deep greens and blues To go to class, perchance to dream gIte riigan Dai tl Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan by larry lempert1 r 420 Moynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: TAMMY JACOBS HEY, HIT ME with a bit of ba- uzooka wisdom, a burst of dou- ble bubble knowledge, ease my mind with a candy cartoon. Well, how's this. "I just had the most terrific sleep!" "Oh yeah, why'd ya get up?" "I had to. The class was over." And your fortune for today: "You're in for a long, long rest:" Yawn. JUSTIN THYME dropped his books and sat down at the end of the bed. "You're dozing again." Zerbinette awoke with a start. "Damn," she apologized, picking up the book that had slipped from her hands. "I didn't even hear you come in." "Your book's upside down. Did you get a lot of work done?" "If you' call sleep work. How 'bout you?" "Terrific. Sound asleep for two hours in the library." She propped herself up on a pil- low. "I slept through my statistics class again today. And I had such weird dreams." "As usual. I think you have a rabbit fetish." "Hell, I can't control my sub- conscious. God," she said rubbing her eyes, "I feel like Rip Van Winkle." "We've been asleep for weeks. Months. Half the term's gone and we haven't been awake for one full class yet." "Jeasus, Justin, what's wrong with us?" "We are afflicted, my dear, with Sleepititus Universitus." * * * SLEEPITITUS Universitus. Also Classeus Dozus, Snoozus Col- legius. . A fairly common ailment in youth from 18 to 25. Can be phy- sically or psychologically induced. Caused by the infectious insectus ennuis, commonly known as the drag fly. Symptoms: Heavy eyes, nodding head, pained facial con- tortions. Only known cure: Dropping out of school. ** * 2:05 adm. The elect filed into the dimly lit auditorium, 453 students com- puter - graced and placed in the unpopular but necessary require- ment for Psych. 453 students filed 452 hands crawled across their notebooks. Hard, concise lines melted into circles, letters dis- solved into scratches and trailed off the page. Lowing, chewing lazily, three cows wandered through the steam tunnels beneath the building. Zer- binette progressed warily, looking back over her shoulder for stray rabbits. She gasped as she rounded a bend. A cow mooed a brief warn- ing and, in one bite, tore the sleeve off her shirt. She jumped back, only to fall into a second cow. In a matter of minutes, her clothes had disappeared. "Ordinarily, the values of alpha used are .05 or .01, although, on occasion, larger or smaller values are employed. In some problems, the region of rejection is contain- ed in only one tail of the distri- bution, so that only extreme de- viations in a given direction from the expectation, lead to rejection of H. R u n n i n g quickly, breath- ing hard, Zerbinette burst from the steam tunnel into the dimly lit auditorium. 452 students lifted their eyes. Shocked, she snapped upright, and blinked her, eyes. She glanc- ed down uneasily to see if she had all her clothes on. "SILLY wabbit." "Don't make fun of me, Jus- tin. Have you ever been perse- cuted by clothes-eating cows. It's no fun at all." "Not to mention 52 man-eating rabbits." "I didn't say that. It's such an awful feeling, fighting to stay awake, straining and slapping yourself and pinching yourself. It's hopeless, Justin. Justin?" BUT HE HAD drifted, yawning then easing back onto the pillow to split statistical hares and hun- gry cows, A4 -Daily-Denny Gainer through the doors and took their seats, filling in the back rows first and slowly moving toward the front. In the distance below, a tiny fi- gure toyed with a microphone, tested the button for the auto- matic sliding blackboard. He coughed, cleared his throat. Sounds of shuffling, rustling of papers. Notebooks flopped open, pens snapped to attention. "Today, before we leave the problem of deciding between two exact hypotheses, we will give one more example, this time involving the mean of a population." Like eager horses exploding from the starting gate, 453 hands raced across their notebooks as the lecture began. 2:20 a.m. Fingers loosened, 453 pens sag- ged as the instructor paused for the first time. Squinting, Zerbi- nette surveyed the dark hall, the long, even rows of cabbages. Their ears flopping back and forth, rabbits hopped lightly -in between the rows, working their way across to the aisle. There they lined up, filed up to the stage and, one by one, leaped off the podium. Then they repeated the whole circular movement. - "In a sample of 52 rabbits dis- criminating between black and , white squares, mean performance of recognizing a black square is .48. In order to achieve a signifi- cantly different score, which in this case would be .53, how large a sampling do you need?" 2:30 a.m. LIKE AN AIRPLANE gliding on a soft current, Zerbinette's head dropped forward in a sweeping arc to the right, then shot back. A nose-dive to the left, then back. Sliding to the side, then a sharp snap forward. 