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October 30, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-30

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See Editorial Page

Lit43 Aau

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Foggy, clearing in
the afternoon

Vol. LXXXII, No. 44 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 30, 1971 TenCents

Eight Pages

Kunstler on Attica and
ustice, American style
EDITOR'S NOTE: On Oct. 21, while attorney
William Kunstler was on his way to Iowa for a
speaking engagement, he spent a two-hour stop-
over at Chicago's 'O'Hare Airport in a personal in-
terview with Daily reporter John Mitchell. Excerpts
from the taped interview appear on today's Editor-
ial Page. The following is Mitchell's report.
For almost a decade, attorney William
Kunstler has championed controversial causes
:^ in the courtroom. From obscure civil rights
cases to sensational "political" trials, his con-
sistent and often inflammatory opposition to
the "establishment" has branded him a radical.
Kunstler most recently came into the public
spotlight when he refused to identify a man in
New York who authorities claim is H. Rap
Brown-a fugitive wanted by the FBI for alleg-
edly inciting a riot in Cambridge, Md. last year.
But although the man alleged to be Brown
has been a topic of public discussion, Kunstler
preferred not to dwell at length on the subject.
Instead, he devoted most of his time to dis-
cussing the uprising in the New York State
Correctional Facility at Attica, an event which
has since been added to the roll call of modern
American tragedies.
It had been over a month since Kunstler
served as the attorney for the prison's 1,500
rebel inmates, trying to forestall what was to
be the bloodiest finale to a prison uprising in
the nation's history, but the events that occur-
red during the tragedy still appeared to pre-
occupy him.
Concerning Attica, Kunstler said that it
was "outright murder" for New York state
authorities to send troopers into the correc-
tional facility. From his viewpoint inside the
prison, Kunstler said, "the tension of the guards
and state troopers was growing and growing.
We knew that they were going to murder
He also asserts that authorities deliberately
lied when they told the press that hostages'
throats had been cut. Authorities themselves
planned "to cut the throats of dead guards in
order to justify the onslaught of troopers," he
Daily-Robert Wargo See KUNSTLER, Page 8
A'Appeals court calls indefinite
alt to Pentagon Papers probe

U.S. aid




School spirit:

and living at

m abroad
ax Surprise
vote kills
U.N. funds
Senate voted 41-27 last night
to end the U.S. foreign aid
The surprise vote was a stun-
ning climax to years of grumb-
ling over U.S. outlays and
involvement around the world.
" The Senate's failure to pass the
$2.9 billion foreign aid bill meant
f there is no Senate measure to
send to a conference with the
s<; House, which had earlier approved
a $3.9 billion measure.
Liberals who contend that for-
eign aid leads to wars like that in
Vietnam and conservative critics
of the billions spent on foreign as-
sistance teamed up to beat the bill
after voting earlier to slash it far
below the Nixon administration's
-Daily-Sara Krulwich A motion to reconsider the bill
was quickly tabled, thus effectively
ll killingthe measure for the present.
A lie ,( The defeated bill contained $1.3
billion for economic aid and $1.6
G5' billion for military assistance.
the ubig U Funds affected included $250
million for Pakistani refugees, $139
million for United Nations special
"It allows spectators to ds- programs, $309 million for the Al-
ace competitiveness and break liance for Progress, $341 milion
)nformity rules," he says. Stu- for assistance to Cambodia, funds
ents get the chance "to behave to provide weapons for Israel, $549
ke jocks or Greeks" without million for South Vietnam and
ar of normal social pressures. funds for a 'variety of other pur-
One way such aggression is poses.
lieved is through cheers-par- Not all foreign expenditure funds
cularly this year's most popu- are contained in the foreign aid
r yell- "Oooooh shit !" bill. For example, much support
John Gayer, '73, who claims to for South Vietnam is contained in
ave started the cheer a few the $21.3 billion military procure-
ears ago, describes it as "more ment bill.
r less a release." The Senate vote does not stop
"It was never intended to put the foreign aid program immedi-
ny shit on the players," he con- ately, said its supporters. Sen.
nds. "It's just like running Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) esti-
round going 'Oh damn!' or 'Oh mated the government has some
ell.' " $4.7 billion in the "pipeline"-
But evidence of the football funds appropriated but as yet un-
ulture doesn't die away wien spent.
e final whistle blows. instead President Nixon was quick to de-
is found around Ann Arbor- plore the Senate decision in a
after-game socializing and statement from the White House.
ouvenirs in stores. He said the Senate vote was "a
Many fraternities, sororities highly irresponsible action which
nd dorms still serve cider and undoes 25 years of constructive bi-
onuts after games to entertain partisan foreign policy and pro-
lumni or because it is part of duces unacceptable risk to the na-
tradition. tional security of the United
As a Mosher-Jordan resident States."
ays, "We usually do what we The President urged "immediate
id the year before." restoration" of the foreign aid pro-
And Leon West, director of gram "so that we can continue
Vest Quad, says cider and do- the efforts to construct a peaceful
tuts are served and Parents' world."
"eekends organized mainly be- Officials at the UN, which would
:ause of "traditions and the have received a total of $143 mil-
udget," which contains funds lion in voluntary funds from the
or this purpose. aid bill, reacted with shock to the
Homecoming weekend sees the Senate's action..
nost traditions-maintained with A spokesman for the UN De-
rarying degrees of enthusiasm. A velopment Program, which would
ug of war between South Quad's have received $100 million of the
'aylor and Gomberg houses, the money, told a reporter, "we are,
Mud Bowl" football game be- of. course, extremely concerned
ween Sigma Alpha Epsilon and . . . we desperately need the
hi Delta Theta, and the three- United States for our multilateral

