Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 22, 197 V Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 22, 1971' jy .. ....: J:J!!!! iiM ii:"1::V: 1i ::gili S '^: :"::5.'"1 :.:" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Botany Seminar: Dr. Y. Kobayashi, from spacecraft, Aud. B, Angell Hall, November; req. info and two inter- Hiroshima, Japan, "Protein Synthesis 8 pm. views to be completed by Nov. 30. in Bacterial Spores and Activation Dur- International Folk Dance: Barbour ing Germination," 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg., Gym, 8-11 pm. Placem ent S rvc 4 pm. University Players: "Caesar and Cleo- Astronomy Colloquium: Z. Sekanina, Smithsonian Inst., "Dynamical Pecu- larities of Comets," P&A Colloq. Rm, 4 pm. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 Musicology & Program in American Culture: N. Bruce. Univ. of Ill., "An Day Calendar Introduction to American Piano Mu- sic: Various Uses of Piano Music in thes Macromolecular Research Str: Poly- Nineteenth Century," 2058 Sch, of Mu-1 mer ciece SmpoiumRm 145SIC, 4 30 pm. mChrysler Ctr., N. Campus, 9am. Astronomy Visitors' Night: H. Aller. yInterstellar Molecules: Chemistry in as Commission on Women: 3540 SAB, Vacuum." and film, "Mariner Mars,"a 3-5 pm. and exhibit of lunar photographs taken- J.'. ASTROLOGY: *CHARTS CAST-3.00 No Interpretation *TABLES-Ephemerides Table of Houses, etc. 'TEXTBOOKS for Casting' and Interpretation CIRCLE BOOKS A Complete Occult Bookshop; z" 215 S. STATE ST. 2nd Floor 769-1583 ~ .a '?y1 .. :'6L7Ar:",. {9a1vt\ . . J. ;,;:i::imx patra," Power Center; 8 pm. General Notices Environmental Health Seminar: F- Vaughan, "Tissue Culture As A Re- search Tool," Sch. of Pub. Health II, 1st floor Aud., Mon., Oct. 25, 1 pm. Education Juniors and Seniors: Ap- plications for School of Educ. Scholar- ships for Winter Term 1972 will be avail. in rm 1228 SEB during month oft XEROX COPIES Fast perfect copies every time. j Come and see our convenient location. 4c rate available DISCOUNT COPY SERVICE 1217 S. University 769-0560 WANTED STUDENT CAMPUS MANAGER For Complete Party Service. i GUARANTEED EARNINGS -1 INTERVIEWS: for students interested in working with the following organiz- ations. Call 763-1363 today for an appt. Tues., Oct. 26, Office of Management & Budget (Presidents Executive Office), Boston Law College, Columbia. Univer- sity. Grad Sch. of Bus. Ad. Wed., Oct. 27. U.S. Civil Service, N. Y. Univ. Grad Sch. of Bus. Thurs., Oct. 28, Univ. of Chicago Grad Sch, of Educ., Ohio State Univ. Grad. Sch. of Bus. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. N. Mex., Summer jobs for students who will have their B.E. in June, 1972 in engr., phy. sci., and math: details avail- able at SPS. ORGANIZATION NOTICES Gay Community Open House, Oct. 21, 6:00 PM, Canterbury: NEWSPAPERS Friend of the CONSUMERS Saturday and Sunday E HILLEL presents "IMPOSSIBLE ON SATURDAY" Franco-Israeli satire with ROBERT HIRSCH (Comedie Francoise) as an aging musician and his six children 8 p.m. 1429 Hill 50c AA Model Cities boss quits post By GAYLE POLLARD Arln Arbor Model Cities' Director William Steward has resigned effective next week, according to Julia Lewis, de- puty director of the neigh- borhood anti-poverty agency. Stressing that no political con- flict motivated the resignation, Lewis explained that Steward's decision was influenced by "per- sonal problems, specifically the illness of his wife." Steward, now on vacation, may become a specialist in the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban De- velopment's regional office in Co- lumbus, Ohio. He became direc- tor of Modal Cities' last No- vember, coming from the General E'ectric Co, Steward succeeded Dr. Robert Potts, who resigned after less than a Year's service, in July 1970. Model Cities is a federally funded, locally controlled com- munity services agency. About 6,000 residents live in Ann Ar- bor's predominately black Model Cities neighborhood, bounded by Summit. Huron, Division and Brooks Sts. The agency's major concerns here include child care, employ- ment opportunities, recreation fa- cilities and tenant. problems of the neighborhood's residents. The 1'7-member Model Cities policy board will soon begin the search for Steward's successor. "The program regrets his de- parture," Lewis said. She added that Steward's resignations would not cause the cessation of any Model Cities' programs. Rent your Roommate with a Classified Ad I For Interview Send Brief Resume CONSOLIDATED CONSUMERS CORP. 1322 S. Wabash Avenue Chicago, III. 60605 + Use Daily Classifieds + CTIET LOVE The annual HI-Fl BUYS Cartridge Clinic will be held Oct. 22nd & 23rd. Friday from 12:00 to 9:00 p.m. Saturday from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Bring your turntable with magnetic cartridge and have SHURE technicians check it for stylus wear, trackability, wow and flutter, and overall performance. There is no cost or obligation . free. All we're offering is a friendly bribe .. . CLINIC SPECIAL HI-Fl BUYS will allow $10.00 on any cartridge traded in for a new SHURE magnetic cartridge ISAL Chances are you' on a desert island are, a little Love c To smooth, clean scent. To tint you cheeks, shadow y put a glow on you Love is cosmetics for the contempo Find them at I/ IL NEED II never be lost I. But if you ever an help a lot. se, freshen, and r lips, blush your your eyes, and r face, s and fragrances rary young woman. -s 3 2 -*-s " -; Univ. 663-4121 Him ANN 618 S. Main Compre .FI ARBOR-EAST LANSING 769-4700 hensive Repair Service Available _._.. ___. t i I SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE TUNE-UP CLINIC ENGINEERS TUNE-UP CLINIC CLASS Learn to Tune Your Own Car 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 182 PA BLDG. TUNE-UP CLINIC Tune Your Own Car"' 8:00-5:00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 AUTO LAB, N. CAMPUS BUYS p S. State St. at N.I SHOP TONIGHT UNTIL 9:00 Love Cosmetics by Menley & James *Tools Supplied -A fee of $3.00 car will be charged A DISC OVEF 4(A SUBSCRIBE _ .0 to *_ = 4*I ,.:: ... m I squeeze your way to tranquility. . Kalliroscope Squeeze. Something marvelous to hold and squeeze. What do you see? A swirling world of light znd dark. Twirling tornadoes. Volcanic eruptions. Pounding hurricanes. What is it? A study in hydrodynamics. Millions of tiny flat