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October 22, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-22

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See Editorial Page



Occasional showers,
gradually clearing

Vol. LXXXII, No. 37 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 22, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

The Loomis shooting:





boy's sad end

YPSILANTI TWP. - Darrell Loomis, 16, was
released from the maximum security center at
the W.J. Maxey Boys' Training School last
spring-with hopes of his counselors that he
could begin to lead a relatively normal life.
Despite a six-year history of delinquency,
Darrell had impressed school officials with his
new sense of responsibility, giving them suf-
ficient confidence to authorize his discharge.
But Darrell's apparent resolve was not enough.
Despite the hopes of his patents, his counselors,
and Washtenaw County social service workers,
Darrell didn't return to a normal life.
Two weeks ago, Darrell's criminal career was
finally ended-with a single shot from an Ypsi-
lanti state police trooper's gun.
Darrell was killed as he fled from a stolen car
he had driven at speeds near 120 m.p.h. in a
frantic police chase over eight miles of free-
ways in eastern Washtenaw County.
The shooting occurred less than a mile from
his parents' small home, near the woods where
he had played as a child-and hid from his
This time he lay there-as blood slowly
stained his new green cotton pants and metallic
shirt. The hot-wired '68 Ford, stolen shortly
before from the house of one of his neighbors.
sat near by-its engine still running and its
headlights shining into the trees.
According to the police report, Darrell lived
long enough to admit he had driven the stolen
car. -
He was taken to University Hospital early
that morning and pronounced dead on arrival.
There were holes in both his lungs where the .38
caliber special bullet had passed through his
A companion of Darrell's slipped safely into

DARRELL LOOMIS is pictured above in a
photograph provided by his girl friend.
the woods. The police have yet to find or
identify him.
* * *
Darrell Loomis was never society's favor-
ite son. Born Oct. 3, 1954 to Everett
Loomis, an Ypsilanti truck driver, and his wife
Doris, Darrell grew up in a world where the
police weren't thought of as friends.
His two older brothers regularly were in
trouble with the law and as his sister Janice
Kelley recalls, "the neighbors were always ac-
cusing us of stealing something."
David Loomis, 18, now serving two and one-
half to five years at Ionia State Prison on a
breaking and entering conviction, and Jimmy,
See DARRELL'S, Page 7

halts prior
ABA exam
By The Associated Press
President Nixon will no#
longer allow the American
Bar Association (ABA) to rule
on presidential S u p r e m e
Court nominations before<
they are sent to the Senate.
Atty. Gen. John Mitchell made
the announcement in a letter to
the ABA, released moments after
Nixon announced his choice of>
Lewis Powell Jr. and William
Rehnquist for the court. Mitchell
cited "premature publication of
information" on a list of possible
nominees as the reason for the
The Washington Post reported
yesterday that the ABA panel had
found nominees Herschel Friday.
and Mildred Lillie "unqualified."
Friday was disapproved by a ?7 to
5 vote and Lillie, ii to 1, it was
However, Lawrence Walsh, head.
of the ABA committee that evalu-
ates the nominees, said last night
he thought advance examination
of candidates ' qualifica-
tions should continue.
Walsh said persons tend to give
more candid opinions of the nom-
ineeswhen"questionedbefore the
names are made public.
Mitchell noted he had agreed in PRESIDENT NIXON (left) an
July, 1970 to furnish the ABA's Powell (right, above) and Will
standing committee on the federal vacancies on the U.S. Supreme
judiciary with the names of per- vanceanteUSSurm
sons he had recommended to the tion and Rehnquist has, in eff
President for the nominations. - --- -
"However, the events of the NOV ELECTON-
past week have made it clear, that *ET
the confidentiality of my com-1
munications have been breached,"'
Mitchell said.
But Walsh, a former U.S. Dis- SG C p
trict Court judge and former de-
puty attorney general, said he had
told Mitchell "a year ago that we
could not question 100 attorneys"
without the chance of one of them 5
leaking names.
Mitchell also said, "Premature
publication of information can
cause a number of unfortunate By LINDSAY CHANEY
side-effects. It can be particular- Student Government Council
ly unfair to a person whose name last night voted to place a pro-
may have been referred to the posal for increased funding on
committee but who may not be the ballot in the all-campus
nominated to the court." election next month.
He said the process would al- The referendum issue will ask
ways lead to speculation that fel- students to allocate 85 cents per
low lawyers would find something student per semester for the all-
negative in the nominee's char- campus government. SGC pres-
acter or qualifications, and he ently r e c e i v e s 25 cents per
would be unable to counteract it. student per semester-the funds



Evict NiXOn' protests to start
today with Grand Jury in D.C.

