Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 9 1971 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 9, 1971 I II hitless, but. foes do worse . Yet the Wolverines still had a good team. The reason, of course, was the pitching, led by Jim, (No-hit) Burton, Pete Helt and Mickey Elwood. Of Michigan's final 23-13-1 record, eight wins were shut- outs. Burton, regarded as one of the top collegiate hurlers any- where, and the fifth player se- lected in major league base- ball's secondary draft last sum- mer, threw one no-hitter, four shutouts and finished the sea- son with an earned run aver- age of 1.48. He also struck out 14 in a seven-inning contest against Ohio State and wound up with 97 strikeouts in 79 innings, with a record of 7-2. And don't tell enemy batters this, but he was hindered by a bad back all season. Sophomore fIelt (6-3) wasn't, 'much worse. His ERA was 1.64, with two shutouts and 78 whiffs in 76% innings. His Big Ten ERA ranked second in the con- ference, andshis strikeouts placed him first. Hiss classmate Elwood could - have been the ace on most staffs, with an ERA of 1.97 and a record of 6-4. For some strange reason his strikeouts didn't match his innings, with 56 in 68%. Almost lost in the shuffle was basketball captain Dan Fife, whobwas regarded good enough to be drafted in the second round by the Detroit Tigers. The Wolverines entered Big Ten play hopeful, with an un- precedented 10-4 mark, and 14 complete games by the pitching staff, including a one-hitter by Helt over Bowling Green. In years past, Michigan's spring trip to Arizona consisted solely of games against the powerful Wildcats, and the Wolverines were lucky to win one or two. Last year, however, they played other vacationers in the Southwest and escaped with a 6-4 record.. After sweeps of Bowling Green and Eastern Michigan back home-three shutouts in four games - the Wolverines split consecutive doubleheaders with Iowa and Minnesota. In the Iowa set, the bop- NDLY BOOK STORE less batters knocked a total of three hits. The nightcap, won by Michigan 2-1, was a one- hitter for Hawkeye Mike Heck- roth that could have been a no-hitter. A last-inning grounder by, John Lonchar was mercilessly ruled a hit when it was bob- bled by the Iowa third base- man, and the crowd, though ex- cited by Michigan's late rally, booed the scorer wrathfully. There has rarely been such a show of feeling at Fisher Sta- dium. The split with Minnesota, de- fending champion, was regard- ed at the time as not so bad, even though the Wolverines got pasted 9-2 in the nightcap. A three game set with Michi- gan State followed, with the Wolverines unable to win the ones that counted. Michigan dropped a 7-2 contest in a game between All Big Ten hurlers Rob Clancy and sore-- backed Burton, and then wast- ed a three-hit effort by Helt, losing 2-0. Only in the third game, which didn't matter in the standings did Michigan wake up with a 6-5, 11, inning victory. The Wolverines then started to go to work. A Friday double- header was rained out with Purdue, and thhat turned out to be unfortunate. It came just as Michigan got hot, and a sweep would have been useful. Michigan did get a sweep at Ohio State the next day, 9-2 and 2-1, with Burton hurling his 14-strikeout game, regarded as his strongest of the year. And that includes his sterling performance against Wisconsin the following week. First, how- ever, came a sweep of North- western, when the hitting fi- nally hit bottom. In the 15- inning affair, the batters, as mentioned, were helpless, but Helt didn't need much help. He allowed just seven hits. That was seven more than Burton against Wisconsin, the first no-hitter by any Wolverine since records started being kept and only the eighth ever in the Big Ten. Michigan also took the night- cap, and then won one with Illinois, before sunset wiped out the second game, with- the score tied, '9-9. Benedict let the umpire know what he thought of the cancellation, but it was late and the ump wanted to eat dinner, probably. Had the game gone on and Michigan won, second place would have been won all alone. The Wolverines still could have had the runnerup spot all' to themselves, but they split the next day with Purdue when some tired arms finally pooped out. l'W swimmers: For those who care enough for the almost best I By RANDY PHILLIPS If someone wants to watch the best swimmers in the Big Ten or the nation, he had better take a little jaunt down to Bloomington to watch the Indiana Hoosiers put on their show. But if one can be content with the second great- est show in the conference, then he has come to the right place- Ann Arbor. It has almost become taken for granted that Michigan will splash home each year in the Hoosier's wake. The past eleven years tell the story. Each time the Wolverines could not muster the necessary forces to overcome the Big Red Indiana Machine but still finished second. Last season's result had Michi- gan with 325 points in the con- ference to the Hoosier's 601. Actually, Indiana had such a powerhouse squad, that no one really thought any individual team could come close to them in dual meet competition or in championship competition. Olympians Mark Spitz and Gary Hall, and super freshman John Kinsella kept chipping away at the pending world and nation- al marks throughout the season and through the NCAA's. As a result the Hoosiers ran off with the national title. Michi- gan