THE AGONY OF PAKISTAN See Editorial Page .iL £ir iArn i!11a44*b PUMPKIN High-67 Low-37 Sunny and cooler, chance of frost Vol. LXXXII, No. 43 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 29, 1971 Ten Cents Ten Pages SENATE ACTIONS: U.N. meets tid Legislature cut passes defeat plea agains using WASHINGTON ,(A) - The Senate strongly voted down last night the first proposal to cut United States support of the United Nations in the wake of the decision to seat the People's Republic of China as the representatives of the 700 million Chinese people. By a 55-28 vote, it rejected an amendment by Sen. James Buckley (Con-R-N.Y.) to cut $101.5 million of the $130 mil- lion in the foreign aid bill earmarked for U.N. programs. The decision to reject Buckley's amendment came after , Sens. J.W. Fulbright (D-Ark.) and Jacob Javits (R-N.Y.) warned it would hurt programs to aid children and drug victims as well as assistance to underdeveloped countries. "This is absolutely the worst course for our country," ; ' 1 ---- ---- Javits said, pleading for Sen- ,ate refection of what he Lim it set termed "this terrible mis- t. Itake." Buckley insisted "This is not in- tended as a punitive measure" and S ayn e said the amendment was aimed atk three things: a $100 million U.S. contribution to the U.N. develop- ment program, $1.5 for a world risoners health program and commodity shipments estimated at about $50 million. By GERI SPRUNG Other amendments by Buckley Few, if any prisoners will be and Sen. Peter Dominick (R- sent to the Wayne County Jail Colo.) due for consideration to- after Monday under a directive day also would attempt to limit from presiding Circuit Court U.S. funds for the world organi- Judge Joseph Sullivan to district zation. and municipal judges. The Senate did, however, act to The move may also have a sec- eliminate a proposal which would ondary result, sources indicate, to have repaued from the bill a more persons being let out on a1955rovion authorizing nres- lower bond, rather than forc- den tial. action to protect National- igwem bodt rn ailt. n -ist China against a Communist at- ing them to sit in jail. tack. Wayne County Jail, which That action was seen as a mostly serves as a detention cen- minor victory for Senate critics of ter for persons accused of commit- the U.N. decision. ting crimes but not yet convicted, Earlier, the Nixon administra- had been declared "inhumane" by tion scored a partial victory in its a panel of judges last May. fight to rid the foreign aid bill of As a result, Wayne County of- provisions placing new restric- ficials were ordered to end these tions on its Indochina policies. conditions, calling for changes First, it qucceeded in deleting which constitute either major from the bill a provision to cut renovation of the old jail or the off funds for all U.S. military' requirement that an entirely new action in Laos, Cambodia and jail be built. Vietnam-except withdrawal. Two weeks ago, as a court hear- But, it failed to remove another ing was being held against Wayne " provision placing a tight ceiling County officials, chan'ging them on U.S. spending and personnel in with contempt for non-co mpli- Cambodia and requiring it to seek ance with the first court order, congressional authorization if the panel of three circuit court more money is needed there later judges ordered that renovation in the year. begin Nov. 1 and that to do so The vote was 52-35 against the required the 1.068 population of amendment by Sen. Gale McGee the jail be brought down to 916. '(D-Wyo.), who sought to drop the entire limit voted by the Senate The cutback of present inmates F o r e i g n Relations Committee .will be achieved by transferringdm out those prisoners who do not while adding $62 million to the come from the Detroit Recorders bill's military aid funds. ComurttheaDl'stprimaryjuris- Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.), Court-the jail's primary author of the Cambodian restric- diction. tion with Sen. Clifford Case (R- Towns and cities, neighboring N.J.). said he would move today Detroit,. send prisoners, which do'to raise the spending ceiling from not come from Circuit. Court ril- n million to the budget level of sings, but from those of the Dis- $330 million, a concession which trict Court-creating part of the helped defeat McGee's amend- overload. meat. From Wire Service Reports LANSING-The State Legis- lature yesterday took a strong stance against controversial court - ordered school busing plans by approving a resolu- tion which asks Congress to take steps to ban the use of forced busing as a means I toward integrating pub1ic schools. Final approval of the resolu- tion came yesterday in the House, as representatives voted 67-31 in favor of the previously-approved Senate proposal. The measure, proposed by Sen. John Bowman (D-Roseville), asks Congress to convene a constitu- tional convention which would consider an anti-busing amend- ment to the federal Constitution. Under Article Five of the U.S. Constitution, Congress musti call a special convention for proposing amendments if requested to do so by two-thirds of the 50 states. The amendment proposed by the resolution would read: "No stu- dents shall be assigned to nor compelled to attend any particular ; public school on account of race, religion, color or national origin. Bowman said Wednesday that legislators in Arizona, Mississippi North Dakota, Texas and Tennes- see have made "commitments" to propose identical resolutions. Gov. William Milliken was un- Voice from L available for comment yesterday "The war- is not winding down," according on the approved resolution and free-lance journalist who has interviewed1 