Va. lawyer,
U.S. aide
a surprise
...::. ..::e
Powell, a former president of
the American Bar Association
(ABA), and William Rehn-
quist, an assistant attorney
general, were President Nix-
on's surprise nominations last
night for the Supreme Court.
Nixon announced his choices to
the nation by television and radio
as the Justice Department's un-
easy alliance with the ABA on
court nominee review was coming
to an explosive end.
The President described both
Powell, 64, and Rehnquist, 47, as
judicial conservatives, like himself,
and said "they will be names to
be remembered."
If confirmed by the S e n a t e,
Powell and Rehnquist would take
the seats vacated last month by
Justices Hugo Black and John
Harlan. Hearings are expected to
begin in about 10 days.
The selections were largely un-
expected - neither nominee w a s
mentioned in a list of six possi-
bilities Nixon had submitted to the
Herschel Friday, a Little Rock
attorney, and Mildred Lillie, a
California appeals court judge, had
been considered the favorites as
lawyer Lewis late as yesterday by some sources.
, to the two However, the ABA's Committee
Bar Associa- on the Federal Judiciary, which
had been asked by Atty. Gen. John
Mitchell for an assessment of Fri-
day, Lillie and four' other pros-
pects, concluded late Wednesday
that neither was worthy of the top
Nixon said that the two men he
nominated will earn the nation's
respect on the High Court, if ap-
proved by the Senate.
"It may be charged that they
are conservatives," N i x o n said.
"This is true, but only in a judic-
ial, not a political sense."
Powell supports the conserva-
tive wing of Virginia Democrats
and served on the campaign steer-
ative store; ing committee that helped re-elect
est law firm; his friend Harry Byrd, Jr. to the
r a teaching Senate as an independent in 1970.
Rehnquist counts a m o n g his
r a Women's closest friends conservative Sen.
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) and is
udent housing known as a protege of Deputy
and Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindeinst,
niversity-com- one of the toughest law-and-order
center. exponents in the administration.
referendum is- In his speech, the President
lengthy debate quoted Walter Lippman as saying
funding which last year that the balance of power
has turned against the peace for-
ot next month ces. "I share that view," Nixon
im item asking said. He added that some judicial
esent 25 cent decisions had gone too far in
minated com- weakening peace forces against
criminal forces.
1 to eliminate He said that aside from world
was secured peace, there probably is no greater
n drive which legacy a president can leave than
00 signatures. his appointments to the Supreme
eaded by SGC Court.
Brad Taylor. "Presidents come and go, but

funding of the the Supreme Court," the Presi-
udent govern- dent said, "goes on forever."
ly to be on the P o w e 11, considered a. distin-
-. guished lawyer and a racial mod-
would allocate erate, is hailed by fellow Virginians
ent per semes- as a "fair minded realist" in deal-
nt college gov- ing with problems of racial de-
Loney would be segregation.
portion to en- Powell handles corporation cases
college. for the prestigious law firm of
te on the col- Hunton, Williams, Gay, Powell and
week. See NIXON, Page 10

Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - On the eve of
the first day of the "Evict Nixon"
demonstrations here, few people
had arrived but organizers were
optimistic - expecting more than
3,000 persons to appear over the
The action, planned by the Peo-
ple's Coalition for Peace and Jus-
tice (PCPJ), is designed as the
first step in a continuing program
against the war.
The activities include a People's
Grand Jury to indict Presidentj
Nixon for "war crimes," exhibi-
tions of symbols of the Vietnamese
war and life in 'America, and
"massive civil disobedience" in
front of the White House Tuesday.
Speakers expected to appear in-
clude Rennie Davis, David Del-
linger, Bobby Seale, Dick Gregory,
and William Kunstler.
The organizers have received
permits from the government for
most of the actions, with the not-
able exception of the rally Tuesday
in front of the White House.

nounces yesterday the surprise nominations of Virginia
iam Rehnquist, assistant attorney general (right below)
Court. Powell is a former president of the Americanl
ect, been serving as the President's lawyer.
uts funding I
rat onZ fallba

collected as part of University
tuition monies.
On the ballot with the funding
proposal will. be an item listing
possible projects to be under-
taken by SGC with the increased
revenues. Voters will be asked
to approve or reject each sug-
gested project. Although the fi-
nal list to appear on the ballot
has not been approved, items
under, consideration are:
- - - -- - - - -

