Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Wiring 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: SARA FITZGERALD Improving city transportation WHETHER MOST PEOPLE are aware of it or not, problems of parking and transportation have reached critical porportions here in Ann Arbor. Significant population growth and a general rise in affluence in the area have resulted in a drastic increase in per cap- ita automobiles-creating a host of prob- lems which the city must solve quickly. One has only to drive through the city during normal hours to feel the effect of too many cars, manifested in severe traf- fic congestion and insufficient parking places. And at an ever-increasing number of intersections in the city, pedestrians vir- tually take their lives into their hands every time they cross the street. Those who do not own automobiles - and un- fortunately they are as a rule low-income persons - suffer right along with every- one else as the city fails to provide enough convenient and efficient public trans- portation. But city officials say, while they are studying many plans, and implementing others to help solve the problems, a tight financial situation may hinder their pro- gress. To an extent this is true. Because Ann Arbor is receiving some $750,000 less from the University than it did last year, due to pressure from the state legislature on thie University's appropriation across-the- boards cuts in virtually all city programs must be expected. AND YET, while it is clear the city will have less money in its coffers this year to do witl1 as it wishes, it would have a lot less if it managed to lessen the number of cars in the city - which casts a dubious shadow on the city's good intentions. The large role that parking meter re- venues and parking fines play in the city's total revenues seems to indicate a disparity. Last year, for example, the revenues from meters and from parking violations constituted over 10 per cet of the total city revenues. This can be matched against a comparable figure of about two per cent of Detroit's budget. In fact, Detroit, though over 20 times larger in population than Ann Arbor, ha barely three times the parking meters and issues barely twice the parking tickets as its smaller counterpart. What this means, besides pointing out the gravity of the city's parking situation In sheer numbers, is that it might not be clearly in the city's best interests to strive Editorial Staff ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Editor JIM BEATTIE DAVE CHUD WIN Executive Editor Managing Editor STEVE KOPPMAN .. Editorial Page Editor RICK PERLOFF Associate Editorial Page Editor PAT MAHONEY ... Assistant Editorial Page Editor LYNN WEINER .. Associate Managing Editor LARRY LEMPERT . .. . Associate Managing Editor ANITA CRONE Arts Editor JIM IRWIN Associate Art Editors ROBERT CONROW ................... Books Editor JANET FREY..... ............. .Personnel Director JIM JUDKI . ...........Photography Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Lindsay Chaney, Mark Dillen, Sara Fitzgerald, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Hester Pulling, Carla Rapo- port, Robert Schreiner, W.E. Schrock, Geri Sprung to lower the number of cars that circulate around the city, because that would mean a significant drop in revenues. City officials undoubtedly see the con- flict between lessening the number of cars and maintaining revenues at their current level. They must make a choice, and the most advantageous to everyone is un- doubtedly the former. A chief answer to parking and trans- portation problems is increased modes of public transportation. THE CITY HAS an obligation to its resi- dents to provide inexpensive, con- venient mass transportation - a far cry from what it presently offers. Alternative transportation to the automobile must be made attractive enough to deter people from buying additional cars, and hope- fully to make it possible for those with more than one car to sell the excess. The city's current attempt to revital- ize the sagging mainline bus system by broadening its service area and increas- ing the frequency of its runs is a first step. Also, the talked-about merger with the bus system of the Ann Arbor School Board would enable the city to attain greater efficiency by fully utilizing avail- able buses. The present Dial-A-Ride system, albeit a laudable effort by the city, must be expanded as soon as possible. Moreover, state or federal funds must be obtained in order to substantially lower its present cost of $1 per round-trip. BUT WHILE OFFERING alternative forms of transportation may lower the number of cars in the city, the most effective action the city could take would be to forcibly curtail traffic, at least in the downtown and central campus area. Mayor Robert Harris has revealed the city is studying proposals to permanent. ly close several of its main streets to traf- fic and to change them into malls which could be connetced by shuttlebuses. The city should seriously consider a plan along these lines, as it would eliminate parking and traffic problems, significant- ly lower air pollution, and generally make the area a more pleasant place to live and shop. The University can cooperate with the city by opening up its several parking structures ,to all citizens, thus providing immediate additional parking space. In addition, faculty and staff parking lots should be eliminated, since they discrim- inate against students, parttime s t a f f and other residents, and cost so relatively little through subsidizaion that faculty and staff are encouraged needlessly to drive. Students can help in the short term by leaving their cars with their families and using alternative forms of transpor- tation such as bicycles. It will takesthe cooperation of every- one in Ann Arbor, whether transient stu- dent or permanent resident, to' help al- leviate the growing parking and trans- portation problems facing the city. But it is chiefly 'up to city officials to take substantive policy steps toward drastically reducing the flow of cars through the city. -ROBERT SCHREINER By RICHARD ENGLAND We are on the threshold of an entirely new battlefield concept . . . The revolution I envision for the future comes not from the helicopter alone, but from systems that hereto- fore have been unknown.