nan, four-legged Diag Dash foot- aid."
ace are all part of the activities. He added, "a great country can-
Yet enthusiasm for such ac- not abandon both its leadership
ivities has seen a marked de- and its responsibility. We just
line over the past decade. Ac- don't believe it will."
ording to Assistant University An official of the UN Children's
See SCHOOL, Page 8 See TERMINATE, Page 8

BOSTON (R)-A US. Court of
Appeals yesterday ordered a fed-
eral grand jury investigating
publication of the secret Penta-
gon papers to cease its investi-
gation "indefinitely."
The court is hearing an ap-
peal by attorneys for Sen. Mike
Gravel (D-Ala:) that the grand
,jury not be allowed to question
one of Gravel's aides about the
senator's involvement in the
Gravel has his own set of the
Pentagon papers. During the
controversy this summer sur-
rounding the papers, he read
some of the documents at a
night-time meeting of a Senate
subcommittee he chairs.
The appeals court scheduled a
hearing on the Gravel matter
for next Thursday. Although the
judges' brief or'der called for an
indefinite halt to the grand jury
investigation, it was thought
that the order was dependent
upon the outcome of the hear-
Gravel's attorneys had argued
that any action by the grand
jury before Thursday's hearing
would jeopardize the senator's
His attorneys contend that his
senatorial privilege would be vio-
lated if the grand jury questions
Dr. Leonard Rodberg, an aide,
or Howard Webber, head of the
MIT press, who also has been
called before the grand jury,

