Friday, October 29, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Friday, October 29, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven 'EVICT NIXON': PCP J: Changing directions? orning-after pill' proved safe, effective for use by 'U' survey (Continued from Page 1) The group intends to mount a "massive educational campaign," using data gathered at last week's' panel and others like it yet to be convened. And they intend to util- ize this "educational" aspect by supporting v a r i o u s local anti- Nixon candidates in p r i m a r i e s around the country. Rennie Davis, another P C P J leader admits that electoral poli- tics are "co-optive," but adds that "when you're being co-opted, don't' withdraw. Co-opt them back." But the group also intends to "carry out a resistance program" along the more traditional lines of confrontation. "People will have to take risks-with their lives, if, necessary," says Froines, in order to "prove our points" about the Nixon administration. w h i c h Froines characterizes as "the first actually right-wing administi'a- tion" since before the New Deal. It was the second of these two tactics of education and confron- tation which figured in Tuesday's march, sit-in and arrests. Over 1,000 persons marched to- ward the White House, ostensibly to serve Nixon with the eviction notice and to urge acceptance of the seven point peace plan of the Provisional Revolutionary Govern- ment of South Vietnam. Actually, the group had been told by its leaders to expect to be stopped and had planned civil; disobedience in protest. When the 1,000 were halted by police one block from the execu- tive mansion, PCPJ leaders Davis, 4David Dellinger and Father. James! Groppi lead 'a sit-in that eventu- ally resulted in arrests of 298 per- sons. In the traditional numerical sense, the sit-in and arrests were a failure as a tactic, especially when compared to the Mayday actions co-sponsored by PCPJ,x which ultimately, led to 12,000 ar- rests. Even the People's Panel, novelty that it was, only drew about 250! persons to the church where the "testimony" was heard. PCPJ leaders had desperately insisted throughout the week that "this is not intended as a -massive. action-it is only the first punch in a year-long massive campaign." Marches scheduled for Nov. 6 and co-sponsored with National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC) are the only "mass" actions plan- ned for the present, according to PCPJ leaders. However, even with that stated outlook, they had predicted a march three times the size of the one which left the grounds of the Washington Monument and head- ed towards the White House Tues- day. While admitting their own fail- ure with a publicity campaign that was too little and too late-college papers received announcements of the Evict Nixon campaign only two days before the People's Panel' convened-PCPJ leaders also heav- ily blamed the "establishment press" for "not covering anything until it has already happened." Froinesnalso pointed to the "pw- erless, tired and somewhat cyni- cal feelings" of protest veterans, but added that he hopes the new educational and electoral strate- gies of PCPJ will "inspire people to begin again." Privately, however, leaders of the group gave perhaps a more fundamental reason for the small- ness of the crowd-it was a crowd of organizers, not the usual "mass- es." "We have to re-define the move- ment for ourselves before we can re-define it for the people," Davis said. "This week is more to get{ our own heads together than any- thing else." "We can learn something from this," said twelve-year-old Susan can help build a stronger move- ment." For Phase One of the Evict Nix- on campaign was basically a cadre action, a week for the faithful to come together and hold trial runs for some of the strategies pro- posed for the coming year. Although a failure in tional sense, the two Phase One each had PCPJ organizers. the tradi- facets of value for From the panel tame informa- tion and rhetoric, both fully re- corded on videotapes that will be' used during the next eight months for showings around the country --a major facet of PCPJ's "educa- tional" campaign. The march and arrests, while not outwardly showing much promise for mass actions in the, future, provided one major victory for PCPJ-that of attracting the media, which remained for the most part silent during the Peo- pie's Panel hearings. It also served, as did the panel, to unify the core of PCPJ assem- bled in Washington this past week. Whether Phase Two - the next eight months of educational, elec- toral, and confrontation tactics- will be helped or hurt by the somewhat shaky base set up in Phase One remains to be seen, as will this past week's effect on PCPJ's hoped-for massive demon- trationat the Republican National Convention in San Diego in July (christened Phase Three). However, it is clear that in judging the evolving tactics of PCPJ's eviction campaign, crowd estimates can no longer be a fair index of success or failure. (Continued from Page I) done mostly by Dr. Kuchera in telephone interviews, it was found that there were no pregnancies among the studied women. All women who took part in the study were informed about it and gave theiy consent. It was stress- ed that this treatment should be used only as an emergency method , of pregnancy prevention because the posteoital pills have 25 milli- grams of the estrogen-like sub- stance while the regular birth control pills can contain as little as one tenth of a milligram. In an interview, Dr. Kuchera emphasized that "almost 70 per cent 'of the women had virtually no side effects" that is only inter- ittent nausea, slightly swollen breasts etc. Some of them, how- ever, got quite sick to their stom- achs, a few reported headaches or cramps, and one said she had never felt better, in her life, a feeling the doctor thought might not