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October 20, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-20

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See Editorial Page




Chance of rain,
partly cloudy

Vol. LXXXII, No. 35

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 20, 1971

Ten Cents

Ten, Pao


. I

Prisoner readies
political bias suit
for court hearing
In the wake of several re-
cent protests against prison
conditions, John S i n c 1 a i r.
founder of the White Panther
Party (now the Rainbow Peo-

Time out

pie's Party) has been granted . Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin takes time yesterday to talk with a
the opportunity to prove in worker during a tour of the Canadian International Paper Co. in
court his charges of discrimi- Catineau, Quebec. Kosygin was continuing diplomatic talks with
natory punishment while in Canadian Prime Minister Elliott Trudeau in Ottawa. (See News
prison. Briefs, Page 3.)
Sinclair, who is serving a 912-
10 year sentence for possession of RA PE PATROL:
two marijuana cigarettes, has_
charged authorities at Jackson
State Prison with discrimination
against him on the basis of his 1oen protection
political beliefs. mPt
The White Panther Party was
termed by its founder "a national
political party devoted to radical a enciesor'anized
p oli t iec a 1, economic and socialga
change within society."
Sinclair is presently in prison By BETH OBERFELDER
awaiting a Nov. 2 hearing beforeB In reaction to several rapes which have recently occurred
the State Supreme Court on an nt
appeal of the marijuana sentence. in the campus area, University women are organizing a Wo-
The Supreme Court denied him men's Crisis Clinic (WCC).
bond last month in a 5-2 decision. "We hope it will serve not only as a deterrent to rape,
"John has been through every but also as an outlet for women seeking aid or information,"
kind of psychological and emotionalsiz
damage possible, while at Jack- says Marnie Heyn, an organizer.
son," said Marc Stickgold, his The clinic is being funded by Student Government Coun-
chief counsel in the case. cil, which has given it $300 and loaned another $200. Organ-
The suit has been filed in U.S. izers plan to use the money for loans to women who need
district court, Sinclair's wife said legal aid or abortions.
yesterday, because "we wouldn't In addition to WCC's action, a group from married hous-
See SINCLAIR, Page 7 ing units which are surrounded by the Arboretum have

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ar-
ticle is the first in a two-part series ex-
amining the growing problems of trans-
portation in Ann Arbor.
Driving in circles looking for a park-
ing place, or seething for ten minutes
waiting to make a left turn, the thou-
sands of residents who have allowed
themselves the "convenience" of owning
a car in Ann Arbor may be regretting
their decision.
Parking and transportation problems
have reached critical proportions here.
And everyone is feeling the effects
from downtown businessmen to outlying
residents; from low-income students to
affluent professors.
Ann Arbor's parking and transpor-
tation problems have been steadily on
the rise over the last decade, due to a
phenomenal increase in the number of
automobiles in the city-an increase
with which the city has been unable to
keep up.
But now, compounded by the city's
financial strain, the problems are dras-
tically evident: Lack of sufficient park-
ing spaces within the city boundaries;
limited public transportation, lack of
road improvement, severe traffic con-
gestion, antiquated parking ordinances
and generally poor city planning in the
The list could go on, but it all boils
down to one thing: Too many cars.
"The automobile is the worst disas-
ter that ever hit our cities," Councilman
Nelson Meade (D-Third Ward) said re-
cently. And Mayor Robert Harris echoes
his sentiments.
"The problem of parking and trans-
portation in the city is dear to my
heart," he says. "The whole thrust is
how to intercept the process of more
and more cars in Ann Arbor each suc-
ceeding year.
"Besides an absolute increase in the
number of people in the city, increasing





affluence has given us three-car fami-
lies where there used to be two, and
two-car families where there used to be
one," he continues.
Parking poses perhaps the most frus-
trating situation to city officials.
The city has built a few parking
structures and carports to supplement
its on-street metered parking, and it
has stuck additional meters on prac-
tically every available slot of land. But
space is almost gone, while cars keep
Harris says "we are pretty much at
the end of the road with destination
(downtown) parking." In fact, the last
major parking construction by the city

