Michigan marches by Minnesota, 35-7 See stories, Page 9 SUNDAY DAILY See Editorial Page f;JI e 111k a it DREARY High-G5 Low-54 Cloudy with chance of rain Vol. LXXXII, No. 39 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 24, 1971 Ten Cents Ten Pages Ed school: By BILL LILLVIS In November, 1969, the education school surprised the rest of the Uni- versity by committing itself to the achievement of a 20 per cent minor- ity levels in all ranks of students and. faculty members. This level was double the 10 per cent commitment the rest of the University adopted five months later, after the Black Action Movement (BAM) staged a successful class strike. Now, nearly two years later, the education school reports it has reached the 10 per cent figure - but school officials see considerable difficulty in pushing the figure much higher in the forseeable future. As Alvin Loving, assistant dean of the school, describes it, progress toward meeting the 20 per t has bogged down. And loo ward the future, he says, t] tion is "gloomy." Explaining their pessimic look, school officials point c " The school lacks a fin supported staff of recruiter tract minority group membe school, either as students o ulty members; * Financial aid, require many minority group stud cannot afford to attend th tion school, is limited to t the University is using to 10 per cent goal in all of it and, colleges. Since the e school's goal is twice as h: having difficulty funding ai additional minority group s Miinority cent goal " Cutbacks in federal funds have king to- damaged some existing education he situa- school programs which had helped to attract minority students to the stic out- school; out that: * The school has not yet' estab- ancially- lished "supportive services" pro- s to at- grams that would provide special rs to the counseling and tutoring for minor- r as fac- ity group students that have diffi- culty succeeding at the University. d by the " The school lacks funds to cre- ents that ate new faculty positions that could e educa- then be filled by professors from he funds minority groups. In addition, school meet the officials note that certain teaching s schools fields are presently overcrowded, education which puts a limit on the areas in igh, it is which professorships will be avail- d for the able in the near future. tudents; Asst. Dean Loving believes part efforts lag? of the problem is a change in the at- titude of the school toward its goal. "I really don't feel that the staff of the School of Education is as com- mitted as they said they were in 1969," he says. Responds Dean Wilbur Cohen, "I'm commited, but I have to have financial help." Cohen notes that the education school, like all of the University's academic units, was forced to re- duce its staff, services, and instruc- tional materials by roughly 3%. This, he says, has compounded the difficulty of allocating funds for re- cruiting financial aids, and suppor- tive services for minority students. Moreover, the school was unable to expand its programs, which would have created positions for new fac- ulty members, And next year does not look much better, Cohen adds, as he forsees the possibility of an additional one to two per cent budget cutback. But Loving and members of the Black Caucus, an organization of students and faculty members in the school, also feel there is a lack of commitment within the school that is compounding the problem. Although they express sympathy' with the school's financial difficul- ties, they maintain that the staff could be doing much more than it is to meet the 20 per cent goal. "We have been slighted," says Jesse Dungy,. an education school student who is chairman of the Black Caucus. "If word gets around See MINORITY, Page 6 Dean Cohen Dean Loving Plans announced for White House protests McIntire marchers 2,500 march in support of Vietnam war By GENE ROBINSON Special to The Daily WASHINGTON - About 2,500 p e o p 1 e marched here yesterday in a "Freedom Ral- ly" lead by Rev. Carl McIntire in support of an American military "victory" in Indochina. The marchers walked from in front of the White House to the Capitol, almost a mile away, where they sang songs and listened to speeches by McIntire and others. The march occurred on the same weekend as scheduled anti-war activities by the Peo- plesCoalition for Peace and Justice (PCPJ) also in Washington, but McIntire claimed that it was not planned to happen that way. "They planned theirs after we planned ours," he said. Washington police, apparently expecting extensive heckling were out in force, but for the most part the march was uneventful. Several Vietnam veterans, h o w e v e r, marched alongside the parale, occasionally pausing to heckle the marchers, who ap- peared undaunted. Also marching alongside the parade were 17 members of the Ameri- can Nazi Party, in full dress uniforms. The marchers carried signs proclaiming such slogans as "Win the war," "America: No place for Commies," and "Please Mr. Nixon, don't go (to China)." See McINTIRE, Page 6 By TAMMY JACOBS and CHRIS PARKS Special To The Daily WASHINGTON - Leaders of the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice (PCPJ) yes- terday announced finalized plans for anti- war demonstrations here tomorrow and Tues- day as the group's "People's Panel" heard the second of three days of testimony on life in America under President Nixon. Both the panel and the upcoming activities are part of what PCPJ calls Phase One of its "Evict Nixon" campaign. Phase Two, to be organized at Tuesday and Wednesday work- shops here, is intended to include several local actions over the next eight months and culminate in a massive demonstration at the Republican National Convention in San Diego in July. The panel, the first of its kind, is what PCPJ calls a "people's grand jury," and will serve as a model for similar information- gathering bodies around the country. After h e a r i n g "testimony" on subjects ranging from the Vietnam war to prison con- ditions in America, the jury is expected to indict Nixon for "war crimes" late tonight, then discuss the testimony in terms of form- ing strategies for anti-administration pro- tests. Tomorrow, the Veteran's Day holiday has been rechristened "People's Armistice Day" by PCPJ organizers, and is expected to Aln- clude a trans-atlantic phone call between North Vietnamese representatives and Viet Cong in Paris and an anti-war gathering on the grounds of the