have been strictly attribut- able to relief. As to questions about any long term side effects, the doctor said "attempts to induce malignant tumors in animals with estrogen have been unsuccessful ." She pointed out that this particular drug has already been in Federal Drug Administration (FDA) ap-I proved use for thirty years in the treatment of some disorders. In another study, however, Har- vard Medical school scientists re- ported indications last April that the same drug when administered to pregnant women in order to prevent miscarriage resulted in a rare form of vaginal cancer in the daughters of those involved. The report of sixty additional cases found since then is termed by, the Museum has, photo exhibit Admirers of fine photography owill find the University's Museum of Art an especially attractive place during November, Beginning Oct. 27 and continu- ing through Dec. 5, the museum will present a retrospective ex- hibition of the photographs by Walker Evans, assembled by the Museum of Modern Art in New York' and shown at galleries in Washington, D.C., and Boston. Evans is probably best known for his work with the photograph- ic unit of the Farm Security Ad- ministration during the Depres- sion years and his collaboration with James Agee in their docu- ment of the lives of sharecropper families, "Let Us Now Praise Fa- mous Men." FDA as "statistically significant." A formal warning ordered by them does not affect the contra- ceptive use of the drug, however, since the problem area is in sur- viving children of women who take' the drug during pregnancy. The dose of the contraceptive is much lower than that doses that have been given to prevent miscarri- ages. The mechanism of the pill pre- vents the implantation of the fer- tilized egg in the uterine wall. Also, the passage of the egg through the ovaducts has been accelerated in animal studies. BILLIARDS ( N TABLE TENNI BOWLING FOOSBA LL UNION / For the student body: LEVIS A _ ti , . _ -, y 4 CORDUROY Slim Fits (All Colors) $6.98 Richartz, the youngest member of the People's Panel. "Knowing all the things the panel's discovering Women's Crisis Center Training Session SATURDAY, OCT. 30, at 10 a.m. 332 Michigan Union All day workshops . . Bring a lunch INFO? Call 662-5400 or Women's Advocate Office 10-7 MON.-THURS. 10-9 FRI., SAT. The Wine £hoppe 347 Maynard St. PURVEYOR Of THE WORLD'S FINEST WINES CENTRAL STUDENT JUDICIARY announces Petitioning for 5 Full-Term Appointments Sign up for Interviews-Oct. 24-Nov. 1 Room 1542 SAB Bells ........$8.50 99i i t c. r f ' a i i _._.___y I i 1 _ ,, DENIM Bush Jeans. $10.00 Bells . . . . $8.00 Boot Jeans . $7.50 Pre-Shrunk . $750 Super Slirrs . $7.00 State Street at Liberty rhe Ann Street. PIZZA PEOPLE offer you coupon any med. or 1g. pizza from DOMINO'S 1031 E-1ANN offer good 10/28 thru 10/31 1P1R ZA PER COUPON CALL 761-1111' 1,. i E * ADVENT e BOSE e McINTOSH * DUAL. KENWOOD the first genuine alternative to records: the Advent 201. i w o~r r P. FLOY is the price of ANY album by $ S these groups, including Pink Floyd's new "Meddle" IC U- 3 .r.. O QU SAL the people's store U.) 1103 S. Univ. The Advent Model 201 casette tape deck is the first genuine alternative to records. Records wearout and are very expensive. Everytime you play one you discover a new scratch, gouge, or phnert. Gunk gets in the grooves and they warp. You consider open-reel tape machines: The good ones are expensive as is the good tape. At 33 inches-per- second, the level of hiss is prohibitive; at 7V2 inches-per-second you use miles of costly tape, and then the reel always runs out just before the recapitulation in the fourth movement. Threading reels is a bother and there is all that loose tape to get tangled up in. You consider cassettes: They are convenient to be sure. Just plunk in a small plastic thing, push a button, and Instant Music. No fuss, muss, or bother. But the quality of this music from cassettes has always been mediocre at best, plagued with noise, unsteady in pitch, and about as compelling overall as the sound of an AM car radio. Advent has an alternative: it's called the Model 201 cassette tape deck and it sounds wonderful. By that, we mean, as good as the best LP records. The Advent 201 cassette tape deck takes cassettes out of the car-and-back- ground-music class and makes them possibly the most satisfying medium available for recorded music. How is Advent able to get such performance from a cassette? First, Advent has incorporated the Dolby Noise Reduction System@k)-a patented electronic circuit that gets rid of the noise (hiss) that has plagued from the outset, cassette recording. Then they proceeded to include all those things that no one had bothered to bring to the design of a cassette machine before: steady-speed tape drive, wide-range record and playback heads, simple and accurate recording controls, and low-distortion and low-noise electronics. The transport of the 201 is particularly robust: it uses a high-torque AC motor which drives an oversize fly- wheel/capstan through an idler rather than the customary belt. The large heavy flywheel and larger capstan en- sure inaudible wow and flutter and guarantee maximum reliability through continued use. In addition, the Model 201 incorporates circuitry to take b e s t advantage of the n e w duPont-developed Crolyn R1 chromium dioxide tape sold by Advent under the Advocate label. You can hear the Model 201 in our store. Spend some time experimenting with the 201's unique single record meter system. It lets you monitor your choice of channel A, channel B, or the louder of the two. One of our salesmen will explain why this is so good. The Advent Model 201 costs $280 and is completely guaranteed-without charge for either parts or labor- for one full year. r- C r-m AT 330 MAYNARD (next to the alley) (near East ALSO: ALL 59a ist albums, i regularly $3.99 ("blue dot") I 1 I ,I I