Registration: Seeking the youth vote By SARA FITZGERALD They work under names like BURP, Project Open Door and Operation Early Bird. They distribute posters, hire speak- ers and do research. And they can be found anywhere from a college campus to the Cow Palace. But despite such variety, they all have the same goal- registering as many of the 25 million. newly enfranchised 18-21 year olds as they can. A number of groups have been or- ganized around the country since list July to register the young people who are eligible to vote for the first time this year. Some, like the National Movement for the Student Vote focus their efforts mainly on college campuses. Others, like Americans for Democratic Action seek to educate young voters while register- ing them. Still other groups, such as the citizens' lobbying group Common Cause, have been busy filing suits to test state residency requirements. Funded by foundations, contributions, corporations, and political parties, the organizers work out of national and re- gional offices-searching for potential voters and moving to round them up for participation in the electoral process. So far the groups have not had much impact locally, where registration drives have been conducted by the city clerk after urging by local political parties, student governments and University of- ficials. Observers say national groups have been concerned primarily with states that have presidential primaries, where they have the most immediate impact. Their involvement in Michigan, which has no presidential primary, will prob- ably step up as election time approaches. Among those most active in voter reg- istration are the Republican and Demo- cratic parties. Recognizing that the number of new voters in virtually every state greatly surpasses the margin of victory for the 1968 presidential winner in that state, the parties are eager to sign up the 18-21 year-old group. Unlike Michigan, most states require voters to designate party preference when they register. Thus the national parties hope to attract registrants to their ranks by registering them. Operating on a theory that two out of three unregistered voters are poten- tial Democrats, the efforts of the Demo- cratic party "are a bit more intensive this year," according to national party worker Bill Thiebe. The party is working to coordinate drives at the state and local levels and work with non-partisan groups, who as tax-exempt organizations, can use funds from foundations and grants. "It would be an administrative and financial impossibility," Thiebe says, "for us to run a national drive. We'd be spreading ourselves too thin." Thiebe says the Democrats are not taking the students vote for granted. "We're going to have to present some real alternatives to the Nixon admin- istration," he says. "After 1968, we got a reputation for being the poor man's Republican party." Thiebe's concern is backed by a recent Gallup poll on the party preferences of young voters. While the Democrats have the edge on the Republicans, 38-18 per cent, 42 per cent of the 18 to 21 year old group consider themselves inde- pendent. Democratic presidential candidates are also working to register students. Last week, Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.) staged a "McGovern Register to Vote Week." Supporters of Maine Sen. Ed- mund Muskie have also been doing reg- istration work, and Oklahoma Sen. Fred Harris' supporter will soon follow suit, according to Thiebe. The Republican Party is also going after the student vote-but more slowly and with different tactics than the Democrats. As Karl Rove of the nation-wide Col- lege Republicans explains, "We're not in a position on campuses that we can put up a Richard Nixon banner and everyone flocks to it." See SIGNING, Page 6 Registering to vote BILLBOARD LEGISLATION See Editorial Page Y A& AOP 4A4tr tgan Allow :43 a A4 &P t t FRISKY High-73 Low-63 Partly sunny, no rain Vol. LXXXII, No. 40 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 26, 1971 N Ten Cents Ten Pages U.N. seats People's Republic of China, policy expels Taiwan in defeat for U.S. U' offiicials permit ha time peace show Band performs at halftime TEMPORARY WORKERS: Union supports TEA By PAT BAUER Visiting alumni may be in for a surprise when they at- tend Saturday's homecoming football game. In an unexpected move yester- day, University officials agreed to permit local anti-war activists to demonstrate against the Vietnam war on the field during the half- time of the Michigan and Indiana game. According to Dave Gordon, lo- cal spokesman for the Ann Arbor Coalition to End the War (AAC- EW), the marching band and the AACEW will be working togetherj to plan a joint show. The AACEW is "very pleased," he said. An estimated 40 members of the local chapter of Vietnam Veter- ans against the War (VVAW), a group represented in AACEW, are expected to appear with the bandj before an estimated 70,000 spec- tators. Although definite plans for the{ content of the show had not been announced by last night, AACEW hopes to release details in a joint news conference with administra- tors this morning. However, it has been learned that University officials will per- mit only the band and VVAW members on the football f i e 1 d during half time, and that VVAW members will not be allowed to speak over the stadium's public address system. The agreement follows a peti- tion sponsored by the AACEW, asking that the band march inS peace symbol formations duringt halftime or that anti-war speak-t ers be permitted 'to make a pre-f sentation. The petition has beent signed by 1.500 people, includingI two-thirds of the football team. The marching band voteds against complying with the peti-t tion's requests a month ago. According to Gordon, this de-s cision was altered because "the administration and the band rea-x See HOMECOMING, Page 10 d Peking admitted with 76-35 assembly vote UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (R)-The U.N. General Assembly voted last night to seat The People's Republic of China in the United Nations and to expel the Nationalist 'Chinese. The 76-35 vote, with 17 abstentions, was a stunning de- feat for an all-out U.S. effort to present the ouster of the Taiwan government from the international organization. Approval of the resolution, offered by Albania, one of China's closest allies, ended a 22-year battle over China's U.N. representation. Just before the vote the Nationalist Chinese delegation, headed by Foreign Minister Chow Shu-kai, walked out of the blue and green assembly chamber after Chow had announced he would not participate fur- ther. Until the end, the United States eyes had predicted victory. The bat- assembly defeated a U.S.