.! 35fm S~~wFtKs RECORDING TAPE SCOTCH -- MEMOREX -- GRT SCOTCH Cassettes New, improevd Scotch Cassettes and Scotch High Energy ~ Cassette with Cobalt Energized Tape. ~kx" SC-60 Improved 60 minute.........$1.29 >:.s,. SC-90 Improved 90 minute.................. 1.99 SC-120 Improved 120 minute..................2.79 . HESC-60 High Energy Cobalt................... 1.89 HESC-90 High Energy Cobalt................... 2.79 SUPER 8 MOVIE CAMERAS BOLEX 155 Macrozoom -, Discontinued _ 140 CANON Is KING Wat QUARRY 160 Macrozoom q 3T~~i~JI203-1800 7" S290-3600 7" Open Reel reel 1200' acetate................ $1.85 reel 1800' Dynarange........3.50 reel 3600' Polyestar............... 5.50 BAUER 8T-80 Cs with case$ 77 206-R60 New Pro Quality 7" reel 60 min........ 3.10 207-R90 New Pro Quality 7" reel 90 mi........3.95 -TRACK a SUPER SPECIAL 80 minutes Scotch 150-1800 $1.75 7" Reel 1800 Ft. Polyestar $2.25 Limit 12 per customer on all Scotch MEMOREX .............. CiM with case C20 C-Royal 6:1 with case 115 160 260 Ask any Quarry Photo salesman why Canon is our No. 1 seller. He'll tell you because it is top quality, has advanced features, and represents our No. 1 value. AGFA MICROFLEX The ultra-compact super 8 mov- ie camera so small it fits a sport coat pocket. Superb Ger- man quality. TL-QL with 50mm F/i1.8 and TL-QL with 50mm Ff 1.4 and FTb with FD 50mm Ff 1.8 and FTb with FD 50mm Ff 1.4 and FTb with FD 50mm Ff1.2 and F-i with FD 50mm Ff 1.8 and F-i with FD 50mm Ff 1.4 and case --------------------------------$145 case-----------------------180 case------------------------------21 case ---------------------------------2150 case ---------------------------------310 case ---------------------------------350 case ---------------------------------390 C-60 Cassettes......... .. .......... _. $1.49 C-90 Cassettes.......... ....2.29 C-120 Cassettes ......... .............. 3.099 C-60 Chromium Dioxide Cassettes ... 2.19 C-90 Chromium Dioxide Cassettes ..... 3.29 8T-80 8 track 80 minutes.........2.15 Reproduction so true It can shatter glass 7" reel 1800' open reel.........3.79 No limit GRT 8 TRACK No limit - while they last 8T-35 Cartridge 35 minutes.......$ .69 8T-70 Cartridge 70 minutes.........99 { 346 357Z 456Z 471Z 459 459Z 469Z 358S* 358SZ* 468Z BELL & HOWELL MOVIE PROJECTORS Now at New Low Prices Super 8................................... Super 8 w/Zoom........................... Dual 8 w/Zoom........................... Top of'the line- NEW..................... Cassette .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cassette w /Zoom ........................... Cassette top end, w/Zoom................... Filmsound --Discontinued ....................... Filmsound w/'Zoom - Discontinued .............. Filmsound w/Zoom............................. SCR EENS Microflex Sensor_____ Microflex Sensor 200 -- _ 120 1160 $ 70 85 115 140 120 .135 180 $105 125 $180 Radiant Vinyl Lenticular Screens UNBELIEV- ABLE? Our lowest price ever on quality lenticular screens. ::1Z7;: oI F"i with FD 50mm Ff1.2 and case-----------------_ ---------- 450 *...............eeee.oeeo®eeeeeeeeeeeeese..oes®~sOoo Rolleiflex SL-35 F/f1.8 Planar with case (State only) -~300 .......eeeoooooeoeoeoeeOo@eSeoeeeeoeeeeoes.oeeeoS.O. - 0Id~~ MINOLTA SRT SR-T1 00 Ff 1.9 with case ------------------$150 . _?SR-T1OJ Ff1.7 with case------------------- 180 SR-TIO1 Ff1.4 with case------------------205 *S,*soe oe eoooooeeoee soeeoe**o*oe eeoeoeoesoeoeooooo Top Quality movie lamp for Super 8 cameras. Smith-Victor Q1-U $ Reg. $13. NOW 7 GRAPHICUBE The 5-sided photoframe ON SALE 69c CASES *Vivitar No. 928 Aluminum-Foam Case Large 13x18x6 $35 40" x 40" Super Champion L $17 50" x 50" Super Champion L . 