display.
Senate's rejection of the overseas The city has been in the process
assistance program will stand.'
"I am going to assure the Viet- of appealing the decision for al-
namese that ... corrective action most five years. It is currently in
will be taken," Laird said. the U.S. District Court of Appeals.
Elections across nation
Student vote may cause tremors, not m
quakes. in. country's college towns:
Observers seek
72 election hints
WASHINGTON {A') - Elections
ross the country today are be-
g watched for trends and hints
r the presidential politics of
72 despite a remarkable ab-
=ce of national involvement in
ost of them.
Black women dine, hear secrets
Some of the secrets of black womanhood were
revealed at Markley Hall Sunday evening as t
about 150 black women ate Muslim delicacies and
basked in a salute given them by members of two
black fraternities.
Political activist Fannie Lou Hamer addressed
the banquet guests on their roles in life, saying
"Black women should support their men, because
College town officials across the
country trembled when 18 to 21-
year-olds won the vote last sun-
mer. With "visions of Berkeley"
in their heads, they feared stu-
dtnt wmid wn nntrl o lon,
Ohio, received rulings after the
registration deadline for this elec-
tion. And in many towns, students
played what seemed like a game
of "Twenty Questions" with city
clerks in determining whether they
enni ras rthr
samma munamar.