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October 28, 1971 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-28

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Page Six


Thursday, October 28, 1971

PageSixTHE ICHGAN AIL Thrsda1 Otobe 28197


Michigan Union Billiards


Free Instructions
Thurs., Oct. 28
7 p.m.-9 p.m.
Billiard Room

Free Exhibition
Nov. 4
4 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Union Ballroom

Though not quite as high fly-
ing as the Burrito Brothers, the
Michigan Gymnasts have none-
theless managed to get "up
there" pretty high in Conference
and National rankings in the
past eleven years.
In fact, the Gymnastics equad
has won the Big Ten champion-
ship in ten of those years, miss-
ing only in 1967, and has fin-




ished in the top five nationally
nine times over the same period.
This year's prospects look to
be no different as Coach Newt
Loken commented, "We've got
the ingredients to make a real
good team, but as of now we
need a lot of work."
The squad has another four
weeks to get their "lots of work"
in as the first meet, The Mid-
west Open at Chicago isn't un-
til November 26.

A gymnastic meet is cor
of six different events: fl
ercises, the side horse, th
the long horse, the paralle
and the high bar.
Five members of the
compete in each event wit
the best three scores co
in match play.
Scoring is based on a
mum of ten points for eac
testant. The highest and
score are deleted three

oar ex-
e rings
el bars,
th only
h con-
for a


The Quality Is

scer pops P(
BUENOS AIRES (IP) - Bobby The game gave Fischer 6%
Fischer, a lanky New York bache- points and the victory in a sched-
lor, has won the right to play the uled 12-game match with Petro-
world chess champion for the title sian, also of the Soviet Union
-the first American ever to reach and a former world champion.
this level in chess competition. Fischer will receive $7,500 prize
He gained the right to play money and Petrosian $4,500.
Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union The 28-year-old high school
by defeating Tigran Petrosian for dropout from Brooklyn, kingpin
the fourth consecutive time Tues- of American chess for half his
day night. Fischer, using the life, was once considered the en-
black pieces, played a variation of fant terrible of chess. But he has
the French Defense, and took only put aside temperament and quar-
46 moves to subdue Petrosian, rels with officials in his bid to be
himself a former World Cham- the first non-Russian champion
pion. in 25 years.

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Fischer has long been consid-
ered one of the elite of chess, but
until this year, he has refused to
prove it in the long and tortuous
rounds of elimination tourna-
His 24-game match with Spass-
ky will be held next April and

May at a neutral site yet to be
Fischer got off to a slow start
in the elimination match with
42-year-old Petrosian. He won the
first game, lost the second and
the next three were draws. Then
he took command with his aggres-
sive play and won the next four
games, giving him the points
needed for victory without the fi-
nal three games of the series hav-
ing to be played.
During elimination matches he
won 20 straight games, before his
one defeat by Petrosian, and de-
feated two grandmasters 6-0, a re-
cord never before recorded in
modern high-level match and
tournament play.
Fischer lounged in a swivel
chair during his games with Pe-
trosian, occasionally leaning for-
ward after a move as if he might
lunge at the board. At times, he
would tap his foot or hold the
side of his head. He always had a
glass of orange juice at his side
and at times would break for
something to eat.
Fischer, who became the young-
est - ranking international grand-
master at age 15, has a long-time
reputation as one of the most
brilliant, daring players the game
has ever seen.
In 1961, after declaring at age
19 that he would be world cham-
pion, he beat an impressive num-
ber of Russian players and then
went down to a resounding de-
feat at theCandidates' Tourna-
ment in 1962.
He would not compete in the
next round of pualifying matches
for the triennial world champion-
ship and in the following round
walked out after a dispute with
In an interview before his
match with Petrosian, Fischer said
he's now trying to control his
temper. "I'm keeping my mind on
the titlesand off how stupid peo-
ple are some times. I play by the

maximum of 30 points for each
event, and 180 points for each
In a championship meet, such
as the NCAA's, to be held at
Iowa State this year, each event
is performed twice. The first
time is termed a "compulsory"
in which each gymnast per-
forms his own routine in what is
known as an "optional."
Each specific exercise in a
routine has a set "value rating,"
and each mistake made in the
exercise (even something as
slight as a toe pointing in the
wrong direction) detracts from
the final score of the gymnast.
This year's team has thirteen
lettermen returning from squad
that placed fifth in last year's
NCAA championships (held here
at Crisler Arena), but a rule
change may mean that all of
thes tumblers may not get to
The NCAA has changed the
maximum size of each squad
from 15 to 12. This rule was in-
stituted so as to make it easier
on the budgets of teams with a
large number of away meets.
Coach Loken, though labeling
the rule "outstanding", com-
mented, "Anytime you cut per-
sonnel, you affest the team re-
sults." The implication is that
overall scores are liable to fall,
but that should not be an indi-
cation of a falling quality in the
ability of the gymnasts."