-backed proposal to declare the expulsionh n r t i of China an "important question."b l bo r This would have required a two- thirds majority for expulsion of Nationalist China. The "important question" resolution, however, was defeated by a vote of 55 in favor, 59 against and 15 abstaining. By BOB BARKIN Adoption of the Albanian reso- and BETH OBERFELDER lution automatically killed a rival A controversial billboard-regula- U.S. plan for "dual representation" tion measure is scheduled to come which would have seated Peking in before the State House of Uepre- the U.N. and given the People's sentatives today-amidst cries of Republic China's permanent seat environmentalists calling it "weak in the Security Council while per- legislation." mitting the Nationalists to remain. egilion." -Daily-Terry McCarthy JOHN KOZA, Grad (second' from right), urges the Rackham Student Government last night not to ratify the constitution of the proposed Graduate Federation because he claims it would be unrepre- sentative. By GERI SPRUNG Local 1583 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) Sunday unanimously voted to support the organizing efforts of "temporary" part-time employes. These employes, mostly stu- dents who work in the libraries, dorm food lines and the Union and League dining rooms, began meeting last week as the newly formed Temporary Employes As- sociation (TEA) to discuss union- ization as a possible means for strengthening their position vis- a-vis the University. AFSCME member Bill Kandler, who proposed the motion at the union's regular monthly meet- ing, said "the union wants to support any group which is try- ing to alleviate its problems in dealing with the University." "Student employes are subject- ed to the same type of arbitrary treatment we are," Kandler said. "It is something we can under- stand because we deal with it all the time." Union President Charles Mc- Cracken added, after the voice vote was taken, that "we support the efforts of anyone who is try- ing to. organize." Union officials quickly pointed out, however, that their motion was restricted to an expression of support. "These workers are not affiliated with the union in any way and will not receive any monetary support," McCracken explained. The TEA was organized by See TEA, Page 10 Approval of GF delayed By GLORIA JANE SMITH dent Government (RSG) to pre- will participate in the Graduate Ratification of a proposed con- sent objections to the proposed GF Federation and which may have stitution for the Graduate Federa- constitution and to the manner in the responsibility of appointing GF tion (GF)-proposed successor to which it was drafted. members, represent both graduate the recently dissolved Graduate I Koza brought a suit before the and undergraduate students, he Assembly (GA)-may take longer Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) explains. than was originally speculated by Sunday to enjoin RSG and all vot- 'As successor to GA, GF will Federation organizers, ing RSG members from ratifying claim the right to appoint mem- Discussion to ratify the GF con- the proposed GF constitution, and bers to Senate Assembly commit- stitution was tabled last night by from appointing any persons to tees. two college governments, following serve on the federation. The controlling of this right was a presentation by two graduate Due to a lack of ratifying action seen by RSG menbers as a prob- students during their meetings. on the part of RSG, an injunction lem which has not been considered John Koza and Bob Nelson ap- was denied. in the proposed constitution. peared before the Law school Stu- dent Senate and the Rackham Stu- Objections which are raised in- !Su gesti bP iv~ vetn ow o e tr R ni Peking's friends in the hall ap- plauded for two minutes when the rejection of the "important ques- tion" was flashed on the automatic voting board. They a p p 1 a u d e d again when it was announced from the chair. U.S. Ambassador George Bush, who had directed the strategy for the "dual representation" group, told newsmen after the assembly adjournment: "The United Nations crossed a very dangerous bridge tonight." He said he had been surprised by the vote. "I though we would win and it would be very, very close," he said. Bush said he expected a very bad reaction from the American public but that he did not know what Congress would do. Assembly President Adam Malik told the assembly he would notify the Peking government immedi- ately. The bi n, 6.B. 517'-aiready pass- ed by the Senate-meets the bare requirements of the so-called "ladybird law." Under the law, states must conform to minimum federal billboard regulations or lose federal highway funds. Environmentalists claim the bill, because of its ambiguous language, would actually allow more signs on the highway than presently. The new bill was proposed by the Out- door Advertising Association. Governor William Milliken, while calling the proposed bill "not tough enough," has said that there are powerful interests in the billboard field who have brought great re- sources. to. bear to get what in the end could only be termed a weaker bill. Opponents to the legislation plan to protest the proposed bill by con- structing an 80-by-80 foot billboard on the capitol lawn. Those inter- ested incgoing to Lansing to par- ticipate should meet at the environ- mental office in the Law quad be- tween 10:30 and 11 this morning. MIXED REACTION insitutes group counseling By CHARLES STEIN The concept of "counseling" has taken on new meaning at the University recently-as literary college freshmen and sophomores now find themselves "counseled" albng with 24 other underclass- men at the same time. Under the new system, starting this week for Winter pre-clas- sification a group of 25 students meets with a single counselor in a one hour session to formulate their schedules for the winter term. Individual counseling appointments are still available but they are ~ volve the proposed constitutionpand j 'e 9"" l '~' 1-"-+,l"i i the method of its formation, not ments" or that "governments the concept of the federation itself. nominate appointees" were made Student Government Council pro- by RSG members. cedures for forming new govern- ments are -not being followed, ac- A n cording to Koza. He says: -A plan for the formation of GF ti-w ar r has not been filed; -The proposed constitution for GF was not distributed to the con-d es ite sh o stituencies involved; -Adequate time and opportunity for debate and modification by the - By TAMMY JACOBS interested parties in the constitu- and CHRIS PARKS encies was not allowed; -ind SeilT h al --The constitution will not be Secia To The Daily e takn t te sudetsfora vteWASHINGTON-The People's taken to the students for a vote. Coalition for Peace and Justice F~~,-rla -ra,--, rnlnnnvr, cav hnr,-,, -. ally continues in D.C. ewers, small turnout However, the action's organiz- ers managed to regroup late in the afternoon, moving some of the scheduled speeches into a church and rescheduling most of the ra.11v 1nd march activity for preparation for the protests yes- terday and today. The activities are part of what PCPJ leaders have named Phase One of an "Evict Nixon" cam-