20 40" x 40" Super Color- master L . 20 50" x 50" Super Coior- master L 27 PROJECTION TABLE Universal Contour Gadget Bag Roomy 111/2x6x9 Size $8 Many other cases and gad- get bags marked down. Sturdy, all metal, wood grain top. Viewing screen, dual switch, tri- ple outlet. Our best table. Smith-Victor71 Reg. $16 NO71 41 _ A~KO N" A- KOIC AUTOREFLEX The automatic SLR Autoreflex A Ff 1.8 with case, shoe--------- $160 Autoreflex A Ff1.4 with case, shoe----- 185 Autoreflex T Ff1.8 with case, shoe---------- 185 Autoreflex T Ff 1.4 with case, shoe - - - - - -2'15 0* 35mm ELECTRIC EYE* CAMERAS S AV ONFILM Eastman Kodak Factory Fresh Film-all made in U.S.A. No Limts KONICA~i I AUTOREFLEX HONEYWELL Spotmatic SP500----------------------- Sold Out ~s- Spotmatic Ff2 --------------Discontinued Spotmatic Ff 1.8------------------ ------ -F± Spotmatic Ff1.4--------------------------- + Spotmatic 11 Ff 1.8 -------------- -----------±_ Ins K, KODACHROME -.KI for color slides ^yfor stamatic and 35mm. Inst< KX 126-20 KX, 135-20 KX 135-36 - $1.99 7N KODACOLOR.X )20 color prints tamatic and 35mm 20 exposure CX-1 26-20 CX-1 35-20 $1.29 MINOLTA HI-MATIC E perfect 35mm pictures electronically " makes all adjustments automatically " perfect pictures ... daylight or dark " fully automatic flash ... it decides when to flash ... only when needed " ultra-fast, optical-glass Rokkor f/1.7 lens for razor-sharp color or black-and-white ... slides or prints. 0 K, Hi Speed Ektachrome 35rm 36 exposure EH, EHB 135-36 $2.59 36 exposure TX 135-36 $ .89 :odachrome KA 464 .... $2.19 '3ktachrome ELA 464 . ... 2.79 With Case and Electronic Flash COMPACT C, $95 Spotmatic 11 Ff 1.4 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ -- - +} *This is not our usual policy, but Honeywell has requested us to We will gladly quote on the phone or in the store. not advertise these low prices. Attn: SLR Owners ?~ UV, yellow or Close-upI Pola- Save on first quality UV, yellow 4 IO 48mm7 f30ilter 5setJscree or red filters, close-up sets, and1 49mm 3.30 7.57j 6.30 Polscees. ro ou rguar52mm 3.60 8.37; 6.90 sckNolmtF58mm 450 i1017 I8.10 I LTA.ELECTRONIC FLASH Never Buy Flashbulbs Again ROK R LENSES Accura 670 16mm F/2.8 .- $155 Reg. $12 $ 28mm F 2.5 - -115 35mm F/2.8 80L.f KX-EX guide number 40. 35mm F/1.8 -__ 110 Uses 2 penlite batteries. 50mm Marco - .125 85mm F1/1. 120 100mm F/'2.5 ----- 90 Meta 193* 135mm F/3.5S----- 80 Automatic exposure plus control $45 135mm F/2.8 -.---95 Rechargeable nickel cadmium battery. 200mm F/4.5------- 95 200mm F/3.5 - - 125Hoe wl 300mim F/4.5 - 170 Honeywell Auto-Hoew l Strobonar 350 Auto-Strobonar All Minoi:: ses include caseAuoaiepsr.Rchge. 450 Not all fozal lengths at West Autleanicexcadmume. $echrge Stadium store.. Limited to stock battery. Disc. . Discontinued __ 7 on hand. TD-7 TRIPOD POLAROID Sturdy 3-section channeled met- SU R H OE al I e g s, elevator, large full- S U R H O E feature head. Save $5, reg. $17 The new economical Polar- oid Camera that uses the now at a fantastic $ new economical Polar- $ 27 alow price of 2 -aid film NOW i t* many other tripods marked down. AGFACHROME USERS SWe are "fiozen" into our Summer Special prices and can- no'. change them. '' 35-20 and 126-20............. $2.69 roll 10 rolls $25 .35-36 and Super 8 ....... $4.29 roll 10 rolls $38 40k, ONFLASHBULBS ANONET QL 1.7 KONICA TOP RATED Konica Auto S-2 F/1.8 with case and hood. $80 .Genuine Sylvania Bulbs1 j all prices per package FLMOJU~LDO1 d ~ ~~of 12 flashes. " 3 - ,.r Flashcubes..............