Sickle cells plague Doc Ellis


Last respects
Burial was held yesterday in San Antonio, Texas, for Chuck
Hughes, shown above making his last catch before collapsing from
a heart attack. All 49 members of the Detroit Lions football team
were at the funeral along with various other NFL players and
owners. On their return to Detroit, the plane tarrying the Lions
developed engine trouble and had to land at Omaha for repairs.

For the student body:
Slim Fits ... $6.98
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Bells ...... .$8.50
Bush Jeans . $10.00
Bells ....... $8.00
Boot Jeans . $7.50
Pre-Shrunk . $7.50
Super Slims . $7.00
State Street at Liberty

WASHINGTON (P) - Pitcher
Dock Ellis of the world champion
Pittsburgh Pirates told a Senate
subcommittee yesterday his poor
record in the last half of the sea-
son may have been caused by sic-
kle cell trait. ,
Ellis won 14 games and lost 3
before the All-Star Game. In the
last half of the season, however,
he was 5-6.
"It's pointed out that I have
a chronic arm problem," Ellis
said. "I don't know if it can be
caused by sickle cell anemis."
The genetic disease, which oc-
curs predominately among blacks,
is characterized by, among other
things, weakness, fatigue and re-
current episodes of pain, said Dr.
Roland B. Scott of Howard Uni-
"If you look back over the re-
cord, you'll find I didn't finish,
very many games," Ellis said.
Ellis appeared before the sub-
committee on public health as a
member of the board of directors
of the Black Athletes Foundation.
Among others testifying were
Horace Davis, BAF executive di-
rector, and John Henry Johnson,
former running back for the Pitts-
burgh Steelers of the National
Football League.
"At the age of 17, I went to
the doctor and he told me I had
sickle cell anemia," Sllis said.
"When I signed a professional
baseball contract in 1966, the
team ran tests that showed I had
sickle cell trait, not anemia."

The trait represents inheritance
of the disease from one parent.
Those with trait are basically car-
riers. The anemic form represents
inheritance from both parents.
"Seven times this year I've
passed clots of blood in my ur-
ine," Ellis said. "I've gone to the
team physicians and they say
there's nothing they can do about
Sen John V. Tunney, D-Calif.,
subcommittee chairman, is hold-
ing hearings on a bill which would
authorize a pilot diagnostic pro-
gram in the District of' Colum-
bia for prevention and treatment
of sickle cell anemia.

"Sickle cell anemia is a deadly
tragedy to thousands of black
families in this country," Tunney
said. "It is a painful deadly dis-
ease which kills over half its vic-
tims before the age of 20 and
cripples most long before death."
Davis said the Black Athletes
Foundation was formed because
of a "chance meeting" between
Willie Stargell, star slugger for
the Pirates whose 9-year-old
daughter Wendy has the disease,
and Muhammad Ali, f o r m e r
world heavyweight boxing cham-

Bird flies to Angels;
Twins dump Thomas




now," he said.



Try Our New
* Gerry Erickson
! Dennis Shaner
near Michigan Theater

By The Associated Press
ANAHEIM - The California
Angels hired Harry Dalton away
from Baltimore yesterday starting
a rebuilding program which must
include a new field manager and
coaching staff.
The American League baseball
club, beset by problems w h i c h
ruined its high hopes for 1971,
signed the 44-year-old Dalton to a
five-year contract believed in the
neighborhood of $60,000 a year.
At Baltimore, it was announced


that Dalton will be replaced in
the Oriole organization by Frank
Cashen, executive vice president.
No other changes, are planned, a
team spokesman said.
Dalton spent 18 years in the
Oriole organization, the last six as
player personnel director.
His first big job will be to find
a field manager to replace Har-
old "Lefty" Phillips, who was fired
after the past season, just before
Dick Walsh was dismissed as the
general manager and vice presi-
Although such names as Hank '
Bauer and Leo Durocher have
been mentioned in news specula-
tion, it was generally felt those
two were not under serious con-
A long-shot possibility might be
Jim Fregosi, the team's veteran
shortstop and field captain.
In another move the Minnesota
Twins gave utility man George
Thomas his outright release yes-
terday; assigned six other players
to their Portland farm team and
added 10 others to put their winter
roster at 40.
The Twins assigned outright two
players who finished the season
with them to Portland, outfielder
Brant Alyea and catcher Tom
Tischinski. Players optioned to
Portland were pitchers Steve Bar-.
ber, and Sal Campsi, catcher Glen
Ezell and shortstop Jim Kennedy.

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