was the Maynard St. Carport expan-
sion, completed in 1969.
The unusually large part that meter
revenues and parking fines play in the
city's total revenues also indicates the
magnitude of the problem.
Last year, for example, the revenues
from meters and from parking viola-
tions constituted over 10 pet cent of the
total city revenues. This compares to a
figure of about two per cent of De-
troit's budget. In fact, Detroit, though
over 20 times larger in population than
Ann Arbor, has barely three times the
parking meters and issues barely twice
the parking tickets as its smaller coun-

-Daily-Denny Gainer
Councilman Norris Thomas (D-First
Ward) among others, has accused the
city of maintaining parking meters sim-
ply as a source of revenue, instead of as
a method of parking turnover.
City Administrator Guy Larcom, how-
ever, says that Ann Arbor's parking
meters are primarily utilized to force
turnover in parking spaces, since it is
technically illegal to "feed" the meters
past a two-hour limit.
Current figures from the Department
of Traffic Engineering and Transporta-
tion show the city to have 1,463 on-
street meters-an increase" of only 11
over the past two and one-half years.

-Daily-Rolfe Tessem

Checkmate at Mark's?

Coffee house holds
open chess contest
"The Mark's Coffeehouse Open" has joined the ranks
of eight nationally-rated chess tournaments to be held
this weekend throughout the United States.
The tourney has been recognized by the National Chess
Conceived by three former University students as a
benefit for the financially-strained coffeehouse, the
"Mark's Open" also seeks to involve the entire community
in playing the game.
According to Rudy Fink, one of the organizers of the
tourney, Mark's is the one place in town where "we can
come, play chess, and sit for hours without feeling pres-
sure to buy something."
David Presser, director and another organizer, feels
that the tourney is a way to make up for people sitting in
Mark's and "not contributing to the financial betterment"
of the coffeehouse.
Fink has called this tournament "the most open open
ever," stressing that it is open to all chess players, regard-
less of their level of competency. There are special prizes
See CHESS, Page 7

organized around the issue of
j The Ad Hoc Safety Committee
of University Terrace (AHSCUT)
is currently pressuring the Univer-
sity for better lighting, patroling
and busing service. They are upset
b e c a u s e' two women have been
raped in that area in the past ten
"Women can no longer come and
go as they please," says AHSCUT
spokeswoman J u d i t h Frandzel.
grad. "Now the situation is so
ridiculous. I can't even come home
at 8 p.m. without fear."
ICC's plans to deter rapes in-
clude the' organization of groups
of two to four women, who will
patrol "the worst areas during the
darkets hours," says Heyn. The
!patrol squads will be called;
The aid of local families will
also be enlisted. Homes which vol-
unteer their services will be mark-
ed as WCC first aid stations with
large day-glo signs. The stations
are to be staffed at all times,
according to Heyn, and will pro-
vide a place for women to go if,
they are harrassed on the street.
In addition the clinic plans to,
have lists of women who will vol-
unl eer to walk other women at
night, and offer self d e f e n s e
Because of what they term the
"legal hassles" a woman must go:
through in order to convict a
rapist, WCC is also offering free
legal counseling to women.
In order to bring an assailant to
court a woman who has been
raped must be examined by a cer-
tified physician within 24 hours
and generally must contact the
city prosecutor the f ol11o w i n g
"Most women are unaware of
police procedure, and don't bother;
to report incidents," says Police:
Lieutenant Kenneth Klinge.
Many claim, however, that the
problems go deeper than that. Ac-'
cording to University Women's<
A d v o c a te Barbaraterry Kurtz,
many women have not reported
rapes because the police "assumeI
that they seduced their attackers
unless they can prove otherwise."Ei