- General William Westmore- land, U.S. Army Chief of Staff, October 14; 1969 DESPITE A TORRENT of presi- dential rhetoric about "wind- ing down the war" it has become apparent that the American gov- ernment is uninterested in a ne- gotiated withdrawal from Indo- china and that it is still commit- ted to the maintenance of a client regime in Saigon. The failure of the American delegation in Paris to respond in good faith to the seven-point peace proposal of the Provisional Revolutionary Government (P.R. G.) is one obvious bit of evidence, Recent research reports on the "e c o n o m i c reconstruction" of South Vietnam commissioned by the State Department, Institute for Defense Analyses (I.D.A.), and Asian Development Bank provide additional insights into Nixon's "game plan." According to Jacques Decornoy, of Le Monde, "the one premise basic to all these re- search projects is that South Viet Nam will in the future be a state separate from the North, and in- tegrated in the free world's econo- my." Japanese businessmen have already begun to flock to Saigon in search of "new investment possibilities." These developments are ob- viously incompatible with the po- place civilians who are or might become political supporters of one of the Indochinese national liber- ation movements. Fred Branfman, who has interviewed numerous refugees, Pathet Lao defectors, and Western observers, has con- cluded that the bombing of Lao- tian villages has occurred des- pite the fact that "guerrilla sol- diers avoided the villages, neither bivouacking in them nor storing arms and ammunition ii them. All say that the vast majority of the casualties from the bombing were civilian and not military, as the soldiers were out in the forest . .." IT APPEARS THAT the inten- sified air assault on Indochina is part of an American strategy .to use refugee flows and forced ur- banization in order to remove civilians from the political orbit of the national liberation move- ments. The best estimates are that between January, 1969, and Au- gust, 1971. about 1.5 million re- fugees were "generated" in South. Vietnam and perhaps 2 million more in Laos and Cambodia. The political impact of intensified bombing has probably been, how- ever, to increase popular opposi- tion to the Americans and their "allies." One Pathet Lao defector has reported that "before, maybe 20- 30 per cent of the young men would volunteer to join the Pathet Lao army. But by 1969, 90 percent and more wanted to join. No- body really understood what the Pathet Lao meant by American Imperialism before the planes came." tiown, 1 of allied ground troops has been to draw "enemy" fire and there- by fix the location of "enemy" units, but not to engage in-offen- sive ground combat. Detection has normally been followed primarily by air and artillery, not infantry, assaults. General Westmoreland, the former U.S. commander in Vietnam, has estimated that "ar- tillery and tactical air forces in- flict over two-thirds of the enemy casualties . . THE SIGNIFICANCE of this distinction is that American mili- tary planners do not expect ARVN troops to be fine combat soldiers: the ARVN units are simply sup- posed to be competent enough to defend themselves until tactical air support can relieve them. The amazing lesson of the Laotian in- vasion of 1971 is that the ARVN may not be sufficiently competent to defend themselves even with American air support. If this is so, the national liber - ation forces of Indochina may at some point be able to impose a sudden, morale-crushing defeat on the ARVN .which would be followed by its total collapse, not unlike the collapse of Chian- Kai- Shek's armies in China during 1949. Antiwar groups in the United States should be prepared for a military development of this sort: depending on the noular reac- tion within the United States, an ARVN collapse and the ensuing political crisis in Saizon could lead either to a complete Ameri- can disengagement from Indo- china or to a desperate "salvage operation" by the Pentagon. the I war 01 MW Helicopter brings fuel to Khe Sanh ual and photographic reconnais- sance. These types of detection have had several serious drawbacks, however. First, visual and photo- graphic reconnaissance cannot penetrate Oriental monsoons and jungle canopies. In an attempt to overcome the latter of these prob- lems, the U.S. military defoliat- ed over 5.7 million acres of South Vietnamese countryside between 1962 and 1970. Second, the ex- tensive use of helicopters for aer- ial reconnaissance and the ferry- ing of ground troops who are es- sentially engaged in detection missions has been rather costly to the Pentagon. By March, 1971, over 4300 helicopters had been lost to hostile and nonhostile causes in the Indochina war: the monetary value of thesebaircraft was