Washington Monument. The phone call will presumably include a" repetition of the Provisional Revolutionaryk Government of South Vietnam's (PRG) peace plan proposed in July. "All Nixon has to do is name the date" for total withdrawal from Indochina, say PCPJ leaders. The specially set-up telephone will be "con- nected to loud speakers loud enough for Nixon to hear in the White House," PCPJ leader Rennie Davis told reporters at a press conference yesterday. Plans are to leave Nguyen Van Tien, deputy chief of the PRG's delegation to the Paris peace talks, and Nguyen Minh Vy, deputy chief ofNorth Vietnam's delegation, holding the line while demonstrators march to the White House to "escort Nixon to the phone." "Peace is just a phone call away," said PCPJ leader Cora Weiss, who returned Thursday from interviews in Paris with PRG and North Vietnamese delegations. The candlelight march from the monument grounds to the White House has a "single See EVICT, Page 6 Inequities discussed women Abzug addresses feminine caucus By GLORIA JANE SMITH and ROSE SUE BERSTEIN Special To The Daily EAST LANSING - Over 500 women met yesterday to discuss measures aimed at in- creasing women's rights. The conference, sponsored by the Woman's Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party included. workshops on tQpics$ such as abor- tion, child care and working women, as well as general afternoon rap sessions. Organizers describe the purpose of the conference as "involving women in Michigan political issues." The organization plans to monitor state delegations to next year's convention, with credentials challenges threatened to any state with a predominantly male delegation. Efforts of this nature may result in a proportional representation of women and minorities at the national nominating con- ventions next year. Upcoming women's political actions dis- cussed yesterday include an Abortion Crimes Tribunal in Detroit on Nov. 2, Women's Con- tingent activities for the Detroit anti-war actions on Nov. 6 and a women's march on Washington on Nov. 20 to repeal anti-abor- tion laws. Congresswomen Bella Abzug (D-N.Y.), in- strumental in organizing the National Wo- men's Political Caucus (NWPC) last -sum- mer, spoke before the conference audience of mostly white, middle-aged women. "President Nixon disappointed women by not nominating a woman to the Supreme Court, but he is going to be disappointed next November," she predicted. "We are prepared to use all means to open the political process to all, including women, the no longer silent majority," she said. "Women must commit themselves to hu- manism. They must join with the young and the blacks and the chicanos and the Indians to become the forefront of the movement," she urged as the crowd of women ros2 in spirited applause. Daily-Sara Krulwich BELLA ABZUG addresses the Women's Caucus of the Michigan Democratic party yesterday in a conference held in East Lansing to discuss political issues relevant to women. CALLED UNJUST HR-IPopposes city income tax By LINDSAY CHANEY With the Ann Arbor City Council preparing to discuss the possibility of establishing a city income tax, the Human Rights-Radical Independent Party (HR-RIP) has gone on record as opposing any such flat-rate tax. The party said the proposed tax-which is being pushed by Mayor Robert Harris-would discriminate "against working people and especially low-income commuters." Harris was unavailable for comment last night. An income tax presently being considered by city officials would levy a one per cent charge on all residents and a one-half per cent charge on all commuters who work in the city but live elsewhere. The tax rate under consideration is the maximum allowed by state law. The state constitution also prohibits cities from levying graduated income taxes. HR-RIP party members said the city, should be lobbying for a state constitutional amendment allowing graduated income taxes. They also said their opposition to the in- come tax did not mean they think the present property tax is better. "We want a third alternative that liberals never think of," said one party member. "We're in favor of a steeply graduated income tax and abolition of the property tax." Under a 1969 amendment to the city char- ter, any income tax must be accompanied by a 7.5 mill ($7.50 for every $1,000 of assessed property value) reduction on the city's pres- ent 14.85 mill property tax. HR-RIP said the property tax reduction would benefit landlords at the expense of tenants. "High depreciation schedules could easily result in landlords paying no income tax," said Sig Szyszkowski, HR-RIP spokesperson. "Yet tenants cannot expect rent reductions because the city has no legal rent-control powers. HR-RIP members also blasted the pro- posed tax on non-residents as "especially odious." The party noted that many com- muters to Ann Arbor are low-income work- ers who cannot afford to live in the city. "The tax burden will be shifted off the shoulders of landlords and big business, and onto these low-income commuters," party members said. The party also voiced fears that revenues versial subject with taxpayers who rejected such a tax by a narrow margin in 1969. The office of city administrator Guy Lar- com released a report on the budget last August which indicated an income tax is needed soon. The report said that there is presently a gap/of over $1.4 million between the city's $11.7 million in revenue and a "normal" $13.1 million budget for 1971-72. By 1976-77 the gap will reach $7 million, according to the report. The Larcom report and the whole financial situation is now being considered by a Citi- zens' Tax Committee which has been in- structed to suggest a solution to the city's lack of funds. Battle looms over waste plan By MARY KRAMER and HANNAH MORRISON. In the not-so-distant past the Huron River was a recreation area for swimmers, fisher- men and boaters. Today, the river approxi- mates an open sewer. The cleanliness of the Huron River is an issue now, as city officials prepare to do battle with the state Water Resources Commission (WRC). sewage to a central treatment plant on Lake Erie. The Lake Erie plant, however, would only provide secondary treatment. Mayor Robert Harris has said Plan II is "no good-unless we are to use Lake Erie as a permanent cesspool." The mayor said, "We will fight the WRC decision in every conceivable way -through the State Legislature, the courts, the gover- ~j, /7 I m::: -; ..