4w "Is there any truth to the rumors, Dr. Kissinger, that the Old Nixon is dead?" Letters to The Daily The customer is always right By ANDY FEENEY YOU REALLY OUGHT to try John's Restaurant. It's not one of th e better known places on campus, but John is a good short order cook. If you tell him exactly what you want, he'll do his best to fix it for you, right down to the last detail. And he has to be the least' egotistical person on cam- pus. Really. I was sitting in 'John's place the other day, trying to write a column, when Marsha Seligman walked in. Mar- sha may not know it, but John really has the hots for her. He doesn't show it much, because he's a shy person and he had a very religious upbringing. Also, he doesn't want to piss Marsha off by treating her as a sex object. He's really selfless, like I said Marsha was wearing something tight and knit that day, with no bra under- neath. She was breathing a little hard from bicycling across campus, and John had difficulty not, staring at her. Hell, I had difficulty not staring at her: It's not that Marsha is that seductive, but she is pretty, and usually she's so happy that you can't help but be attracted to her. SHE BOTHERS John, I think. Some liberal theologian he read made him terrified of using people, and he's afraid he wants to use Marsha. A lot. But John wouldn't even want to be pals with Marsha unless he was sure she wanted it that way. He doesn't want to force anything on anyone. Well, Marsha said Hi, John and he said Hi, Marsha and she walked up to the counter. "What do you recommend for to- day?" she said. The question floored John. I mean, he's a short order cook; you have to tell him what you want.. He doesn't want to push anything on his custom- ars. Especially not on Marsha. So he was confused. "Well, I uh-I don't know. What do you want?" "I don't know," Marsha said. "Sur- prise me." Which was a flirtatious thing to say. Marsha carries on a mild flirtation with the whole world, really. I don't think she's that serious about it, but she isn't a tease either-It's just a very friendly flirtation. But it sure freaked John. "Well, I don't know what you want," he said. "I mean, I wouldn't want to fix something you didn't want. If you'll just tell me-" "Just' choose something. It'll p r o- bably be good." "But I don't know-" "Oh, good grief," said Marsha im- patiently. "If you can't think of some- thing-" "Suppose I was, a car dealer and I sold you an Edsel. You'd feel bad, I'd feel guilty, I'd lose a customer-" HE LEFT the rest unsaid, mutely begging her to choose something. Mar- sha was irritated. "Oh, all right. Fix me bacon and eggs. One egg." "Over easy?" "No. Sunny side up." "How do you want the bacon?" "Medium. Not too crisp." "Medium it is," John said heartily. "The customer is always right." But Marsha was angry, and he knew it. He cleared his throat, and I won- dered if he was going to get up his nerve and tell her of his feelings for her. But evidently he didn't know how she'd respond, so he said nothing. Mar- sha ate and left. A LITTLE LATER a rather aggres- sive young woman came in and saunt- ered up to the counter. She definitely was giving John the eye. Really. I could tell John knew what she meant, too, because he was so frightened he could hardly talk. He was telling him- self, "No, she couldn't," but he knew better, and he was preparing himself to accept either yes or no for an an- swer. He wouldn't be disappointed eith- Er way. I mean, he is a very selfless guy. "What would you like?" he asked, a little nervously. "Two eggs, over easy." "Uh, right . . . Would you like bacon or sausage?" "I don't know," she said, still giving him the eye. "How's the sausage?" "It's all right," said John. "If you Like sausage." "Well, should I get it?" "You don't have to get either," said John. "I mean, I just brought it up as a possibility. You can just have eggs alone if you want." "Well, should I get the sausage?" "Sure, said John. "I guess so. I mean, whatever you want." "I'll have the sausage," she said. She stared at John, and he hurriedly looked away. "The customer is always right," he said. "And a jelly roll." "Right . , . Do you want that to go, or here?" "Here," she said. John stood there a minute, trembling, and then he took off his hat. He started fumbling with his apron. I figured- it was time for me to go, and I picked up the DO NOT DIS- TURB sign to put on the door. "Why didn't you select something for Marsha?" I asked as I left. "It's not my business to tell people what to do," he declared. "It's not the way to run a place. I don't go out and get people; they have to decide to come here. And I just cook whatever they want, so long as I don't get hurt on the deal." WHICH IS NOT the way everybody can live. I mean, he is an almost totally selfless guy. Like I said, you really ought to visit John sometime - just be sure to tell him exactly what you want. Registration drive To The Daily: THIS WEEK AND next, there will be an. extensive voter regis- tration drive on campus, in an all- out effort to register the U-M stu- dent body for Ann Arbor elections. Great amounts of time, energy and money have been and will be put into this effort by many in- dividuals and groups on campus. The reason for