approximately $1.3 billion. IT IS BECAUSE of these limi- tations that the Pentagon has sponsored an intensive research program during recent years which is now resulting in an all- weather, all-terrain reconnais- sance capability. In the words of General Westmoreland, "we learn- ed that Vietnam posed a prob- lem even naoe difficult than mo- bility. The enemy we face in Viet- nam is naturally elusive and cun- ning in his use of the dense jun- gle for concealment. As a result, in the earlytdays of the American commitment we found ourselves with an abundance of firepower and mobility. But we were limited in our ability to locate the enemy." To solve this problem, the U.S. Army set up a program in July, 1969, called Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Night Observ- ation (STANO). The STANO project was given a fiscal 1970 budget of $14 million and charged withdeveloping elec- tronic sensors which could be tied to computerized intelligence-eval- uation and fire-control systems. These research efforts have al- ready been fairly successful, and the Army is currently testing various prototypes in its Mobile Army Sensor Systems, Test, Eval- uation, and Review (MASSTER) project, at Fort Hood, Texas. The Army expects that the bud- get of the MASSTER testing pro- ject will exceed $60 million over a five-year period. According to Lieutenant General A.W. Betts, chief of Army research and de- velopment, "this is a high-prior- ity segment of the (total re- search) effort. Already there is a great deal of money involved. In May, 1970, the Army un- veiled several of its newly devel- oped sensing devices at a Fort Hood press conference: they in- clude a "seismic intrusion de- tector," which is supposed to pick up the audible movements of a ARVN troops leave a village of ter failing to capture it. person walking at 100 feet and "chemical sniffers," which are de- signed to detect the odors of truck exhausts and camp fires, BUT THESE ARE only the sen- sing devices. The communications system which links the aerial and ground sensors to tactical air and artillery units is known as Auto- matic Data System for the Army in the Field (ADSAF). The ma- jor component of the ADSAF sys- tem, which consists of a central computer with interlinked com- puters at each firepower base, is scheduled to go into production in January, 1972. Meanwhile, the Ar- my is organizing its new TRICAP Division, which will engage in "test and experimentation" exer- cises at Fort Hood. There are several bits of evi- dence which suggest that the "electronic battlefield" concept is already being tested on the peo- ple of Indochina. According to one press report, "the' United States has increased aerial reconnais- sance and monitoring by electri- cal sensors along a 230-mile stretch of the Cambodian border." And following a recent battle be- tween ARVN and North Vietna- mese troops in the Cambodian border region, the Saigon com- mander boasted. that "allied ra- dar and other electronic detect- ing devices confirmed reports that the North Vietnamese had with- drawn eastward and northeast- ward from the main battle area." It is probably notcoincidental that American B-52 bombers flew six bombing strikes in the same region the following day. The military and political im- plications of these technological developments are awesome, to say the least. The Pentagon and the White House apparently believe that they will be able to continue the war in Indochina indefinitely because of reductions in U.S. cas- ualties and aircraft losses. They may even be counting onincreas-, ed efficiency in the use of ord- nance in order to reduce the monetary costs of the war. All of this suggests that the antiwar movement will becom- mitting a grave political error if it continues to focus its demands Gn the withdrawal of American troops;: we need to demand an end to the genocidal bombing of Indochina and an end to all sup- port for the Saigon dictatorship. It is also important for antiwar groups to agitate against Nixon's domestic assault on wages, which is one device he is using to shore up the international financial po- sition of the American Empire. THE IMPLICATIONS of these technical innovations for the In- dochinese and other Third World peoples are even more momen- tous. Admittedly, even if the au- tomated battlefield concept were fully operational today, the Amer- ican government would be unable to realize its military goal of a fully "pacified" South Vietnam. The political and military mobili- zation of the Vietnamese people by the National Liberation Front has proceeded too far for that. But electronic sensors and com- puterized fire control may soon make the Indochinese country- side too perilous for all but the smallest guerrilla units. As a re- sult, the N.L.F. and other Indo- chinese liberation movements may be forced to shift their military attacks and political organizing from a predominately rural to a primarily urban setting. In other words, the defeat of American imnerialism in Indochina may well come in the slums of Saigon, rather than in the peasant vil- laaos of the Mekone Delta. The future significance of the automated battlefield is that the initiation of wars of national lib- eration based in the countryside will become increasingly hazard- ous. As a conseruene, the suc- cessful insurgent movements of the 1970's are likely to be urban- baspd, perhaps on the model of the Uruguayan Tupamaros. THE ELECTORAL strategy pur- sued by Salvador Allpnde's coa- 4. 