'U' signs contra~c
with new se curit
guard company
The University announced yesterday it has signed a $40
000 contract for security protection with the William J. Bur
Security Services, an international detective agency.
The one-year contract replaces that formerly held
Sanford Security Services, which presently provides 40 u
armed building guards at an annual cost of $360,000.
Sanford, among several private security agencies biddi]
for the contract, has been the object of much dissatisfacti
among University security officials. University Safety Dire

-Daily-Sara Krulwich
A SANFORD SECURITY guard takes a rest at the desk of the Michigan Union. Sanford guards will
soon be disappearing from the campus scene, replaced by employes of the Wm. J. Burns Detective
D.C. anti-war offensive starts
vict NXo' campaign Oct. 22,

tor and former Michigan State
Police director Frederick Da-
vids said privately last sum-
mer that Sanford's guards
"slept on the job," and "were
generailly inefficient." Davids
could not be reached for com-
ment on the new contract last
Services provided by the Burns
Agency will basically be the same
as those formerly provided by
Sanford. The service will provide
a minimum of 40 unarmed guards,
equipment such as vehicles and
radios, and extra manpower as
needed for special events.
Earlier, Director of Plant Ex-
tension 'John P. Weidenbach had
said that the University's reasons
for considering other agencies were
economic, being due to increased
competition b e t w e e n private
He added that "no dissatisfac-
tion with Sanford Security is im-

In what it calls the "most serious
political project ever undertaken
by the anti-war movement," the
People's Coalition for Peace and
Justice (PCPJ) is sponsoring an
"Evict-Nixon" campaign set for
a six-day organizational kick-off
Oct. 22 in Washington, D.C.
Leaders of PCPJ were instru-
mental in organizing this year's
Mayday actions of massive civil
disobedience in Washington in

which over 12,000 persons were
The campaign is the second
phase of a three-pronged fall anti-
war offensive co-sponsored by
PCPJ and National Peace Action
Coalition (NPAC)-although NPAC
is not participating in this week's
actions. The first phase of the of-
fensive began Oct. 13 with a na-
tional moratorium that attracted
little participation.
The final phase of the fall offen-
sive will take place on Nov. 6
when a broad coalition, including
labor, will demonstrate in 16 re-
gional centers across the country.
With both the second and third
phases of the fall offensive, the
movement is broadening its base
and turning to a community level.
The actions for this week in
Washington begin with the conven-
ing of a "grand jury" fLom all sec-
tors of the country. The group will
hold hearings to launch an open;
investigation of what they term
"government infringement of indi-
vidual rights."

ater via transcontinental' tele-
phone. The Vietnamese seven point
peace proposal will then be ac-
cepted in a citizen's 'peace treaty
The Washington action will cul-
minate in a White House lawn
service of mourning for what the
PCPJ calls "political :evolutionary
See ANTI, Page 7

speaks On
Phase 1II
Economics Prof. Warren Smil
a member of the President's Cot
cil of 'Economic Advisors dul
the Johnson administration, y
terday spoke in favor of the Nii
administration's wage-price fre
and the decision to float the d
At the same time, Smith
,tacked the ten per cent imp
surcharge and the proposed set
per cent investment tax credit,
well as government expenditi
cuts included in the administ
tion's "New Economic Policy,"
Speaking at the Democra
Party's weekly Lunch Box!For
in the Michigan Union cafetei
Smith lauded Nixon's decision
stop . gold payments for dolls
But he qualified that stateme
saying "I'm afraid the Admii
tration won't take advantage
Nixon asks Congress f
broader economic powers a
new penalties for freeze viol
tors. See story, Page 3.
the situation to make perman
improvements in the, internatio
monetary system."
Instead, he felt that the coi
try may "snap back to the
system" of exchanging gold


Women's historical role distorted

Traditional roles of women and in-
grained sociological outlooks have dis-
torted the picture of history's great wom-
en. according to Alice Rossi, sociologist
and feminist historian.

tify with and express intense admiration
o" their subjects.
Idolizing "wc men in history will serve
us no b tter," than idolizing men of his-
tory has she said.
As a substitute for this mode of biog-
ranhv. Rossi snaoested historianns inseand

. ~lB


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