seemingly is undecided on the from U.S. bombing in Laos. Speakingy question. Branfman asserted that, despite persisten "I think busing is a very un- that sorties are restricted to military tar desirable approach in and of it- self." he told newsmen earlier this- have suffered continued devastating bombin week. But he also said he favored a technological, a-human war. integrated scchools and that they were constitutionaly mandatepre- KEY LABOR DEMAND: sents its second stand against bus- ing in the only three-day-old fall legislative session. approved a resolution urging theiXOn aid State Board of Education to ap- peal the ruling of a federal judge! which held that Detroit schools are operating under de jure (by retroacux law) segregation in violation of the Constitution. That ruling. made three weeks From Wire Service Report ago by U.S. District Judge Steph- Secretary of Commerce Maurice St en Roth, gives the state 120 days retroactive payment of the pay increase to draw up a plan for integrating Detroit schools -which presum- price freeze-a key demand of labor lea ably would include busing. aging to business." Earlier in the year, another U.S. In the first administration comm district judge ordered crosstown and retroactive andretoacivepay increase, Stans said -Daily-Rolfe Tessem Frisbees fly With the sunlight streaming through their hair, free frisbee fans frolic at yesterday's Frisbee Con- test, a UAC Homecoming Event. The winners were John Damkin, Dave McMullin, John O'Connell and Tal Ross. JOHNSON ANSWERS CHARGES: aos to Fred Branfman, a thousands of refugees yesterday in Aud. A, nt claims by officials rgets, civilian villages g, in what has become ' questions In dian's right -I By MARCIA ZOSLAW The University has formally, responded to a suit against it- which s e e k s increased educ- ational opportunities for Indians -by questioning the validity of the plaintiff as a true Indian representative. The suit, filed last August by Paul Johnson, Grad, claims that the University owes the Chippe- wa, Ottawa, Potowatomy Indians money and increased educational opportunities to compensate for the land those tribes gave to the University under the terms of the Fort Meigs Treaty of 1817. o bring law suit According to Johnson's lawyer Elmer White, the University in its response has "thumbed its nose at the court." "We don't intend for the University to talk to us like the defendant," he said. The University questions John- son on such matters as how often he attends tribal meetings, and his tribal organization. "If I were b 1 a c k or white they wouldn't be asking me these questions," said Johnson. He added the University is "buying time" by challenging his right to sue. At present, there are 50 such persons in the jail who have been charsaed by the district court with felonies, or are awaiting pre- liminary felony hearings, As a result of the judge's order these types of prisoners can no longer go to the county jail but rather must stay at Police lock- ups in the different towns. In addition, the Detroit House of Corrections has agreed to take up to eighty prisoners-40 men nd 40 women and all the federal prisoners have been transferred out during the past week. To help ease problems once the # jail potulation is reduced. the at- tornev for the inmates nr-.entin- the jail suit contempt suit Neal -Bush. said the lawyers had recom- mended that nprsons accuspd of crime be relcased on a lowar bail than hs oceurr'd nrevinudly. "Some of tas is already hannen- inc." he said. a Several out-county .jude'es, how- See LIMIT, Page 6 found saf By JANET GORDON Not too long ago when a wo- man came to a doctor soon after intercourse and said I've been raped' or 'I goy drunk and I really need help. What can you do?', the response was like- ly to be a shake of the head. "About all anyone could tell her was to wait for her period. Not very consoling advice for a SGC ranks ballot questions; public research group funded Johnson has -turned to the Ft. Meigs Treaty to advance his plea for more Indian admissions and Indian culture courses at the University along with his de- mands for better Indian elemen- tary and secondary education. He claims the treaty states the Indians gave the 3840 acres of land on which the Univedsity was established, "believing they may wish some of their children hereafter educated." Johnson is asking that the University be made to account for the' revenue it received off of this land and because of ti-e "slights" given the Indians, he says he is following he s:uit through the courts as a ),utter of principle. University officials, however, dispute Johnson's claims. "The University does not have any responsibility to the Indians derived from this treaty," said University legal adviser Rod- erick Daane. "As a matter of social philosophy it may very well have some responsibility," he conceded but said he needed more information to make a def- inite statement on this point. Daane claims that the language of the Ft. Meigs Treaty con- notes "a charitable trust ut best." Allan Smith, vice president for academic affairs, says that John- son was already hired as a part- time Indian recruiter to increase Indian admisisons to the Uni- versity. He said he has also sent out a note to all department heads to bring in more Indian See 'U', Page 6 le hits ans yesterday labeled es stalled by the,wage ders-as "highly dam- lent on the deferred d "It is true that the By LINDSAY CHANEY housing problems, consumer pro-' Student Government Council last tection and ecological concerns. t night gave a public interest re- PIRGIM organizers would like. search group money to finance a students to tax themselves $3 perc publicity