this activity is a realization of the potential power that the newly enfranchised group of voters between the ages of 18 to 21 hold intheir hands. Contrary to what Carla Rapo- port said in her Daily editorial on October 6, 1971, young people do have the potential to decide the 1972 national elections. How about a new family in the White House? Even without the addition of this new group of voters, the presiden- tial election would probably be very close, according to the opin- ion polls. There are twenty-five million people between the ages of 18 to 21 in this country, add them to a close election and the results can be substantially different. As great as the potential im- pact can be in national elections, the possibilities in local Ann Arbor elections are fantastic. Between two and three city wards are dominated by students. Thus, the likelihood of electing students to City Council in March (primaries in February)'is very great. In the last city election, approximately 40.000 people were registered to vote. Add to that amount, the 16,- 000 people that the latest cen- sus says are between the ages of 18 to 21, and the complexion of city politics becomes ripe for a radical change. Here in Ann Ar- bor. your vote can and will count. IF YOU WILL have been a resident of Ann Arbor for six months by November 30th of this year, and will be 18 by the same date, you are eligible to register. The fact that you'were not in Ann Arbor during the summer is not r-levant. If you have registered in another city, you can still reg- ister in Ann Arbor, Eby changing your registration to Ann Arbor; If you have further auestions in re- gard to your eligibility to register here, feel free to come to SGC of- fices or call the city clerk's office. For years, young people have bpen trying to get a piece of the action in this country and were generally ignored. Now, we can no longer be ignored. Now, he have. been given the onoortunity to be heard and listened to. Now, the system is there waiting for us to use it to our advantage. Let's not waste this opportunity. Register and Vote.! Jerry Rosenblatt Executive Vice President SGC Oct. 16 Student organizations To The Daily: "And now..o. brougt to you by the same people who gave you HaGynsworth a nd Carswll . i 4 i A fr) 0L>CW j~f C- lHCY (HEU 5COWP &W )RAb CAI W, RMUUE C~AI 66QCAUL-CA"94 -I~ rtrn 5CMEW~AU LEJii ;u REDUCEC6 CDW-CALU Y5 6,J &)C6 -ro six MH'hS IAIL fraud on the part of a student organization. CSJ is bound to hear cases only on the basis of al- leged violations of student-passed rules. Therefore, we cannot find any organization guilty of com- mitting fraud - a prohibition which does not exist. What Gut- man wishes to prove against Or- son Welles, essentially, is fraud. The complAint he recently with- drew from our consideration dealt mainly with improper advertising, a minor offense covered by SGC regulations. As the regulations stand, both CSJ and SGC have jurisdiction in cases involving student organiza- tions. They are empowered to sus- pend or withdraw recognition. However, while CSJ is bound to do so only after finding a party in violation of student regulations, SGC is not so bound. This is why Gutman is taking his case to SGC, where he won't have to show vio- lations of specific regulations. He knew that his relatively m i n o r complaint before CSJ would pro- bably not have brought the stern remedy he desires. Before SGC, where he can bring a complaint of greater magnitude, it might. THIS COURSE of action is at best unfortunate, and is conceiv- ably (depending on how fairly SGC can modify its regular pro- cedures) in violation of the due process guarantees of the S G C constitution. Whatever the out- come of the Orson Welles affair, TEE of the President's Commis- - sion on Women believes there are needs of student women on cam- pus which are not being ad- dressed. We are currently plan- ning to conduct a survey of all the graduate department and pro- fessional schools on campus with regard to recruitment, admissions, counseling, fellowships, job oppor- tunities, and the channeling of women toward or away from spe- cific fields. These data would then be collected in abpermanent volume and be available for pub- lic scrutiny. The Subcommittee also hopes to foster communication between graduate and undergraduate wo- men on these topics. Specifically, we want to compile a list of wo- men in all departments and pro- fessional schools who are willing to share their experiences and/ or help discover the general poli- cies of their particular depart- ment. Within several areas, wo- men with much the same interests have spontaneously organized, and we hope the Subcommittee can function as a means for these groups to contact each other. If you share any our our con- cerns, please call Jacqui at 971- 3813 or Dace at 769-9486 after 6 PM. -Irish Hiskey -Sandra Bouxsein Student Subcommittee, Committee on Women Oct. 8 Y --w ~A-i "IfO rt~kF 1 AL2M1jkUSTRA7i&)5' WQ&~A CALL6Y FROM~- 11i6RL;Y 4F126 6WCbtA HA&)- t0 OF-T-JO«kT-CRIiF; CALEY h AS A CAHPA(GK) 15SOU. Ni WE~ CA&) HU HARQDc6M E(SSUc2, OF PF309X& V L-AW )A)P OFRER