The action in U.S. District
Court concerning Idella Marx,
t h e stepmother of Ellsberg's
wife, came before the order from
Circuit Court Judges Edward M.
McEntee and Frank M. Coffin.
It was not immediately clear
what affect the appeals court
ruling would have.
Marx was convicted of con-
tempt when she first refused to
testify before the federal grand
jury on Oct. 14, but was freed
on $10,000 bond pending an ap-
peal based on a claim that her
subpoena resulted from wiretap
However, Asst. U.S. Atty. War-
ren Reese told the court yester-
day that the government had no
wiretap evidence involving Mrs.
Marx and planned to ask her no
questions based on wiretap evi-
In another action, U.S. Dist-
rict Court Judge Arthur W. Gar-
rity gave the government a week
to either affirm or deny that it
had used wiretaps to gather evi-
dence on which it based sub-
poenas calling two professors to
Lawyers for Prof. Noam
Chomsky of Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology and Dr.
Richard Falk of Princeton Uni-
versity challenged the govern-
ment to say whether it had used
any illegal wiretaps in preparing
the grounds for subpoenas for
the two men.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
sto' y was prepared by Daily staff
writers Susan Brown, Mark Fried-
ricks and Jeanne Hamilton.
More than 70,000 spectators
out to see a game. Lines of floats
in a homecoming parade. Cider
and donuts after the victory.
And toilet seats emblazoned with
blue and gold.
I Even in a time of apathy, the
"football culture" still seems to
pervade Ann Arbor. Though it
may have diminished since the
days people carved their initials
in tables at the P-Bell, traces
still r e m a i n--especially for
With the passage-of time, foot-
ball games have become not just
spectator sports, but a chance
for the spectators themselves to
As one student puts it, "Peo-
ple may be less 'rah-rah' now.
but they still look to the game
as a chance to have a good
time." A band member also as-
-- serts, "You can't help becoming
-Daily-Sara Krulwich caught up in the whole thing."
A FLOAT depicting the conflict in Pakistan adds a serious note One of football's attractions,
to the annual Homecoming Parade yesterday (above). But the says Medical Prof. Derek Miller
traditional brand of school spirit is prominent earlier, as mem- of the psychiatry department, is
bers of UAC distributed Homecoming balloons on the Diag the emotional release it provides
(below), the crowd.
VP to request more security
By MARY KRAMER Ellsworth, Secretary of the Uni- of increased bus service, KnaussI
Vice President for Student Serv- versity Richard Kennedy, and a reviewed other positive security
ices Robert K n a u s s announced representative of the University's steps which have been taken. Im-
yesterday that he will make spe- security guard. proved lighting was installed in
cific recommendations to the Uni- The meeting was prompted by wthe area yesterday. Authorization
versity's executive officers aimed petitions bearing the signatures of was granted to erect a chain link
at improving night bus service and over 1,400 residents asking for im- fence along the edge of the Arbore-
security for the University Ter- proved service in light of recent tum near University Terrace. In
irace area. events. addition, Univ er sity security
University Terrace has been the The petitions which called for guards have increased patrols in
scene of two reported rapes in the bus service between 6 p.m. and 1 the area during the past two


Sen. Gravel

E a r 1 i e r, Daniel Ellsberg's
mother-in-law had been told by
a federal judge she would have
to testify before the grand jury
Monday or go to jail if she re-
Ellsberg has admitted leaking
to the press the controversial
and previously secret Pentagon
study of the development of
American involvement in South-
east Asia.

past several weeks.
Knauss' announcement followedj
an informal meeting with Trans-
portation Department head John


police conspiracy claimed

a.m., were given to the Housingw
Policy Board Thursday afternoon.
The board went on record as be-
ing in favor of reviving the Nita
Owl Bus Service, and instituting
an emergency busing service ef-
fective immediately.
Knauss called yesterday's meet-
ing to discuss present and future
security measures for the area.
According to Knauss, therervire
several possible solutions to the
bus problem.
Ellsworth is currently contacting
the proper city officials to -xplore
the possibility of the Dial-a-Rider
bus service for students.
Another alternative involves ex-
panding the regular North Campus
bus service to include University1
A third proposal calls for the re-I
vival of the Nite Owl bus service.
According to Knauss, the service~


A police informer has accused the Los
Angeles police department of complicity in
a number of highly-.publicized acts of vio-
lence involving radicals.
Louis Tackwood said last week that police
had advance information on the Marin
County shoot-out for which Angela Davis is
being tried, and George Jackson's attempt-
ed escape from San Quentin prison, but

claimed that police were seeking Tack-
wood to "shut him up." The committee pro-
vided a forum for Tackwood, and arranged
for substantiation of his story by the press.
The Los Angeles Police Department
(LAPD) denied that it is searching for
Tackwood. A spokesman said that no war-
rant has been issued for Tackwood's arrest,
and that he is not on the fugitive list.
Tackwood's location is presently unknown.

" "
Effects of British Market entry
on U.S. unsure, experts believe
From Wire Service Reports
Britain's historic vote to join the European Common Market
opened a major political rift there yesterday, while experts in the
United States were uncertain about the implications of the move
for Americans.
With its vote Thursday night, the House of Commons accepted
the principle of Common Market membership on terms negotiated
by Prime Minister Edward Heath's tConservative government.
But a year-long battle remains to push the enabling legisla-
tion through Parliament, aligning British laws with the rules of
the European Economic Community before Britain can actually join
on the target date of Jan. 1, 1973. All signs point to cliff hangers on
the more controversial terms of entry.

's~ ; :

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