William Kunstler Rennie Davis


EcI se" 001

The mood at PCPJ headquarters
p " " here last night was sober as or-
acx bnss sut on ;gis =t-- ce e rati
said, "The whole thing just hasn't
ily elled.''
Housing for the participants is
one main source of worry for the The education school's Golden
organizers. So far, few people have Anniversary Celebration begins
By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN arrived, but housing coordinators tonight, honoring the school's
estimate that planned housing for fifty years of service to the Uni-
An ad-hoc group attempting to fight sex discrimination about 2,000 persons will not be suf- versity community. The festivities,
at The Daily last night decided to postpone a possible class ficient. I including both open seminars on
They are currently trying to ar- topics in education and tradition-
range housing in private homes, al social events, will last through
Instead, the group decided to meet with Daily women and on Sunday several local Monday evening.
'and the entire staff next Sunday to consider a series of pro- churches will be converted into Various discussion programs
posals to insure that more women attain top Daily leadership housing units. run by University graduates will
posts. The activities will begin today cover such topics as teaching in
preedwith the opening of the People's urban schools, bargaining power
A prime factor behind the group's decision to delay court 1 Grand Jury, set up to hear "testi- for teachers, student perspectives
action was a meeting yesterday between history lecturer, See EVICT, Page 10 in the classroom, and education
Kitty Sklar, the group's initi-
ator, Daily Editor Robert PLAYERS SIGN PETITION
Kraftowitz, Associate Manag-
ing Editor Lynn Weiner, and
4law Prof. L. Hart Wright,
~chairman ofthe Board for Atm a a s o
AG ERMAn ti-war halftime shou
Student Publications.
It was reportd'y agred that
the purpose of such a suit would By MARCIA ZOSLAW is "Let's Work Together," the
be as a catalyst and that if the The football team added its theme of the Oct. 29 afternoon K:
impetus to alleviate sexism could weight and prestige to the anti- Homecoming parade has been
be created and ma'ntained inter- war movement this week when extended to "Let's Work To-
1 nally at The Daily, no suit would 49 members, over half of the gether to Bring the Troops Home
be necessary, team, signed a petition asking Now."
Proposals set forth last night for an anti-war halftime show on Asking that the anti-war theme
included the review of such Daily Homecoming weekend. be utilized during halftime, ><

marKs tu years wit
ion starting toight

-A food cooper
-A public inter
-Assistance fo
fellows union;
-Assistance fo
Crisis Center;
-Low - cost sti
with federal aid;2
-A 24-hour u
munity child care
Passage of thei
sue came after a1
over the level ofJ
should be sought.
Also on the ball
will be a referendu
that Council's pr
allocation be eli
The pro posa
Council funding
through a petitio
collected over 1,0
The drive was h
A proposal forJ
various college st
ments is also like]
ballot next month
The proposal
50 cents per stud
ter to the differei
ernments. The m
distributed in prc
rollment in eachc
Council will vo
lege proposal next


of the young child. Some of the The other phase of the celebra-
discussions will be led by visitors tion is primarily social and in-
from Canada, England and Unit- cludes several dinners and par-
ed Nations offices. ties for the school's alumni. By
Education school planners hope bringing alumni into the pro-
the seminars will result in the for- grams, the school's administrators
mulation of specific proposals for hope to involve them in future
future action. policy - making decisions.
Discussing the celebration, "The presence of the alumni on
Paula Leidich, editor of educa- our policy committee will give
tion school publications, says, us antadditional input of ideas,"
"We asfacltymemers wat aeducation school Dean Wilbur Co-
"We, as faculty members, want a hnepan Teriesae
chance to share ideas with other hen explains- "Their ideas are
people in the field as well as lay- valuable because they have been
men who are interested in educa- shaped by years of teaching ex-
tion." perience," he continues.
- - -"We are trying to make our
curriculum relate more closely to
real educational situations and
the alumni can help us accom-
plish this goal," Cohen says. I
COver the course of . the cele-
bration, the alumni will hear ad-
so uh t dresses by President Robben Flem-
ing, Cohen, and celebration chair-
man Prof. Claude Eggersten.
Prof. Eggersten and his wife
are the authors of the dramatiz-
ation "Son et Lumiere" which
r: will be presented tonight in the
school's courtyard. The perform-
ance takes a dramatic look at the
important developments of the
school's fifty year history and will
feature members of the univers-

Enrollment here dips
slightly from last year


Although total University en-
rollment is up 325 students over
last year, the Ann Arbor cam-
pus total this fall is down 178.
Total enrollment including the
Flint and Dearborn campuses
this fall is 39,986.
Of the total, 24,694 are under-
graduates, 10,950 graduate stu-

"and this year's drop is essen-
tially a leveling out of that
The current enrollment fig-
ures for Ann Arbor campus col-
leges and sc ho o ls (with last
year's figures in brackets) are:
College of Architecture. and
Design, 907 (957); School of
Business Administration, 1,302

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