4i litical program of the P.R.G. and indeed are predicated on an even- tual military defeat of the na- tional liberation forces of Indo- china. In the cautious words of the IDA report, "the best plan- ning assumption seems to be a military stalemate or withering away of the war, a process that can last for a decade or more." In the face of American combat troop withdrawals, this premise might seem totally unfounded. After all, only one U.S. Army com- bat division is scheduled to re- main in South Vietnam by the end of 1971. However, it has al- ready become clear that Nixon is attempting to undercut domestic political opposition to the war by reducing American troop levels, draft calls, and casualty rates while simultaneously continuing a war of attrition in Indochina with intensified bombing and relative- ly more South Vietnamese, or ARVN, casualties. The impact of "Vietnamization" is evident in the data on military deaths in Indochina: between 1967 and 1970, annual ARVN deaths rose from 12,700 to 23,300 whereas the num- ber of Americans killed dropped from 9,400 to 4,200 per year. An obvious weakness in this re- vised American strategy is the in- creased reliance on ARVN ground forces. ARVN officers are noted for their venality and military mediocrity whereas their enlisted men generally suffer from poor motivation and discipline. One presumes that the military equip- ment turned over to the ARVN by departing American troops will not be sufficient to make up for this lack of fighting spirit. But at the same time it would be a mis- take to think that the function of the ARVN replacements is to pursue and eradicate guerrilla units. Ever since the American buildup in 1965, a major function What has not yet been ade- quately recognized is that the Pentagon has already begun to implement an ambitious program in Southeast Asia which is de- signed to reduce the military im- portance of both American and ARVN ground forces. The basic thrust of this program is the de- velopment and deployment of electronic sensing devices which can substitute for ground forces in the detection of "enemy" troops and supply convoys, A related concept has already been tactically operational for some time: helicopters and fight- er bombers have been used very extensively in Indochina for vis- Letters to the editor __t__ _ __ _ __ _ __ .r'. ONE REASON for the willing- ness of Pentagon planners to re- turn to their pre-1965 reliance on "colonial" troops is that Ameri- can airpower over Indochina is now far stronger than seven .years ago. The construction of gigantic tactical airfields at Korat and Udorn in Thailand and the exist- ing strategic bomber bases on Okinawa have given the U.S. military a fantastic bombing ca- pacity over Indochina. And Nixon is using that capa- city. By the end of 1971, the U.S. bombing tonnage dropped on In- dochina during the past three, years will have exceeded the ton- nage during the last four years of Lyndon Johnson's administra- tion. This intensification of the air war has een nartriculrl Homecoming To The Daily: WE ARE ADDRESSING this as an open letter to President Flem- ing, Donald Canham, athlethic director and George Cavender, co- ordinator of bands. As you know, the theme of the University of Michigan's home- coming parade this year is "Let's Work Together to Bring All the Troops Home Now".. In conjunction with this; the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and other anti-war groups are requesting that the theme of the Halftime of the Homecoming game on October 30, 1971 be "Bring All the Troops Home Now, Let's Have a Real Home- coming This Year". The Vietnam Veterans are re- questing permission to carry out an anti-war show during the half- time. A petition is currently be- ing circulated on campus for sig- natures. In addition to numerous student signatures, 50 members of the Varsity football team of the University have already signed Ann Arbor Coalition to End the War; Vietnam Veterans Against the War;- Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice; Student Mo- bilization Committee; Human Rights - Radical Independent Party; Janet Klaver, Torry Harburg and Pat Edsall-Wom- en Uniting to End the War; David Houseman, for the Inter- faith Council for Peace; Com- mittee of Concerned Asian Scholars; Issho-Yigong; The Ecology Center; Young Voters Pledge; Young Workers Liber- ation League; Peace Works; Friends of Bangla Desh; Mich- igan Council to Repeal the Draft; Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; SGC; BSU Steering Committee. Affirmative action To The Daily: TO CLARIFY the impression evidently engendered by the re- marks attributed to me in your article of October 21, I believe that the report of Cluster No. 1 indicates an initial failure of the Scholarly arrogance To The Daily: IN HIS REVIEW "The Langu- age of Scholarly Arrogance"a(The Daily, October 2), James Romano says that "psychologizing is a poor method of literary criticism." Quite so, yet this is what he ad- mittedly does with George Steiner. What is more, The Daily publishes it, Book Reviews are byunature imperfect and often unfair, but Romano adds a new element: in- coherence. What he means by "scholarly arrogance" escapes me, unless it be the audacity to seek out difficult theories in science and linguistics and use them in literary criticism. Your reviewer is hopelessly out of his element. What is more, a remark like "Steiner would condition us in this way" is preposterous if not paranoid. And again, would any serious critic say of another critic, "An i n t e r e s t i n g observation, though Celine may not have thought ahnt it that wav"9 And