$ .85 -Ma-gicubes (x cubes)......... .119 M3, M3B, M2B......................... 1.45 SPECIAL SYLVANIA OFFER! Get 2 Springmaid Pillowcases FREE with proof of pur- chase of 4 packages of Sylvania bulbs. No limit. BUDGET-PRICED f1 Automatic electric eye pictures outdoors and auto- matic flash pictures indoors. Fast F/1.7 lens; 1/500 second shutter; rangefinder. QL 1.7 Camera with case and Canolite D. electronic flash, complete. '110 CANONET QL 28, complete with $0 case and electronic flash 88 These Cameras all use DROP-IN INSTAMATIC FILM color slides,'color prints, or black and white- and use Flashcubes AGFA ISO PAK C VIVITAR ENLARGERS E34* with 2 lenses __ _ _ _ _ __ OMEGA ENLARGERS Famous Omega B22 with 2 EI-Omegar 04 $75 Take color slides, color prints or black , and white with regular drop-in Instamatic K film. Big, bright vsewfinder. Uses flash- cubes. We sold hundreds at $13 $1 Now with case- MINOLTA AUITOPAK 550 SFuly automatic electric el r~i to:~natic exposure with flasl ay F12.8 glass lens. Uses v -= 2n Instamatic film-forc Dye, plus au- hcube. Qual- regular drop- color slides, E74* large and sturdy, with 3 negative car- riers. up to 21/x3'/. State only. $90 Without lenses __________ PREMIER PRINT DRYERS SC single chrome surface............. "...".. $14 TC double chrome surface..........19 A-i drum dryer ............................ 30 A-2 drum dryer, big capacity................. 47 A-1C Stainless steel . . . . . . .. . . . . .34 A-2C Stainless steel ........................ 57 lenses-------__ B22XL with extra lom girders and 2 EI-Omegar lenses All other Omega Enlarger EXTRA 10% 0f OUR ALREADY DISCOUNTED PRICES. $142 Irs- 4 __ .,C color prints or black and white. tiscontjnued. With case$0 Reduced to V3 Premier 4-in-1 Easel*..................... 6 SLIE PROJECTORS Best value in the house ini AUTOPAK AF a quality slide projector. The Autopak projector does you a favor too, with advanced features like *'fully automatic focusing " forward/reverse remote control " single slide previewer " editing window- " uses 100- or 36-slide trays " smartly designed, leather- like cabinet fits in with any decor The One and Only SLIDE CUBE PROJECTOR by Bell & Howell NOW AT NEW LOWER PRICES 975 NEW __. $ 75 977 ..--95 978* Discontinued -- 90 981Q* 110 981QZ* ---------- -------125 982Q --------------- 135 982QD - -- - --- 150 BELL & HOWELL AUTOLOAD 342 Exclusive Focus-Matic Feature. Uses drop- in 126 cartridge film; takes color slides, color prints, or black and white. Fully r wiomatic electric eye. Uses flashcubes. _-"ery powered film wind. Discontinued. GRALAB l67'Darkroom.Timer*.........18 WATSON 35mm Bulk Loader New model 100 .. 12 ALL ENLARGING LENSES: EXTRA 10% OFF OUR ALREADY DISCOUNTED PRICES. A 150 M~th deluxe case. TERMS OF SALE: All sale items carry our usual guarantee and serv.ce commitments. However, there are no returns or ex- changes of sale items. Time payments are available, and your Quarry charge, BankAmercard, or Master Charge are welcome. *Lim'ted supply on hand. PLEASE NOTE: SURTAX: NO SURTAX will be charged on any item in stock during this sale. Where we paid surtax, we will absorb it; we are not passing it on to our customers. However, we obviously can not do this forever. Buy now and save! STOCK: Our inventory is at the highest level ever, yet some items are in short supply, due primarily to the West Coast dock strike. If stocks become depleted, we will honor prices on orders placed during sale, except where noted. How- ever, we reserve the right to change surtax, if applicable, on special orders at these prices. So shop early and save! M" REVALUATION: When foreign currency is revalued Come in for a free demonstration. s84 mater charge SME! TEROAVK CARD 'NKAM CARDlo -,t ~ ~ j: hh U -