raked in 69 points-mostly on diving - compared to Indi- ana's 351. But under the glow of the Hoo- sier onslaught Michigan man- aged another successful dual meet season to go along with A u their second place in the confer- ence and tenth place show in the nationals. Michigan compiled a 10-1 reg- ular season record and added a second place finish in the Big Ten Relays-behind Indiana of course. The season started off with a bang as the Wolverines knocked off Purdue and captured the Michigan Relays with half a team. The hapless Boilermakers had only one good swimmer, Brian Knox, to challenge the deep Wolverines, and as a result Mich- igan was able to split its squad and emerge with victories at Pur- due and in the relays. The Pur- due score was 8041, while Michi- gan compiled 122 points in the relays to runner-up Michigan State's 92. After victory over another weak Big Ten squad, Wisconsin, the Wolverines clashed with a tough Southern Illinois squad. The meet went down to the wire as the diving events clinched the vic- tory. The Salukis raced out to a 27-18 advantage before Michigan fought back to take the next four events on some good races by freestyler Ray McCullough and a slam by divers Dick Rydze and Joe Crawford in the high board event. The final margin was a slim 58-53 spread. Michigan didn't have time to catch their breath after the Salu- ki assault since they had to bat- tle Indiana in the Big Ten Re- lays - two days later. Despite leaving a large portion of their team at home Indiana managed to drown Michigan 147.5-120.5. A Michigan trio of butterfly- ers, Larry Dey, Byron McDon- ald, and Ray McCullough man- aged to nose out a Hoosier three- some in the 300 yard butterfly relay to keep Indiana from sweeping all ten events. The Wol- verines came in second in sever other events. The Wolverines then dunked a weak Minnesota team 77-46 in a less than spectacular perform- ance. The Wolverines posted a very fast 3:42.41 in the 400 med- ley relay while Sophomore Joe Crawford nipped the Gopher's diving ace, Craig Lincoln on the one meterboard. Lincoln placed in the top two in the Big Ten on both boards later in the season. Michigan and Michigan State took unbeaten records into their' cross-state showdown, but the Wolverines figured to have too much depth for the Spartan tank- ers. Michigan State has traditionally been a good dual meet squad, and they exhibited some fine swimming in giving the Wolver- ines a little bit of a scare, 71-52. Both Michigan and Indiana were swimming through their dual meets when the big one came. The churning Hoosiers in- vaded Matt Mann Pool and quick- ly trounced the Wolverines 78- 45. The win was the 55th straight dual win for Indiana. The only important meet left for the Wolverines was the dual meet finale against Ohio State. The Buckeyes were considered to be the top challenger to Michigan for second place in the conference. The meet was even more im- portant because the champion- ships were to be held at Ohio State, and if Michigan could whip the Bucks at home, then they might be demoralized for the championships. Michigan coach Gus Stager was also looking for a good per- formance since he had felt that his team had let down some- what during the Indiana meet. But Michigan's mentor had lit- tle to worry about as the Wol- verines firmly trounced Ohio State 74-49. Stager felt that after the rout Ohio State would be "going home discouraged.," but the Buckeye sstill managed to pull within 16 points of the Wol- verines in the conference cham- pionships. And whatever discouragement ment Ohio Statemay have felt, they quickly lost it since the Buckeyes managed to nose out Michigan by one point in the NCAA's to plate ninth. The main reason for the' closeness of the Big Ten score was the diving. After the dual meet season the Wolverines began to taper for the two upcoming cham- pionships. The sore spot for the Wolverines in the two cham- pionships was freestyle swim- mers. Michigan only took one freestyler to the nationals and he did not place. Michigan's freestyle relay team also did not place in the NCAA's. In the Big Ten, Indiana racked up firsts in all but two swimming events, but the Wol- verines were able to garner enough points on seconds and thirds to nose ot Ohio State. Michigan's diving duo of Rydze and Crawford were shut out of the finals of the low board. while they could manage no more than seventh and ninth place respectively on the high board. The bulk of the Wolver- ines' points came on the but- terfly events as Larry Day, By- ron McDonald, and Bob Gavin all placed. There were very few Wol verines who will be lost due to graduation. Only Rydze, Bo and Greg Zann, Carl Hiller, Bill Mahony, will be gone for next season. The worst loss will most lykely be that of Rydze, who was a former NCAA and AAU finalist, and + is the national platform diving, champion. But Joe Crawford should con- tinue his fine improvement and take over the starting job. Sta- ger felt that, "Crawford will come into his own. He has the potential and ability, and is slowly getting the attitude." Freshman Steve Schenthal and junior Jim Creede showed promise, so the Wolverine div- ing picture looks bright. Larry Day will be back to lead a fine group of flyers, See BRIDESMAIDS, Page 7 I1 SHIRJ.TS § §§ it J ,{ 8t11RTM KHR"§ § § Prcdf§-m. 1 Ote hrsfo 00 p if *i 4 V "') FISH CHIPS ENGLAND'S FAVORITE DISH NOW AVAILABLE a rl 0 II HFRF WITH OIJR ORIGINAL it