campaign and agreed on year to support the group. questions to be placed on the No- The organizers plan to conductt vember all-campus ballot. a petition drive on campus with- -le ethe goal of collecting ,20,000 toj The Publc Interest Research 25,000 signatures in support of: Group In Michigan (PIRGIM) is funding the group. proposed by a group of law stu- Branches of PIRGIM are also dents as a non-profit research being formed at Michigan State' group to be funded by students at University and Wayne State Uni- Michigan colleges and universities. versity andord ne tte Un- versity, according to the organ-' The proposed group would have izers. a full-time professional staff of SGC gave PIRGIM a $300 loan' lawyers to investigate and take to finance a publicity campaign action in areas such as community for the petition drive. Council also approved a list of, priority projects which will be placed on the November ballot. For each project, voters will be asked whether or not Council' " should undertake the project. effec i The projects which will appear ?w (I'L'I on the ballot are: -A women's crisis center; study of the pill in the fall of -A cooperative food store; 1967. Their findings, recently Low-cost community-University published by Kuchera in the A 4-umm tU r Journal of the American Medi- -A 24-hour community-Univer- cal Association, indicate that sity child-care center; 'morning after pill' is a safe and -~A paper and glass recycling effective method of emergency center; contraception. -An academic chair for subjects1 During the study, the syn- not rormally taught at the Univer-. thetic estrogren compound di- sity, In other action, SGC members, debated over which advisory com- mittees they should appoint stu- dents to. In the past, Council has declined to fill student vacancies on some i of t h e s e predominately - faculty committees, because in their view, the seating of students on purely advisory committees gives them only a token influence in policy making. Although SGC is expected to be- gin filling a large number of va- cancies on most University com- mittees, their policy on the ad- visory committees remained up in; the air last night, and will prob-! ably be decided at next week's meeting. F -u i ViV V i J J li 1 - , W ~lWS , - - V . - .. busing to desegrate schools in Pay Board and Price Commission will have to keep in mind spread picketing and a boycott of that any retroactivity on wage adjustments would be highly schools by whites. damaging to business because it would be difficult for busi- In addition, five members of the - -- =ness to make retroactive Ku Klux Klan have been indicted " price adjustments." on .conspiracy charges in connec- i s a i e l Speaking in a closed circuit tion with the bombing oftvinn sFiles rat September cthe National Association of Manu- The two court orders have i i ew Y ork facturers, Stans reiterated how- sparked a major controversy in mverrt the nentm- the southeastern portion of the matters rests with the newly nam- state, as anti-busing groups have Inr additiar dyesterday'soNrw spugu nams l f De- In addition, yesterday's New trot'spruu bs-witstanfdng-York Times reported that sources troit's s u bur b s-with standing- BUFFALO, N.Y. (/P)-Three west- close to the pay board have in- room-only crowds becoming com- monlcmn -ern New York Selective Service dicated that the board is likely monplace. offices were broken into overnight to adopt a flexible guideline al- The busing question is expected to become a major factor in the Wednesday, and a telephone caller lowing wages to rise by an aver- 1972 elections in Michigan, and said yesterday "The New and Im- age of five to six percent in Phase Michigan's two U.S. senators are proved East Coast Conspiracy to 2. already beginning to feel its ef- Save Lives" was responsible. Further, they said, the five fects. The man, in telephone calls to public members of the tri-partite Democratic Sen. Philip Hart- n e w s p a p e r s in Buffalo and board, who hold the balance be- whose six-year term has five years Rochester, said the group had de- tween the five labor and the five remaining-has spoken out in fa- C stroyed the files of about 500 men business members, were said to be vor of busing in cases where in- classified lA and had stolen the leaning toward allowing payment tegration of schools "cannot be files of about 60 more. of most wages that workers are delivered any other way." The FBI was investigating the eligible to receive under existing Anti-busing groups are currently raids in Niagara Falls, Batavia and contracts-provided the average circulating petitions aimed at re- Geneseo, but it had not determined does not significantly exceed the calling him. whether any records were taken. guidelines. The state's other senator, Re- No arrests have been made. Labor leaders have stressed this See ANTI, Page 10 See DRAFT, Page 6 See STANS, Page 6 'EVICT NIXON' Peace groups: A new By TAMMY JACOBS Daily News Analysis The more militant wing of the anti-war move- ment, led by the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice (PCPJ), took the first faltering steps in a new direction this past week; but it will prob- ably be a year before a real evaluation can be ma o h Wm i rn nfni LI rection. More important, perhaps, than who spoke and who listened during the three days of the panel were the topics that were discussed. Significantly, PCPJ concentrated heavily on subjects other than the war, hearing speakers on economic and political repression, sexism and the American prison system as well. ethylstilbestrol, was given to 100 loi women within 72 0 2' -A project to prepare and dis- tribute an in-depth consumer re- °...;